hxt-9.2.2: A collection of tools for processing XML with Haskell.

MaintainerUwe Schmidt (uwe@fh-wedel.de)
Safe HaskellSafe-Infered



common edit arrows



canonicalizeAllNodes :: ArrowList a => a XmlTree XmlTreeSource

Applies some Canonical XML rules to a document tree.

The rule differ slightly for canonical XML and XPath in handling of comments

Note: This is not the whole canonicalization as it is specified by the W3C Recommendation. Adding attribute defaults or sorting attributes in lexicographic order is done by the transform function of module Text.XML.HXT.Validator.Validation. Replacing entities or line feed normalization is done by the parser.

Rules: remove DTD parts, processing instructions, comments and substitute char refs in attribute values and text

Not implemented yet:

  • Whitespace within start and end tags is normalized
  • Special characters in attribute values and character content are replaced by character references

canonicalizeForXPath :: ArrowList a => a XmlTree XmlTreeSource

Canonicalize a tree for XPath Like canonicalizeAllNodes but comment nodes are not removed

see canonicalizeAllNodes

canonicalizeContents :: ArrowList a => a XmlTree XmlTreeSource

Canonicalize the contents of a document

substitutes all char refs in text and attribute values, removes CDATA section and combines all sequences of resulting text nodes into a single text node

see canonicalizeAllNodes

collapseAllXText :: ArrowList a => a XmlTree XmlTreeSource

Applies collapseXText recursively.

see also : collapseXText

collapseXText :: ArrowList a => a XmlTree XmlTreeSource

Collects sequences of text nodes in the list of children of a node into one single text node. This is useful, e.g. after char and entity reference substitution

xshowEscapeXml :: ArrowXml a => a n XmlTree -> a n StringSource

apply an arrow to the input and convert the resulting XML trees into an XML escaped string

This is a save variant for converting a tree into an XML string representation that is parsable with ReadDocument. It is implemented with xshow, but xshow does no XML escaping. The XML escaping is done with escapeXmlDoc before xshow is applied.

So the following law holds

 xshowEscapeXml f >>> xread == f

haskellRepOfXmlDoc :: ArrowList a => a XmlTree XmlTreeSource

convert a document into a Haskell representation (with show).

Useful for debugging and trace output. see also : treeRepOfXmlDoc, numberLinesInXmlDoc

treeRepOfXmlDoc :: ArrowList a => a XmlTree XmlTreeSource

convert a document into a text representation in tree form.

Useful for debugging and trace output. see also : haskellRepOfXmlDoc, numberLinesInXmlDoc

indentDoc :: ArrowXml a => a XmlTree XmlTreeSource

filter for indenting a document tree for pretty printing.

the tree is traversed for inserting whitespace for tag indentation.

whitespace is only inserted or changed at places, where it isn't significant, is's not inserted between tags and text containing non whitespace chars.

whitespace is only inserted or changed at places, where it's not significant. preserving whitespace may be controlled in a document tree by a tag attribute xml:space

allowed values for this attribute are default | preserve.

input is a complete document tree or a document fragment result is the semantically equivalent formatted tree.

see also : removeDocWhiteSpace

numberLinesInXmlDoc :: ArrowList a => a XmlTree XmlTreeSource

convert a document into a text and add line numbers to the text representation.

Result is a root node with a single text node as child. Useful for debugging and trace output. see also : haskellRepOfXmlDoc, treeRepOfXmlDoc

removeComment :: ArrowXml a => a XmlTree XmlTreeSource

remove a Comment node

removeAllComment :: ArrowXml a => a XmlTree XmlTreeSource

remove all comments in a tree recursively

removeWhiteSpace :: ArrowXml a => a XmlTree XmlTreeSource

simple filter for removing whitespace.

no check on sigificant whitespace, e.g. in HTML <pre>-elements, is done.

see also : removeAllWhiteSpace, removeDocWhiteSpace

removeAllWhiteSpace :: ArrowXml a => a XmlTree XmlTreeSource

simple recursive filter for removing all whitespace.

removes all text nodes in a tree that consist only of whitespace.

see also : removeWhiteSpace, removeDocWhiteSpace

removeDocWhiteSpace :: ArrowXml a => a XmlTree XmlTreeSource

filter for removing all not significant whitespace.

the tree traversed for removing whitespace between elements, that was inserted for indentation and readability. whitespace is only removed at places, where it's not significat preserving whitespace may be controlled in a document tree by a tag attribute xml:space

allowed values for this attribute are default | preserve

input is root node of the document to be cleaned up, output the semantically equivalent simplified tree

see also : indentDoc, removeAllWhiteSpace

transfCdata :: ArrowXml a => a XmlTree XmlTreeSource

converts a CDATA section into normal text nodes

transfAllCdata :: ArrowXml a => a XmlTree XmlTreeSource

converts CDATA sections in whole document tree into normal text nodes

transfCharRef :: ArrowXml a => a XmlTree XmlTreeSource

converts a character reference to normal text

transfAllCharRef :: ArrowXml a => a XmlTree XmlTreeSource

recursively converts all character references to normal text

addXmlPi :: ArrowXml a => a XmlTree XmlTreeSource

add an <?xml version="1.0"?> processing instruction if it's not already there

addXmlPiEncoding :: ArrowXml a => String -> a XmlTree XmlTreeSource

add an encoding spec to the <?xml version="1.0"?> processing instruction

addDoctypeDecl :: ArrowXml a => String -> String -> String -> a XmlTree XmlTreeSource

add a doctype declaration to a document

The arguments are the root element name, the PUBLIC id and the SYSTEM id

addXHtmlDoctypeStrict, addXHtmlDoctypeFrameset, addXHtmlDoctypeTransitional :: ArrowXml a => a XmlTree XmlTreeSource

add an XHTML strict doctype declaration to a document

add an XHTML strict doctype declaration to a document