{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK hide #-}

{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}

module Imj.Game.Hamazed.World.Space
    ( Space
    , Material(..)
    , mkEmptySpace
    , mkDeterministicallyFilledSpace
    , mkRandomlyFilledSpace
    , RandomParameters(..)
    , Strategy(..)
    , location
    , scopedLocation
    , Boundaries(..)
    , renderSpace
    , createRandomNonCollidingPosSpeed
    -- * Reexports
    , module Imj.Graphics.Render
    ) where

import           Imj.Prelude

import           Control.Monad.IO.Class(MonadIO)
import           Control.Monad.Reader.Class(MonadReader)
import           System.Console.Terminal.Size( Window(..) )
import           Data.Graph( Graph
                           , graphFromEdges
                           , components )
import           Data.List(length, group, concat, mapAccumL)
import           Data.Maybe(mapMaybe)
import           Data.Matrix( getElem
                            , fromLists
                            , getMatrixAsVector
                            , Matrix
                            , nrows, ncols )
import           Data.Vector(Vector, slice, (!))
import           Foreign.C.Types( CInt(..) )

import           Imj.Game.Hamazed.Color
import           Imj.Game.Hamazed.World.Space.Types
import           Imj.Geo.Discrete
import           Imj.Graphics.Render
import           Imj.Physics.Discrete
import           Imj.Util

-- | Creates a 'PosSpeed' such that its position is not colliding,
-- and moves to precollision and mirrors speed if a collision is detected for
-- the next step (see 'mirrorSpeedAndMoveToPrecollisionIfNeeded').
createRandomNonCollidingPosSpeed :: Space -> IO PosSpeed
createRandomNonCollidingPosSpeed space = do
  pos <- randomNonCollidingPos space
  dx <- randomSpeed
  dy <- randomSpeed
  return $ fst
    $ mirrorSpeedAndMoveToPrecollisionIfNeeded (`location` space)
    $ PosSpeed pos (Coords (Coord dx) (Coord dy))

oneRandom :: Int -> Int -> IO Int
oneRandom a b = do
  r <- randomRsIO a b
  return $ head $ take 1 r

randomSpeed :: IO Int
randomSpeed = oneRandom (-1) 1

randomNonCollidingPos :: Space -> IO (Coords Pos)
randomNonCollidingPos space@(Space _ worldSize _) = do
  coords <- randomCoords worldSize
  case getMaterial coords space of
    Wall -> randomNonCollidingPos space
    Air -> return coords

randomInt :: Int -> IO Int
randomInt sz =
  oneRandom 0 (sz-1)

randomCoords :: Size -> IO (Coords Pos)
randomCoords (Size rs cs) = do
  r <- randomCoord $ fromIntegral rs
  c <- randomCoord $ fromIntegral cs
  return $ Coords r c

randomCoord :: Coord a -> IO (Coord a)
randomCoord (Coord sz) = Coord <$> randomInt sz

forEachRowPure :: Matrix CInt -> Size -> (Coord Row -> (Coord Col -> Material) -> b) -> [b]
forEachRowPure mat (Size nRows nColumns) f =
  let rowIndexes = [0..fromIntegral $ nRows-1] -- index of inner row
      internalRowLength = nInternalColumns
      rowLength = internalRowLength - 2
      nInternalColumns = nColumns + 2  -- size of a column in the matrix
      matAsOneVector = flatten mat -- this is O(1)
  in map (\rowIdx -> do
    let internalRowIdx = succ rowIdx
        startInternalIdx = fromIntegral internalRowIdx * fromIntegral nInternalColumns :: Int
        startIdx = succ startInternalIdx
        row = slice startIdx (fromIntegral rowLength) matAsOneVector
    f rowIdx (\c -> mapInt $ row ! fromIntegral c)) rowIndexes

-- unfortunately I didn't find a Matrix implementation that supports arbitrary types
-- so I need to map my type on a CInt
mapMaterial :: Material -> CInt
mapMaterial Air  = 0
mapMaterial Wall = 1

mapInt :: CInt -> Material
mapInt 0 = Air
mapInt 1 = Wall
mapInt _ = error "mapInt arg out of bounds"

-- | Creates a rectangular empty space of size specified in parameters.
mkEmptySpace :: Size -> Space
mkEmptySpace s =
  let air  = mapMaterial Air
  in mkSpaceFromInnerMat s [[air]]

-- | Creates a rectangular deterministic space of size specified in parameters.
mkDeterministicallyFilledSpace :: Size -> Space
mkDeterministicallyFilledSpace s@(Size heightEmptySpace widthEmptySpace) =
  let wall = mapMaterial Wall
      air  = mapMaterial Air

      w = fromIntegral widthEmptySpace
      h = fromIntegral heightEmptySpace
      middleRow = replicate w air
      collisionRow = replicate 2 air ++ replicate (w-4) wall ++ replicate 2 air
      ncolls = 8 :: Int
      nEmpty = h - ncolls
      n1 = quot nEmpty 2
      n2 = nEmpty - n1
      l = replicate n1 middleRow ++ replicate ncolls collisionRow ++ replicate n2 middleRow
  in mkSpaceFromInnerMat s l

-- | Creates a rectangular random space of size specified in parameters, with a
-- one-element border. 'IO' is used for random numbers generation.
mkRandomlyFilledSpace :: RandomParameters -> Size -> IO Space
mkRandomlyFilledSpace (RandomParameters blockSize strategy) s = do
  smallWorldMat <- mkSmallWorld s blockSize strategy

  let innerMat = replicateElements blockSize $ map (replicateElements blockSize) smallWorldMat
  return $ mkSpaceFromInnerMat s innerMat

--  TODO We could measure, on average, how many tries it takes to generate a graph
--  that meets the requirement for usual values of:
--  - probability of having air vs. a wall at any cell
--  - size of the small world
{- | Generates a random world with the constraint that it should have
a single "Air" connected component. The function recurses and builds a new random world
until the constraint is met.
It might take "a long time" especially if worldsize is big and multFactor is small.
An interesting problem would be to compute the complexity of this function.
To do so we need to know the probability to have a unique connected component in
the random graph defined in the function.
mkSmallWorld :: Size
             -- ^ Size of the big world
             -> Int
             -- ^ Pixel width (if 1, the small world will have the same size as the big one)
             -> Strategy
             -> IO [[CInt]]
             -- ^ the "small world"
mkSmallWorld s@(Size heightEmptySpace widthEmptySpace) multFactor strategy = do
  let nCols = quot widthEmptySpace $ fromIntegral multFactor
      nRows = quot heightEmptySpace $ fromIntegral multFactor
      mkRandomRow _ = take (fromIntegral nCols) <$> rands -- TODO use a Matrix directly
  smallMat <- mapM mkRandomRow [0..nRows-1]

  let mat = fromLists smallMat
      graph = graphOfIndex (mapMaterial Air) mat
  case strategy of
    StrictlyOneComponent -> case components graph of
      [_] -> return smallMat -- TODO return Matrix (mat) instead of list of list
      _   -> mkSmallWorld s multFactor strategy

graphOfIndex :: CInt -> Matrix CInt -> Graph
graphOfIndex matchIdx mat =
  let sz@(nRows,nCols) = size mat
      coords = [Coords (Coord r) (Coord c) | c <-[0..nCols-1], r <- [0..nRows-1], mat `at` (r, c) == matchIdx]
      edges = map (\c -> (c, c, connectedNeighbours matchIdx c mat sz)) coords
      (graph, _, _) = graphFromEdges edges
  in graph

-- these functions adapt the API of matrix to the API of hmatrix
size :: Matrix a -> (Int, Int)
size mat = (nrows mat, ncols mat)

flatten :: Matrix a -> Vector a
flatten = getMatrixAsVector

at :: Matrix a -> (Int, Int) -> a
at mat (i, j) = getElem (succ i) (succ j) mat -- indexes start at 1 in Data.Matrix

connectedNeighbours :: CInt -> Coords Pos -> Matrix CInt -> (Int, Int) -> [Coords Pos]
connectedNeighbours matchIdx coords mat (nRows,nCols) =
  let neighbours = [translateInDir LEFT coords, translateInDir Down coords]
  in mapMaybe (\other@(Coords (Coord r) (Coord c)) ->
        if r < 0 || c < 0 || r >= nRows || c >= nCols || mat `at` (r, c) /= matchIdx
            Just other) neighbours

mkSpaceFromInnerMat :: Size -> [[CInt]] -> Space
mkSpaceFromInnerMat s innerMatMaybeSmaller =
  let innerMat = extend s innerMatMaybeSmaller
      mat = fromLists $ addBorder s innerMat
  in Space mat s $ matToRenderGroups mat s

extend :: Size -> [[a]] -> [[a]]
extend (Size rs cs) mat =
  extend' (fromIntegral rs) $ map (extend' $ fromIntegral cs) mat

extend' :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
extend' _ [] = error "extend empty list not supported"
extend' sz l@(_:_) =
  let len = length l
      addsTotal = sz - assert (len <= sz) len
      addsLeft = quot addsTotal 2
      addsRight = addsTotal - addsLeft
  in replicate addsLeft (head l) ++ l ++ replicate addsRight (last l)

rands :: IO [CInt]
rands = randomRsIO 0 1

addBorder :: Size -> [[CInt]] -> [[CInt]]
addBorder (Size _ widthEmptySpace) l =
  let nCols = fromIntegral widthEmptySpace + 2 * borderSize
      wall = mapMaterial Wall
      wallRow = replicate nCols wall
      encloseIn b e = b ++ e ++ b
  in encloseIn (replicate borderSize wallRow) $ map (encloseIn $ replicate borderSize wall) l

borderSize :: Int
borderSize = 1

matToRenderGroups :: Matrix CInt -> Size -> [RenderGroup]
matToRenderGroups mat s@(Size _ cs) =
  concat $
    forEachRowPure mat s $
      \row accessMaterial ->
          snd $ mapAccumL
                  (\col listMaterials@(material:_) ->
                     let count = length listMaterials
                         materialColor = case material of
                           Wall -> wallColors
                           Air -> airColors
                         materialChar = case material of
                           Wall -> 'Z'
                           Air -> ' '
                     in (col + fromIntegral count,
                         RenderGroup (Coords row col) materialColor materialChar count))
                  (Coord 0) $ group $ map accessMaterial [0..fromIntegral $ pred cs]

getInnerMaterial :: Coords Pos -> Space -> Material
getInnerMaterial (Coords (Coord r) (Coord c)) (Space mat _ _) =
  mapInt $ mat `at` (r+borderSize, c+borderSize)

-- | <https://hackage.haskell.org/package/matrix- Indices start at 1>:
-- @Coord 0 0@ corresponds to indexes 1 1 in matrix
getMaterial :: Coords Pos -> Space -> Material
getMaterial coords@(Coords r c) space@(Space _ (Size rs cs) _)
  | r < 0 || c < 0       = Wall
  | r > fromIntegral(rs-1) || c > fromIntegral(cs-1) = Wall
  | otherwise = getInnerMaterial coords space

materialToLocation :: Material -> Location
materialToLocation m = case m of
  Wall -> OutsideWorld
  Air  -> InsideWorld

-- | Considers that outside 'Space', everything is 'OutsideWorld'
location :: Coords Pos -> Space -> Location
location c s = materialToLocation $ getMaterial c s

-- | Considers that outside 'Space', everything is 'InsideWorld'
strictLocation :: Coords Pos -> Space -> Location
strictLocation coords@(Coords r c) space@(Space _ (Size rs cs) _)
    | r < 0 || c < 0 || r > fromIntegral(rs-1) || c > fromIntegral(cs-1) = InsideWorld
    | otherwise = materialToLocation $ getInnerMaterial coords space

{-# INLINABLE renderSpace #-}
renderSpace :: (Draw e, MonadReader e m, MonadIO m)
            => Space
            -> Coords Pos
            -- ^ World upper left coordinates w.r.t terminal frame.
            -> m (Coords Pos)
renderSpace (Space _ _ renderedWorld) upperLeft = do
  let worldCoords = move borderSize Down $ move borderSize RIGHT upperLeft
  mapM_ (renderGroup worldCoords) renderedWorld
  return worldCoords

{-# INLINABLE renderGroup #-}
renderGroup :: (Draw e, MonadReader e m, MonadIO m)
            => Coords Pos
            -> RenderGroup
            -> m ()
renderGroup worldCoords (RenderGroup pos colors char count) =
  drawChars count char (sumCoords pos worldCoords) colors

scopedLocation :: Space
               -> Maybe (Window Int)
               -- ^ The terminal size
               -> Coords Pos
               -- ^ The world upper left coordinates w.r.t terminal frame.
               -> Boundaries
               -- ^ The scope
               -> Coords Pos
               -- ^ The coordinates to test
               -> Location
scopedLocation space@(Space _ sz _) mayTermWindow wcc =
  -- Use a big terminal by default, it will just make animations be updated for longer
  -- than they should:
  let worldLocation = (`location` space)
      worldLocationExcludingBorders = (`strictLocation` space)
      (Window h w) = fromMaybe (Window {height = 150, width = 400}) mayTermWindow
      terminalLocation coordsInWorld =
        let (Coords (Coord r) (Coord c)) = sumCoords coordsInWorld wcc
        in if r >= 0 && r < h && c >= 0 && c < w
      productLocations l l' = case l of
        InsideWorld -> l'
        OutsideWorld -> OutsideWorld
  in \case
    WorldFrame -> worldLocation
    TerminalWindow -> (\coo-> if containsWithOuterBorder coo sz
                                  terminalLocation coo)
    Both -> (\coo-> productLocations (terminalLocation coo) (worldLocationExcludingBorders coo))