
-- Copyright 2018, Ideas project team. This file is distributed under the

-- terms of the Apache License 2.0. For more information, see the files

-- "LICENSE.txt" and "NOTICE.txt", which are included in the distribution.


-- |

-- Maintainer  :  bastiaan.heeren@ou.nl

-- Stability   :  provisional

-- Portability :  portable (depends on ghc)


-- Constraints for constraint-based tutors



module Ideas.Common.Constraint

  ( Constraint, makeConstraint

  , isRelevant, isSatisfied, isViolated, getResult

  , Result(..), relevance

  ) where

import Control.Applicative

import Control.Monad

import Ideas.Common.Id

import Ideas.Common.View


-- Constraint

data Constraint a = C

  { constraintId :: Id

  , getResult    :: a -> Result ()


instance Show (Constraint a) where

  show = showId

instance Eq (Constraint a) where

  r1 == r2 = constraintId r1 == constraintId r2

instance Ord (Constraint a) where

  compare = compareId

instance HasId (Constraint a) where

  getId        = constraintId

  changeId f r = r { constraintId = f (constraintId r) }

instance LiftView Constraint where

   liftViewIn v (C n f) = C n (maybe Irrelevant (f . fst) . match v)

makeConstraint :: IsId n => n -> (a -> Result ()) -> Constraint a

makeConstraint = C . newId

--  | Relevance condition

isRelevant :: Constraint a -> a -> Bool

isRelevant p a =

   case getResult p a of

      Irrelevant -> False

      _          -> True

-- | Satisfaction condition

isSatisfied :: Constraint a -> a -> Bool

isSatisfied p a =

   case getResult p a of

      Ok _ -> True

      _    -> False

-- | Satisfaction condition

isViolated :: Constraint a -> a -> Maybe String

isViolated p a =

   case getResult p a of

      Error s -> Just s

      _       -> Nothing


-- Result

data Result a = Irrelevant | Error String | Ok a

instance Functor Result where

   fmap _ Irrelevant  = Irrelevant

   fmap _ (Error msg) = Error msg

   fmap f (Ok a)      = Ok (f a)

instance Applicative Result where

   pure = Ok

   Irrelevant <*> _          = Irrelevant

   Error msg  <*> _          = Error msg

   Ok _       <*> Irrelevant = Irrelevant

   Ok _       <*> Error msg  = Error msg

   Ok f       <*> Ok a       = Ok (f a)

instance Alternative Result where

   empty = Error ""

   Irrelevant <|> r       = r

   Error msg  <|> Error _ = Error msg -- left-biased

   Error _    <|> r       = r

   Ok a       <|> _       = Ok a

instance Monad Result where

   return = Ok

   fail   = Error

   Irrelevant >>= _ = Irrelevant

   Error msg  >>= _ = Error msg

   Ok a       >>= f = f a

instance MonadPlus Result where

   mzero = empty

   mplus = (<|>)

-- | Turn errors into irrelevant results

relevance :: Result a -> Result a

relevance (Error _) = Irrelevant

relevance r = r