
-- Copyright 2019, Ideas project team. This file is distributed under the

-- terms of the Apache License 2.0. For more information, see the files

-- "LICENSE.txt" and "NOTICE.txt", which are included in the distribution.


-- |

-- Maintainer  :  bastiaan.heeren@ou.nl

-- Stability   :  provisional

-- Portability :  portable (depends on ghc)


-- Formal mathematical properties (FMP)



module Ideas.Text.OpenMath.FMP where

import Data.List (union)
import Ideas.Text.OpenMath.Dictionary.Quant1 (forallSymbol, existsSymbol)
import Ideas.Text.OpenMath.Dictionary.Relation1 (eqSymbol, neqSymbol)
import Ideas.Text.OpenMath.Object
import Ideas.Text.OpenMath.Symbol

data FMP = FMP
   { quantor       :: Symbol
   , metaVariables :: [String]
   , leftHandSide  :: OMOBJ
   , relation      :: Symbol
   , rightHandSide :: OMOBJ

toObject :: FMP -> OMOBJ
toObject fmp
   | null (metaVariables fmp) = body
   | otherwise =
        OMBIND (OMS (quantor fmp)) (metaVariables fmp) body
   body = OMA [OMS (relation fmp), leftHandSide fmp, rightHandSide fmp]

eqFMP lhs rhs = FMP
   { quantor       = forallSymbol
   , metaVariables = getOMVs lhs `union` getOMVs rhs
   , leftHandSide  = lhs
   , relation      = eqSymbol
   , rightHandSide = rhs

-- | Represents a common misconception. In certain (most) situations,

-- the two objects are not the same.

buggyFMP :: OMOBJ -> OMOBJ -> FMP
buggyFMP lhs rhs = (eqFMP lhs rhs)
   { quantor  = existsSymbol
   , relation = neqSymbol