Module      : Idris.Parser.Expr
Description : Parse Expressions.

License     : BSD3
Maintainer  : The Idris Community.
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, TupleSections #-}
module Idris.Parser.Expr where

import Idris.AbsSyntax
import Idris.Core.TT
import Idris.DSL
import Idris.Options
import Idris.Parser.Helpers
import Idris.Parser.Ops

import Prelude hiding (pi)

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Arrow (left)
import Control.Monad
import qualified Control.Monad.Combinators.Expr as P
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Text.Megaparsec ((<?>))
import qualified Text.Megaparsec as P
import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Char as P

-- | Allow implicit type declarations
allowImp :: SyntaxInfo -> SyntaxInfo
allowImp syn = syn { implicitAllowed = True,
                     constraintAllowed = False }

-- | Disallow implicit type declarations
disallowImp :: SyntaxInfo -> SyntaxInfo
disallowImp = scopedImp

-- | Implicits hare are scoped rather than top level
scopedImp :: SyntaxInfo -> SyntaxInfo
scopedImp syn = syn { implicitAllowed = False,
                      constraintAllowed = False }

-- | Allow scoped constraint arguments
allowConstr :: SyntaxInfo -> SyntaxInfo
allowConstr syn = syn { constraintAllowed = True }

{-| Parses an expression as a whole
  FullExpr ::= Expr EOF_t;
fullExpr :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTerm
fullExpr syn = do x <- expr syn
                  i <- get
                  return $ debindApp syn (desugar syn i x)

tryFullExpr :: SyntaxInfo -> IState -> String -> Either Err PTerm
tryFullExpr syn st = left (Msg . show . parseErrorDoc) . runparser (fullExpr syn) st ""

{- | Parses an expression
  Expr ::= Pi
expr :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTerm
expr = pi

{- | Parses an expression with possible operator applied
  OpExpr ::= {- Expression Parser with Operators based on Expr' -};
opExpr :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTerm
opExpr syn = do i <- get
                P.makeExprParser (expr' syn) (table (idris_infixes i))

{- | Parses either an internally defined expression or
    a user-defined one
Expr' ::=  "External (User-defined) Syntax"
      |   InternalExpr;
expr' :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTerm
expr' syn = P.try (externalExpr syn)
            <|> internalExpr syn
            <?> "expression"

{- | Parses a user-defined expression -}
externalExpr :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTerm
externalExpr syn = do i <- get
                      (expr, outerFC@(FC fn _ _)) <- withExtent $ extensions syn (syntaxRulesList $ syntax_rules i)
                      return (mapPTermFC (fixFC outerFC) (fixFCH fn outerFC) expr)
                   <?> "user-defined expression"
  where -- Fix non-highlighting FCs by approximating with the span of the syntax application
        fixFC outer inner | inner `fcIn` outer = inner
                          | otherwise          = outer
        -- Fix highlighting FCs by making them useless, to avoid spurious highlights
        fixFCH fn outer inner | inner `fcIn` outer = inner
                              | otherwise          = FileFC fn

{- | Parses a simple user-defined expression -}
simpleExternalExpr :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTerm
simpleExternalExpr syn = do i <- get
                            extensions syn (filter isSimple (syntaxRulesList $ syntax_rules i))
    isSimple (Rule (Expr x:xs) _ _) = False
    isSimple (Rule (SimpleExpr x:xs) _ _) = False
    isSimple (Rule [Keyword _] _ _) = True
    isSimple (Rule [Symbol _]  _ _) = True
    isSimple (Rule (_:xs) _ _) = case last xs of
        Keyword _ -> True
        Symbol _  -> True
        _ -> False
    isSimple _ = False

{- | Tries to parse a user-defined expression given a list of syntactic extensions -}
extensions :: SyntaxInfo -> [Syntax] -> IdrisParser PTerm
extensions syn rules = extension syn [] (filter isValid rules)
                       <?> "user-defined expression"
    isValid :: Syntax -> Bool
    isValid (Rule _ _ AnySyntax) = True
    isValid (Rule _ _ PatternSyntax) = inPattern syn
    isValid (Rule _ _ TermSyntax) = not (inPattern syn)
    isValid (DeclRule _ _) = False

data SynMatch = SynTm PTerm | SynBind FC Name -- ^ the FC is for highlighting information
  deriving Show

extension :: SyntaxInfo -> [Maybe (Name, SynMatch)] -> [Syntax] -> IdrisParser PTerm
extension syn ns rules =
  P.choice $ flip map (groupBy (ruleGroup `on` syntaxSymbols) rules) $ \rs ->
    case head rs of -- can never be []
      Rule (symb:_) _ _ -> P.try $ do
        n <- extensionSymbol symb
        extension syn (n : ns) [Rule ss t ctx | (Rule (_:ss) t ctx) <- rs]
      -- If we have more than one Rule in this bucket, our grammar is
      -- nondeterministic.
      Rule [] ptm _ -> return (flatten (updateSynMatch (mapMaybe id ns) ptm))
    ruleGroup [] [] = True
    ruleGroup (s1:_) (s2:_) = s1 == s2
    ruleGroup _ _ = False

    extensionSymbol :: SSymbol -> IdrisParser (Maybe (Name, SynMatch))
    extensionSymbol (Keyword n)    = Nothing <$ keyword (show n)
    extensionSymbol (Expr n)       = do tm <- expr syn
                                        return $ Just (n, SynTm tm)
    extensionSymbol (SimpleExpr n) = do tm <- simpleExpr syn
                                        return $ Just (n, SynTm tm)
    extensionSymbol (Binding n)    = do (b, fc) <- withExtent name
                                        return $ Just (n, SynBind fc b)
    extensionSymbol (Symbol s)     = Nothing <$ highlight AnnKeyword (symbol s)

    flatten :: PTerm -> PTerm -- flatten application
    flatten (PApp fc (PApp _ f as) bs) = flatten (PApp fc f (as ++ bs))
    flatten t = t

updateSynMatch = update
    updateB :: [(Name, SynMatch)] -> (Name, FC) -> (Name, FC)
    updateB ns (n, fc) = case lookup n ns of
                           Just (SynBind tfc t) -> (t, tfc)
                           _ -> (n, fc)

    update :: [(Name, SynMatch)] -> PTerm -> PTerm
    update ns (PRef fc hls n) = case lookup n ns of
                                  Just (SynTm t) -> t
                                  _ -> PRef fc hls n
    update ns (PPatvar fc n) = uncurry (flip PPatvar) $ updateB ns (n, fc)
    update ns (PLam fc n nfc ty sc)
      = let (n', nfc') = updateB ns (n, nfc)
        in PLam fc n' nfc' (update ns ty) (update (dropn n ns) sc)
    update ns (PPi p n fc ty sc)
      = let (n', nfc') = updateB ns (n, fc)
        in PPi (updTacImp ns p) n' nfc'
               (update ns ty) (update (dropn n ns) sc)
    update ns (PLet fc rc n nfc ty val sc)
      = let (n', nfc') = updateB ns (n, nfc)
        in PLet fc rc n' nfc' (update ns ty)
                (update ns val) (update (dropn n ns) sc)
    update ns (PApp fc t args)
      = PApp fc (update ns t) (map (fmap (update ns)) args)
    update ns (PAppBind fc t args)
      = PAppBind fc (update ns t) (map (fmap (update ns)) args)
    update ns (PMatchApp fc n) = let (n', nfc') = updateB ns (n, fc)
                                 in PMatchApp nfc' n'
    update ns (PIfThenElse fc c t f)
      = PIfThenElse fc (update ns c) (update ns t) (update ns f)
    update ns (PCase fc c opts)
      = PCase fc (update ns c) (map (pmap (update ns)) opts)
    update ns (PRewrite fc by eq tm mty)
      = PRewrite fc by (update ns eq) (update ns tm) (fmap (update ns) mty)
    update ns (PPair fc hls p l r) = PPair fc hls p (update ns l) (update ns r)
    update ns (PDPair fc hls p l t r)
      = PDPair fc hls p (update ns l) (update ns t) (update ns r)
    update ns (PAs fc n t) = PAs fc (fst $ updateB ns (n, NoFC)) (update ns t)
    update ns (PAlternative ms a as) = PAlternative ms a (map (update ns) as)
    update ns (PHidden t) = PHidden (update ns t)
    update ns (PGoal fc r n sc) = PGoal fc (update ns r) n (update ns sc)
    update ns (PDoBlock ds) = PDoBlock $ map (upd ns) ds
      where upd :: [(Name, SynMatch)] -> PDo -> PDo
            upd ns (DoExp fc t) = DoExp fc (update ns t)
            upd ns (DoBind fc n nfc t) = DoBind fc n nfc (update ns t)
            upd ns (DoLet fc rc n nfc ty t) = DoLet fc rc n nfc (update ns ty) (update ns t)
            upd ns (DoBindP fc i t ts)
                    = DoBindP fc (update ns i) (update ns t)
                                 (map (\(l,r) -> (update ns l, update ns r)) ts)
            upd ns (DoLetP fc i t ts)
                    = DoLetP fc (update ns i) (update ns t)
                                (map (\(l,r) -> (update ns l, update ns r)) ts)
            upd ns (DoRewrite fc h) = DoRewrite fc (update ns h)
    update ns (PIdiom fc t) = PIdiom fc $ update ns t
    update ns (PMetavar fc n) = uncurry (flip PMetavar) $ updateB ns (n, fc)
    update ns (PProof tacs) = PProof $ map (updTactic ns) tacs
    update ns (PTactics tacs) = PTactics $ map (updTactic ns) tacs
    update ns (PDisamb nsps t) = PDisamb nsps $ update ns t
    update ns (PUnifyLog t) = PUnifyLog $ update ns t
    update ns (PNoImplicits t) = PNoImplicits $ update ns t
    update ns (PQuasiquote tm mty) = PQuasiquote (update ns tm) (fmap (update ns) mty)
    update ns (PUnquote t) = PUnquote $ update ns t
    update ns (PQuoteName n res fc) = let (n', fc') = (updateB ns (n, fc))
                                      in PQuoteName n' res fc'
    update ns (PRunElab fc t nsp) = PRunElab fc (update ns t) nsp
    update ns (PConstSugar fc t) = PConstSugar fc $ update ns t
    -- PConstSugar probably can't contain anything substitutable, but it's hard to track
    update ns t = t

    updTactic :: [(Name, SynMatch)] -> PTactic -> PTactic
    -- handle all the ones with Names explicitly, then use fmap for the rest with PTerms
    updTactic ns (Intro ns') = Intro $ map (fst . updateB ns . (, NoFC)) ns'
    updTactic ns (Focus n) = Focus . fst $ updateB ns (n, NoFC)
    updTactic ns (Refine n bs) = Refine (fst $ updateB ns (n, NoFC)) bs
    updTactic ns (Claim n t) = Claim (fst $ updateB ns (n, NoFC)) (update ns t)
    updTactic ns (MatchRefine n) = MatchRefine (fst $ updateB ns (n, NoFC))
    updTactic ns (LetTac n t) = LetTac (fst $ updateB ns (n, NoFC)) (update ns t)
    updTactic ns (LetTacTy n ty tm) = LetTacTy (fst $ updateB ns (n, NoFC)) (update ns ty) (update ns tm)
    updTactic ns (ProofSearch rec prover depth top psns hints) = ProofSearch rec prover depth
      (fmap (fst . updateB ns . (, NoFC)) top) (map (fst . updateB ns . (, NoFC)) psns) (map (fst . updateB ns . (, NoFC)) hints)
    updTactic ns (Try l r) = Try (updTactic ns l) (updTactic ns r)
    updTactic ns (TSeq l r) = TSeq (updTactic ns l) (updTactic ns r)
    updTactic ns (GoalType s tac) = GoalType s $ updTactic ns tac
    updTactic ns (TDocStr (Left n)) = TDocStr . Left . fst $ updateB ns (n, NoFC)
    updTactic ns t = fmap (update ns) t

    updTacImp ns (TacImp o st scr r) = TacImp o st (update ns scr) r
    updTacImp _  x                   = x

    dropn :: Name -> [(Name, a)] -> [(Name, a)]
    dropn n [] = []
    dropn n ((x,t) : xs) | n == x = xs
                         | otherwise = (x,t):dropn n xs

{- | Parses a (normal) built-in expression
InternalExpr ::=
  | RecordType
  | SimpleExpr
  | Lambda
  | QuoteGoal
  | Let
  | If
  | RewriteTerm
  | CaseExpr
  | DoBlock
  | App
internalExpr :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTerm
internalExpr syn =
         unifyLog syn
     <|> runElab syn
     <|> disamb syn
     <|> noImplicits syn
     <|> recordType syn
     <|> if_ syn
     <|> lambda syn
     <|> quoteGoal syn
     <|> let_ syn
     <|> rewriteTerm syn
     <|> doBlock syn
     <|> caseExpr syn
     <|> app syn
     <?> "expression"

{- | Parses the "impossible" keyword
Impossible ::= 'impossible'
impossible :: IdrisParser PTerm
impossible = PImpossible <$ keyword "impossible"

{- | Parses a case expression
CaseExpr ::=
  'case' Expr 'of' OpenBlock CaseOption+ CloseBlock;
caseExpr :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTerm
caseExpr syn = do keyword "case"
                  (scr, fc) <- withExtent $ expr syn
                  keyword "of"
                  opts <- indentedBlock1 (caseOption syn)
                  return (PCase fc scr opts)
               <?> "case expression"

{- | Parses a case in a case expression
CaseOption ::=
  Expr (Impossible | '=>' Expr) Terminator
caseOption :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser (PTerm, PTerm)
caseOption syn = do lhs <- expr (disallowImp (syn { inPattern = True }))
                    r <- impossible <|> symbol "=>" *> expr syn
                    return (lhs, r)
                 <?> "case option"

warnTacticDeprecation :: FC -> IdrisParser ()
warnTacticDeprecation fc =
 parserWarning fc (Just NoOldTacticDeprecationWarnings) (Msg "This style of tactic proof is deprecated. See %runElab for the replacement.")

{- | Parses a proof block
ProofExpr ::=
  'proof' OpenBlock Tactic'* CloseBlock
proofExpr :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTerm
proofExpr syn = do kw <- extent $ keyword "proof"
                   ts <- indentedBlock1 (tactic syn)
                   warnTacticDeprecation kw
                   return $ PProof ts
                <?> "proof block"

{- | Parses a tactics block
TacticsExpr :=
  'tactics' OpenBlock Tactic'* CloseBlock
tacticsExpr :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTerm
tacticsExpr syn = do kw <- extent $ keyword "tactics"
                     ts <- indentedBlock1 (tactic syn)
                     warnTacticDeprecation kw
                     return $ PTactics ts
                  <?> "tactics block"

{- | Parses a simple expression
SimpleExpr ::=
    {- External (User-defined) Simple Expression -}
  | '?' Name
  | % 'implementation'
  | 'Refl' ('{' Expr '}')?
  | ProofExpr
  | TacticsExpr
  | FnName
  | Idiom
  | List
  | Alt
  | Bracketed
  | Constant
  | Type
  | 'Void'
  | Quasiquote
  | NameQuote
  | Unquote
  | '_'
simpleExpr :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTerm
simpleExpr syn =
            P.try (simpleExternalExpr syn)
        <|> do (x, FC f (l, c) end) <- P.try (lchar '?' *> withExtent name)
               return (PMetavar (FC f (l, c-1) end) x)
        <|> do lchar '%'; fc <- extent $ reserved "implementation"; return (PResolveTC fc)
        <|> do lchar '%'; fc <- extent $ reserved "instance"
               parserWarning fc Nothing $ Msg "The use of %instance is deprecated, use %implementation instead."
               return (PResolveTC fc)
        <|> proofExpr syn
        <|> tacticsExpr syn
        <|> P.try (do fc <- extent (reserved "Type*"); return $ PUniverse fc AllTypes)
        <|> do fc <- extent $ reserved "AnyType"; return $ PUniverse fc AllTypes
        <|> PType <$> extent (reserved "Type")
        <|> do fc <- extent $ reserved "UniqueType"; return $ PUniverse fc UniqueType
        <|> do fc <- extent $ reserved "NullType"; return $ PUniverse fc NullType
        <|> do (c, cfc) <- withExtent constant
               return (modifyConst syn cfc (PConstant cfc c))
        <|> do symbol "'"; (str, fc) <- withExtent name
               return (PApp fc (PRef fc [] (sUN "Symbol_"))
                          [pexp (PConstant NoFC (Str (show str)))])
        <|> do (x, fc) <- withExtent fnName
               if inPattern syn
                  then P.option (PRef fc [fc] x)
                                (do reservedOp "@"
                                    (s, fcIn) <- withExtent $ simpleExpr syn
                                    return (PAs fcIn x s))
                  else return (PRef fc [fc] x)
        <|> idiom syn
        <|> listExpr syn
        <|> alt syn
        <|> do reservedOp "!"
               (s, fc) <- withExtent $ simpleExpr syn
               return (PAppBind fc s [])
        <|> bracketed (disallowImp syn)
        <|> quasiquote syn
        <|> namequote syn
        <|> unquote syn
        <|> do lchar '_'; return Placeholder
        <?> "expression"

{- |Parses an expression in parentheses
Bracketed ::= '(' Bracketed'
bracketed :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTerm
bracketed syn = do (FC fn (sl, sc) _) <- extent (lchar '(') <?> "parenthesized expression"
                   bracketed' (FC fn (sl, sc) (sl, sc+1)) (syn { withAppAllowed = True })

{- |Parses the rest of an expression in braces
Bracketed' ::=
  | Expr ')'
  | ExprList ')'
  | DependentPair ')'
  | Operator Expr ')'
  | Expr Operator ')'
bracketed' :: FC -> SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTerm
bracketed' open syn =
            do fc <- extent (addExtent open *> lchar ')')
               return $ PTrue fc TypeOrTerm
        <|> P.try (dependentPair TypeOrTerm [] open syn)
        <|> P.try (do (opName, fc) <- withExtent operatorName
                      guardNotPrefix opName

                      e <- expr syn
                      lchar ')'
                      return $ PLam fc (sMN 1000 "ARG") NoFC Placeholder
                        (PApp fc (PRef fc [] opName) [pexp (PRef fc [] (sMN 1000 "ARG")),
                                                      pexp e]))
        <|> P.try (simpleExpr syn >>= \l ->
                     P.try (do (opName, fc) <- withExtent operatorName
                               lchar ')'
                               return $ PLam fc (sMN 1000 "ARG") NoFC Placeholder
                                 (PApp fc (PRef fc [] opName) [pexp l,
                                                               pexp (PRef fc [] (sMN 1000 "ARG"))]))
                 <|> bracketedExpr syn open l)
        <|> do l <- expr (allowConstr syn)
               bracketedExpr (allowConstr syn) open l
    justPrefix                          :: FixDecl -> Maybe Name
    justPrefix (Fix (PrefixN _) opName) = Just (sUN opName)
    justPrefix _                        = Nothing

    guardNotPrefix        :: Name -> IdrisParser ()
    guardNotPrefix opName = do
      guard $ opName /= sUN "-"
      guard $ opName /= sUN "!"

      ops <- idris_infixes <$> get
      guard . not . (opName `elem`) . mapMaybe justPrefix $ ops

{-| Parses the rest of a dependent pair after '(' or '(Expr **' -}
dependentPair :: PunInfo -> [(PTerm, Maybe (FC, PTerm), FC)] -> FC -> SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTerm
dependentPair pun prev openFC syn =
  if null prev then
      nametypePart <|> namePart
    case pun of
      IsType -> nametypePart <|> namePart <|> exprPart True
      IsTerm -> exprPart False
      TypeOrTerm -> nametypePart <|> namePart <|> exprPart False
  where nametypePart = do
          (ln, lnfc, colonFC) <- P.try $ do
            (ln, lnfc) <- withExtent name
            colonFC <- extent (lchar ':')
            return (ln, lnfc, colonFC)
          lty <- expr' syn
          starsFC <- extent $ reservedOp "**"
          dependentPair IsType ((PRef lnfc [] ln, Just (colonFC, lty), starsFC):prev) openFC syn
        namePart = P.try $ do
          (ln, lnfc) <- withExtent name
          starsFC <- extent $ reservedOp "**"
          dependentPair pun ((PRef lnfc [] ln, Nothing, starsFC):prev) openFC syn
        exprPart isEnd = do
          e <- expr syn
          sepFCE <-
            let stars = (Left <$> extent (reservedOp "**"))
                ending = (Right <$> extent (lchar ')'))
            in if isEnd then ending else stars <|> ending
          case sepFCE of
            Left starsFC -> dependentPair IsTerm ((e, Nothing, starsFC):prev) openFC syn
            Right closeFC ->
              return (mkPDPairs pun openFC closeFC (reverse prev) e)
        mkPDPairs pun openFC closeFC ((e, cfclty, starsFC):bnds) r =
              (PDPair openFC ([openFC] ++ maybe [] ((: []) . fst) cfclty ++ [starsFC, closeFC] ++ (=<<) (\(_,cfclty,sfc) -> maybe [] ((: []) . fst) cfclty ++ [sfc]) bnds)
                               pun e (maybe Placeholder snd cfclty) (mergePDPairs pun starsFC bnds r))
        mergePDPairs pun starsFC' [] r = r
        mergePDPairs pun starsFC' ((e, cfclty, starsFC):bnds) r =
           PDPair starsFC' [] pun e (maybe Placeholder snd cfclty) (mergePDPairs pun starsFC bnds r)

-- | Parse the contents of parentheses, after an expression has been parsed.
bracketedExpr :: SyntaxInfo -> FC -> PTerm -> IdrisParser PTerm
bracketedExpr syn openParenFC e =
             do lchar ')'; return e
        <|>  do exprs <- some (do comma <- extent (lchar ',')
                                  r <- expr syn
                                  return (r, comma))
                closeParenFC <- extent (lchar ')')
                let hilite = [openParenFC, closeParenFC] ++ map snd exprs
                return $ PPair openParenFC hilite TypeOrTerm e (mergePairs exprs)
        <|>  do starsFC <- extent $ reservedOp "**"
                dependentPair IsTerm [(e, Nothing, starsFC)] openParenFC syn
        <?> "end of bracketed expression"
  where mergePairs :: [(PTerm, FC)] -> PTerm
        mergePairs [(t, fc)]    = t
        mergePairs ((t, fc):rs) = PPair fc [] TypeOrTerm t (mergePairs rs)

-- bit of a hack here. If the integer doesn't fit in an Int, treat it as a
-- big integer, otherwise try fromInteger and the constants as alternatives.
-- a better solution would be to fix fromInteger to work with Integer, as the
-- name suggests, rather than Int
{-| Finds optimal type for integer constant -}
modifyConst :: SyntaxInfo -> FC -> PTerm -> PTerm
modifyConst syn fc (PConstant inFC (BI x))
    | not (inPattern syn)
        = PConstSugar inFC $ -- wrap in original span for highlighting
            PAlternative [] FirstSuccess
              (PApp fc (PRef fc [] (sUN "fromInteger")) [pexp (PConstant NoFC (BI (fromInteger x)))]
              : consts)
    | otherwise = PConstSugar inFC $
                    PAlternative [] FirstSuccess consts
      consts = [ PConstant inFC (BI x)
               , PConstant inFC (I (fromInteger x))
               , PConstant inFC (B8 (fromInteger x))
               , PConstant inFC (B16 (fromInteger x))
               , PConstant inFC (B32 (fromInteger x))
               , PConstant inFC (B64 (fromInteger x))
modifyConst syn fc x = x

{- | Parses an alternative expression
  Alt ::= '(|' Expr_List '|)';

  Expr_List ::=
    | Expr' ',' Expr_List
alt :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTerm
alt syn = do symbol "(|"; alts <- P.sepBy1 (expr' (syn { withAppAllowed = False })) (lchar ','); symbol "|)"
             return (PAlternative [] FirstSuccess alts)

{- | Parses a possibly hidden simple expression
HSimpleExpr ::=
  '.' SimpleExpr
  | SimpleExpr
hsimpleExpr :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTerm
hsimpleExpr syn =
  do lchar '.'
     e <- simpleExpr syn
     return $ PHidden e
  <|> simpleExpr syn
  <?> "expression"

{- | Parses a unification log expression
UnifyLog ::=
  '%' 'unifyLog' SimpleExpr
unifyLog :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTerm
unifyLog syn = do P.try $ highlight AnnKeyword $ lchar '%' *> reserved "unifyLog"
                  PUnifyLog <$> simpleExpr syn
               <?> "unification log expression"

{- | Parses a new-style tactics expression
RunTactics ::=
  '%' 'runElab' SimpleExpr
runElab :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTerm
runElab syn = do P.try $ highlight AnnKeyword $ lchar '%' *> reserved "runElab"
                 (tm, fc) <- withExtent $ simpleExpr syn
                 return $ PRunElab fc tm (syn_namespace syn)
              <?> "new-style tactics expression"

{- | Parses a disambiguation expression
Disamb ::=
  'with' NameList Expr
disamb :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTerm
disamb syn = do keyword "with"
                ns <- P.sepBy1 name (lchar ',')
                tm <- expr' syn
                return (PDisamb (map tons ns) tm)
               <?> "namespace disambiguation expression"
  where tons (NS n s) = txt (show n) : s
        tons n = [txt (show n)]
{- | Parses a no implicits expression
NoImplicits ::=
  '%' 'noImplicits' SimpleExpr
noImplicits :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTerm
noImplicits syn = do P.try (lchar '%' *> reserved "noImplicits")
                     tm <- simpleExpr syn
                     return (PNoImplicits tm)
                 <?> "no implicits expression"

{- | Parses a function application expression
App ::=
  'mkForeign' Arg Arg*
  | MatchApp
  | SimpleExpr Arg*
MatchApp ::=
  SimpleExpr '<==' FnName
app :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTerm
app syn = (appExtent $ do
    f <- simpleExpr syn
    (do P.try $ reservedOp "<=="
        ff <- fnName
        return (\fc -> (PLet fc RigW (sMN 0 "match") NoFC
                          (PMatchApp fc ff)
                          (PRef fc [] (sMN 0 "match"))))
          <?> "matching application expression") <|>
      (do args <- many (do notEndApp; arg syn)
          wargs <- if withAppAllowed syn && not (inPattern syn)
                     then many (do notEndApp; reservedOp "|"; expr' syn)
                     else return []
          case args of
            [] -> return $ \fc -> f
            _  -> return $ \fc -> (withApp fc (flattenFromInt fc f args) wargs)))
     <?> "function application"
    -- bit of a hack to deal with the situation where we're applying a
    -- literal to an argument, which we may want for obscure applications
    -- of fromInteger, and this will help disambiguate better.
    -- We know, at least, it won't be one of the constants!
    flattenFromInt fc (PAlternative _ x alts) args
      | Just i <- getFromInt alts
           = PApp fc (PRef fc [] (sUN "fromInteger")) (i : args)
    flattenFromInt fc f args = PApp fc f args

    withApp fc tm [] = tm
    withApp fc tm (a : as) = withApp fc (PWithApp fc tm a) as

    getFromInt ((PApp _ (PRef _ _ n) [a]) : _) | n == sUN "fromInteger" = Just a
    getFromInt (_ : xs) = getFromInt xs
    getFromInt _ = Nothing

{-| Parses a function argument
Arg ::=
  | ConstraintArg
  | SimpleExpr
arg :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PArg
arg syn =  implicitArg syn
       <|> constraintArg syn
       <|> do e <- simpleExpr syn
              return (pexp e)
       <?> "function argument"

{-| Parses an implicit function argument
ImplicitArg ::=
  '{' Name ('=' Expr)? '}'
implicitArg :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PArg
implicitArg syn = do lchar '{'
                     (n, nfc) <- withExtent name
                     v <- P.option (PRef nfc [nfc] n) (do lchar '='
                                                          expr syn)
                     lchar '}'
                     return (pimp n v True)
                  <?> "implicit function argument"

{-| Parses a constraint argument (for selecting a named interface implementation)

>    ConstraintArg ::=
>      '@{' Expr '}'
>      ;

constraintArg :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PArg
constraintArg syn = do symbol "@{"
                       e <- expr syn
                       symbol "}"
                       return (pconst e)
                    <?> "constraint argument"

{-| Parses a quasiquote expression (for building reflected terms using the elaborator)

> Quasiquote ::= '`(' Expr ')'

quasiquote :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTerm
quasiquote syn = (highlight AnnQuasiquote $ do
                    highlight AnnKeyword $ symbol "`("
                    e <- expr syn { syn_in_quasiquote = (syn_in_quasiquote syn) + 1 ,
                                    inPattern = False }
                    g <- optional $
                           do highlight AnnKeyword $ symbol ":"
                              expr syn { inPattern = False } -- don't allow antiquotes
                    highlight AnnKeyword $ symbol ")"
                    return $ PQuasiquote e g)
                  <?> "quasiquotation"
{-| Parses an unquoting inside a quasiquotation (for building reflected terms using the elaborator)

> Unquote ::= ',' Expr

unquote :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTerm
unquote syn = (highlight AnnAntiquote $ do
                 guard (syn_in_quasiquote syn > 0)
                 highlight AnnKeyword $ symbol "~"
                 e <- simpleExpr syn { syn_in_quasiquote = syn_in_quasiquote syn - 1 }
                 return $ PUnquote e)
               <?> "unquotation"
{-| Parses a quotation of a name (for using the elaborator to resolve boring details)

> NameQuote ::= '`{' Name '}'

namequote :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTerm
namequote syn = highlight AnnQuasiquote ((P.try $ do
                     highlight AnnKeyword $ symbol "`{{"
                     (n, nfc) <- withExtent fnName
                     highlight AnnKeyword $ symbol "}}"
                     return (PQuoteName n False nfc))
                  <|> (do highlight AnnKeyword $ symbol "`{"
                          (n, nfc) <- withExtent fnName
                          highlight AnnKeyword $ symbol "}"
                          return (PQuoteName n True nfc)))
                <?> "quoted name"

{-| Parses a record field setter expression
RecordType ::=
  'record' '{' FieldTypeList '}';
FieldTypeList ::=
  | FieldType ',' FieldTypeList
FieldType ::=
  FnName '=' Expr

data SetOrUpdate = FieldSet PTerm | FieldUpdate PTerm

recordType :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTerm
recordType syn =
      do ((fgs, rec), fc) <- withExtent $ do
            keyword "record"
            lchar '{'
            fgs <- fieldGetOrSet
            lchar '}'
            rec <- optional (do notEndApp; simpleExpr syn)
            return (fgs, rec)
         case fgs of
              Left fields ->
                case rec of
                   Nothing ->
                       return (PLam fc (sMN 0 "fldx") NoFC Placeholder
                                   (applyAll fc fields (PRef fc [] (sMN 0 "fldx"))))
                   Just v -> return (applyAll fc fields v)
              Right fields ->
                case rec of
                   Nothing ->
                       return (PLam fc (sMN 0 "fldx") NoFC Placeholder
                                 (getAll fc (reverse fields)
                                     (PRef fc [] (sMN 0 "fldx"))))
                   Just v -> return (getAll fc (reverse fields) v)

       <?> "record setting expression"
   where fieldSet :: IdrisParser ([Name], SetOrUpdate)
         fieldSet = do ns <- fieldGet
                       (do lchar '='
                           e <- expr syn
                           return (ns, FieldSet e))
                         <|> do symbol "$="
                                e <- expr syn
                                return (ns, FieldUpdate e)
                    <?> "field setter"

         fieldGet :: IdrisParser [Name]
         fieldGet = P.sepBy1 fnName (symbol "->")

         fieldGetOrSet :: IdrisParser (Either [([Name], SetOrUpdate)] [Name])
         fieldGetOrSet = P.try (Left <$> P.sepBy1 fieldSet (lchar ','))
                     <|> do f <- fieldGet
                            return (Right f)

         applyAll :: FC -> [([Name], SetOrUpdate)] -> PTerm -> PTerm
         applyAll fc [] x = x
         applyAll fc ((ns, e) : es) x
            = applyAll fc es (doUpdate fc ns e x)

         doUpdate fc ns (FieldUpdate e) get
              = let get' = getAll fc (reverse ns) get in
                    doUpdate fc ns (FieldSet (PApp fc e [pexp get'])) get
         doUpdate fc [n] (FieldSet e) get
              = PApp fc (PRef fc [] (mkType n)) [pexp e, pexp get]
         doUpdate fc (n : ns) e get
              = PApp fc (PRef fc [] (mkType n))
                  [pexp (doUpdate fc ns e (PApp fc (PRef fc [] n) [pexp get])),
                   pexp get]

         getAll :: FC -> [Name] -> PTerm -> PTerm
         getAll fc [n] e = PApp fc (PRef fc [] n) [pexp e]
         getAll fc (n:ns) e = PApp fc (PRef fc [] n) [pexp (getAll fc ns e)]

-- | Creates setters for record types on necessary functions
mkType :: Name -> Name
mkType (UN n) = sUN ("set_" ++ str n)
mkType (MN 0 n) = sMN 0 ("set_" ++ str n)
mkType (NS n s) = NS (mkType n) s

{- | Parses a type signature
TypeSig ::=
  ':' Expr
TypeExpr ::= ConstraintList? Expr;
typeExpr :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTerm
typeExpr syn = do cs <- if implicitAllowed syn then constraintList syn else return []
                  sc <- expr (allowConstr syn)
                  return (bindList (\r -> PPi (constraint { pcount = r })) cs sc)
               <?> "type signature"

{- | Parses a lambda expression
Lambda ::=
    '\\' TypeOptDeclList LambdaTail
  | '\\' SimpleExprList  LambdaTail
SimpleExprList ::=
  | SimpleExpr ',' SimpleExprList
LambdaTail ::=
  | '=>' Expr
lambda :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTerm
lambda syn = do lchar '\\' <?> "lambda expression"
                ((do xt <- P.try $ tyOptDeclList (disallowImp syn)
                     (sc, fc) <- withExtent lambdaTail
                     return (bindList (\r -> PLam fc) xt sc))
                 (do ps <- P.sepBy (do (e, fc) <- withExtent $ simpleExpr (disallowImp (syn { inPattern = True }))
                                       return (fc, e))
                                   (lchar ',')
                     sc <- lambdaTail
                     return (pmList (zip [0..] ps) sc)))
                  <?> "lambda expression"
    where pmList :: [(Int, (FC, PTerm))] -> PTerm -> PTerm
          pmList [] sc = sc
          pmList ((i, (fc, x)) : xs) sc
                = PLam fc (sMN i "lamp") NoFC Placeholder
                        (PCase fc (PRef fc [] (sMN i "lamp"))
                                [(x, pmList xs sc)])
          lambdaTail :: IdrisParser PTerm
          lambdaTail = impossible <|> symbol "=>" *> expr syn

{- | Parses a term rewrite expression
RewriteTerm ::=
  'rewrite' Expr ('==>' Expr)? 'in' Expr
rewriteTerm :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTerm
rewriteTerm syn = do keyword "rewrite"
                     (prf, fc) <- withExtent $ expr syn
                     giving <- optional (do symbol "==>"; expr' syn)
                     using <- optional (do reserved "using"
                                           n <- name
                                           return n)
                     keyword "in";  sc <- expr syn
                     return (PRewrite fc using prf sc giving)
                  <?> "term rewrite expression"

-- | Parse rig count for linear types
rigCount :: Parsing m => m RigCount
rigCount = P.option RigW $ do lchar '1'; return Rig1
                       <|> do lchar '0'; return Rig0

{- |Parses a let binding
Let ::=
  'let' Name TypeSig'? '=' Expr  'in' Expr
| 'let' Expr'          '=' Expr' 'in' Expr

TypeSig' ::=
  ':' Expr'
let_ :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTerm
let_ syn = P.try (do keyword "let"
                     ls <- indentedBlock (let_binding syn)
                     keyword "in";  sc <- expr syn
                     return (buildLets ls sc))
           <?> "let binding"
  where buildLets [] sc = sc
        buildLets ((fc, rc, PRef nfc _ n, ty, v, []) : ls) sc
          = PLet fc rc n nfc ty v (buildLets ls sc)
        buildLets ((fc, _, pat, ty, v, alts) : ls) sc
          = PCase fc v ((pat, buildLets ls sc) : alts)

let_binding syn = do rc <- rigCount
                     (pat, fc) <- withExtent $ expr' (syn { inPattern = True })
                     ty <- P.option Placeholder (do lchar ':'; expr' syn)
                     lchar '='
                     v <- expr (syn { withAppAllowed = isVar pat })
                     ts <- P.option [] (do lchar '|'
                                           P.sepBy1 (do_alt syn) (lchar '|'))
                     return (fc,rc,pat,ty,v,ts)
   where isVar (PRef _ _ _) = True
         isVar _ = False

{- | Parses a conditional expression
If ::= 'if' Expr 'then' Expr 'else' Expr

if_ :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTerm
if_ syn = (do keyword "if"
              (c, fc) <- withExtent $ expr syn
              keyword "then"
              t <- expr syn
              keyword "else"
              f <- expr syn
              return (PIfThenElse fc c t f))
          <?> "conditional expression"

{- | Parses a quote goal

QuoteGoal ::=
  'quoteGoal' Name 'by' Expr 'in' Expr
quoteGoal :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTerm
quoteGoal syn = do keyword "quoteGoal"; n <- name;
                   keyword "by"
                   r <- expr syn
                   keyword "in"
                   (sc, fc) <- withExtent $ expr syn
                   return (PGoal fc r n sc)
                <?> "quote goal expression"

{- | Parses a dependent type signature

Pi ::= PiOpts Static? Pi'

Pi' ::=
    OpExpr ('->' Pi)?
  | '(' TypeDeclList           ')'            '->' Pi
  | '{' TypeDeclList           '}'            '->' Pi
  | '{' 'auto'    TypeDeclList '}'            '->' Pi
  | '{' 'default' SimpleExpr TypeDeclList '}' '->' Pi

bindsymbol opts st syn
     = do symbol "->"
          return (Exp opts st False RigW)

explicitPi opts st syn
   = do xt <- P.try (lchar '(' *> typeDeclList syn <* lchar ')')
        binder <- bindsymbol opts st syn
        sc <- expr (allowConstr syn)
        return (bindList (\r -> PPi (binder { pcount = r })) xt sc)

autoImplicit opts st syn
   = do keyword "auto"
        when (st == Static) $ fail "auto implicits can not be static"
        xt <- typeDeclList syn
        lchar '}'
        symbol "->"
        sc <- expr (allowConstr syn)
        return (bindList (\r -> PPi
          (TacImp [] Dynamic (PTactics [ProofSearch True True 100 Nothing [] []]) r)) xt sc)

defaultImplicit opts st syn = do
   keyword "default"
   when (st == Static) $ fail "default implicits can not be static"
   ist <- get
   script' <- simpleExpr syn
   let script = debindApp syn . desugar syn ist $ script'
   xt <- typeDeclList syn
   lchar '}'
   symbol "->"
   sc <- expr (allowConstr syn)
   return (bindList (\r -> PPi (TacImp [] Dynamic script r)) xt sc)

normalImplicit opts st syn = do
   xt <- typeDeclList syn <* lchar '}'
   symbol "->"
   cs <- constraintList syn
   sc <- expr syn
   let (im,cl)
          = if implicitAllowed syn
               then (Imp opts st False (Just (Impl False True False)) True RigW,
               else (Imp opts st False (Just (Impl False False False)) True RigW,
                     Imp opts st False (Just (Impl True False False)) True RigW)
   return (bindList (\r -> PPi (im { pcount = r })) xt
           (bindList (\r -> PPi (cl { pcount = r })) cs sc))

constraintPi opts st syn =
   do cs <- constraintList1 syn
      sc <- expr syn
      if implicitAllowed syn
         then return (bindList (\r -> PPi constraint { pcount = r }) cs sc)
         else return (bindList (\r -> PPi (Imp opts st False (Just (Impl True False False)) True r))
                               cs sc)

implicitPi opts st syn =
      autoImplicit opts st syn
        <|> defaultImplicit opts st syn
          <|> normalImplicit opts st syn

unboundPi opts st syn = do
       x <- opExpr syn
       (do binder <- bindsymbol opts st syn
           sc <- expr syn
           return (PPi binder (sUN "__pi_arg") NoFC x sc))
              <|> return x

-- This is used when we need to disambiguate from a constraint list
unboundPiNoConstraint opts st syn = do
       x <- opExpr syn
       (do binder <- bindsymbol opts st syn
           sc <- expr syn
           P.notFollowedBy $ reservedOp "=>"
           return (PPi binder (sUN "__pi_arg") NoFC x sc))
              <|> do P.notFollowedBy $ reservedOp "=>"
                     return x

pi :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTerm
pi syn =
     do opts <- piOpts syn
        st   <- static
        explicitPi opts st syn
         <|> P.try (do lchar '{'; implicitPi opts st syn)
         <|> if constraintAllowed syn
                then P.try (unboundPiNoConstraint opts st syn)
                           <|> constraintPi opts st syn
                else unboundPi opts st syn
  <?> "dependent type signature"

{- | Parses Possible Options for Pi Expressions
  PiOpts ::= '.'?
piOpts :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser [ArgOpt]
piOpts syn | implicitAllowed syn =
        lchar '.' *> return [InaccessibleArg]
    <|> return []
piOpts syn = return []

{- | Parses a type constraint list

ConstraintList ::=
    '(' Expr_List ')' '=>'
  | Expr              '=>'
constraintList :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser [(RigCount, Name, FC, PTerm)]
constraintList syn = P.try (constraintList1 syn)
                     <|> return []

constraintList1 :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser [(RigCount, Name, FC, PTerm)]
constraintList1 syn = P.try (do lchar '('
                                tys <- P.sepBy1 nexpr (lchar ',')
                                lchar ')'
                                reservedOp "=>"
                                return tys)
                  <|> P.try (do t <- opExpr (disallowImp syn)
                                reservedOp "=>"
                                return [(RigW, defname, NoFC, t)])
                  <?> "type constraint list"
  where nexpr = P.try (do (n, fc) <- withExtent name; lchar ':'
                          e <- expr (disallowImp syn)
                          return (RigW, n, fc, e))
                <|> do e <- expr (disallowImp syn)
                       return (RigW, defname, NoFC, e)
        defname = sMN 0 "constraint"

{- | Parses a type declaration list
TypeDeclList ::=
  | NameList TypeSig

FunctionSignatureList ::=
    Name TypeSig
  | Name TypeSig ',' FunctionSignatureList
typeDeclList :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser [(RigCount, Name, FC, PTerm)]
typeDeclList syn = P.try (P.sepBy1 (do rig <- rigCount
                                       (x, xfc) <- withExtent fnName
                                       lchar ':'
                                       t <- typeExpr (disallowImp syn)
                                       return (rig, x, xfc, t))
                             (lchar ','))
                   <|> do ns <- P.sepBy1 (withExtent name) (lchar ',')
                          lchar ':'
                          t <- typeExpr (disallowImp syn)
                          return (map (\(x, xfc) -> (RigW, x, xfc, t)) ns)
                   <?> "type declaration list"

{- | Parses a type declaration list with optional parameters
TypeOptDeclList ::=
    NameOrPlaceholder TypeSig?
  | NameOrPlaceholder TypeSig? ',' TypeOptDeclList

NameOrPlaceHolder ::= Name | '_';
tyOptDeclList :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser [(RigCount, Name, FC, PTerm)]
tyOptDeclList syn = P.sepBy1 (do (x, fc) <- withExtent nameOrPlaceholder
                                 t <- P.option Placeholder (do lchar ':'
                                                               expr syn)
                                 return (RigW, x, fc, t))
                             (lchar ',')
                    <?> "type declaration list"
    where  nameOrPlaceholder :: IdrisParser Name
           nameOrPlaceholder = fnName
                           <|> sMN 0 "underscore" <$ reservedOp "_"
                           <?> "name or placeholder"

{- | Parses a list literal expression e.g. [1,2,3] or a comprehension [ (x, y) | x <- xs , y <- ys ]
ListExpr ::=
     '[' ']'
  | '[' Expr '|' DoList ']'
  | '[' ExprList ']'
DoList ::=
  | Do ',' DoList
ExprList ::=
  | Expr ',' ExprList
listExpr :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTerm
listExpr syn = do (FC f (l, c) _) <- extent (lchar '[')
                  (do (FC _ _ (l', c')) <- extent (lchar ']') <?> "end of list expression"
                      return (mkNil (FC f (l, c) (l', c'))))
                   <|> (do (x, fc) <- withExtent (expr (syn { withAppAllowed = False })) <?> "expression"
                           (do P.try (lchar '|') <?> "list comprehension"
                               qs <- P.sepBy1 (do_ syn) (lchar ',')
                               lchar ']'
                               return (PDoBlock (map addGuard qs ++
                                          [DoExp fc (PApp fc (PRef fc [] (sUN "pure"))
                                                       [pexp x])]))) <|>
                            (do xs <- many (do commaFC <- extent (lchar ',') <?> "list element"
                                               elt <- expr syn
                                               return (elt, commaFC))
                                rbrackFC <- extent (lchar ']') <?> "end of list expression"
                                return (mkList fc rbrackFC ((x, (FC f (l, c) (l, c+1))) : xs))))
                <?> "list expression"
    mkNil :: FC -> PTerm
    mkNil fc = PRef fc [fc] (sUN "Nil")
    mkList :: FC -> FC -> [(PTerm, FC)] -> PTerm
    mkList errFC nilFC [] = PRef nilFC [nilFC] (sUN "Nil")
    mkList errFC nilFC ((x, fc) : xs) = PApp errFC (PRef fc [fc] (sUN "::")) [pexp x, pexp (mkList errFC nilFC xs)]
    addGuard :: PDo -> PDo
    addGuard (DoExp fc e) = DoExp fc (PApp fc (PRef fc [] (sUN "guard"))
                                              [pexp e])
    addGuard x = x

{- | Parses a do-block
Do' ::= Do KeepTerminator;

DoBlock ::=
  'do' OpenBlock Do'+ CloseBlock
doBlock :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTerm
doBlock syn
    = do keyword "do"
         PDoBlock <$> indentedBlock1 (do_ syn)
      <?> "do block"

{- | Parses an expression inside a do block
Do ::=
    'let' Name  TypeSig'?      '=' Expr
  | 'let' Expr'                '=' Expr
  | 'rewrite Expr
  | Name  '<-' Expr
  | Expr' '<-' Expr
  | Expr
do_ :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PDo
do_ syn
     = P.try (do keyword "let"
                 (i, ifc) <- withExtent name
                 ty' <- P.optional (do lchar ':'
                                       expr' syn)
                 reservedOp "="
                 (e, fc) <- withExtent $ expr (syn { withAppAllowed = False })
                 -- If there is an explicit type, this can’t be a pattern-matching let, so do not parse alternatives
                 P.option (DoLet fc RigW i ifc (fromMaybe Placeholder ty') e)
                          (do lchar '|'
                              when (isJust ty') $ fail "a pattern-matching let may not have an explicit type annotation"
                              ts <- P.sepBy1 (do_alt (syn { withAppAllowed = False })) (lchar '|')
                              return (DoLetP fc (PRef ifc [ifc] i) e ts)))
   <|> P.try (do keyword "let"
                 i <- expr' syn
                 reservedOp "="
                 (e, fc) <- withExtent $ expr (syn { withAppAllowed = False })
                 P.option (DoLetP fc i e [])
                          (do lchar '|'
                              ts <- P.sepBy1 (do_alt (syn { withAppAllowed = False })) (lchar '|')
                              return (DoLetP fc i e ts)))
   <|> P.try (do (sc, fc) <- withExtent (keyword "rewrite" *> expr syn)
                 return (DoRewrite fc sc))
   <|> P.try (do (i, ifc) <- withExtent name
                 symbol "<-"
                 (e, fc) <- withExtent $ expr (syn { withAppAllowed = False });
                 P.option (DoBind fc i ifc e)
                          (do lchar '|'
                              ts <- P.sepBy1 (do_alt (syn { withAppAllowed = False })) (lchar '|')
                              return (DoBindP fc (PRef ifc [ifc] i) e ts)))
   <|> P.try (do i <- expr' syn
                 symbol "<-"
                 (e, fc) <- withExtent $ expr (syn { withAppAllowed = False });
                 P.option (DoBindP fc i e [])
                          (do lchar '|'
                              ts <- P.sepBy1 (do_alt (syn { withAppAllowed = False })) (lchar '|')
                              return (DoBindP fc i e ts)))
   <|> do (e, fc) <- withExtent $ expr syn
          return (DoExp fc e)
   <?> "do block expression"

do_alt syn = do l <- expr' syn
                P.option (Placeholder, l)
                         (do symbol "=>"
                             r <- expr' syn
                             return (l, r))

{- | Parses an expression in idiom brackets
Idiom ::= '[|' Expr '|]';
idiom :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTerm
idiom syn
    = do symbol "[|"
         (e, fc) <- withExtent $ expr (syn { withAppAllowed = False })
         symbol "|]"
         return (PIdiom fc e)
      <?> "expression in idiom brackets"

{- |Parses a constant or literal expression

Constant ::=
  | 'Int'
  | 'Char'
  | 'Double'
  | 'String'
  | 'Bits8'
  | 'Bits16'
  | 'Bits32'
  | 'Bits64'
  | Float_t
  | Natural_t
  | VerbatimString_t
  | String_t
  | Char_t

constants :: [(String, Idris.Core.TT.Const)]
constants =
  [ ("Integer",            AType (ATInt ITBig))
  , ("Int",                AType (ATInt ITNative))
  , ("Char",               AType (ATInt ITChar))
  , ("Double",             AType ATFloat)
  , ("String",             StrType)
  , ("prim__WorldType",    WorldType)
  , ("prim__TheWorld",     TheWorld)
  , ("Bits8",              AType (ATInt (ITFixed IT8)))
  , ("Bits16",             AType (ATInt (ITFixed IT16)))
  , ("Bits32",             AType (ATInt (ITFixed IT32)))
  , ("Bits64",             AType (ATInt (ITFixed IT64)))

-- | Parse a constant and its source span
constant :: Parsing m => m Idris.Core.TT.Const
constant = P.choice [ ty <$ reserved name | (name, ty) <- constants ]
       <|> P.try (Fl <$> float)
       <|> BI <$> natural
       <|> Str <$> verbatimStringLiteral
       <|> Str <$> stringLiteral
       <|> P.try (Ch <$> charLiteral) --Currently ambigous with symbols
       <?> "constant or literal"

{- | Parses a verbatim multi-line string literal (triple-quoted)

VerbatimString_t ::=
  '\"\"\"' ~'\"\"\"' '\"'* '\"\"\"'
verbatimStringLiteral :: Parsing m => m String
verbatimStringLiteral = token $ do P.try $ string "\"\"\""
                                   str <- P.manyTill P.anySingle $ P.try (string "\"\"\"")
                                   moreQuotes <- P.many $ P.char '"'
                                   return $ str ++ moreQuotes

{- | Parses a static modifier

Static ::=
static :: IdrisParser Static
static =     Static <$ reserved "%static"
         <|> return Dynamic
         <?> "static modifier"

{- | Parses a tactic script

Tactic ::= 'intro' NameList?
       |   'intros'
       |   'refine'      Name Imp+
       |   'mrefine'     Name
       |   'rewrite'     Expr
       |   'induction'   Expr
       |   'equiv'       Expr
       |   'let'         Name ':' Expr' '=' Expr
       |   'let'         Name           '=' Expr
       |   'focus'       Name
       |   'exact'       Expr
       |   'applyTactic' Expr
       |   'reflect'     Expr
       |   'fill'        Expr
       |   'try'         Tactic '|' Tactic
       |   '{' TacticSeq '}'
       |   'compute'
       |   'trivial'
       |   'solve'
       |   'attack'
       |   'state'
       |   'term'
       |   'undo'
       |   'qed'
       |   'abandon'
       |   ':' 'q'

Imp ::= '?' | '_';

TacticSeq ::=
    Tactic ';' Tactic
  | Tactic ';' TacticSeq

-- | A specification of the arguments that tactics can take
data TacticArg = NameTArg -- ^ Names: n1, n2, n3, ... n
               | ExprTArg
               | AltsTArg
               | StringLitTArg

-- The FIXMEs are Issue #1766 in the issue tracker.
--     https://github.com/idris-lang/Idris-dev/issues/1766
-- | A list of available tactics and their argument requirements
tactics :: [([String], Maybe TacticArg, SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTactic)]
tactics =
  [ (["intro"], Nothing, const $ -- FIXME syntax for intro (fresh name)
      do ns <- P.sepBy (spaced name) (lchar ','); return $ Intro ns)
  , noArgs ["intros"] Intros
  , noArgs ["unfocus"] Unfocus
  , (["refine"], Just ExprTArg, const $
       do n <- spaced fnName
          imps <- many imp
          return $ Refine n imps)
  , (["claim"], Nothing, \syn ->
       do n <- indentGt *> name
          goal <- indentGt *> expr syn
          return $ Claim n goal)
  , (["mrefine"], Just ExprTArg, const $
       do n <- spaced fnName
          return $ MatchRefine n)
  , expressionTactic ["rewrite"] Rewrite
  , expressionTactic ["equiv"] Equiv
  , (["let"], Nothing, \syn -> -- FIXME syntax for let
       do n <- (indentGt *> name)
          (do indentGt *> lchar ':'
              ty <- indentGt *> expr' syn
              indentGt *> lchar '='
              t <- indentGt *> expr syn
              i <- get
              return $ LetTacTy n (desugar syn i ty) (desugar syn i t))
            <|> (do indentGt *> lchar '='
                    t <- indentGt *> expr syn
                    i <- get
                    return $ LetTac n (desugar syn i t)))

  , (["focus"], Just ExprTArg, const $
       do n <- spaced name
          return $ Focus n)
  , expressionTactic ["exact"] Exact
  , expressionTactic ["applyTactic"] ApplyTactic
  , expressionTactic ["byReflection"] ByReflection
  , expressionTactic ["reflect"] Reflect
  , expressionTactic ["fill"] Fill
  , (["try"], Just AltsTArg, \syn ->
        do t <- spaced (tactic syn)
           lchar '|'
           t1 <- spaced (tactic syn)
           return $ Try t t1)
  , noArgs ["compute"] Compute
  , noArgs ["trivial"] Trivial
  , noArgs ["unify"] DoUnify
  , (["search"], Nothing, const $
      do depth <- P.option 10 natural
         return (ProofSearch True True (fromInteger depth) Nothing [] []))
  , noArgs ["implementation"] TCImplementation
  , noArgs ["solve"] Solve
  , noArgs ["attack"] Attack
  , noArgs ["state", ":state"] ProofState
  , noArgs ["term", ":term"] ProofTerm
  , noArgs ["undo", ":undo"] Undo
  , noArgs ["qed", ":qed"] Qed
  , noArgs ["abandon", ":q"] Abandon
  , noArgs ["skip"] Skip
  , noArgs ["sourceLocation"] SourceFC
  , expressionTactic [":e", ":eval"] TEval
  , expressionTactic [":t", ":type"] TCheck
  , expressionTactic [":search"] TSearch
  , (["fail"], Just StringLitTArg, const $
       do msg <- stringLiteral
          return $ TFail [Idris.Core.TT.TextPart msg])
  , ([":doc"], Just ExprTArg, const $
       do whiteSpace
          doc <- (Right <$> constant) <|> (Left <$> fnName)
          return (TDocStr doc))
  expressionTactic names tactic = (names, Just ExprTArg, \syn ->
     do t <- spaced (expr syn)
        i <- get
        return $ tactic (desugar syn i t))
  noArgs names tactic = (names, Nothing, const (return tactic))
  spaced parser = indentGt *> parser
  imp :: IdrisParser Bool
  imp = do lchar '?'; return False
    <|> do lchar '_'; return True

tactic :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTactic
tactic syn = P.choice [ do P.choice (map reserved names); parser syn
                      | (names, _, parser) <- tactics ]
          <|> do lchar '{'
                 t <- tactic syn;
                 lchar ';';
                 ts <- P.sepBy1 (tactic syn) (lchar ';')
                 lchar '}'
                 return $ TSeq t (mergeSeq ts)
          <|> ((lchar ':' >> empty) <?> "prover command")
          <?> "tactic"
    mergeSeq :: [PTactic] -> PTactic
    mergeSeq [t]    = t
    mergeSeq (t:ts) = TSeq t (mergeSeq ts)

-- | Parses a tactic as a whole
fullTactic :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTactic
fullTactic syn = do t <- tactic syn
                    return t