
-- Copyright 2018, Ideas project team. This file is distributed under the

-- terms of the Apache License 2.0. For more information, see the files

-- "LICENSE.txt" and "NOTICE.txt", which are included in the distribution.


-- |

-- Maintainer  :  bastiaan.heeren@ou.nl

-- Stability   :  provisional

-- Portability :  portable (depends on ghc)


-- Services using JSON notation



module Ideas.Encoding.DecoderJSON

   ( JSONDecoder, jsonDecoder

   ) where

import Control.Monad

import Data.Char

import Data.Maybe

import Ideas.Common.Library hiding (exerciseId, symbol)

import Ideas.Common.Traversal.Navigator

import Ideas.Encoding.Encoder

import Ideas.Service.State

import Ideas.Service.Types hiding (String)

import Ideas.Text.JSON

import qualified Ideas.Service.Types as Tp

type JSONDecoder a = Decoder a JSON

jsonDecoder :: TypedDecoder a JSON

jsonDecoder tp = decoderFor $ \json ->

   case json of

      Array xs -> decodeType tp // xs

      _ -> fail "expecting an array"

decodeType :: Type a t -> Decoder a [JSON] t

decodeType tp =

   case tp of

      Tag _ t -> decodeType t

      Iso p t -> from p <$> decodeType t

      Pair t1 t2 -> do

         a <- decodeType t1

         b <- decodeType t2

         return (a, b)

      t1 :|: t2 ->

         (Left  <$> decodeType t1) `mplus`

         (Right <$> decodeType t2)

      Unit         -> return ()

      Const QCGen  -> getQCGen

      Const Script -> getScript

      Const t      -> symbol >>= \a -> decodeConst t // a

      _ -> fail $ "No support for argument type: " ++ show tp

decodeConst :: Const a t -> JSONDecoder a t

decodeConst tp =

   case tp of

      State       -> decodeState

      Context     -> decodeContext

      Exercise    -> getExercise

      Environment -> decodeEnvironment

      Location    -> decodeLocation

      Term        -> decoderFor (return . jsonToTerm)

      Int         -> decoderFor fromJSON

      Tp.String   -> decoderFor fromJSON

      Id          -> decodeId

      Rule        -> decodeRule

      _           -> fail $ "No support for argument type: " ++ show tp

decodeRule :: JSONDecoder a (Rule (Context a))

decodeRule = do

   ex <- getExercise

   decoderFor $ \json ->

      case json of

         String s -> getRule ex (newId s)

         _        -> fail "expecting a string for rule"

decodeId :: JSONDecoder a Id

decodeId = decoderFor $ \json ->

   case json of

      String s -> return (newId s)

      _        -> fail "expecting a string for id"

decodeLocation :: JSONDecoder a Location

decodeLocation = decoderFor $ \json ->

   case json of

      String s -> toLocation <$> readM s

      _        -> fail "expecting a string for a location"

decodeState :: JSONDecoder a (State a)

decodeState = do

   ex <- getExercise

   decoderFor $ \json ->

      case json of

         Array [a] -> setInput a >> decodeState

         Array (String _code : pref : term : jsonContext : rest) -> do

            pts  <- decodePaths       // pref

            a    <- decodeExpression  // term

            env  <- decodeEnvironment // jsonContext

            let loc = envToLoc env

                ctx = navigateTowards loc $ deleteRef locRef $

                         setEnvironment env $ inContext ex a

                prfx = pts (strategy ex) ctx

            case rest of

               [] -> return $ makeState ex prfx ctx

               [Array [String user, String session, String startterm]] ->

                  return (makeState ex prfx ctx)

                     { stateUser      = Just user

                     , stateSession   = Just session

                     , stateStartTerm = Just startterm


               _  -> fail $ "invalid state" ++ show json

         _ -> fail $ "invalid state" ++ show json

envToLoc :: Environment -> Location

envToLoc env = toLocation $ fromMaybe [] $ locRef ? env >>= readM

locRef :: Ref String

locRef = makeRef "location"

decodePaths :: JSONDecoder a (LabeledStrategy (Context a) -> Context a -> Prefix (Context a))

decodePaths =

   decoderFor $ \json ->

      case json of

         String p

            | p ~= "noprefix" -> return (\_ _ -> noPrefix)

            | otherwise       -> replayPaths <$> readPaths p

         _ -> fail "invalid prefixes"


   x ~= y = filter isAlphaNum (map toLower x) == y

decodeEnvironment :: JSONDecoder a Environment

decodeEnvironment = decoderFor $ \json ->

   case json of

      String "" -> return mempty

      Object xs -> foldM (flip add) mempty xs

      _         -> fail $ "invalid context: " ++ show json


   add (k, String s) = return . insertRef (makeRef k) s

   add (k, Number n) = return . insertRef (makeRef k) (show n)

   add _             = fail "invalid item in context"

decodeContext :: JSONDecoder a (Context a)

decodeContext = do

   ex <- getExercise

   inContext ex <$> decodeExpression

decodeExpression :: JSONDecoder a a

decodeExpression = withJSONTerm $ \b -> getExercise >>= decoderFor . f b


   f True ex json =

      case hasJSONView ex of

         Just v  -> matchM v json

         Nothing -> fail "JSON encoding not supported by exercise"

   f False ex json =

      case json of

         String s -> either fail return (parser ex s)

         _ -> fail "Expecting a string when reading a term"