-- Copyright 2019, Ideas project team. This file is distributed under the
-- terms of the Apache License 2.0. For more information, see the files
-- "LICENSE.txt" and "NOTICE.txt", which are included in the distribution.
-- |
-- Maintainer  :  bastiaan.heeren@ou.nl
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  portable (depends on ghc)

module Domain.Math.Expr.Views
   ( module Domain.Math.Expr.Views
   , (.+.), (.-.), neg, (.*.), (./.)
   ) where

import Domain.Algebra.Group
import Domain.Algebra.SmartGroup
import Domain.Math.Expr.Data
import Domain.Math.Expr.Symbols
import Ideas.Common.Library hiding ((.*.), (./.))
import Ideas.Utils.Uniplate
import Prelude hiding ((^))
import qualified Data.Set as S

-- Smart constructors

infixr 8 .^.

(.^.) :: Expr -> Expr -> Expr
Nat 0 .^. _ = Nat 0
Nat 1 .^. _ = Nat 1
_ .^. Nat 0 = Nat 1
a .^. Nat 1 = a
a .^. b     = a ^ b

-- Views of binary constructors

plusView :: View Expr (Expr, Expr)
plusView = makeView matchPlus (uncurry (.+.))
   matchPlus (a :+: b)  = Just (a, b)
   matchPlus (a :-: b)  = Just (a, neg b)
   matchPlus (Negate a) = do (x, y) <- matchPlus a
                             Just (neg x, neg y)
   matchPlus _          = Nothing

timesView :: View Expr (Expr, Expr)
timesView = makeView matchTimes (uncurry (.*.))
   matchTimes (a :*: b)  = Just (a, b)
   matchTimes (Negate a) = do (x, y) <- matchTimes a
                              Just (neg x, y)
   matchTimes _          = Nothing

divView :: View Expr (Expr, Expr)
divView = makeView matchDiv (uncurry (./.))
   matchDiv (a :/: b)  = Just (a, b)
   matchDiv (Negate a) = do (x, y) <- matchDiv a
                            Just (neg x, y)
   matchDiv _          = Nothing

-- Sums and products

sumView :: Isomorphism Expr [Expr]
sumView = describe "View an expression as the sum of a list of elements, \
   \taking into account associativity of plus, its unit element zero, and \
   \inverse (both unary negation, and binary subtraction)." $
   "math.sum" @> sumEP
   sumEP = (($ []) . f False) <-> foldl (.+.) 0

   f n (a :+: b)  = f n a . f n b
   f n (a :-: b)  = f n a . f (not n) b
   f n (Negate a) = f (not n) a
   f _ (Nat 0)    = id
   f n e          = if n then (neg e:) else (e:)

-- no distribution
simpleSumView :: Isomorphism Expr [Expr]
simpleSumView = sumEP
   sumEP = f <-> foldl (.+) 0

   f (a :+: b)           = f a <> f b
   f (a :-: b)           = f a <> f (-b)
   f (Nat 0)             = mempty
   f (Negate (Nat 0))    = mempty
   f (Negate (Negate a)) = f a
   f a                   = return a

   Nat 0 .+ b = b
   a .+ Nat 0 = a
   a .+ Negate b  = a :-: b
   a .+ b = a :+: b

productView :: Isomorphism Expr (Bool, [Expr])
productView = "math.product" @> productEP
   productEP = (second ($ []) . f False) <-> g

   f r (a :*: b)  = f r a .&. f r b
   f r (a :/: b)  = case a of -- two special cases (for efficiency)
                       Nat 1          -> f (not r) b
                       Negate (Nat 1) -> first not (f (not r) b)
                       _              -> f r a .&. f (not r) b
   f r (Negate a) = first not (f r a)
   f r e          = (False, if r then (recip e:) else (e:))

   (n1, g1) .&. (n2, g2) = (n1 /= n2, g1 . g2)

   g (b, xs) = (if b then neg else id) (foldl (.*.) 1 xs)

simpleProductView :: Isomorphism Expr (Bool, [Expr])
simpleProductView = "math.product.simple" @> simpleProductEP
   simpleProductEP = (second ($ []) . f) <-> g

   f (a :*: b)  = f a .&. f b
   f (Nat 1)    = (False, id)
   f (Negate a) = first not (f a)
   f e          = (False, (e:))

   (n1, g1) .&. (n2, g2) = (n1 /= n2, g1 . g2)

   g (b, xs) = (if b then myNeg else id) (foldl (.*) 1 xs)

   Nat 1 .* a = a
   a .* Nat 1 = a
   Nat 0 .* a | ok a = 0
   a .* Nat 0 | ok a = 0
   Negate a .* b = myNeg (a .* b)
   a .* Negate b = myNeg (a .* b)
   a .* b = a :*: b

   myNeg (Negate a) = a
   myNeg a = Negate a

   ok (a :/: b) = b /= 0 && ok a && ok b -- to do: evaluate b before b/=0
   ok a = all ok (children a)

-- helper to determine the name of the variable (move to a different module?)
selectVar :: Expr -> Maybe String
selectVar = f  . S.toList . varSet
   f []  = Just "x" -- exceptional case (e.g., for constants)
   f [a] = Just a
   f _   = Nothing