{-# LANGUAGE CPP, MagicHash, NoImplicitPrelude, BangPatterns, UnboxedTuples,
             UnliftedFFITypes #-}

-- Commentary of Integer library is located on the wiki:
-- http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/Commentary/Libraries/Integer
-- It gives an in-depth description of implementation details and
-- decisions.

-- |
-- Module      :  GHC.Integer.Type
-- Copyright   :  (c) Ian Lynagh 2007-2012
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  igloo@earth.li
-- Stability   :  internal
-- Portability :  non-portable (GHC Extensions)
-- An simple definition of the 'Integer' type.

#include "MachDeps.h"

module GHC.Integer.Type where

import GHC.Prim
import GHC.Classes
import GHC.Types
import GHC.Tuple ()
import GHC.IntWord64

data Integer = Positive !Positive | Negative !Positive | Naught

-- The hard work is done on positive numbers

-- Least significant bit is first

-- Positive's have the property that they contain at least one Bit,
-- and their last Bit is One.
type Positive = Digits
type Positives = List Positive

data Digits = Some !Digit !Digits
            | None
type Digit = Word#

-- XXX Could move [] above us
data List a = Nil | Cons a (List a)

mkInteger :: Bool   -- non-negative?
          -> [Int]  -- absolute value in 31 bit chunks, least significant first
                    -- ideally these would be Words rather than Ints, but
                    -- we don't have Word available at the moment.
          -> Integer
mkInteger nonNegative is = let abs = f is
                           in if nonNegative then abs else negateInteger abs
    where f [] = Naught
          f (I# i : is') = smallInteger i `orInteger` shiftLInteger (f is') 31#

errorInteger :: Integer
errorInteger = Positive errorPositive

errorPositive :: Positive
errorPositive = Some 47## None -- Random number

{-# NOINLINE smallInteger #-}
smallInteger :: Int# -> Integer
smallInteger i = if isTrue# (i >=# 0#) then wordToInteger (int2Word# i)
                 else -- XXX is this right for -minBound?
                      negateInteger (wordToInteger (int2Word# (negateInt# i)))

{-# NOINLINE wordToInteger #-}
wordToInteger :: Word# -> Integer
wordToInteger w = if isTrue# (w `eqWord#` 0##)
                  then Naught
                  else Positive (Some w None)

{-# NOINLINE integerToWord #-}
integerToWord :: Integer -> Word#
integerToWord (Positive (Some w _)) = w
integerToWord (Negative (Some w _)) = 0## `minusWord#` w
-- Must be Naught by the invariant:
integerToWord _ = 0##

{-# NOINLINE integerToInt #-}
integerToInt :: Integer -> Int#
integerToInt i = word2Int# (integerToWord i)

-- Nothing
#elif WORD_SIZE_IN_BITS == 32
{-# NOINLINE integerToWord64 #-}
integerToWord64 :: Integer -> Word64#
integerToWord64 i = int64ToWord64# (integerToInt64 i)

{-# NOINLINE word64ToInteger #-}
word64ToInteger:: Word64# -> Integer
word64ToInteger w = if isTrue# (w `eqWord64#` wordToWord64# 0##)
                    then Naught
                    else Positive (word64ToPositive w)

{-# NOINLINE integerToInt64 #-}
integerToInt64 :: Integer -> Int64#
integerToInt64 Naught = intToInt64# 0#
integerToInt64 (Positive p) = word64ToInt64# (positiveToWord64 p)
integerToInt64 (Negative p)
    = negateInt64# (word64ToInt64# (positiveToWord64 p))

{-# NOINLINE int64ToInteger #-}
int64ToInteger :: Int64# -> Integer
int64ToInteger i
 = if isTrue# (i `eqInt64#` intToInt64# 0#)
   then Naught
   else if isTrue# (i `gtInt64#` intToInt64# 0#)
   then Positive (word64ToPositive (int64ToWord64# i))
   else Negative (word64ToPositive (int64ToWord64# (negateInt64# i)))
#error WORD_SIZE_IN_BITS not supported

oneInteger :: Integer
oneInteger = Positive onePositive

negativeOneInteger :: Integer
negativeOneInteger = Negative onePositive

twoToTheThirtytwoInteger :: Integer
twoToTheThirtytwoInteger = Positive twoToTheThirtytwoPositive

{-# NOINLINE encodeDoubleInteger #-}
encodeDoubleInteger :: Integer -> Int# -> Double#
encodeDoubleInteger (Positive ds0) e0 = f 0.0## ds0 e0
    where f !acc None        (!_) = acc
          f !acc (Some d ds) !e   = f (acc +## encodeDouble# d e)
                                      -- XXX We assume that this adding to e
                                      -- isn't going to overflow
                                      (e +# WORD_SIZE_IN_BITS#)
encodeDoubleInteger (Negative ds) e
    = negateDouble# (encodeDoubleInteger (Positive ds) e)
encodeDoubleInteger Naught _ = 0.0##

foreign import ccall unsafe "__word_encodeDouble"
        encodeDouble# :: Word# -> Int# -> Double#

{-# NOINLINE encodeFloatInteger #-}
encodeFloatInteger :: Integer -> Int# -> Float#
encodeFloatInteger (Positive ds0) e0 = f 0.0# ds0 e0
    where f !acc None        (!_) = acc
          f !acc (Some d ds) !e   = f (acc `plusFloat#` encodeFloat# d e)
                                      -- XXX We assume that this adding to e
                                      -- isn't going to overflow
                                      (e +# WORD_SIZE_IN_BITS#)
encodeFloatInteger (Negative ds) e
    = negateFloat# (encodeFloatInteger (Positive ds) e)
encodeFloatInteger Naught _ = 0.0#

foreign import ccall unsafe "__word_encodeFloat"
    encodeFloat# :: Word# -> Int# -> Float#

{-# NOINLINE decodeFloatInteger #-}
decodeFloatInteger :: Float# -> (# Integer, Int# #)
decodeFloatInteger f = case decodeFloat_Int# f of
                       (# mant, exp #) -> (# smallInteger mant, exp #)

-- XXX This could be optimised better, by either (word-size dependent)
-- using single 64bit value for the mantissa, or doing the multiplication
-- by just building the Digits directly
{-# NOINLINE decodeDoubleInteger #-}
decodeDoubleInteger :: Double# -> (# Integer, Int# #)
decodeDoubleInteger d
 = case decodeDouble_2Int# d of
   (# mantSign, mantHigh, mantLow, exp #) ->
       (# (smallInteger mantSign) `timesInteger`
          (  (wordToInteger mantHigh `timesInteger` twoToTheThirtytwoInteger)
             `plusInteger` wordToInteger mantLow),
          exp #)

{-# NOINLINE doubleFromInteger #-}
doubleFromInteger :: Integer -> Double#
doubleFromInteger Naught = 0.0##
doubleFromInteger (Positive p) = doubleFromPositive p
doubleFromInteger (Negative p) = negateDouble# (doubleFromPositive p)

{-# NOINLINE floatFromInteger #-}
floatFromInteger :: Integer -> Float#
floatFromInteger Naught = 0.0#
floatFromInteger (Positive p) = floatFromPositive p
floatFromInteger (Negative p) = negateFloat# (floatFromPositive p)

{-# NOINLINE andInteger #-}
andInteger :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
Naught     `andInteger` (!_)       = Naught
(!_)       `andInteger` Naught     = Naught
Positive x `andInteger` Positive y = digitsToInteger (x `andDigits` y)
To calculate x & -y we need to calculate
    x & twosComplement y
The (imaginary) sign bits are 0 and 1, so &ing them give 0, i.e. positive.
Note that
    twosComplement y
has infinitely many 1s, but x has a finite number of digits, so andDigits
will return a finite result.
Positive x `andInteger` Negative y = let y' = twosComplementPositive y
                                         z = y' `andDigitsOnes` x
                                     in digitsToInteger z
Negative x `andInteger` Positive y = Positive y `andInteger` Negative x
To calculate -x & -y, naively we need to calculate
    twosComplement (twosComplement x & twosComplement y)
    twosComplement x & twosComplement y
has infinitely many 1s, so this won't work. Thus we use de Morgan's law
to get
    -x & -y = !(!(-x) | !(-y))
            = !(!(twosComplement x) | !(twosComplement y))
            = !(!(!x + 1) | (!y + 1))
            = !((x - 1) | (y - 1))
but the result is negative, so we need to take the two's complement of
this in order to get the magnitude of the result.
    twosComplement !((x - 1) | (y - 1))
            = !(!((x - 1) | (y - 1))) + 1
            = ((x - 1) | (y - 1)) + 1
-- We don't know that x and y are /strictly/ greater than 1, but
-- minusPositive gives us the required answer anyway.
Negative x `andInteger` Negative y = let x' = x `minusPositive` onePositive
                                         y' = y `minusPositive` onePositive
                                         z = x' `orDigits` y'
                                         -- XXX Cheating the precondition:
                                         z' = succPositive z
                                     in digitsToNegativeInteger z'

{-# NOINLINE orInteger #-}
orInteger :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
Naught     `orInteger` (!i)       = i
(!i)       `orInteger` Naught     = i
Positive x `orInteger` Positive y = Positive (x `orDigits` y)
x | -y = - (twosComplement (x | twosComplement y))
       = - (twosComplement !(!x & !(twosComplement y)))
       = - (twosComplement !(!x & !(!y + 1)))
       = - (twosComplement !(!x & (y - 1)))
       = - ((!x & (y - 1)) + 1)
Positive x `orInteger` Negative y = let x' = flipBits x
                                        y' = y `minusPositive` onePositive
                                        z = x' `andDigitsOnes` y'
                                        z' = succPositive z
                                    in digitsToNegativeInteger z'
Negative x `orInteger` Positive y = Positive y `orInteger` Negative x
-x | -y = - (twosComplement (twosComplement x | twosComplement y))
        = - (twosComplement !(!(twosComplement x) & !(twosComplement y)))
        = - (twosComplement !(!(!x + 1) & !(!y + 1)))
        = - (twosComplement !((x - 1) & (y - 1)))
        = - (((x - 1) & (y - 1)) + 1)
Negative x `orInteger` Negative y = let x' = x `minusPositive` onePositive
                                        y' = y `minusPositive` onePositive
                                        z = x' `andDigits` y'
                                        z' = succPositive z
                                    in digitsToNegativeInteger z'

{-# NOINLINE xorInteger #-}
xorInteger :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
Naught     `xorInteger` (!i)       = i
(!i)       `xorInteger` Naught     = i
Positive x `xorInteger` Positive y = digitsToInteger (x `xorDigits` y)
x ^ -y = - (twosComplement (x ^ twosComplement y))
       = - (twosComplement !(x ^ !(twosComplement y)))
       = - (twosComplement !(x ^ !(!y + 1)))
       = - (twosComplement !(x ^ (y - 1)))
       = - ((x ^ (y - 1)) + 1)
Positive x `xorInteger` Negative y = let y' = y `minusPositive` onePositive
                                         z = x `xorDigits` y'
                                         z' = succPositive z
                                     in digitsToNegativeInteger z'
Negative x `xorInteger` Positive y = Positive y `xorInteger` Negative x
-x ^ -y = twosComplement x ^ twosComplement y
        = (!x + 1) ^ (!y + 1)
        = (!x + 1) ^ (!y + 1)
        = !(!x + 1) ^ !(!y + 1)
        = (x - 1) ^ (y - 1)
Negative x `xorInteger` Negative y = let x' = x `minusPositive` onePositive
                                         y' = y `minusPositive` onePositive
                                         z = x' `xorDigits` y'
                                     in digitsToInteger z

{-# NOINLINE complementInteger #-}
complementInteger :: Integer -> Integer
complementInteger x = negativeOneInteger `minusInteger` x

{-# NOINLINE shiftLInteger #-}
shiftLInteger :: Integer -> Int# -> Integer
shiftLInteger (Positive p) i = Positive (shiftLPositive p i)
shiftLInteger (Negative n) i = Negative (shiftLPositive n i)
shiftLInteger Naught       _ = Naught

{-# NOINLINE shiftRInteger #-}
shiftRInteger :: Integer -> Int# -> Integer
shiftRInteger (Positive p)   i = shiftRPositive p i
shiftRInteger j@(Negative _) i
    = complementInteger (shiftRInteger (complementInteger j) i)
shiftRInteger Naught         _ = Naught

-- XXX this could be a lot more efficient, but this is a quick
-- reimplementation of the default Data.Bits instance, so that we can
-- implement the Integer interface
testBitInteger :: Integer -> Int# -> Bool
testBitInteger x i = (x `andInteger` (oneInteger `shiftLInteger` i))
        `neqInteger` Naught

twosComplementPositive :: Positive -> DigitsOnes
twosComplementPositive p = flipBits (p `minusPositive` onePositive)

flipBits :: Digits -> DigitsOnes
flipBits ds = DigitsOnes (flipBitsDigits ds)

flipBitsDigits :: Digits -> Digits
flipBitsDigits None = None
flipBitsDigits (Some w ws) = Some (not# w) (flipBitsDigits ws)

{-# NOINLINE negateInteger #-}
negateInteger :: Integer -> Integer
negateInteger (Positive p) = Negative p
negateInteger (Negative p) = Positive p
negateInteger Naught       = Naught

-- Note [Avoid patError]
{-# NOINLINE plusInteger #-}
plusInteger :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
Positive p1    `plusInteger` Positive p2 = Positive (p1 `plusPositive` p2)
Negative p1    `plusInteger` Negative p2 = Negative (p1 `plusPositive` p2)
Positive p1    `plusInteger` Negative p2
    = case p1 `comparePositive` p2 of
      GT -> Positive (p1 `minusPositive` p2)
      EQ -> Naught
      LT -> Negative (p2 `minusPositive` p1)
Negative p1    `plusInteger` Positive p2
    = Positive p2 `plusInteger` Negative p1
Naught         `plusInteger` Naught         = Naught
Naught         `plusInteger` i@(Positive _) = i
Naught         `plusInteger` i@(Negative _) = i
i@(Positive _) `plusInteger` Naught         = i
i@(Negative _) `plusInteger` Naught         = i

{-# NOINLINE minusInteger #-}
minusInteger :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
i1 `minusInteger` i2 = i1 `plusInteger` negateInteger i2

{-# NOINLINE timesInteger #-}
timesInteger :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
Positive p1 `timesInteger` Positive p2 = Positive (p1 `timesPositive` p2)
Negative p1 `timesInteger` Negative p2 = Positive (p1 `timesPositive` p2)
Positive p1 `timesInteger` Negative p2 = Negative (p1 `timesPositive` p2)
Negative p1 `timesInteger` Positive p2 = Negative (p1 `timesPositive` p2)
(!_)        `timesInteger` (!_)        = Naught

{-# NOINLINE divModInteger #-}
divModInteger :: Integer -> Integer -> (# Integer, Integer #)
n `divModInteger` d =
    case n `quotRemInteger` d of
        (# q, r #) ->
            if signumInteger r `eqInteger`
               negateInteger (signumInteger d)
            then (# q `minusInteger` oneInteger, r `plusInteger` d #)
            else (# q, r #)

{-# NOINLINE divInteger #-}
divInteger :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
n `divInteger` d = quotient
    where (# quotient, _ #) = n `divModInteger` d

{-# NOINLINE modInteger #-}
modInteger :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
n `modInteger` d = modulus
    where (# _, modulus #) = n `divModInteger` d

{-# NOINLINE quotRemInteger #-}
quotRemInteger :: Integer -> Integer -> (# Integer, Integer #)
Naught      `quotRemInteger` (!_)        = (# Naught, Naught #)
(!_)        `quotRemInteger` Naught
    = (# errorInteger, errorInteger #) -- XXX Can't happen
-- XXX _            `quotRemInteger` Naught     = error "Division by zero"
Positive p1 `quotRemInteger` Positive p2 = p1 `quotRemPositive` p2
Negative p1 `quotRemInteger` Positive p2 = case p1 `quotRemPositive` p2 of
                                           (# q, r #) ->
                                               (# negateInteger q,
                                                  negateInteger r #)
Positive p1 `quotRemInteger` Negative p2 = case p1 `quotRemPositive` p2 of
                                           (# q, r #) ->
                                               (# negateInteger q, r #)
Negative p1 `quotRemInteger` Negative p2 = case p1 `quotRemPositive` p2 of
                                           (# q, r #) ->
                                               (# q, negateInteger r #)

{-# NOINLINE quotInteger #-}
quotInteger :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
x `quotInteger` y = case x `quotRemInteger` y of
                    (# q, _ #) -> q

{-# NOINLINE remInteger #-}
remInteger :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
x `remInteger` y = case x `quotRemInteger` y of
                   (# _, r #) -> r

{-# NOINLINE compareInteger #-}
compareInteger :: Integer -> Integer -> Ordering
Positive x `compareInteger` Positive y = x `comparePositive` y
Positive _ `compareInteger` (!_)       = GT
Naught     `compareInteger` Naught     = EQ
Naught     `compareInteger` Negative _ = GT
Negative x `compareInteger` Negative y = y `comparePositive` x
(!_)       `compareInteger` (!_)       = LT

{-# NOINLINE eqInteger# #-}
eqInteger# :: Integer -> Integer -> Int#
x `eqInteger#` y = case x `compareInteger` y of
                        EQ -> 1#
                        _  -> 0#

{-# NOINLINE neqInteger# #-}
neqInteger# :: Integer -> Integer -> Int#
x `neqInteger#` y = case x `compareInteger` y of
                         EQ -> 0#
                         _  -> 1#

{-# INLINE eqInteger  #-}
{-# INLINE neqInteger #-}
eqInteger, neqInteger :: Integer -> Integer -> Bool
eqInteger  a b = isTrue# (a `eqInteger#`  b)
neqInteger a b = isTrue# (a `neqInteger#` b)

instance  Eq Integer  where
    (==) = eqInteger
    (/=) = neqInteger

{-# NOINLINE ltInteger# #-}
ltInteger# :: Integer -> Integer -> Int#
x `ltInteger#` y = case x `compareInteger` y of
                        LT -> 1#
                        _  -> 0#

{-# NOINLINE gtInteger# #-}
gtInteger# :: Integer -> Integer -> Int#
x `gtInteger#` y = case x `compareInteger` y of
                        GT -> 1#
                        _  -> 0#

{-# NOINLINE leInteger# #-}
leInteger# :: Integer -> Integer -> Int#
x `leInteger#` y = case x `compareInteger` y of
                        GT -> 0#
                        _  -> 1#

{-# NOINLINE geInteger# #-}
geInteger# :: Integer -> Integer -> Int#
x `geInteger#` y = case x `compareInteger` y of
                        LT -> 0#
                        _  -> 1#

{-# INLINE leInteger #-}
{-# INLINE ltInteger #-}
{-# INLINE geInteger #-}
{-# INLINE gtInteger #-}
leInteger, gtInteger, ltInteger, geInteger :: Integer -> Integer -> Bool
leInteger a b = isTrue# (a `leInteger#` b)
gtInteger a b = isTrue# (a `gtInteger#` b)
ltInteger a b = isTrue# (a `ltInteger#` b)
geInteger a b = isTrue# (a `geInteger#` b)

instance Ord Integer where
    (<=) = leInteger
    (>)  = gtInteger
    (<)  = ltInteger
    (>=) = geInteger
    compare = compareInteger

{-# NOINLINE absInteger #-}
absInteger :: Integer -> Integer
absInteger (Negative x) = Positive x
absInteger x = x

{-# NOINLINE signumInteger #-}
signumInteger :: Integer -> Integer
signumInteger (Negative _) = negativeOneInteger
signumInteger Naught       = Naught
signumInteger (Positive _) = oneInteger

{-# NOINLINE hashInteger #-}
hashInteger :: Integer -> Int#
hashInteger = integerToInt

-- The hard work is done on positive numbers

onePositive :: Positive
onePositive = Some 1## None

halfBoundUp, fullBound :: () -> Digit
lowHalfMask :: () -> Digit
highHalfShift :: () -> Int#
twoToTheThirtytwoPositive :: Positive
halfBoundUp   () = 0x8000000000000000##
fullBound     () = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF##
lowHalfMask   () = 0xFFFFFFFF##
highHalfShift () = 32#
twoToTheThirtytwoPositive = Some 0x100000000## None
#elif WORD_SIZE_IN_BITS == 32
halfBoundUp   () = 0x80000000##
fullBound     () = 0xFFFFFFFF##
lowHalfMask   () = 0xFFFF##
highHalfShift () = 16#
twoToTheThirtytwoPositive = Some 0## (Some 1## None)
#error Unhandled WORD_SIZE_IN_BITS

digitsMaybeZeroToInteger :: Digits -> Integer
digitsMaybeZeroToInteger None = Naught
digitsMaybeZeroToInteger ds = Positive ds

digitsToInteger :: Digits -> Integer
digitsToInteger ds = case removeZeroTails ds of
                     None -> Naught
                     ds' -> Positive ds'

digitsToNegativeInteger :: Digits -> Integer
digitsToNegativeInteger ds = case removeZeroTails ds of
                             None -> Naught
                             ds' -> Negative ds'

removeZeroTails :: Digits -> Digits
removeZeroTails (Some w ds) = if isTrue# (w `eqWord#` 0##)
                              then case removeZeroTails ds of
                                   None -> None
                                   ds' -> Some w ds'
                              else Some w (removeZeroTails ds)
removeZeroTails None = None

word64ToPositive :: Word64# -> Positive
word64ToPositive w
 = if isTrue# (w `eqWord64#` wordToWord64# 0##)
   then None
   else Some (word64ToWord# w) (word64ToPositive (w `uncheckedShiftRL64#` 32#))

positiveToWord64 :: Positive -> Word64#
positiveToWord64 None = wordToWord64# 0## -- XXX Can't happen
positiveToWord64 (Some w None) = wordToWord64# w
positiveToWord64 (Some low (Some high _))
    = wordToWord64# low `or64#` (wordToWord64# high `uncheckedShiftL64#` 32#)

-- Note [Avoid patError]
comparePositive :: Positive -> Positive -> Ordering
Some x xs `comparePositive` Some y ys = case xs `comparePositive` ys of
                                        EQ ->      if isTrue# (x `ltWord#` y) then LT
                                              else if isTrue# (x `gtWord#` y) then GT
                                              else                                 EQ
                                        res -> res
None      `comparePositive` None      = EQ
(Some {}) `comparePositive` None      = GT
None      `comparePositive` (Some {}) = LT

plusPositive :: Positive -> Positive -> Positive
plusPositive x0 y0 = addWithCarry 0## x0 y0
 where -- digit `elem` [0, 1]
       -- Note [Avoid patError]
       addWithCarry :: Digit -> Positive -> Positive -> Positive
       addWithCarry c None            None            = addOnCarry c None
       addWithCarry c xs@(Some {})    None            = addOnCarry c xs
       addWithCarry c None            ys@(Some {})    = addOnCarry c ys
       addWithCarry c xs@(Some x xs') ys@(Some y ys')
        = if isTrue# (x `ltWord#` y) then addWithCarry c ys xs
          -- Now x >= y
          else if isTrue# (y `geWord#` halfBoundUp ())
               -- So they are both at least halfBoundUp, so we subtract
               -- halfBoundUp from each and thus carry 1
               then case x `minusWord#` halfBoundUp () of
                    x' ->
                     case y `minusWord#` halfBoundUp () of
                     y' ->
                      case x' `plusWord#` y' `plusWord#` c of
                      this ->
                       Some this withCarry
          else if isTrue# (x `geWord#` halfBoundUp ())
               then case x `minusWord#` halfBoundUp () of
                    x' ->
                     case x' `plusWord#` y `plusWord#` c of
                     z ->
                      -- We've taken off halfBoundUp, so now we need to
                      -- add it back on
                      if isTrue# (z `ltWord#` halfBoundUp ())
                       then Some (z `plusWord#`  halfBoundUp ()) withoutCarry
                       else Some (z `minusWord#` halfBoundUp ()) withCarry
          else Some (x `plusWord#` y `plusWord#` c) withoutCarry
           where withCarry    = addWithCarry 1## xs' ys'
                 withoutCarry = addWithCarry 0## xs' ys'

       -- digit `elem` [0, 1]
       addOnCarry :: Digit -> Positive -> Positive
       addOnCarry (!c) (!ws) = if isTrue# (c `eqWord#` 0##)
                               then ws
                               else succPositive ws

-- digit `elem` [0, 1]
succPositive :: Positive -> Positive
succPositive None = Some 1## None
succPositive (Some w ws) = if isTrue# (w `eqWord#` fullBound ())
                           then Some 0## (succPositive ws)
                           else Some (w `plusWord#` 1##) ws

-- Requires x > y
-- In recursive calls, x >= y and x == y => result is None
-- Note [Avoid patError]
minusPositive :: Positive -> Positive -> Positive
Some x xs `minusPositive` Some y ys
 = if isTrue# (x `eqWord#` y)
   then case xs `minusPositive` ys of
        None -> None
        s -> Some 0## s
   else if isTrue# (x `gtWord#` y) then
        Some (x `minusWord#` y) (xs `minusPositive` ys)
   else case (fullBound () `minusWord#` y) `plusWord#` 1## of
        z -> -- z = 2^n - y, calculated without overflow
         case z `plusWord#` x of
         z' -> -- z = 2^n + (x - y), calculated without overflow
          Some z' ((xs `minusPositive` ys) `minusPositive` onePositive)
xs@(Some {}) `minusPositive` None      = xs
None         `minusPositive` None      = None
None         `minusPositive` (Some {}) = errorPositive -- XXX Can't happen
-- XXX None `minusPositive` _ = error "minusPositive: Requirement x > y not met"

-- Note [Avoid patError]
timesPositive :: Positive -> Positive -> Positive
-- XXX None's can't happen here:
None            `timesPositive` None        = errorPositive
None            `timesPositive` (Some {})   = errorPositive
(Some {})       `timesPositive` None        = errorPositive
-- x and y are the last digits in Positive numbers, so are not 0:
xs@(Some x xs') `timesPositive` ys@(Some y ys')
 = case xs' of
   None ->
       case ys' of
           None ->
               x `timesDigit` y
           Some {} ->
               ys `timesPositive` xs
   Some {} ->
       case ys' of
       None ->
           -- y is the last digit in a Positive number, so is not 0.
           let zs = Some 0## (xs' `timesPositive` ys)
           in -- We could actually skip this test, and everything would
              -- turn out OK. We already play tricks like that in timesPositive.
              if isTrue# (x `eqWord#` 0##)
              then zs
              else (x `timesDigit` y) `plusPositive` zs
       Some {} ->
           (Some x None `timesPositive` ys) `plusPositive`
           Some 0## (xs' `timesPositive` ys)

-- Requires arguments /= 0
Suppose we have 2n bits in a Word. Then
    x = 2^n xh + xl
    y = 2^n yh + yl
    x * y = (2^n xh + xl) * (2^n yh + yl)
          = 2^(2n) (xh yh)
          + 2^n    (xh yl)
          + 2^n    (xl yh)
          +        (xl yl)
                   ~~~~~~~ - all fit in 2n bits
timesDigit :: Digit -> Digit -> Positive
timesDigit (!x) (!y)
 = case splitHalves x of
   (# xh, xl #) ->
    case splitHalves y of
    (# yh, yl #) ->
     case xh `timesWord#` yh of
     xhyh ->
      case splitHalves (xh `timesWord#` yl) of
      (# xhylh, xhyll #) ->
       case xhyll `uncheckedShiftL#` highHalfShift () of
       xhyll' ->
        case splitHalves (xl `timesWord#` yh) of
        (# xlyhh, xlyhl #) ->
         case xlyhl `uncheckedShiftL#` highHalfShift () of
         xlyhl' ->
          case xl `timesWord#` yl of
          xlyl ->
           -- Add up all the high word results. As the result fits in
           -- 4n bits this can't overflow.
           case xhyh `plusWord#` xhylh `plusWord#` xlyhh of
           high ->
           -- low: xhyll<<n + xlyhl<<n + xlyl
            -- From this point we might make (Some 0 None), but we know
            -- that the final result will be positive and the addition
            -- will work out OK, so everything will work out in the end.
            -- One thing we do need to be careful of is avoiding returning
            -- Some 0 (Some 0 None) + Some n None, as this will result in
            -- Some n (Some 0 None) instead of Some n None.
            let low = Some xhyll' None `plusPositive`
                      Some xlyhl' None `plusPositive`
                      Some xlyl   None
            in if isTrue# (high `eqWord#` 0##)
               then low
               else Some 0## (Some high None) `plusPositive` low

splitHalves :: Digit -> (# {- High -} Digit, {- Low -} Digit #)
splitHalves (!x) = (# x `uncheckedShiftRL#` highHalfShift (),
                      x `and#` lowHalfMask () #)

-- Assumes 0 <= i
shiftLPositive :: Positive -> Int# -> Positive
shiftLPositive p i
    = if isTrue# (i >=# WORD_SIZE_IN_BITS#)
      then shiftLPositive (Some 0## p) (i -# WORD_SIZE_IN_BITS#)
      else smallShiftLPositive p i

-- Assumes 0 <= i < WORD_SIZE_IN_BITS#
smallShiftLPositive :: Positive -> Int# -> Positive
smallShiftLPositive (!p) 0# = p
smallShiftLPositive (!p) (!i) =
    case WORD_SIZE_IN_BITS# -# i of
    j -> let f carry None = if isTrue# (carry `eqWord#` 0##)
                            then None
                            else Some carry None
             f carry (Some w ws) = case w `uncheckedShiftRL#` j of
                                   carry' ->
                                    case w `uncheckedShiftL#` i of
                                    me ->
                                     Some (me `or#` carry) (f carry' ws)
         in f 0## p

-- Assumes 0 <= i
shiftRPositive :: Positive -> Int# -> Integer
shiftRPositive None _ = Naught
shiftRPositive p@(Some _ q) i
    = if isTrue# (i >=# WORD_SIZE_IN_BITS#)
      then shiftRPositive q (i -# WORD_SIZE_IN_BITS#)
      else smallShiftRPositive p i

-- Assumes 0 <= i < WORD_SIZE_IN_BITS#
smallShiftRPositive :: Positive -> Int# -> Integer
smallShiftRPositive (!p) (!i) =
    if isTrue# (i ==# 0#)
    then Positive p
    else case smallShiftLPositive p (WORD_SIZE_IN_BITS# -# i) of
         Some _ p'@(Some _ _) -> Positive p'
         _                    -> Naught

-- Long division
quotRemPositive :: Positive -> Positive -> (# Integer, Integer #)
(!xs) `quotRemPositive` (!ys)
    = case f xs of
      (# d, m #) -> (# digitsMaybeZeroToInteger d,
                       digitsMaybeZeroToInteger m #)
          subtractors :: Positives
          subtractors = mkSubtractors (WORD_SIZE_IN_BITS# -# 1#)

          mkSubtractors (!n) = if isTrue# (n ==# 0#)
                               then Cons ys Nil
                               else Cons (ys `smallShiftLPositive` n)
                                         (mkSubtractors (n -# 1#))

          -- The main function. Go the the end of xs, then walk
          -- back trying to divide the number we accumulate by ys.
          f :: Positive -> (# Digits, Digits #)
          f None = (# None, None #)
          f (Some z zs)
              = case f zs of
                (# ds, m #) ->
                    let -- We need to avoid making (Some Zero None) here
                        m' = some z m
                    in case g 0## subtractors m' of
                       (# d, m'' #) ->
                        (# some d ds, m'' #)

          g :: Digit -> Positives -> Digits -> (# Digit, Digits #)
          g (!d) Nil             (!m) = (# d, m #)
          g (!d) (Cons sub subs) (!m)
              = case d `uncheckedShiftL#` 1# of
                d' ->
                 case m `comparePositive` sub of
                 LT -> g d' subs m
                 _  -> g (d' `plusWord#` 1##)
                         (m `minusPositive` sub)

some :: Digit -> Digits -> Digits
some (!w) None  = if isTrue# (w `eqWord#` 0##) then None else Some w None
some (!w) (!ws) = Some w ws

-- Note [Avoid patError]
andDigits :: Digits -> Digits -> Digits
andDigits None          None          = None
andDigits (Some {})     None          = None
andDigits None          (Some {})     = None
andDigits (Some w1 ws1) (Some w2 ws2) = Some (w1 `and#` w2) (andDigits ws1 ws2)

-- DigitsOnes is just like Digits, only None is really 0xFFFFFFF...,
-- i.e. ones off to infinity. This makes sense when we want to "and"
-- a DigitOnes with a Digits, as the latter will bound the size of the
-- result.
newtype DigitsOnes = DigitsOnes Digits

-- Note [Avoid patError]
andDigitsOnes :: DigitsOnes -> Digits -> Digits
andDigitsOnes (DigitsOnes None)          None          = None
andDigitsOnes (DigitsOnes None)          ws2@(Some {}) = ws2
andDigitsOnes (DigitsOnes (Some {}))     None          = None
andDigitsOnes (DigitsOnes (Some w1 ws1)) (Some w2 ws2)
    = Some (w1 `and#` w2) (andDigitsOnes (DigitsOnes ws1) ws2)

-- Note [Avoid patError]
orDigits :: Digits -> Digits -> Digits
orDigits None          None          = None
orDigits None          ds@(Some {})  = ds
orDigits ds@(Some {})  None          = ds
orDigits (Some w1 ds1) (Some w2 ds2) = Some (w1 `or#` w2) (orDigits ds1 ds2)

-- Note [Avoid patError]
xorDigits :: Digits -> Digits -> Digits
xorDigits None          None          = None
xorDigits None          ds@(Some {})  = ds
xorDigits ds@(Some {})  None          = ds
xorDigits (Some w1 ds1) (Some w2 ds2) = Some (w1 `xor#` w2) (xorDigits ds1 ds2)

-- XXX We'd really like word2Double# for this
doubleFromPositive :: Positive -> Double#
doubleFromPositive None = 0.0##
doubleFromPositive (Some w ds)
    = case splitHalves w of
      (# h, l #) ->
       (doubleFromPositive ds *## (2.0## **## WORD_SIZE_IN_BITS_FLOAT##))
       +## (int2Double# (word2Int# h) *##
              (2.0## **## int2Double# (highHalfShift ())))
       +## int2Double# (word2Int# l)

-- XXX We'd really like word2Float# for this
floatFromPositive :: Positive -> Float#
floatFromPositive None = 0.0#
floatFromPositive (Some w ds)
    = case splitHalves w of
      (# h, l #) ->
       (floatFromPositive ds `timesFloat#` (2.0# `powerFloat#` WORD_SIZE_IN_BITS_FLOAT#))
       `plusFloat#` (int2Float# (word2Int# h) `timesFloat#`
             (2.0# `powerFloat#` int2Float# (highHalfShift ())))
       `plusFloat#` int2Float# (word2Int# l)

Note [Avoid patError]

If we use the natural set of definitions for functions, e.g.:

    orDigits None          ds            = ds
    orDigits ds            None          = ds
    orDigits (Some w1 ds1) (Some w2 ds2) = Some ... ...

then GHC may not be smart enough (especially when compiling with -O0)
to see that all the cases are handled, and will thus insert calls to
base:Control.Exception.Base.patError. But we are below base in the
package hierarchy, so this causes build failure!

We therefore help GHC out, by being more explicit about what all the
cases are:

    orDigits None          None          = None
    orDigits None          ds@(Some {})  = ds
    orDigits ds@(Some {})  None          = ds
    orDigits (Some w1 ds1) (Some w2 ds2) = Some ... ...