hxt-css- CSS selectors for HXT

Safe HaskellNone




Turn a CSS selector into an HXT arrow.



css :: (ArrowXml a, Css s) => s -> a XmlTree XmlTree Source #

Select elements from an HTML document with a CSS selector.

cssShallow :: (ArrowXml a, Css s) => s -> a XmlTree XmlTree Source #

Like css, except that the selector is anchored at the top. For example, cssShallow "div" will only select div elements that are in the input of the arrow, it will not recursively search for divs contained deeper in the document tree. The latter can be selected by cssShallow "* div" but is recommended to use css for that. In other words, cssShallow "div" corresponds to the "/div" XPath expression, whereas cssShallow "* div" corresponds to "//div".

cssNav :: (ArrowXml a, Css s) => s -> a XmlNavTree XmlNavTree Source #

Like css, except that it operates on navigatable XML trees.

cssShallowNav :: (ArrowXml a, Css s) => s -> a XmlNavTree XmlNavTree Source #

Like cssShallow, except that it operates on navigatable XML trees.

Supported selectors

  • Element selectors: *, E, .class, #id
  • Relationship selectors: E F, E > F, E + F, E ~ F
  • Attribute selectors: [attr], [attr="value"], [attr~="value"], [attr|="value"], [attr^="value"], [attr$="value"], [attr*="value"]
  • Pseudo-classes: :not(..), :empty, :root, :first-child, :last-child, :only-child, :nth-child(N), :nth-last-child(N), :first-of-type, :last-of-type, :only-of-type, :nth-of-type(N), :nth-last-of-type(N)

The argument to the :nth-child() family of pseudo-classes can take one of the following forms: 6, 2n, n+2, 3n-1, -n+6, odd, even.


import Text.XML.HXT.Core
import Text.XML.HXT.CSS

test :: IO [XmlTree]
test = runX $ doc >>> css "div > span + p:not(:nth-of-type(3n-1))"
    doc = readDocument [withParseHTML yes, withWarnings no] path
    path = "/path/to/document.html"