
-- Copyright 2018, Ideas project team. This file is distributed under the

-- terms of the Apache License 2.0. For more information, see the files

-- "LICENSE.txt" and "NOTICE.txt", which are included in the distribution.


-- |

-- Maintainer  :  bastiaan.heeren@ou.nl

-- Stability   :  provisional

-- Portability :  portable (depends on ghc)


-- References to Strings, proving a fast comparison implementation (Eq and

-- Ord) that uses a hash function. Code is based on Daan Leijen's Lazy

-- Virutal Machine (LVM) identifiers.



module Ideas.Utils.StringRef

   ( StringRef, stringRef, toString, tableStatus

   ) where

import Data.Bits

import Data.IORef

import Data.List

import System.IO.Unsafe

import qualified Data.IntMap as IM


-- StringRef datatype and instance declarations

data StringRef = S !Int

   deriving (Eq, Ord)


-- Hash table

type HashTable = IM.IntMap [String]

{-# NOINLINE tableRef #-}

tableRef :: IORef HashTable

tableRef = unsafePerformIO (newIORef IM.empty)


-- Conversion to and from strings

stringRef :: String -> StringRef

stringRef s = unsafePerformIO $ do

   let hash = hashString s

   m <- readIORef tableRef

   case IM.insertLookupWithKey (const combine) hash [s] m of

      (Nothing, new) -> do

         writeIORef tableRef new

         return (S (encodeIndexZero hash))

      (Just old, new) ->

         case elemIndex s old of

            Just index ->

               return (S (encode hash index))

            Nothing -> do

               let index = length old

               writeIORef tableRef new

               return (S (encode hash index))

toString :: StringRef -> String

toString (S i) = unsafePerformIO $ do

   m <- readIORef tableRef

   case IM.lookup (extractHash i) m of

      Just xs -> return (atIndex (extractIndex i) xs)

      Nothing -> intErr "id not found"


-- Bit encoding

encode :: Int -> Int -> Int

encode hash index = hash + index `shiftL` 12

encodeIndexZero :: Int -> Int

encodeIndexZero hash = hash

extractHash :: Int -> Int

extractHash i = i `mod` 4096

extractIndex :: Int -> Int

extractIndex i = i `shiftR` 12


-- Hash function

-- simple hash function that performs quite good in practice

hashString :: String -> Int

hashString s = (f s `mod` prime) `mod` maxHash


   f        = foldl' next 0   -- ' strict fold

   next n c = n*65599 + fromEnum c

   prime    = 32537 --65599   -- require: prime < maxHash

maxHash :: Int

maxHash = 0xFFF -- 12 bits


-- Utility functions

atIndex :: Int -> [a] -> a

atIndex 0 (x:_)  = x

atIndex i (_:xs) = atIndex (i-1) xs

atIndex _ _      = intErr "corrupt symbol table"

combine :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]

combine [a] = rec


   rec [] = [a]

   rec this@(x:xs)

      | a == x    = this

      | otherwise = x:rec xs

combine _ = intErr "combine"

intErr :: String -> a

intErr s = error ("Internal error in Ideas.Common.StringRef: " ++ s)


-- Testing and debugging

tableStatus :: IO String

tableStatus = readIORef tableRef >>= \m ->

   let xs = map f (IM.assocs m)

       f (i, ys) = '#' : show i ++ ": " ++ intercalate ", " (map g (frequency ys)) ++

                   "  [total = " ++ show (length ys) ++ "]"

       g (a, n)  | n == 1    = show a

                 | otherwise = show a ++ " (" ++ show n ++ ")"

   in return $ unlines xs

frequency :: Eq a => [a] -> [(a, Int)]

frequency [] = []

frequency (x:xs) =

   let (ys, zs) = partition (==x) xs

   in (x, 1+length ys) : frequency zs