
-- Copyright 2019, Ideas project team. This file is distributed under the

-- terms of the Apache License 2.0. For more information, see the files

-- "LICENSE.txt" and "NOTICE.txt", which are included in the distribution.


-- |

-- Maintainer  :  bastiaan.heeren@ou.nl

-- Stability   :  provisional

-- Portability :  portable (depends on ghc)


-- Substitutions on terms. Substitutions are idempotent, and non-cyclic.



module Ideas.Common.Rewriting.Substitution
   ( Substitution, emptySubst, singletonSubst, dom, lookupVar
   , (@@), (|->), listToSubst, composable, (@+@)
   , tests
   ) where

import Control.Monad
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Semigroup as Sem
import Ideas.Common.Rewriting.Term
import Ideas.Utils.TestSuite
import Ideas.Utils.Uniplate
import Test.QuickCheck
import qualified Data.IntMap as IM
import qualified Data.IntSet as IS


--- * Substitution

-- | Abstract data type for substitutions

newtype Substitution = S { unS :: IM.IntMap Term }
   deriving Eq

instance Sem.Semigroup Substitution where
   (<>) = (@@)

instance Monoid Substitution where
   mempty  = emptySubst
   mappend = (<>)

infixr 5 |->
infixr 6 @@

instance Show Substitution where
   show = show . unS

-- | Returns the empty substitution

emptySubst :: Substitution
emptySubst = S IM.empty

-- | Returns a singleton substitution

singletonSubst :: Int -> Term -> Substitution
singletonSubst i a
   | a == TMeta i        = emptySubst
   | i `elem` metaVars a = error "Substitution: cyclic"
   | otherwise           = S (IM.singleton i a)

-- | Turns a list into a substitution

listToSubst :: [(Int, Term)] -> Substitution
listToSubst = mconcat . map (uncurry singletonSubst)

-- | Combines two substitutions. The left-hand side substitution is first applied to

-- the co-domain of the right-hand side substitution

(@@) :: Substitution -> Substitution -> Substitution
s1 @@ s2
   | composable s1 s2 = S $ IM.map (s1 |->) (unS s2) `IM.union` unS s1
   | otherwise        = error "Substitution: cyclic"

composable :: Substitution -> Substitution -> Bool
composable s1 s2 =
   let f = IS.unions . map metaVarSet . IM.elems . unS
   in IS.null (IS.intersection (f s1) (dom s2))

-- | Lookups a variable in a substitution. Nothing indicates that the variable is

-- not in the domain of the substitution

lookupVar :: Int -> Substitution -> Maybe Term
lookupVar s = IM.lookup s . unS

-- | Returns the domain of a substitution (as a set)

dom :: Substitution -> IS.IntSet
dom = IM.keysSet . unS

-- | Apply the substitution

(|->) :: Substitution -> Term -> Term
s |-> term =
   case term of
      TMeta i -> fromMaybe term (lookupVar i s)
      _       -> descend (s |->) term

infix 6 @+@

(@+@) :: Substitution -> Substitution -> Maybe Substitution
s1 @+@ s2 = fmap S $ foldM op (unS s1) $ IM.toList $ unS s2
   op m (i, a) =
      case IM.lookup i m of
         Just b
            | a == b    -> Just m
            | otherwise -> Nothing
         Nothing        -> Just (IM.insert i a m)


--- * Test substitution properties

instance Arbitrary Substitution where
   arbitrary = do
      n  <- choose (1, 10)
      ts <- vector n
      let is = [0..] \\ concatMap metaVars ts
      return (listToSubst (zip is ts))

tests :: TestSuite
tests = suite "Substitution"
   [ useProperty "left unit" $ \s ->
        mempty @@ s == s
   , useProperty "right unit" $ \s ->
        s @@ mempty == s
   , useProperty "associative" $ \s1 s2 s3 ->
        composable s1 s2 && composable (s1 @@ s2) s3
        && composable s2 s3 && composable s1 (s2 @@ s3)
        ==> (s1 @@ s2) @@ s3 == s1 @@ (s2 @@ s3)
   , useProperty "idempotence" $ \s ->
        s @@ s == s
   , useProperty "idempotence/application" $ \s a ->
        s |-> a == s |-> (s |-> a)
   , useProperty "composition" $ \s1 s2 a ->
        composable s1 s2
        ==> s1 |-> (s2 |-> a) == (s1 @@ s2) |-> a