influxdb-0.0.0: Haskell client library for InfluxDB

Safe HaskellNone





data Config Source

Configurations for HTTP API client.

data Credentials Source

User credentials.




credsUser :: !Text
credsPassword :: !Text


rootCreds :: CredentialsSource

Default credentials.

data Server Source

Server location.




serverHost :: !Text

Hostname or IP address

serverPort :: !Int
serverSsl :: !Bool

SSL is enabled or not in the server side


localServer :: ServerSource

Default server location.

Writing Data

Updating Points

post :: Config -> Manager -> Database -> SeriesT IO a -> IO aSource

Post a bunch of writes for (possibly multiple) series into a database.

postWithPrecision :: Config -> Manager -> Database -> TimePrecision -> SeriesT IO a -> IO aSource

Post a bunch of writes for (possibly multiple) series into a database like post but with time precision.

data SeriesT m a Source

Monad transformer to batch up multiple writes of series to speed up insertions.

data PointT p m a Source

Monad transformer to batch up multiple writes of points to speed up insertions.




:: (Monad m, ToSeriesData a) 
=> Text

Series name

-> a

Series data

-> SeriesT m () 

Write a single series data.



:: forall m a . (Monad m, ToSeriesData a) 
=> Text

Series name

-> PointT a m () 
-> SeriesT m () 

Write a bunch of data for a single series. Columns for the points don't need to be specified because they can be inferred from the type of a.

writePoints :: (Monad m, ToSeriesData a) => a -> PointT a m ()Source

Write a data into a series.

Deleting Points

One Time Deletes (not implemented)

Regularly Scheduled Deletes (not implemented)

Querying Data



:: FromSeries a 
=> Config 
-> Manager 
-> Database 
-> Text

Query text

-> IO [a] 

Query a specified database.

The query format is specified in the InfluxDB Query Language.

data Stream m a Source

Effectful stream


Yield a (m (Stream m a))

Yield a value. The stream will be continued.


The end of the stream.



:: FromSeries a 
=> Config 
-> Manager 
-> Database 
-> Text

Query text

-> (Stream IO a -> IO b)

Action to handle the resulting stream of series

-> IO b 

Query a specified database like query but in a streaming fashion.

Administration & Security

Creating and Dropping Databases

listDatabases :: Config -> Manager -> IO [Database]Source

List existing databases.

createDatabase :: Config -> Manager -> Text -> IO DatabaseSource

Create a new database. Requires cluster admin privileges.

dropDatabase :: Config -> Manager -> Database -> IO ()Source

Drop a database. Requires cluster admin privileges.


Cluster admin

listClusterAdmins :: Config -> Manager -> IO [Admin]Source

List cluster administrators.

addClusterAdmin :: Config -> Manager -> Text -> IO AdminSource

Add a new cluster administrator. Requires cluster admin privilege.

updateClusterAdminPassword :: Config -> Manager -> Admin -> Text -> IO ()Source

Update a cluster administrator's password. Requires cluster admin privilege.

deleteClusterAdmin :: Config -> Manager -> Admin -> IO ()Source

Delete a cluster administrator. Requires cluster admin privilege.

Database user

listDatabaseUsers :: Config -> Manager -> Text -> IO [User]Source

List database users.

addDatabaseUser :: Config -> Manager -> Database -> Text -> IO UserSource

Add an user to the database users.

updateDatabaseUserPassword :: Config -> Manager -> Database -> User -> Text -> IO ()Source

Update password for the database user.

deleteDatabaseUser :: Config -> Manager -> Database -> User -> IO ()Source

Delete an user from the database users.

grantAdminPrivilegeTo :: Config -> Manager -> Database -> User -> IO ()Source

Give admin privilege to the user.

revokeAdminPrivilegeFrom :: Config -> Manager -> Database -> User -> IO ()Source

Remove admin privilege from the user.