{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}

{- |
Internal AST representation.

module Hylogen.Expr where

import Data.Reify

-- | Internal type tag
data GLSLType = GLSLFloat
              | GLSLVec2
              | GLSLVec3
              | GLSLVec4
              | GLSLBool
              | GLSLTexture
              deriving (Eq, Ord)

instance Show GLSLType where
  show x = case x of
    GLSLFloat -> "float"
    GLSLVec2 -> "vec2"
    GLSLVec3 -> "vec3"
    GLSLVec4 -> "vec4"
    GLSLBool -> "bool"
    GLSLTexture -> "sampler2D"

-- | Internal form tag
data ExprForm = Uniform
              | Variable
              | Op1
              | Op1Pre
              | Op2
              | Op2Pre
              | Op3Pre
              | Op4Pre
              | Select
              | Access
                deriving (Show)

-- | Rose tree. Internal AST data structure
data Tree a  = Tree { getElem     :: a
                    , getChildren :: [Tree a]

-- | Untyped Expr representation
-- Carries type information in type tag
type ExprMono = Tree (ExprForm, GLSLType, String)

instance Show ExprMono where
  show (Tree (form, _, str) xs) = case form of
    Uniform  -> str
    Variable -> str
    Op1      -> mconcat ["(", str, show (xs!!0), ")"]
    Op1Pre   -> mconcat [ str, "(", show (xs!!0), ")"]
    Op2      -> mconcat ["(", show (xs !! 0), " ", str, " ", show (xs !! 1), ")"]
    Op2Pre   -> mconcat [str, "(", show (xs!!0), ", ", show (xs!!1), ")"]
    Op3Pre   -> mconcat [str, "(", show (xs!!0), ", ", show (xs!!1), ", ", show (xs!!2), ")"]
    Op4Pre   -> mconcat [str, "(", show (xs!!0), ", ", show (xs!!1), ", ", show (xs!!2), ", ", show (xs!!3), ")"]
    Select   -> mconcat ["( ", show (xs!!0), " ? ", show (xs!!1), " : ", show (xs!!2), ")"]
    Access   -> mconcat [show (xs!!0), ".", str]

-- | Light type wrapper
-- Note the internal type tag is not directly dependent on the actual type!
-- We use the ToGLSLType typeclass to genenerate dependence from types to values
data Expr ty = Expr { getTypeTag :: ty
                    , toMono ::  Tree (ExprForm, GLSLType, String)

instance ToGLSLType ty => Show (Expr ty) where
  show = show . toMono

class ToGLSLType  ty where
  -- | Gives us dependence from typed singleton tags to untyped tags
  toGLSLType :: ty -> GLSLType
  -- | Singleton tag
  tag :: ty -- TODO: fill in!

-- | Uniform expression.
uniform :: forall a
           . ToGLSLType a
           => String -> Expr a
uniform str = Expr t (Tree (Uniform, toGLSLType t, str) [])
  where t = tag :: a

-- | Unary operator.
-- Most generally typed.
op1 :: forall a b
       . (ToGLSLType a, ToGLSLType b)
       => String -> Expr a -> Expr b
op1 str a = Expr t (Tree (Op1, toGLSLType t, str) [toMono a])
  where t = tag :: b

-- | Unary operator.
-- Input and output values have the same type.
op1'' :: forall a
       . (ToGLSLType a)
       => String -> Expr a -> Expr a
op1'' str a = Expr t (Tree (Op1, toGLSLType t, str) [toMono a])
  where t = tag :: a

-- | Unary operator.
-- Prefix function call style.
-- Most generally typed.
op1pre :: forall a b
          . (ToGLSLType a, ToGLSLType b)
          => String -> Expr a -> Expr b
op1pre str a = Expr t (Tree (Op1Pre, toGLSLType t, str) [toMono a])
  where t = tag :: b

-- | Unary operator.
-- Prefix function call style.
-- Input and output values have the same type.
op1pre'' :: forall a
          . (ToGLSLType a)
          => String -> Expr a -> Expr a
op1pre'' str a = Expr t (Tree (Op1Pre, toGLSLType t, str) [toMono a])
  where t = tag :: a

-- | Binary operator.
-- Most generally typed.
op2 :: forall a b c
       . (ToGLSLType a, ToGLSLType b, ToGLSLType c)
       => String -> Expr a -> Expr b -> Expr c
op2 str a b = Expr t (Tree (Op2, toGLSLType t, str) [toMono a, toMono b])
  where t = tag :: c

-- | Binary operator.
-- Arguments have the same type.
op2' :: forall a c
       . (ToGLSLType a, ToGLSLType c)
       => String -> Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr c
op2' str a b = Expr t (Tree (Op2, toGLSLType t, str) (fmap toMono [a, b]))
  where t = tag :: c

-- | Binary operator.
-- Input and output values have the same type.
op2'' :: forall a
       . (ToGLSLType a)
       => String -> Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr a
op2'' str a b = Expr t (Tree (Op2, toGLSLType t, str) (fmap toMono [a, b]))
  where t = tag :: a

-- | Binary operator.
-- Prefix function call style.
-- Most generally typed.
op2pre :: forall a b c
          . (ToGLSLType a, ToGLSLType b, ToGLSLType c)
          => String -> Expr a -> Expr b -> Expr c
op2pre str a b = Expr t (Tree (Op2Pre, toGLSLType t, str) [toMono a, toMono b])
  where t = tag :: c

-- | Binary operator.
-- Prefix function call style.
-- Arguments have the same type.
op2pre' :: forall a c
       . (ToGLSLType a, ToGLSLType c)
       => String -> Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr c
op2pre' str a b = Expr t (Tree (Op2Pre, toGLSLType t, str) (fmap toMono [a, b]))
  where t = tag :: c

-- | Binary operator.
-- Prefix function call style.
-- Input and output values have the same type.
op2pre'' :: forall a
       . (ToGLSLType a)
       => String -> Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr a
op2pre'' str a b = Expr t (Tree (Op2Pre, toGLSLType t, str) (fmap toMono [a, b]))
  where t = tag :: a

-- | Ternary operator.
-- Prefix function call style.
-- Most generally typed.
op3pre :: forall a b c d
          . (ToGLSLType a, ToGLSLType b, ToGLSLType c, ToGLSLType d)
          => String -> Expr a -> Expr b -> Expr c -> Expr d
op3pre str a b c = Expr t (Tree (Op3Pre, toGLSLType t, str) [toMono a, toMono b, toMono c])
  where t = tag :: d

-- | Ternary operator.
-- Prefix function call style.
-- Arguments have the same type.
op3pre' :: forall a d
          . (ToGLSLType a, ToGLSLType d)
          => String -> Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr d
op3pre' str a b c = Expr t (Tree (Op3Pre, toGLSLType t, str) (fmap toMono [a, b, c]))
  where t = tag :: d

-- | Ternary operator.
-- Prefix function call style.
-- Input and output values have the same type.
op3pre'' :: forall a
          . (ToGLSLType a)
          => String -> Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr a
op3pre'' str a b c = Expr t (Tree (Op3Pre, toGLSLType t, str) (fmap toMono [a, b, c]))
  where t = tag :: a

-- | Quaternary operator.
-- Prefix function call style.
-- Most generally typed.
op4pre :: forall a b c d e
          . (ToGLSLType a, ToGLSLType b, ToGLSLType c, ToGLSLType d, ToGLSLType e)
          => String -> Expr a -> Expr b -> Expr c -> Expr d -> Expr e
op4pre str a b c d = Expr t (Tree (Op4Pre, toGLSLType t, str) [toMono a, toMono b, toMono c, toMono d])
  where t = tag :: e

-- | Quaternary operator.
-- Prefix function call style.
-- Arguments have the same type.
op4pre' :: forall a e
          . (ToGLSLType a, ToGLSLType e)
          => String -> Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr e
op4pre' str a b c d = Expr t (Tree (Op4Pre, toGLSLType t, str) (fmap toMono [a, b, c, d]))
  where t = tag :: e

-- | Quaternary operator.
-- Prefix function call style.
-- Input and output values have the same type.
op4pre'' :: forall a e
          . (ToGLSLType a, ToGLSLType e)
          => String -> Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr e
op4pre'' str a b c d = Expr t (Tree (Op4Pre, toGLSLType t, str) (fmap toMono [a, b, c, d]))
  where t = tag :: e

-- | Open tree type, to be used for explicit recursion with data-reify for preserving sharing.
-- Note the second argument of the constructor is a list of Maybe b's.
-- We use Maybe's to determine whether or not a child expression gets inlined.
data TreeF a b = TreeF { getElemF     :: a
                       , getChildrenF   :: [Maybe b]
                 deriving (Functor)

-- | Open untyped expression representation, to be used for explicit recursion with data-reify for preserving sharing.
-- Note the presence of a list of closed ExprMono's in the tuple.
-- We use this list to recover unshared child expressions when they need to be inlined.
type ExprMonoF = TreeF (ExprForm, GLSLType, String, [ExprMono])

-- | Returns the string representation of the nth child of an open untyped expression, accounting for inlining
emfStringAt :: (Show a) => ExprMonoF a -> Int -> String
emfStringAt (TreeF (_, _, _, xs) ys)  i = zipWith fn xs ys !! i
    fn x Nothing = show x
    fn _ (Just y)= show y

instance (Show a) => Show (ExprMonoF a) where
  show expr@(TreeF (form, _, str, _) _) = case form of
    Uniform  -> str
    Variable -> str
    Op1      -> mconcat ["(", str, strAt 0, ")"]
    Op1Pre   -> mconcat [ str, "(", strAt 0, ")"]
    Op2      -> mconcat ["(", strAt 0, " ", str, " ", strAt 1, ")"]
    Op2Pre   -> mconcat [str, "(", strAt 0, ", ", strAt 1, ")"]
    Op3Pre   -> mconcat [str, "(", strAt 0, ", ", strAt 1, ", ", strAt 2, ")"]
    Op4Pre   -> mconcat [str, "(", strAt 0, ", ", strAt 1, ", ", strAt 2, ", ", strAt 3, ")"]
    Select   -> mconcat ["( ", strAt 0, " ? ", strAt 1, " : ", strAt 2, ")"]
    Access   -> mconcat [strAt 0, ".", str]
      strAt = emfStringAt expr

-- | Currently only inlines uniforms.
instance MuRef ExprMono where
  type DeRef ExprMono = ExprMonoF
  mapDeRef func (Tree (form, ty, str) xs) = TreeF (form, ty, str, xs) <$> g xs
      g (x:xs) = (:) <$> (traverse func $ shouldShare x) <*> (g $  xs)
      g [] = pure []

      shouldShare :: ExprMono -> Maybe ExprMono
      shouldShare (Tree (Uniform, _, _) _) = Nothing
      shouldShare expr = Just expr