Deriving Applicative sums... Idiomatically!
is used with DerivingVia
to derive Applicative
sum types. It takes as an argument a list of sum constructors that it
uses to tweak the generic representation of a type.
{-# Language DataKinds #-}
{-# Language DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# Language DerivingStrategies #-}
{-# Language DerivingVia #-}
import Generic.Applicative
data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a
stock Generic1
deriving (Functor, Applicative)
via Idiomatically Maybe '[RightBias Terminal]
This comes with two tagged newtypes over
that are biased toward the left and right constructor.
newtype LeftBias tag l r a = LeftBias (Sum l r a)
newtype RightBias tag l r a = RightBias (Sum l r a)
pure = LeftBias . InL . pure @l
pure = RightBias . InR . pure @r
and an extensible language for type-level applicative morphisms
) used to map away from the pure
-- Applicative morphisms preserve the `Applicative` operations
-- idiom (pure @f a) = pure @g a
-- idiom (liftA2 @f (·) as bs) = liftA2 @g (·) (idiom as) (idiom bs)
type Idiom :: t -> (Type -> Type) -> (Type -> Type) -> Constraint
class (Applicative f, Applicative g) => Idiom tag f g where
idiom :: f ~> g
This means for LeftBias tag l r
we map from the left-to-right and
that for RightBias tag l r
we map from right-to-left.
instance Idiom tag l r => Applicative (LeftBias tag l r)
instance Idiom tag r l => Applicative (RightBias tag l r)
For example, the identity applicative morphism
data Id
instance f ~ g => Idiom Id f g where
idiom :: f ~> f
idiom = id
can be used to derive two different instances for the same datatype by
either defecting from the the left constructor (LPure
) or from the
right constructor (RPure
-- >> pure @L True
-- LPure True
-- >> liftA2 (+) (LPure 1) (L 100)
-- L 101
data L a = LPure a | L a
deriving stock (Show, Generic1)
deriving (Functor, Applicative)
via Idiomatically L '[LeftBias Id]
-- >> pure @R False
-- RPure False
-- >> liftA2 (+) (RPure 1) (R 100)
-- R 101
data R a = R a | RPure a
deriving stock (Show, Generic1)
deriving (Functor, Applicative)
via Idiomatically R '[RightBias Id]
More compliated descriptions are possible where we mediate between
multiple constructors:
-- >> pure @Ok 10
-- Ok1 10
-- >> liftA2 (+) (Ok1 10) (Ok5 20)
-- Ok3 [Just 30]
-- >> liftA2 (+) (Ok2 [1..4]) (Ok5 20)
-- Ok3 [Just 21,Just 22,Just 23,Just 24]
-- >> liftA2 (+) (Ok2 [1..4]) (Ok4 Nothing)
-- Ok3 [Nothing,Nothing,Nothing,Nothing]
data Ok a = Ok1 a | Ok2 [a] | Ok3 [Maybe a] | Ok4 (Maybe a) | Ok5 a
stock (Show, Generic1)
deriving (Functor, Applicative)
via Idiomatically Ok
'[ LeftBias Initial -- Ok1 to Ok2: pure
, LeftBias Inner -- Ok2 to Ok3: fmap pure
, RightBias Outer -- Ok4 to Ok3: pure
, RightBias Initial -- Ok5 to Ok4: pure
Relationship to Generically1
was recently introduced to GHC.Generics
(base with the ability to derive Applicative
for generic type
constructors, among other things. Before it was added to base it was
found in the
For deriving it uses the underlying generic representation of a type;
if that representation has an Applicative
instance then
can be derived.
import GHC.Generics (Generically1(..))
data F a = F a String a a [[[a]]] (Int -> Maybe a)
deriving stock Generic1
deriving (Functor, Applicative) via Generically1 F
This works well for product types but it does not work for sum types
since there is no Appliative (Sum f g)
or Applicative (f :+: g)
In this sense, Generically1
can be recovered by passing an empty
list of sums to Idiomatically
Generically1 F
= Idiomatically F '[]
is also defined in terms of Generically1
type Idiomatically :: (k -> Type) -> [SumKind k] -> (k -> Type)
type Idiomatically f sums = Generically1 (NewSums (Served sums) f)
The argument to Generically1
is less important, what is basically
happening is that NewSums
modifies the generic behaviour of f
: it
traverses the generic representation Rep1 f
and replace every sum
with an Applicative
sum from type-level list.
This means we can define Idiomatically
in terms of
. There is an Applicative
instance for Generically1
if its representation is Applicative
, by tweaking the representation
of its argument we have thus managed to configure Generically1
though it has no configuration parameter!