Safe Haskell | Safe |
Language | Haskell2010 |
This module provides a bridge between the low-level text protocol that IRC uses and the high-level events in the Irc.Model module.
- data MsgFromServer
- = RplWelcome ByteString
- | RplYourHost ByteString
- | RplCreated ByteString
- | RplMyInfo ByteString ByteString [ByteString]
- | RplISupport [(ByteString, ByteString)]
- | RplSnoMask ByteString
- | RplYourId ByteString
- | RplStatsLinkInfo [ByteString]
- | RplStatsCommands [ByteString]
- | RplStatsCLine [ByteString]
- | RplStatsNLine [ByteString]
- | RplStatsILine [ByteString]
- | RplStatsKLine [ByteString]
- | RplStatsQLine [ByteString]
- | RplStatsYLine [ByteString]
- | RplEndOfStats Char
- | RplStatsPLine [ByteString]
- | RplUmodeIs ByteString [ByteString]
- | RplStatsDLine [ByteString]
- | RplStatsVLine [ByteString]
- | RplStatsLLine [ByteString]
- | RplStatsUptime ByteString
- | RplStatsOLine [ByteString]
- | RplStatsHLine [ByteString]
- | RplStatsSLine [ByteString]
- | RplStatsPing [ByteString]
- | RplStatsXLine [ByteString]
- | RplStatsULine [ByteString]
- | RplStatsDebug [ByteString]
- | RplStatsConn ByteString
- | RplLuserClient ByteString
- | RplLuserOp ByteString
- | RplLuserUnknown ByteString
- | RplLuserChannels ByteString
- | RplLuserMe ByteString
- | RplLuserAdminMe ByteString
- | RplLuserAdminLoc1 ByteString
- | RplLuserAdminLoc2 ByteString
- | RplLuserAdminEmail ByteString
- | RplLoadTooHigh ByteString
- | RplLocalUsers [ByteString]
- | RplGlobalUsers [ByteString]
- | RplPrivs ByteString
- | RplWhoisCertFp Identifier ByteString
- | RplAcceptList Identifier
- | RplEndOfAccept
- | RplAway Identifier ByteString
- | RplUserHost [ByteString]
- | RplIsOn [Identifier]
- | RplSyntax ByteString
- | RplUnAway
- | RplNowAway
- | RplWhoisUser Identifier ByteString ByteString ByteString
- | RplWhoisServer Identifier ByteString ByteString
- | RplWhoisOperator Identifier ByteString
- | RplWhoWasUser Identifier ByteString ByteString ByteString
- | RplEndOfWho Identifier
- | RplWhoisIdle Identifier Integer (Maybe UTCTime)
- | RplEndOfWhois Identifier
- | RplWhoisChannels Identifier ByteString
- | RplListStart
- | RplList Identifier Integer ByteString
- | RplListEnd
- | RplChannelModeIs Identifier ByteString [ByteString]
- | RplNoTopicSet Identifier
- | RplTopic Identifier ByteString
- | RplChannelUrl Identifier ByteString
- | RplCreationTime Identifier UTCTime
- | RplWhoisAccount Identifier ByteString
- | RplTopicWhoTime Identifier ByteString UTCTime
- | RplInviting Identifier Identifier
- | RplInviteList Identifier ByteString ByteString UTCTime
- | RplEndOfInviteList Identifier
- | RplExceptionList Identifier ByteString ByteString UTCTime
- | RplEndOfExceptionList Identifier
- | RplVersion [ByteString]
- | RplWhoReply Identifier ByteString ByteString ByteString Identifier ByteString ByteString
- | RplNameReply ChannelType Identifier [ByteString]
- | RplLinks ByteString ByteString ByteString
- | RplEndOfLinks ByteString
- | RplEndOfNames Identifier
- | RplBanList Identifier ByteString ByteString UTCTime
- | RplEndOfBanList Identifier
- | RplEndOfWhoWas Identifier
- | RplMotd ByteString
- | RplMotdStart
- | RplEndOfMotd
- | RplTime ByteString ByteString
- | RplInfo ByteString
- | RplEndOfInfo
- | RplWhoisHost Identifier ByteString
- | RplWhoisModes Identifier ByteString [ByteString]
- | RplYoureOper ByteString
- | RplHostHidden ByteString
- | Err Identifier IrcError
- | RplWhoisSecure Identifier
- | RplHelpStart ByteString ByteString
- | RplHelp ByteString ByteString
- | RplEndOfHelp ByteString
- | RplKnock Identifier UserInfo
- | RplKnockDelivered Identifier
- | RplTargNotify Identifier
- | RplUmodeGMsg Identifier ByteString
- | RplQuietList Identifier Char ByteString ByteString UTCTime
- | RplEndOfQuietList Identifier Char
- | RplLoggedIn ByteString
- | RplLoggedOut
- | RplNickLocked
- | RplSaslSuccess
- | RplSaslFail
- | RplSaslTooLong
- | RplSaslAborted
- | RplSaslAlready
- | RplSaslMechs ByteString
- | Away UserInfo (Maybe ByteString)
- | Ping ByteString
- | Pong ByteString (Maybe ByteString)
- | Notice UserInfo Identifier ByteString
- | Topic UserInfo Identifier ByteString
- | PrivMsg UserInfo Identifier ByteString
- | ExtJoin UserInfo Identifier (Maybe ByteString) ByteString
- | Join UserInfo Identifier
- | Nick UserInfo Identifier
- | Mode UserInfo Identifier [ByteString]
- | Quit UserInfo ByteString
- | Cap ByteString ByteString
- | Kick UserInfo Identifier Identifier ByteString
- | Part UserInfo Identifier ByteString
- | Invite UserInfo Identifier
- | Error ByteString
- | Authenticate ByteString
- | Account UserInfo (Maybe ByteString)
- data IrcError
- = ErrNoSuchNick
- | ErrNoSuchServer ByteString
- | ErrNoSuchChannel
- | ErrCannotSendToChan
- | ErrTooManyChannels
- | ErrWasNoSuchNick
- | ErrTooManyTargets
- | ErrNoOrigin
- | ErrNoRecipient
- | ErrNoTextToSend
- | ErrUnknownCommand ByteString
- | ErrNoMotd
- | ErrNoAdminInfo ByteString
- | ErrNoNicknameGiven
- | ErrErroneousNickname ByteString
- | ErrNicknameInUse Identifier
- | ErrBanNickChange
- | ErrUnavailResource
- | ErrNickTooFast
- | ErrServicesDown
- | ErrUserNotInChannel Identifier
- | ErrNotOnChannel
- | ErrUserOnChannel Identifier
- | ErrNotRegistered
- | ErrAcceptFull
- | ErrAcceptExist
- | ErrAcceptNot
- | ErrNeedMoreParams ByteString
- | ErrAlreadyRegistered
- | ErrNoPermForHost
- | ErrPasswordMismatch
- | ErrYoureBannedCreep
- | ErrLinkChannel Identifier
- | ErrChannelFull
- | ErrUnknownMode Char
- | ErrInviteOnlyChan
- | ErrBannedFromChan
- | ErrBadChannelKey
- | ErrNeedReggedNick
- | ErrBanListFull Char
- | ErrBadChanName ByteString
- | ErrThrottle
- | ErrNoPrivileges
- | ErrChanOpPrivsNeeded
- | ErrCantKillServer
- | ErrIsChanService Identifier
- | ErrNoNonReg
- | ErrVoiceNeeded
- | ErrNoOperHost
- | ErrOwnMode
- | ErrUnknownUmodeFlag Char
- | ErrUsersDontMatch
- | ErrHelpNotFound ByteString
- | ErrTooManyKnocks
- | ErrChanOpen
- | ErrKnockOnChan
- | ErrTargUmodeG
- | ErrNoPrivs ByteString
- | ErrMlockRestricted Char ByteString
- ircMsgToServerMsg :: RawIrcMsg -> Maybe MsgFromServer
data MsgFromServer Source
provides a typed view of the various IRC protocol messages.
There are more messages defined for IRC (and many of those overlap) than
are in common use. Please report a bug if a common message is missing
from this type.