hzk-0.0.2: Haskell client library for Apache Zookeeper

Safe HaskellNone




Zookeeper client library



This library provides haskell bindings for zookeeper c-library. The underlying library exposes two classes of functions: synchronous and asynchronous. Whenever possible the synchronous functions are used.

The reason we do not always use the synchronous version is that it requires the caller to allocate memory and currently it is impossible to know (at least I could not figure it) how much memory should be allocated. The asynchronous version has no such problem as it manages memory internally.


The following snippet creates a /foobar znode, then it lists and prints all children of the / znode:

 module Main where

 import Database.Zookeeper
 import Control.Concurrent

 main :: IO ()
 main = do
   mvar <- newEmptyMVar
   withZookeeper "localhost:2181" 1000 (Just $ watcher mvar) Nothing $ \_ -> do
     takeMVar mvar >>= print
       watcher mvar zh _ ConnectedState _ =
         create zh "/foobar" Nothing OpenAclUnsafe [] $ \_ ->
           getChildren zh "/" Nothing (putMVar mvar)


  • Watcher callbacks must never block;
  • Make sure you link against zookeeper_mt;
  • Make sure you are using the threaded (GHC) runtime;
  • The connection is closed right before the withZookeeper terminates;
  • There is no yet support for multi operations (executing a series of operations atomically);




:: Zookeeper

Zookeeper handle

-> Scheme

Scheme id of the authentication scheme. Natively supported:

  • digest -> password authentication;
  • ip -> client's IP address;
  • host -> client's hostname;
-> ByteString

Applicaton credentials. The actual value depends on the scheme

-> (Either ZKError () -> IO ())

The callback function

-> IO () 

Specify application credentials

The application calls this function to specify its credentials for purposes of authentication. The server will use the security provider specified by the scheme parameter to authenticate the client connection. If the authentication request has failed:

  • the server connection is dropped;
  • the watcher is called witht AuthFailedState value as the state parameter;



:: Zookeeper

Zookeeper handle

-> Watcher

New watch function to register

-> IO () 

Sets [or redefines] the watcher function



:: String

The zookeeper endpoint to connect to. This is given as-is to the underlying C API. Briefly, host:port separated by comma. At the end, you may define an optional chroot, like the following: localhost:2181,localhost:2182/foobar

-> Timeout

The session timeout (milliseconds)

-> Maybe Watcher

The global watcher function. When notifications are triggered this function will be invoked

-> Maybe ClientID

The id of a previously established session that this client will be reconnecting to

-> (Zookeeper -> IO a)

The main loop. The session is terminated when this function exists (successfully or not)

-> IO a 

Connects to the zookeeper cluster. This function may throw an exception if a valid zookeeper handle could not be created.

The connection is terminated right before this function returns.




:: Zookeeper

Zookeeper handle

-> IO State

Current state

The current state of this session

getClientId :: Zookeeper -> IO ClientID

The client session id, only valid if the session currently connected [ConnectedState]

setDebugLevel :: ZLogLevel -> IO ()

Sets the debugging level for the c-library

getRecvTimeout :: Zookeeper -> IO Int

The timeout for this session, only valid if the session is currently connected [ConnectedState]




:: Zookeeper

The Zookeeper handle

-> String

The name of the znode expressed as a file name with slashes separating ancestors of the znode

-> Maybe Watcher

When provided, a watch will be set at the server to notify the client if the node changes

-> (Either ZKError (Maybe ByteString, Stat) -> IO ())

The callback function

-> IO () 

Gets the data associated with a znode



:: Zookeeper

Zookeeper handle

-> String

The name of the znode expressed as a file name with slashes separating ancestors of the znode

-> Maybe Watcher

This is set even if the znode does not exist. This allows users to watch znodes to appear

-> IO (Either ZKError Stat)

If an error occurs, you may observe the following values: * Left NoNodeError -> znode does not exist

  • Left NoAuthError -> client does not have permission
  • Left BadArgumentsError -> invalid input parameters
  • Left InvalidStateError -> Zookeeper state is either ExpiredSessionState or AuthFailedState



:: Zookeeper

The zookeeper handle

-> String

The name of the znode expressed as a file name with slashes separating ancestors of the znode

-> (Either ZKError (AclList, Stat) -> IO ())

The callback function

-> IO () 

Gets the acl associated with a node. Unexpectedly, setAcl and getAcl are not symmetric:

 setAcl zh path Nothing OpenAclUnsafe
 getAcl zh path (..) -- yields AclList instead of OpenAclUnsafe



:: Zookeeper

Zookeeper handle

-> String

The name of the znode expressed as a file name with slashes separating ancestors of the znode

-> Maybe Watcher

The watch to be set at the server to notify the user if the node changes

-> (Either ZKError [String] -> IO ())

The callback function

-> IO () 

Lists the children of a znode (asynchronous)




:: Zookeeper

Zookeeper handle

-> String

The name of the znode expressed as a file name with slashes separating ancestors of the znode

-> Maybe ByteString

The data to set on this znode

-> Maybe Version

The expected version of the znode. The function will fail if the actual version of the znode does not match the expected version. If Nothing is given the version check will not take place

-> IO (Either ZKError Stat) 

Sets the data associated with a znode



:: Zookeeper

Zookeeper handle

-> String

The name of the znode expressed as a file name with slashes separating ancestors of the znode

-> Maybe ByteString

The data to be stored in the znode

-> AclList

The initial ACL of the node. The ACL must not be empty

-> [CreateFlag]

Optional, may be empty

-> (Either ZKError String -> IO ())

The callback function. On error the user may observe the following values:

  • Left NoNodeError -> the parent znode does not exit
  • Left NodeExistsError -> the node already exists
  • Left NoAuthError -> client does not have permission
  • Left NoChildrenForEphemeralsError -> cannot create children of ephemeral nodes
  • Left BadArgumentsError -> invalid input params
  • Left InvalidStateError -> Zookeeper state is either ExpiredSessionState or AuthFailedState
-> IO () 

Creates a znode (asynchornous)



:: Zookeeper

Zookeeper handle

-> String

The name of the znode expressed as a file name with slashes separating ancestors of the znode

-> Maybe Version

The expected version of the znode. The function will fail if the actual version of the znode does not match the expected version. If Nothing is given the version check will not take place

-> IO (Either ZKError ())

If an error occurs, you may observe the following values: * Left NoNodeError -> znode does not exist

  • Left NoAuthError -> client does not have permission
  • Left BadVersionError -> expected version does not match actual version
  • Left BadArgumentsError -> invalid input parameters
  • Left InvalidStateError -> Zookeeper state is either ExpiredSessionState or AuthFailedState

Checks the existence of a znode

Delete a znode in zookeeper



:: Zookeeper

Zookeeper handle

-> String

The name of the znode expressed as a file name with slashes separating ancestors of the znode

-> Maybe Version

The expected version of the znode. The function will fail if the actual version of the znode does not match the expected version. If Nothing is given the version check will not take place

-> AclList

The ACL list to be set on the znode. The ACL must not be empty

-> IO (Either ZKError ()) 

Sets the acl associated with a node. This operation is not recursive on the children. See getAcl for more information.


type Scheme = String

Authentication scheme provider

type Timeout = Int

Timeout in milliseconds

type Watcher


 = Zookeeper 
-> Event

The event that has triggered the watche

-> State

The connection state

-> Maybe String

The znode for which the watched is triggered

-> IO () 

The watcher function, which allows you to get notified about zookeeper events.

newtype ClientID

The current clientid that may be used to reconnect


ClientID (Ptr CClientID) 

data Zookeeper

Zookeeper connection handler

data Acl




aclScheme :: String

The ACL scheme (e.g. ip, world, digest

aclId :: String

The schema-depent ACL identity (e.g. scheme=ip, id=

aclFlags :: [Perm]

The [non empty] list of permissions


data Perm

The permission bits of a ACL



Can read data and enumerate its children


Can modify permissions bits


Can modify data


Can create children


Can remove


data Stat

The stat of a znode




statCzxId :: Int64

The zxid of the change that caused this node to be created

statMzxId :: Int64

The zxid of the change that last modified this znode

statPzxId :: Int64

The zxid of the change that last modified children of this znode

statCreatetime :: Int64

The time in milliseconds from epoch when this znode was created

statModifytime :: Int64

The time in milliseconds from epoch when this znode was last modified

statVersion :: Int32

The number of changes to the data of this znode

statChildrenVersion :: Int32

The number of changes to the children of this znode

statAclVersion :: Int32

The number of changes to the acl of this znode

statDataLength :: Int32

The length of the data field of this znode

statNumChildren :: Int32

The number of children of this znode

statEphemeralOwner :: Maybe Int64

The session id of the owner of this znode if the znode is an ephemeral node


data Event


UnknownEvent Int

Used when the underlying C API has returned an unknown event type


data State


UnknownState Int

Used when the underlying C API has returned an unknown status code


data AclList


List [Acl]

A [non empty] list of ACLs


This gives the creators authentication id's all permissions


This is a completely open ACL


This ACL gives the world the ability to read


type Version = Int

data CreateFlag

The optional flags you may use to create a node



A unique monotonically increasing sequence number is appended to the path name


The znode will automatically get removed if the client session goes away

Error values