
-- Copyright 2019, Ideas project team. This file is distributed under the

-- terms of the Apache License 2.0. For more information, see the files

-- "LICENSE.txt" and "NOTICE.txt", which are included in the distribution.


-- |

-- Maintainer  :  bastiaan.heeren@ou.nl

-- Stability   :  provisional

-- Portability :  portable (depends on ghc)



module Ideas.Service.BasicServices
   ( -- * Basic Services

     stepsremaining, findbuggyrules, allfirsts, solution, solutionMaxSteps
   , onefirst, onefinal, applicable, allapplications, apply, generate, create
   , StepInfo, tStepInfo, exampleDerivations, recognizeRule
   ) where

import Control.Monad
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Ideas.Common.Examples
import Ideas.Common.Library hiding (applicable, apply, ready)
import Ideas.Common.Traversal.Navigator (downs, navigateTo)
import Ideas.Service.State
import Ideas.Service.Types
import Ideas.Utils.Prelude (fst3)
import Test.QuickCheck.Random
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Ideas.Common.Classes as Apply
import qualified Ideas.Common.Library as Library

generate :: QCGen -> Exercise a -> Maybe Difficulty -> Maybe String -> Either String (State a)
generate rng ex md userId =
   case randomTerm rng ex md of
      Just a  -> Right $ startState rng ex userId a
      Nothing -> Left "No random term"

create :: QCGen -> Exercise a -> String -> Maybe String -> Either String (State a)
create rng ex txt userId =
   case parser ex txt of
      Left err -> Left err
      Right a
         | evalPredicate (Library.ready ex) a -> Left "Is ready"
         | evalPredicate (Library.suitable ex) a -> Right $ startState rng ex userId a
         | otherwise -> Left "Not suitable"

-- TODO: add a location to each step

solution :: Maybe StrategyCfg -> State a -> Either String (Derivation (Rule (Context a), Environment) (Context a))
solution = solutionMaxSteps 50

solutionMaxSteps :: Int -> Maybe StrategyCfg -> State a -> Either String (Derivation (Rule (Context a), Environment) (Context a))
solutionMaxSteps maxSteps mcfg state =
   mapSecond (biMap (\(r, _, as) -> (r, as)) stateContext) $
   case mcfg of
      _ | withoutPrefix state -> Left "Prefix is required"
      -- configuration is only allowed beforehand: hence, the prefix

      -- should be empty (or else, the configuration is ignored). This

      -- restriction should probably be relaxed later on.

      Just cfg | isEmptyPrefix prfx ->
         let newStrategy = configure cfg (strategy ex)
             newPrefix   = emptyPrefix newStrategy (stateContext state)
         in rec maxSteps d0 state { statePrefix = newPrefix }
      _ -> rec maxSteps d0 state
   d0   = emptyDerivation state
   ex   = exercise state
   prfx = statePrefix state

   rec i acc st =
      case onefirst st of
         Left _         -> Right acc
         Right ((r, l, as), newState)
            | i <= 0    -> Left msg
            | otherwise -> rec (i-1) (acc `extend` ((r, l, as), newState)) newState
      msg = "Time out after " ++ show maxSteps ++ " steps. " ++
            show (biMap fst3 (prettyPrinterContext ex . stateContext) acc)

type StepInfo a = (Rule (Context a), Location, Environment) -- find a good place

tStepInfo :: Type a (StepInfo a)
tStepInfo = tTuple3 tRule tLocation tEnvironment

allfirsts :: State a -> Either String [(StepInfo a, State a)]
allfirsts state
   | withoutPrefix state = Left "Prefix is required"
   | otherwise = Right $
        noDuplicates $ map make $ firsts state
   make ((s, ctx, env), st) = ((s, location ctx, env), st)

   noDuplicates []     = []
   noDuplicates (x:xs) = x : noDuplicates (filter (not . eq x) xs)

   eq (x1, s1) (x2, s2) =
      x1 == x2 && exercise s1 == exercise s2
      && similarity (exercise s1) (stateContext s1) (stateContext s2)

onefirst :: State a -> Either String (StepInfo a, State a)
onefirst state =
   case allfirsts state of
      Right []     -> Left "No step possible"
      Right (hd:_) -> Right hd
      Left msg     -> Left msg

onefinal :: State a -> Either String (Context a)
onefinal = fmap lastTerm . solution Nothing

applicable :: Location -> State a -> [Rule (Context a)]
applicable loc state =
   let p r = not (isBuggy r) && Apply.applicable r (setLocation loc (stateContext state))
   in filter p (ruleset (exercise state))

allapplications :: State a -> [(Rule (Context a), Location, State a)]
allapplications state = sortBy cmp (xs ++ ys)
   ex = exercise state
   xs = either (const []) (map (\((r, l, _), s) -> (r, l, s))) (allfirsts state)
   ps = [ (r, loc) | (r, loc, _) <- xs ]
   ys = f (top (stateContext state))

   f c = g c ++ concatMap f (downs c)
   g c = [ (r, location new, state { statePrefix = noPrefix, stateContext = new })
         | r   <- ruleset ex
         , (r, location c) `notElem` ps
         , new <- applyAll r c

   cmp (r1, loc1, _) (r2, loc2, _) =
      case ruleOrdering ex r1 r2 of
         EQ   -> loc1 `compare` loc2
         this -> this

-- local helper

setLocation :: Location -> Context a -> Context a
setLocation loc c0 = fromMaybe c0 (navigateTo loc c0)

-- Two possible scenarios: either I have a prefix and I can return a new one (i.e., still following the

-- strategy), or I return a new term without a prefix. A final scenario is that the rule cannot be applied

-- to the current term at the given location, in which case the request is invalid.

apply :: Rule (Context a) -> Location -> Environment -> State a -> Either String (State a)
apply r loc env state
   | withoutPrefix state = applyOff
   | otherwise           = applyOn
   applyOn = -- scenario 1: on-strategy

      maybe applyOff Right $ listToMaybe
      [ s1 | Right xs <- [allfirsts state], ((r1, loc1, env1), s1) <- xs, r==r1, loc==loc1, noBindings env || env==env1 ]

   ca = setLocation loc (stateContext state)
   applyOff  = -- scenario 2: off-strategy

      case transApplyWith env (transformation r) ca of
         (new, _):_ -> Right (restart (state {stateContext = new, statePrefix = noPrefix}))
         [] ->
            -- first check the environment (exercise-specific property)

            case environmentCheck of
               Just msg ->
                  Left msg
               Nothing ->
                  -- try to find a buggy rule

                  case siblingsFirst [ (br, envOut) | br <- ruleset (exercise state), isBuggy br,  (_, envOut) <- transApplyWith env (transformation br) ca ] of
                     []  -> Left ("Cannot apply " ++ show r)
                     brs -> Left ("Buggy rule " ++ intercalate "+" (map pp brs))
      pp (br, envOut)
         | noBindings envOut = show br
         | otherwise         = show br ++ " {" ++ show envOut ++ "}"

   siblingsFirst xs = ys ++ zs
      (ys, zs) = partition (siblingInCommon r . fst) xs

   environmentCheck :: Maybe String
   environmentCheck = do
      p <- getProperty "environment-check" (exercise state)
      p env

siblingInCommon :: Rule a -> Rule a -> Bool
siblingInCommon r1 r2 = not (S.null (getSiblings r1 `S.intersection` getSiblings r2))
   getSiblings r = S.fromList (getId r : ruleSiblings r)

stepsremaining :: State a -> Either String Int
stepsremaining = mapSecond derivationLength . solution Nothing

findbuggyrules :: State a -> Context a -> [(Rule (Context a), Location, Environment)]
findbuggyrules state a =
   [ (r, loc, as)
   | r         <- filter isBuggy (ruleset ex)
   , (loc, as) <- recognizeRule ex r (stateContext state) a
   ex = exercise state

-- Recognize a rule at (possibly multiple) locations

recognizeRule :: Exercise a -> Rule (Context a) -> Context a -> Context a -> [(Location, Environment)]
recognizeRule ex r ca cb = rec (top ca)
   final = addTransRecognizer (similarity ex) r
   rec x = do
      -- here

      as <- recognizeAll final x cb
      return (location x, as)
    `mplus` -- or there

      concatMap rec (downs x)

exampleDerivations :: Exercise a -> Either String [Derivation (Rule (Context a), Environment) (Context a)]
exampleDerivations ex = mapM (solution Nothing . emptyState ex) (examplesAsList ex)