{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK not-home #-}
module Control.Effect.Internal.NonDet where

import Data.Coerce

import Control.Effect
import Control.Effect.Carrier

import Control.Effect.Type.Split
import Control.Effect.Type.Regional

import Control.Effect.Internal.Utils

import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.List.Church as L

-- | An effect for nondeterministic computations
newtype NonDet m a where
  FromList :: [a] -> NonDet m a

-- | An effect for culling nondeterministic computations.
newtype Cull m a where
  Cull :: m a -> Cull m a

-- | An effect to delimit backtracking within nondeterministic contexts.
data Cut m a where
  Cutfail :: Cut m a
  Call    :: m a -> Cut m a

-- | A pseudo-effect for connected 'NonDet', 'Cull', 'Cut', and 'Split' effects.
-- @'Logic'@ should only ever be used inside of 'Eff' and 'Effs'
-- constraints. It is not a real effect! See 'Bundle'.
type Logic = Bundle '[NonDet, Cull, Cut, Split]

-- | 'NonDetThreads' accepts the following primitive effects:
-- * 'Control.Effect.Regional.Regional' @s@
-- * 'Control.Effect.Optional.Optional' @s@ (when @s@ is a functor)
-- * 'Control.Effect.Type.Unravel.Unravel' @p@
-- * 'Control.Effect.Type.ListenPrim.ListenPrim' @s@ (when @s@ is a 'Monoid')
-- * 'Control.Effect.Type.ListenPrim.ListenPrim' @s@ (when @s@ is a 'Monoid')
-- * 'Control.Effect.Type.ReaderPrim.ReaderPrim' @i@
type NonDetThreads = Threads L.ListT

newtype LogicC m a = LogicC { unLogicC :: L.ListT m a }
  deriving ( Functor, Applicative, Monad
           , MonadFail, MonadIO, MonadBase b
           , MonadThrow, MonadCatch
  deriving MonadTrans

instance ( Carrier m
         , Threads L.ListT (Prims m)
         ) => Carrier (LogicC m) where
  type Derivs (LogicC m) = Split ': Cull ': Cut ': NonDet ': Derivs m
  type Prims  (LogicC m) = Split ': Regional CullOrCall ': Prims m

  algPrims = powerAlg (coerce (algPrims @(CullCutC m))) $ \case
    Split cn (m :: LogicC m a) -> fmap cn (coerce (L.split @m @a) m)
  {-# INLINE algPrims #-}

  reformulate = addPrim $ coerceReform $ reformulate @(CullCutC m)
  {-# INLINE reformulate #-}

data CullOrCall
  = DoCull
  | DoCall

newtype CullCutC m a = CullCutC { unCullCutC :: L.ListT m a }
  deriving ( Functor, Applicative, Monad
           , MonadFail, MonadIO, MonadBase b
           , MonadThrow, MonadCatch
  deriving MonadTrans

instance ( Carrier m
         , Threads L.ListT (Prims m)
         ) => Carrier (CullCutC m) where
  type Derivs (CullCutC m) = Cull ': Cut ': NonDet ': Derivs m
  type Prims  (CullCutC m) = Regional CullOrCall ': Prims m

  algPrims =
    powerAlg (
      coerce (algPrims @(NonDetC m))
    ) $ \case
        Regionally DoCull m -> coerceTrans (L.cull @m) m
        Regionally DoCall m -> coerceTrans (L.call @m) m
  {-# INLINEABLE algPrims #-}

  reformulate n alg =
    powerAlg (
    powerAlg (
      coerceReform (reformulate @(NonDetC m)) n (weakenAlg alg)
    ) $ \case
      Cutfail -> n (CullCutC L.cutfail)
      Call m  -> (alg . inj) $ Regionally DoCall m
    ) $ \case
      Cull m  -> (alg . inj) $ Regionally DoCull m
  {-# INLINEABLE reformulate #-}

newtype NonDetC m a = NonDetC { unNonDetC :: L.ListT m a }
  deriving ( Functor, Applicative, Monad
           , MonadFail, MonadIO, MonadBase b
           , MonadThrow, MonadCatch
  deriving MonadTrans

instance ( Carrier m
         , Threads L.ListT (Prims m)
         ) => Carrier (NonDetC m) where
  type Derivs (NonDetC m) = NonDet ': Derivs m
  type Prims  (NonDetC m) = Prims m

  algPrims = coerce (thread @L.ListT (algPrims @m))
  {-# INLINEABLE algPrims #-}

  reformulate n alg =
      (liftReform reformulate n alg)
      $ \case
        FromList l -> n $ NonDetC $ L.ListT $ \_ c b _ -> foldr c b l
  {-# INLINEABLE reformulate #-}

-- | Runs a 'NonDet' effect.
-- Unlike 'runLogic' and 'runCullCut', this doesn't provide any means of interacting
-- with created branches through 'Split', 'Cull' or 'Cut'.
-- However, it also doesn't impose any primitive effects, meaning 'runNonDet' doesn't
-- restrict what interpreters are run before it.
-- @'Derivs' ('NonDetC' m) = 'NonDet' ': 'Derivs' m@
-- @'Prims'  ('NonDetC' m) = 'Prims' m@
runNonDet :: forall f m a p
           . ( Alternative f
             , Carrier m
             , Threaders '[NonDetThreads] m p
          => NonDetC m a
          -> m (f a)
runNonDet = L.runListT .# unNonDetC
{-# INLINE runNonDet #-}

-- | Runs a 'NonDet' effect, but stop once the first valid result is found.
-- This is like 'runNonDet' with the 'Alternative' specialized to 'Maybe',
-- but once a valid result is found, it won't run all other branches.
-- This is the equivalent of
-- @'runCullCut' \@Maybe . 'Control.Effect.NonDet.cull'@
-- or @'runLogic' \@Maybe . 'Control.Effect.NonDet.cull'@, but doesn't impose
-- any primitive effects, meaning 'runNonDet1' doesn't restrict what interpreters
-- are run before it.
-- @'Derivs' ('NonDetC' m) = 'NonDet' ': 'Derivs' m@
-- @'Prims'  ('NonDetC' m) = 'Prims' m@
runNonDet1 :: forall m a p
            . ( Carrier m
              , Threaders '[NonDetThreads] m p
           => NonDetC m a
           -> m (Maybe a)
runNonDet1 m =
  L.unListT (unNonDetC m)
            (\a _ -> pure (Just a))
            (pure Nothing)
            (pure Nothing)
{-# INLINE runNonDet1 #-}

-- | Runs connected 'NonDet', 'Cull', and 'Cut' effects.
-- Unlike 'runLogic', this doesn't provide the full power of 'Split'.
-- This allows for a larger variety of interpreters to be run before
-- 'runCullCut' compared to 'runLogic', since 'Split' is significantly harder to
-- thread compared to 'Cull' and 'Cut'.
-- @'Derivs' ('CullCutC' m) = 'Cull' ': 'Cut' ': 'NonDet' ': 'Derivs' m@
-- @'Prims'  ('CullCutC' m) = 'Regional' CullOrCall ': 'Prims' m@
runCullCut :: forall f m a p
            . ( Alternative f
              , Carrier m
              , Threaders '[NonDetThreads] m p
           => CullCutC m a
           -> m (f a)
runCullCut = L.runListT .# unCullCutC

-- | Runs connected 'NonDet', 'Cull', 'Cut', and 'Split' effects
-- -- i.e. 'Control.Effect.NonDet.Logic'.
-- @'Derivs' ('LogicC' m) = 'Split' ': 'Cull' ': 'Cut' ': 'NonDet' ': 'Derivs' m@
-- @'Prims'  ('LogicC' m) = 'Split' ': 'Regional' CullOrCall ': 'Prims' m@
-- 'Split' is a very restrictive primitive effect. Most notably,
-- interpreters for effects with failure -- such as
-- 'Control.Effect.Error.runError' -- can't be used before 'runLogic'.
-- If you want to use such interpreters before 'runLogic',
-- consider using 'runCullCut' or 'runNonDet' instead.
runLogic :: forall f m a p
          . ( Alternative f
            , Carrier m
            , Threaders '[NonDetThreads] m p
         => LogicC m a
         -> m (f a)
runLogic = L.runListT .# unLogicC