data Bash Source #
Defined in IntelliMonad.Tools.Bash
parseJSON :: Value -> Parser Bash #
parseJSONList :: Value -> Parser [Bash] #
omittedField :: Maybe Bash #
toJSON :: Bash -> Value #
toEncoding :: Bash -> Encoding #
toJSONList :: [Bash] -> Value #
toEncodingList :: [Bash] -> Encoding #
omitField :: Bash -> Bool #
Associated Types
type Rep Bash :: Type -> Type #
from :: Bash -> Rep Bash x #
to :: Rep Bash x -> Bash #
showsPrec :: Int -> Bash -> ShowS #
show :: Bash -> String #
showList :: [Bash] -> ShowS #
(==) :: Bash -> Bash -> Bool #
(/=) :: Bash -> Bash -> Bool #
getFunctionName :: String Source #
getFunctionDescription :: String Source #
getFieldDescription :: String -> String Source #
schema :: Schema Source #
data Output Bash Source #
toolFunctionName :: Text Source #
toolSchema :: ChatCompletionTool Source #
toolExec :: Bash -> IO (Output Bash) Source #
parseJSON :: Value -> Parser (Output Bash) #
parseJSONList :: Value -> Parser [Output Bash] #
omittedField :: Maybe (Output Bash) #
toJSON :: Output Bash -> Value #
toEncoding :: Output Bash -> Encoding #
toJSONList :: [Output Bash] -> Value #
toEncodingList :: [Output Bash] -> Encoding #
omitField :: Output Bash -> Bool #
type Rep (Output Bash) :: Type -> Type #
from :: Output Bash -> Rep (Output Bash) x #
to :: Rep (Output Bash) x -> Output Bash #
showsPrec :: Int -> Output Bash -> ShowS #
show :: Output Bash -> String #
showList :: [Output Bash] -> ShowS #
(==) :: Output Bash -> Output Bash -> Bool #
(/=) :: Output Bash -> Output Bash -> Bool #