
-- Copyright 2019, Ideas project team. This file is distributed under the

-- terms of the Apache License 2.0. For more information, see the files

-- "LICENSE.txt" and "NOTICE.txt", which are included in the distribution.


-- |

-- Maintainer  :  bastiaan.heeren@ou.nl

-- Stability   :  provisional

-- Portability :  portable (depends on ghc)


-- Services using XML notation



module Ideas.Encoding.DecoderXML
   ( XMLDecoder, xmlDecoder
   ) where

import Control.Applicative hiding (Const)
import Control.Monad.State hiding (State)
import Data.Char
import Ideas.Common.Library
import Ideas.Common.Traversal.Navigator
import Ideas.Encoding.Encoder
import Ideas.Encoding.OpenMathSupport
import Ideas.Encoding.Request hiding (XML)
import Ideas.Service.State
import Ideas.Service.Types
import Ideas.Text.MathML
import Ideas.Text.OpenMath.Object
import Ideas.Text.XML

type XMLDecoder a t = DecoderX a XML t

xmlDecoder :: TypedDecoder a XML
xmlDecoder tp =
   case tp of
      Tag s (Const String) ->
         decodeChild s decodeData
         decodeAttribute s
      Tag s t
         | s == "answer" ->
              decodeChild "answer" (xmlDecoder t)
         | s == "Difficulty" -> do
              g <- equalM tDifficulty tp
              a <- decodeAttribute "difficulty"
              maybe (fail "unknown difficulty level") (return . g) (readDifficulty a)
         | otherwise ->
              decodeChild s (xmlDecoder t)
      Iso p t  -> from p <$> xmlDecoder t
      List t -> do
         x  <- xmlDecoder t
         xs <- xmlDecoder (List t)
         return (x:xs)
         return []
      Pair t1 t2 -> do
         x <- xmlDecoder t1
         y <- xmlDecoder t2
         return (x, y)
      t1 :|: t2 ->
         (Left  <$> xmlDecoder t1) `mplus`
         (Right <$> xmlDecoder t2)
      Unit -> return ()
      Const ctp ->
         case ctp of
            State       -> decodeState
            Context     -> decodeContext
            Rule        -> decodeRule
            Environment -> decodeArgEnvironment
            Term        -> get >>= (fromXML >=> fromOMOBJ)
            Location    -> decodeLocation
            StratCfg    -> decodeConfiguration
            QCGen       -> getQCGen
            Script      -> getScript
            Exercise    -> getExercise
            Id          -> -- improve!

                           decodeChild "location" $
                              gets (newId . getData)
            MathML      -> decodeMathML
            String      -> decodeData
            XML         -> get
            _ -> fail $ "No support for argument type in XML: " ++ show tp
      _ -> fail $ "No support for argument type in XML: " ++ show tp

-- <ruleid>

decodeRule :: XMLDecoder a (Rule (Context a))
decodeRule = decodeChild "ruleid" $ do
   ex <- getExercise
   get >>= getRule ex . newId . getData

-- <location>

decodeLocation :: XMLDecoder a Location
decodeLocation = decodeChild "location" $
   gets (toLocation . read . getData)

-- <state>

decodeState :: XMLDecoder a (State a)
decodeState = decodeChild "state"  $ do
   ex  <- getExercise
   ps  <- decodePaths
   ctx <- decodeContext
   let prf = replayPaths ps (strategy ex) ctx
   return (makeState ex prf ctx)

-- <prefix>

decodePaths :: XMLDecoder a [Path]
decodePaths = do
   prefixText <- gets (maybe "" getData . findChild "prefix")
   if all isSpace prefixText
      then return [emptyPath]
      else if prefixText ~= "no prefix"
      then return []
      else readPaths prefixText
   a ~= b = g a == g b
   g = map toLower . filter (not . isSpace)

decodeContext :: XMLDecoder a (Context a)
decodeContext = do
   ex   <- getExercise
   expr <- decodeExpression
   env  <- decodeEnvironment
   let ctx    = setEnvironment env (inContext ex expr)
       locRef = makeRef "location"
   case locRef ? env of
      Just s  -> maybe (fail "invalid location") return $ do
         loc <- toLocation <$> readM s
         navigateTo loc (deleteRef locRef ctx)
      Nothing ->
         return ctx

decodeExpression :: XMLDecoder a a
decodeExpression = withOpenMath f
   f True  = decodeOMOBJ
   f False = decodeChild "expr" $ do
      ex <- getExercise
      get >>= either fail return . parser ex . getData

decodeOMOBJ :: XMLDecoder a a
decodeOMOBJ = decodeChild "OMOBJ" $ get >>= \xml -> do
   ex    <- getExercise
   omobj <- fromXML xml
   case fromOpenMath ex omobj of
      Just a  -> return a
      Nothing -> fail "Invalid OpenMath object for this exercise"

decodeMathML :: XMLDecoder a MathML
decodeMathML = decodeFirstChild "math" $ get >>= fromXML

decodeEnvironment :: XMLDecoder a Environment
decodeEnvironment =
   decodeChild "context" (get >>= foldM add mempty . children)
   <|> return mempty
   add env item = do
      unless (name item == "item") $
         fail $ "expecting item tag, found " ++ name item
      n   <- findAttribute "name"  item
      req <- getRequest
      case findChild "OMOBJ" item of
         -- OpenMath object found inside item tag

         Just this | useOpenMath req ->
            case xml2omobj this >>= fromOMOBJ of
               Left err -> fail err
               Right term ->
                  return $ insertRef (makeRef n) (term :: Term) env
         -- Simple value in attribute

         _ -> do
            value <- findAttribute "value" item
            return $ insertRef (makeRef n) value env

-- <configuration>

decodeConfiguration :: XMLDecoder a StrategyCfg
decodeConfiguration = decodeChild "configuration" $
   get >>= \xml ->
      mconcat <$> mapM decodeAction (children xml)
   decodeAction item = do
      guard (null (children item))
      action <- readM (name item)
      cfgloc <- findAttribute "name" item
      return (action `byName` newId cfgloc)

decodeArgEnvironment :: XMLDecoder a Environment
decodeArgEnvironment = get >>=
   fmap makeEnvironment . mapM (decodeBinding //) . findChildren "argument"

decodeBinding :: XMLDecoder a Binding
decodeBinding = get >>= \xml -> do
   a   <- findAttribute "description" xml
   req <- getRequest
   case findChild "OMOBJ" xml of
      -- OpenMath object found inside tag

      Just this | useOpenMath req ->
         case xml2omobj this >>= fromOMOBJ of
            Left err   -> fail err
            Right term -> return (termBinding a term)
      -- Simple value

      _ -> return (makeBinding (makeRef a) (getData xml))
   termBinding :: String -> Term -> Binding
   termBinding = makeBinding . makeRef