{-# Language PatternSynonyms, OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-missing-pattern-synonym-signatures #-}

Module      : Irc.Codes
Description : Helpers for interpreting IRC reply codes
Copyright   : (c) Eric Mertens, 2016
License     : ISC
Maintainer  : emertens@gmail.com

This module defines support for working with IRC's numeric reply
codes. Pattern synonyms are provided for each of the possible IRC reply codes.

Reply code information was extracted from https://www.alien.net.au/irc/irc2numerics.html


module Irc.Codes where

import           Data.Vector (Vector)
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
import           Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text

-- | Type of numeric reply codes
newtype ReplyCode = ReplyCode Word
  deriving (ReplyCode -> ReplyCode -> Bool
(ReplyCode -> ReplyCode -> Bool)
-> (ReplyCode -> ReplyCode -> Bool) -> Eq ReplyCode
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
/= :: ReplyCode -> ReplyCode -> Bool
$c/= :: ReplyCode -> ReplyCode -> Bool
== :: ReplyCode -> ReplyCode -> Bool
$c== :: ReplyCode -> ReplyCode -> Bool
Eq, Eq ReplyCode
Eq ReplyCode
-> (ReplyCode -> ReplyCode -> Ordering)
-> (ReplyCode -> ReplyCode -> Bool)
-> (ReplyCode -> ReplyCode -> Bool)
-> (ReplyCode -> ReplyCode -> Bool)
-> (ReplyCode -> ReplyCode -> Bool)
-> (ReplyCode -> ReplyCode -> ReplyCode)
-> (ReplyCode -> ReplyCode -> ReplyCode)
-> Ord ReplyCode
ReplyCode -> ReplyCode -> Bool
ReplyCode -> ReplyCode -> Ordering
ReplyCode -> ReplyCode -> ReplyCode
forall a.
Eq a
-> (a -> a -> Ordering)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> Ord a
min :: ReplyCode -> ReplyCode -> ReplyCode
$cmin :: ReplyCode -> ReplyCode -> ReplyCode
max :: ReplyCode -> ReplyCode -> ReplyCode
$cmax :: ReplyCode -> ReplyCode -> ReplyCode
>= :: ReplyCode -> ReplyCode -> Bool
$c>= :: ReplyCode -> ReplyCode -> Bool
> :: ReplyCode -> ReplyCode -> Bool
$c> :: ReplyCode -> ReplyCode -> Bool
<= :: ReplyCode -> ReplyCode -> Bool
$c<= :: ReplyCode -> ReplyCode -> Bool
< :: ReplyCode -> ReplyCode -> Bool
$c< :: ReplyCode -> ReplyCode -> Bool
compare :: ReplyCode -> ReplyCode -> Ordering
$ccompare :: ReplyCode -> ReplyCode -> Ordering
$cp1Ord :: Eq ReplyCode

-- | Shows number
instance Show ReplyCode where
  showsPrec :: Int -> ReplyCode -> ShowS
showsPrec Int
p (ReplyCode Word
x) = Int -> Word -> ShowS
forall a. Show a => Int -> a -> ShowS
showsPrec Int
p Word

-- | Reads only the number
instance Read ReplyCode where
  readsPrec :: Int -> ReadS ReplyCode
readsPrec Int
p String
str = [ (Word -> ReplyCode
ReplyCode Word
x, String
xs) | (Word
xs) <- Int -> ReadS Word
forall a. Read a => Int -> ReadS a
readsPrec Int
p String
str ]

-- | Categories for reply codes
data ReplyType
  = ClientServerReply -- ^ 0-99 Messages between client and server
  | CommandReply      -- ^ 200-399 Responses to commands
  | ErrorReply        -- ^ 400-599 Errors
  | UnknownReply      -- ^ Uncategorized
  deriving (ReplyType -> ReplyType -> Bool
(ReplyType -> ReplyType -> Bool)
-> (ReplyType -> ReplyType -> Bool) -> Eq ReplyType
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
/= :: ReplyType -> ReplyType -> Bool
$c/= :: ReplyType -> ReplyType -> Bool
== :: ReplyType -> ReplyType -> Bool
$c== :: ReplyType -> ReplyType -> Bool
Eq, Eq ReplyType
Eq ReplyType
-> (ReplyType -> ReplyType -> Ordering)
-> (ReplyType -> ReplyType -> Bool)
-> (ReplyType -> ReplyType -> Bool)
-> (ReplyType -> ReplyType -> Bool)
-> (ReplyType -> ReplyType -> Bool)
-> (ReplyType -> ReplyType -> ReplyType)
-> (ReplyType -> ReplyType -> ReplyType)
-> Ord ReplyType
ReplyType -> ReplyType -> Bool
ReplyType -> ReplyType -> Ordering
ReplyType -> ReplyType -> ReplyType
forall a.
Eq a
-> (a -> a -> Ordering)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> Ord a
min :: ReplyType -> ReplyType -> ReplyType
$cmin :: ReplyType -> ReplyType -> ReplyType
max :: ReplyType -> ReplyType -> ReplyType
$cmax :: ReplyType -> ReplyType -> ReplyType
>= :: ReplyType -> ReplyType -> Bool
$c>= :: ReplyType -> ReplyType -> Bool
> :: ReplyType -> ReplyType -> Bool
$c> :: ReplyType -> ReplyType -> Bool
<= :: ReplyType -> ReplyType -> Bool
$c<= :: ReplyType -> ReplyType -> Bool
< :: ReplyType -> ReplyType -> Bool
$c< :: ReplyType -> ReplyType -> Bool
compare :: ReplyType -> ReplyType -> Ordering
$ccompare :: ReplyType -> ReplyType -> Ordering
$cp1Ord :: Eq ReplyType
Ord, ReadPrec [ReplyType]
ReadPrec ReplyType
Int -> ReadS ReplyType
ReadS [ReplyType]
(Int -> ReadS ReplyType)
-> ReadS [ReplyType]
-> ReadPrec ReplyType
-> ReadPrec [ReplyType]
-> Read ReplyType
forall a.
(Int -> ReadS a)
-> ReadS [a] -> ReadPrec a -> ReadPrec [a] -> Read a
readListPrec :: ReadPrec [ReplyType]
$creadListPrec :: ReadPrec [ReplyType]
readPrec :: ReadPrec ReplyType
$creadPrec :: ReadPrec ReplyType
readList :: ReadS [ReplyType]
$creadList :: ReadS [ReplyType]
readsPrec :: Int -> ReadS ReplyType
$creadsPrec :: Int -> ReadS ReplyType
Read, Int -> ReplyType -> ShowS
[ReplyType] -> ShowS
ReplyType -> String
(Int -> ReplyType -> ShowS)
-> (ReplyType -> String)
-> ([ReplyType] -> ShowS)
-> Show ReplyType
forall a.
(Int -> a -> ShowS) -> (a -> String) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
showList :: [ReplyType] -> ShowS
$cshowList :: [ReplyType] -> ShowS
show :: ReplyType -> String
$cshow :: ReplyType -> String
showsPrec :: Int -> ReplyType -> ShowS
$cshowsPrec :: Int -> ReplyType -> ShowS

pattern $bRPL_WELCOME :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_WELCOME :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_WELCOME                 = ReplyCode 001
pattern $bRPL_YOURHOST :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_YOURHOST :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_YOURHOST                = ReplyCode 002
pattern $bRPL_CREATED :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_CREATED :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_CREATED                 = ReplyCode 003
pattern $bRPL_MYINFO :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_MYINFO :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_MYINFO                  = ReplyCode 004
pattern $bRPL_ISUPPORT :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_ISUPPORT :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_ISUPPORT                = ReplyCode 005
pattern $bRPL_SNOMASK :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_SNOMASK :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_SNOMASK                 = ReplyCode 008
pattern $bRPL_STATMEMTOT :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_STATMEMTOT :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_STATMEMTOT              = ReplyCode 009
pattern $bRPL_REDIR :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_REDIR :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_REDIR                   = ReplyCode 010
pattern $bRPL_YOURCOOKIE :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_YOURCOOKIE :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_YOURCOOKIE              = ReplyCode 014
pattern $bRPL_MAP :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_MAP :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_MAP                     = ReplyCode 015
pattern $bRPL_MAPEND :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_MAPEND :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_MAPEND                  = ReplyCode 017
pattern $bRPL_YOURID :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_YOURID :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_YOURID                  = ReplyCode 042
pattern $bRPL_SAVENICK :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_SAVENICK :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_SAVENICK                = ReplyCode 043
pattern $bRPL_ATTEMPTINGJUNC :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_ATTEMPTINGJUNC :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_ATTEMPTINGJUNC          = ReplyCode 050
pattern $bRPL_ATTEMPTINGREROUTE :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_ATTEMPTINGREROUTE :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
pattern $bRPL_REMOTESUPPORT :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_REMOTESUPPORT :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_REMOTESUPPORT           = ReplyCode 105 -- ircd-seven unnamed code
pattern $bRPL_TRACELINK :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_TRACELINK :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_TRACELINK               = ReplyCode 200
pattern $bRPL_TRACECONNECTING :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_TRACECONNECTING :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_TRACECONNECTING         = ReplyCode 201
pattern $bRPL_TRACEHANDSHAKE :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_TRACEHANDSHAKE :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_TRACEHANDSHAKE          = ReplyCode 202
pattern $bRPL_TRACEUNKNOWN :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_TRACEUNKNOWN :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_TRACEUNKNOWN            = ReplyCode 203
pattern $bRPL_TRACEOPERATOR :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_TRACEOPERATOR :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_TRACEOPERATOR           = ReplyCode 204
pattern $bRPL_TRACEUSER :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_TRACEUSER :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_TRACEUSER               = ReplyCode 205
pattern $bRPL_TRACESERVER :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_TRACESERVER :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_TRACESERVER             = ReplyCode 206
pattern $bRPL_TRACESERVICE :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_TRACESERVICE :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_TRACESERVICE            = ReplyCode 207
pattern $bRPL_TRACENEWTYPE :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_TRACENEWTYPE :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_TRACENEWTYPE            = ReplyCode 208
pattern $bRPL_TRACECLASS :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_TRACECLASS :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_TRACECLASS              = ReplyCode 209
pattern $bRPL_TRACERECONNECT :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_TRACERECONNECT :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_TRACERECONNECT          = ReplyCode 210
pattern $bRPL_STATS :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_STATS :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_STATS                   = ReplyCode 210
pattern $bRPL_STATSLINKINFO :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_STATSLINKINFO :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_STATSLINKINFO           = ReplyCode 211
pattern $bRPL_STATSCOMMANDS :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_STATSCOMMANDS :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_STATSCOMMANDS           = ReplyCode 212
pattern $bRPL_STATSCLINE :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_STATSCLINE :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_STATSCLINE              = ReplyCode 213
pattern $bRPL_STATSNLINE :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_STATSNLINE :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_STATSNLINE              = ReplyCode 214
pattern $bRPL_STATSILINE :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_STATSILINE :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_STATSILINE              = ReplyCode 215
pattern $bRPL_STATSKLINE :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_STATSKLINE :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_STATSKLINE              = ReplyCode 216
pattern $bRPL_STATSQLINE :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_STATSQLINE :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_STATSQLINE              = ReplyCode 217
pattern $bRPL_STATSYLINE :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_STATSYLINE :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_STATSYLINE              = ReplyCode 218
pattern $bRPL_ENDOFSTATS :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_ENDOFSTATS :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_ENDOFSTATS              = ReplyCode 219
pattern $bRPL_STATSPLINE :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_STATSPLINE :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_STATSPLINE              = ReplyCode 220
pattern $bRPL_UMODEIS :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_UMODEIS :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_UMODEIS                 = ReplyCode 221
pattern $bRPL_SQLINE_NICK :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_SQLINE_NICK :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_SQLINE_NICK             = ReplyCode 222
pattern $bRPL_STATSDLINE :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_STATSDLINE :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_STATSDLINE              = ReplyCode 225
pattern $bRPL_STATSCOUNT :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_STATSCOUNT :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_STATSCOUNT              = ReplyCode 226
pattern $bRPL_SERVICEINFO :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_SERVICEINFO :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_SERVICEINFO             = ReplyCode 231
pattern $bRPL_ENDOFSERVICES :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_ENDOFSERVICES :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_ENDOFSERVICES           = ReplyCode 232
pattern $bRPL_SERVICE :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_SERVICE :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_SERVICE                 = ReplyCode 233
pattern $bRPL_SERVLIST :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_SERVLIST :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_SERVLIST                = ReplyCode 234
pattern $bRPL_SERVLISTEND :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_SERVLISTEND :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_SERVLISTEND             = ReplyCode 235
pattern $bRPL_STATSVERBOSE :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_STATSVERBOSE :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_STATSVERBOSE            = ReplyCode 236
pattern $bRPL_STATSIAUTH :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_STATSIAUTH :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_STATSIAUTH              = ReplyCode 239
pattern $bRPL_STATSLLINE :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_STATSLLINE :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_STATSLLINE              = ReplyCode 241
pattern $bRPL_STATSUPTIME :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_STATSUPTIME :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_STATSUPTIME             = ReplyCode 242
pattern $bRPL_STATSOLINE :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_STATSOLINE :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_STATSOLINE              = ReplyCode 243
pattern $bRPL_STATSHLINE :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_STATSHLINE :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_STATSHLINE              = ReplyCode 244
pattern $bRPL_STATSSLINE :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_STATSSLINE :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_STATSSLINE              = ReplyCode 245
pattern $bRPL_STATSPING :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_STATSPING :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_STATSPING               = ReplyCode 246
pattern $bRPL_STATSXLINE :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_STATSXLINE :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_STATSXLINE              = ReplyCode 247
pattern $bRPL_STATSULINE :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_STATSULINE :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_STATSULINE              = ReplyCode 248
pattern $bRPL_STATSDEBUG :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_STATSDEBUG :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_STATSDEBUG              = ReplyCode 249
pattern $bRPL_STATSCONN :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_STATSCONN :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_STATSCONN               = ReplyCode 250
pattern $bRPL_LUSERCLIENT :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_LUSERCLIENT :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_LUSERCLIENT             = ReplyCode 251
pattern $bRPL_LUSEROP :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_LUSEROP :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_LUSEROP                 = ReplyCode 252
pattern $bRPL_LUSERUNKNOWN :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_LUSERUNKNOWN :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_LUSERUNKNOWN            = ReplyCode 253
pattern $bRPL_LUSERCHANNELS :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_LUSERCHANNELS :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_LUSERCHANNELS           = ReplyCode 254
pattern $bRPL_LUSERME :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_LUSERME :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_LUSERME                 = ReplyCode 255
pattern $bRPL_ADMINME :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_ADMINME :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_ADMINME                 = ReplyCode 256
pattern $bRPL_ADMINLOC1 :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_ADMINLOC1 :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_ADMINLOC1               = ReplyCode 257
pattern $bRPL_ADMINLOC2 :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_ADMINLOC2 :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_ADMINLOC2               = ReplyCode 258
pattern $bRPL_ADMINEMAIL :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_ADMINEMAIL :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_ADMINEMAIL              = ReplyCode 259
pattern $bRPL_TRACELOG :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_TRACELOG :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_TRACELOG                = ReplyCode 261
pattern $bRPL_ENDOFTRACE :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_ENDOFTRACE :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_ENDOFTRACE              = ReplyCode 262
pattern $bRPL_LOAD2HI :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_LOAD2HI :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_LOAD2HI                 = ReplyCode 263
pattern $bRPL_LOCALUSERS :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_LOCALUSERS :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_LOCALUSERS              = ReplyCode 265
pattern $bRPL_GLOBALUSERS :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_GLOBALUSERS :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_GLOBALUSERS             = ReplyCode 266
pattern $bRPL_START_NETSTAT :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_START_NETSTAT :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_START_NETSTAT           = ReplyCode 267
pattern $bRPL_NETSTAT :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_NETSTAT :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_NETSTAT                 = ReplyCode 268
pattern $bRPL_END_NETSTAT :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_END_NETSTAT :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_END_NETSTAT             = ReplyCode 269
pattern $bRPL_PRIVS :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_PRIVS :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_PRIVS                   = ReplyCode 270
pattern $bRPL_SILELIST :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_SILELIST :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_SILELIST                = ReplyCode 271
pattern $bRPL_ENDOFSILELIST :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_ENDOFSILELIST :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_ENDOFSILELIST           = ReplyCode 272
pattern $bRPL_NOTIFY :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_NOTIFY :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_NOTIFY                  = ReplyCode 273
pattern $bRPL_ENDNOTIFY :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_ENDNOTIFY :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_ENDNOTIFY               = ReplyCode 274
pattern $bRPL_STATSDELTA :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_STATSDELTA :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_STATSDELTA              = ReplyCode 274
pattern $bRPL_WHOISCERTFP :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_WHOISCERTFP :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_WHOISCERTFP             = ReplyCode 276
pattern $bRPL_VCHANLIST :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_VCHANLIST :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_VCHANLIST               = ReplyCode 277
pattern $bRPL_VCHANHELP :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_VCHANHELP :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_VCHANHELP               = ReplyCode 278
pattern $bRPL_GLIST :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_GLIST :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_GLIST                   = ReplyCode 280
pattern $bRPL_ACCEPTLIST :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_ACCEPTLIST :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_ACCEPTLIST              = ReplyCode 281
pattern $bRPL_ENDOFACCEPT :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_ENDOFACCEPT :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_ENDOFACCEPT             = ReplyCode 282
pattern $bRPL_ENDOFJUPELIST :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_ENDOFJUPELIST :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_ENDOFJUPELIST           = ReplyCode 283
pattern $bRPL_FEATURE :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_FEATURE :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_FEATURE                 = ReplyCode 284
pattern $bRPL_DATASTR :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_DATASTR :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_DATASTR                 = ReplyCode 290
pattern $bRPL_END_CHANINFO :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_END_CHANINFO :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_END_CHANINFO            = ReplyCode 299
pattern $bRPL_NONE :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_NONE :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_NONE                    = ReplyCode 300
pattern $bRPL_AWAY :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_AWAY :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_AWAY                    = ReplyCode 301
pattern $bRPL_USERHOST :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_USERHOST :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_USERHOST                = ReplyCode 302
pattern $bRPL_ISON :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_ISON :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_ISON                    = ReplyCode 303
pattern $bRPL_TEXT :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_TEXT :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_TEXT                    = ReplyCode 304
pattern $bRPL_UNAWAY :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_UNAWAY :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_UNAWAY                  = ReplyCode 305
pattern $bRPL_NOWAWAY :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_NOWAWAY :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_NOWAWAY                 = ReplyCode 306
pattern $bRPL_WHOISREGNICK :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_WHOISREGNICK :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_WHOISREGNICK            = ReplyCode 307
pattern $bRPL_SUSERHOST :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_SUSERHOST :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_SUSERHOST               = ReplyCode 307
pattern $bRPL_NOTIFYACTION :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_NOTIFYACTION :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_NOTIFYACTION            = ReplyCode 308
pattern $bRPL_WHOISADMIN :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_WHOISADMIN :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_WHOISADMIN              = ReplyCode 308
pattern $bRPL_NICKTRACE :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_NICKTRACE :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_NICKTRACE               = ReplyCode 309
pattern $bRPL_WHOISSADMIN :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_WHOISSADMIN :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_WHOISSADMIN             = ReplyCode 309
pattern $bRPL_WHOISHELPER :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_WHOISHELPER :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_WHOISHELPER             = ReplyCode 309
pattern $bRPL_WHOISHELPOP :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_WHOISHELPOP :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_WHOISHELPOP             = ReplyCode 310
pattern $bRPL_WHOISUSER :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_WHOISUSER :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_WHOISUSER               = ReplyCode 311
pattern $bRPL_WHOISSERVER :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_WHOISSERVER :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_WHOISSERVER             = ReplyCode 312
pattern $bRPL_WHOISOPERATOR :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_WHOISOPERATOR :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_WHOISOPERATOR           = ReplyCode 313
pattern $bRPL_WHOWASUSER :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_WHOWASUSER :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_WHOWASUSER              = ReplyCode 314
pattern $bRPL_ENDOFWHO :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_ENDOFWHO :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_ENDOFWHO                = ReplyCode 315
pattern $bRPL_WHOISCHANOP :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_WHOISCHANOP :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_WHOISCHANOP             = ReplyCode 316
pattern $bRPL_WHOISIDLE :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_WHOISIDLE :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_WHOISIDLE               = ReplyCode 317
pattern $bRPL_ENDOFWHOIS :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_ENDOFWHOIS :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_ENDOFWHOIS              = ReplyCode 318
pattern $bRPL_WHOISCHANNELS :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_WHOISCHANNELS :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_WHOISCHANNELS           = ReplyCode 319
pattern $bRPL_WHOISSPECIAL :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_WHOISSPECIAL :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_WHOISSPECIAL            = ReplyCode 320
pattern $bRPL_LISTSTART :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_LISTSTART :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_LISTSTART               = ReplyCode 321
pattern $bRPL_LIST :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_LIST :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_LIST                    = ReplyCode 322
pattern $bRPL_LISTEND :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_LISTEND :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_LISTEND                 = ReplyCode 323
pattern $bRPL_CHANNELMODEIS :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_CHANNELMODEIS :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_CHANNELMODEIS           = ReplyCode 324
pattern $bRPL_CHANNELMLOCKIS :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_CHANNELMLOCKIS :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_CHANNELMLOCKIS          = ReplyCode 325
pattern $bRPL_NOCHANPASS :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_NOCHANPASS :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_NOCHANPASS              = ReplyCode 326
pattern $bRPL_CHPASSUNKNOWN :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_CHPASSUNKNOWN :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_CHPASSUNKNOWN           = ReplyCode 327
pattern $bRPL_CHANNEL_URL :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_CHANNEL_URL :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_CHANNEL_URL             = ReplyCode 328
pattern $bRPL_CREATIONTIME :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_CREATIONTIME :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_CREATIONTIME            = ReplyCode 329
pattern $bRPL_WHOISACCOUNT :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_WHOISACCOUNT :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_WHOISACCOUNT            = ReplyCode 330
pattern $bRPL_NOTOPIC :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_NOTOPIC :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_NOTOPIC                 = ReplyCode 331
pattern $bRPL_TOPIC :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_TOPIC :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_TOPIC                   = ReplyCode 332
pattern $bRPL_TOPICWHOTIME :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_TOPICWHOTIME :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_TOPICWHOTIME            = ReplyCode 333
pattern $bRPL_LISTUSAGE :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_LISTUSAGE :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_LISTUSAGE               = ReplyCode 334
pattern $bRPL_COMMANDSYNTAX :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_COMMANDSYNTAX :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_COMMANDSYNTAX           = ReplyCode 334
pattern $bRPL_LISTSYNTAX :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_LISTSYNTAX :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_LISTSYNTAX              = ReplyCode 334
pattern $bRPL_WHOISACTUALLY :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_WHOISACTUALLY :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_WHOISACTUALLY           = ReplyCode 338
pattern $bRPL_BADCHANPASS :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_BADCHANPASS :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_BADCHANPASS             = ReplyCode 339
pattern $bRPL_INVITING :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_INVITING :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_INVITING                = ReplyCode 341
pattern $bRPL_SUMMONING :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_SUMMONING :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_SUMMONING               = ReplyCode 342
pattern $bRPL_INVITED :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_INVITED :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_INVITED                 = ReplyCode 345
pattern $bRPL_INVEXLIST :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_INVEXLIST :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_INVEXLIST               = ReplyCode 346
pattern $bRPL_ENDOFINVEXLIST :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_ENDOFINVEXLIST :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_ENDOFINVEXLIST          = ReplyCode 347
pattern $bRPL_EXCEPTLIST :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_EXCEPTLIST :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_EXCEPTLIST              = ReplyCode 348
pattern $bRPL_ENDOFEXCEPTLIST :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_ENDOFEXCEPTLIST :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_ENDOFEXCEPTLIST         = ReplyCode 349
pattern $bRPL_VERSION :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_VERSION :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_VERSION                 = ReplyCode 351
pattern $bRPL_WHOREPLY :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_WHOREPLY :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_WHOREPLY                = ReplyCode 352
pattern $bRPL_NAMREPLY :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_NAMREPLY :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_NAMREPLY                = ReplyCode 353
pattern $bRPL_WHOSPCRPL :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_WHOSPCRPL :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_WHOSPCRPL               = ReplyCode 354
pattern $bRPL_NAMREPLY_ :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_NAMREPLY_ :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_NAMREPLY_               = ReplyCode 355
pattern $bRPL_WHOWASREAL :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_WHOWASREAL :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_WHOWASREAL              = ReplyCode 360
pattern $bRPL_KILLDONE :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_KILLDONE :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_KILLDONE                = ReplyCode 361
pattern $bRPL_CLOSING :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_CLOSING :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_CLOSING                 = ReplyCode 362
pattern $bRPL_CLOSEEND :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_CLOSEEND :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_CLOSEEND                = ReplyCode 363
pattern $bRPL_LINKS :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_LINKS :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_LINKS                   = ReplyCode 364
pattern $bRPL_ENDOFLINKS :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_ENDOFLINKS :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_ENDOFLINKS              = ReplyCode 365
pattern $bRPL_ENDOFNAMES :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_ENDOFNAMES :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_ENDOFNAMES              = ReplyCode 366
pattern $bRPL_BANLIST :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_BANLIST :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_BANLIST                 = ReplyCode 367
pattern $bRPL_ENDOFBANLIST :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_ENDOFBANLIST :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_ENDOFBANLIST            = ReplyCode 368
pattern $bRPL_ENDOFWHOWAS :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_ENDOFWHOWAS :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_ENDOFWHOWAS             = ReplyCode 369
pattern $bRPL_INFO :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_INFO :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_INFO                    = ReplyCode 371
pattern $bRPL_MOTD :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_MOTD :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_MOTD                    = ReplyCode 372
pattern $bRPL_INFOSTART :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_INFOSTART :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_INFOSTART               = ReplyCode 373
pattern $bRPL_ENDOFINFO :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_ENDOFINFO :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_ENDOFINFO               = ReplyCode 374
pattern $bRPL_MOTDSTART :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_MOTDSTART :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_MOTDSTART               = ReplyCode 375
pattern $bRPL_ENDOFMOTD :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_ENDOFMOTD :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_ENDOFMOTD               = ReplyCode 376
pattern $bRPL_WHOISHOST :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_WHOISHOST :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_WHOISHOST               = ReplyCode 378
pattern $bRPL_WHOISMODES :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_WHOISMODES :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_WHOISMODES              = ReplyCode 379
pattern $bRPL_YOUREOPER :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_YOUREOPER :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_YOUREOPER               = ReplyCode 381
pattern $bRPL_REHASHING :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_REHASHING :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_REHASHING               = ReplyCode 382
pattern $bRPL_YOURESERVICE :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_YOURESERVICE :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_YOURESERVICE            = ReplyCode 383
pattern $bRPL_MYPORTIS :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_MYPORTIS :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_MYPORTIS                = ReplyCode 384
pattern $bRPL_NOTOPERANYMORE :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_NOTOPERANYMORE :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_NOTOPERANYMORE          = ReplyCode 385
pattern $bRPL_RSACHALLENGE :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_RSACHALLENGE :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_RSACHALLENGE            = ReplyCode 386
pattern $bRPL_TIME :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_TIME :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_TIME                    = ReplyCode 391
pattern $bRPL_USERSSTART :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_USERSSTART :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_USERSSTART              = ReplyCode 392
pattern $bRPL_USERS :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_USERS :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_USERS                   = ReplyCode 393
pattern $bRPL_ENDOFUSERS :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_ENDOFUSERS :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_ENDOFUSERS              = ReplyCode 394
pattern $bRPL_NOUSERS :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_NOUSERS :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_NOUSERS                 = ReplyCode 395
pattern $bRPL_HOSTHIDDEN :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_HOSTHIDDEN :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_HOSTHIDDEN              = ReplyCode 396
pattern $bERR_UNKNOWNERROR :: ReplyCode
$mERR_UNKNOWNERROR :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_UNKNOWNERROR            = ReplyCode 400
pattern $bERR_NOSUCHNICK :: ReplyCode
$mERR_NOSUCHNICK :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_NOSUCHNICK              = ReplyCode 401
pattern $bERR_NOSUCHSERVER :: ReplyCode
$mERR_NOSUCHSERVER :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_NOSUCHSERVER            = ReplyCode 402
pattern $bERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL :: ReplyCode
$mERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL           = ReplyCode 403
pattern $bERR_CANNOTSENDTOCHAN :: ReplyCode
$mERR_CANNOTSENDTOCHAN :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_CANNOTSENDTOCHAN        = ReplyCode 404
pattern $bERR_TOOMANYCHANNELS :: ReplyCode
$mERR_TOOMANYCHANNELS :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_TOOMANYCHANNELS         = ReplyCode 405
pattern $bERR_WASNOSUCHNICK :: ReplyCode
$mERR_WASNOSUCHNICK :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_WASNOSUCHNICK           = ReplyCode 406
pattern $bERR_TOOMANYTARGETS :: ReplyCode
$mERR_TOOMANYTARGETS :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_TOOMANYTARGETS          = ReplyCode 407
pattern $bERR_NOORIGIN :: ReplyCode
$mERR_NOORIGIN :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_NOORIGIN                = ReplyCode 409
pattern $bERR_INVALIDCAPCMD :: ReplyCode
$mERR_INVALIDCAPCMD :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_INVALIDCAPCMD           = ReplyCode 410
pattern $bERR_NORECIPIENT :: ReplyCode
$mERR_NORECIPIENT :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_NORECIPIENT             = ReplyCode 411
pattern $bERR_NOTEXTTOSEND :: ReplyCode
$mERR_NOTEXTTOSEND :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_NOTEXTTOSEND            = ReplyCode 412
pattern $bERR_NOTOPLEVEL :: ReplyCode
$mERR_NOTOPLEVEL :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_NOTOPLEVEL              = ReplyCode 413
pattern $bERR_WILDTOPLEVEL :: ReplyCode
$mERR_WILDTOPLEVEL :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_WILDTOPLEVEL            = ReplyCode 414
pattern $bERR_MSGNEEDREGGEDNICK :: ReplyCode
$mERR_MSGNEEDREGGEDNICK :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
pattern $bERR_TOOMANYMATCHES :: ReplyCode
$mERR_TOOMANYMATCHES :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_TOOMANYMATCHES          = ReplyCode 416
pattern $bERR_LENGTHTRUNCATED :: ReplyCode
$mERR_LENGTHTRUNCATED :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_LENGTHTRUNCATED         = ReplyCode 419
pattern $bERR_UNKNOWNCOMMAND :: ReplyCode
$mERR_UNKNOWNCOMMAND :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_UNKNOWNCOMMAND          = ReplyCode 421
pattern $bERR_NOMOTD :: ReplyCode
$mERR_NOMOTD :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_NOMOTD                  = ReplyCode 422
pattern $bERR_NOADMININFO :: ReplyCode
$mERR_NOADMININFO :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_NOADMININFO             = ReplyCode 423
pattern $bERR_FILEERROR :: ReplyCode
$mERR_FILEERROR :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_FILEERROR               = ReplyCode 424
pattern $bERR_NOOPERMOTD :: ReplyCode
$mERR_NOOPERMOTD :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_NOOPERMOTD              = ReplyCode 425
pattern $bERR_TOOMANYAWAY :: ReplyCode
$mERR_TOOMANYAWAY :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_TOOMANYAWAY             = ReplyCode 429
pattern $bERR_EVENTNICKCHANGE :: ReplyCode
$mERR_EVENTNICKCHANGE :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_EVENTNICKCHANGE         = ReplyCode 430
pattern $bERR_NONICKNAMEGIVEN :: ReplyCode
$mERR_NONICKNAMEGIVEN :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_NONICKNAMEGIVEN         = ReplyCode 431
pattern $bERR_ERRONEUSNICKNAME :: ReplyCode
$mERR_ERRONEUSNICKNAME :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_ERRONEUSNICKNAME        = ReplyCode 432
pattern $bERR_NICKNAMEINUSE :: ReplyCode
$mERR_NICKNAMEINUSE :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_NICKNAMEINUSE           = ReplyCode 433
pattern $bERR_SERVICENAMEINUSE :: ReplyCode
$mERR_SERVICENAMEINUSE :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_SERVICENAMEINUSE        = ReplyCode 434
pattern $bERR_NORULES :: ReplyCode
$mERR_NORULES :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_NORULES                 = ReplyCode 434
pattern $bERR_BANNICKCHANGE :: ReplyCode
$mERR_BANNICKCHANGE :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_BANNICKCHANGE           = ReplyCode 435
pattern $bERR_NICKCOLLISION :: ReplyCode
$mERR_NICKCOLLISION :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_NICKCOLLISION           = ReplyCode 436
pattern $bERR_UNAVAILRESOURCE :: ReplyCode
$mERR_UNAVAILRESOURCE :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_UNAVAILRESOURCE         = ReplyCode 437
pattern $bERR_NICKTOOFAST :: ReplyCode
$mERR_NICKTOOFAST :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_NICKTOOFAST             = ReplyCode 438
pattern $bERR_TARGETTOOFAST :: ReplyCode
$mERR_TARGETTOOFAST :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_TARGETTOOFAST           = ReplyCode 439
pattern $bERR_SERVICESDOWN :: ReplyCode
$mERR_SERVICESDOWN :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_SERVICESDOWN            = ReplyCode 440
pattern $bERR_USERNOTINCHANNEL :: ReplyCode
$mERR_USERNOTINCHANNEL :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_USERNOTINCHANNEL        = ReplyCode 441
pattern $bERR_NOTONCHANNEL :: ReplyCode
$mERR_NOTONCHANNEL :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_NOTONCHANNEL            = ReplyCode 442
pattern $bERR_USERONCHANNEL :: ReplyCode
$mERR_USERONCHANNEL :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_USERONCHANNEL           = ReplyCode 443
pattern $bERR_NOLOGIN :: ReplyCode
$mERR_NOLOGIN :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_NOLOGIN                 = ReplyCode 444
pattern $bERR_SUMMONDISABLED :: ReplyCode
$mERR_SUMMONDISABLED :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_SUMMONDISABLED          = ReplyCode 445
pattern $bERR_USERSDISABLED :: ReplyCode
$mERR_USERSDISABLED :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_USERSDISABLED           = ReplyCode 446
pattern $bERR_NONICKCHANGE :: ReplyCode
$mERR_NONICKCHANGE :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_NONICKCHANGE            = ReplyCode 447
pattern $bERR_NOTIMPLEMENTED :: ReplyCode
$mERR_NOTIMPLEMENTED :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_NOTIMPLEMENTED          = ReplyCode 449
pattern $bERR_NOTREGISTERED :: ReplyCode
$mERR_NOTREGISTERED :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_NOTREGISTERED           = ReplyCode 451
pattern $bERR_IDCOLLISION :: ReplyCode
$mERR_IDCOLLISION :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_IDCOLLISION             = ReplyCode 452
pattern $bERR_NICKLOST :: ReplyCode
$mERR_NICKLOST :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_NICKLOST                = ReplyCode 453
pattern $bERR_HOSTILENAME :: ReplyCode
$mERR_HOSTILENAME :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_HOSTILENAME             = ReplyCode 455
pattern $bERR_ACCEPTFULL :: ReplyCode
$mERR_ACCEPTFULL :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_ACCEPTFULL              = ReplyCode 456
pattern $bERR_ACCEPTEXIST :: ReplyCode
$mERR_ACCEPTEXIST :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_ACCEPTEXIST             = ReplyCode 457
pattern $bERR_ACCEPTNOT :: ReplyCode
$mERR_ACCEPTNOT :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_ACCEPTNOT               = ReplyCode 458
pattern $bERR_NOHIDING :: ReplyCode
$mERR_NOHIDING :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_NOHIDING                = ReplyCode 459
pattern $bERR_NOTFORHALFOPS :: ReplyCode
$mERR_NOTFORHALFOPS :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_NOTFORHALFOPS           = ReplyCode 460
pattern $bERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS :: ReplyCode
$mERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS          = ReplyCode 461
pattern $bERR_ALREADYREGISTERED :: ReplyCode
$mERR_ALREADYREGISTERED :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
pattern $bERR_NOPERMFORHOST :: ReplyCode
$mERR_NOPERMFORHOST :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_NOPERMFORHOST           = ReplyCode 463
pattern $bERR_PASSWDMISMATCH :: ReplyCode
$mERR_PASSWDMISMATCH :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_PASSWDMISMATCH          = ReplyCode 464
pattern $bERR_YOUREBANNEDCREEP :: ReplyCode
$mERR_YOUREBANNEDCREEP :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_YOUREBANNEDCREEP        = ReplyCode 465
pattern $bERR_YOUWILLBEBANNED :: ReplyCode
$mERR_YOUWILLBEBANNED :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_YOUWILLBEBANNED         = ReplyCode 466
pattern $bERR_KEYSET :: ReplyCode
$mERR_KEYSET :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_KEYSET                  = ReplyCode 467
pattern $bERR_INVALIDUSERNAME :: ReplyCode
$mERR_INVALIDUSERNAME :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_INVALIDUSERNAME         = ReplyCode 468
$mERR_ONLYSERVERSCANCHANGE :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
pattern $bERR_LINKSET :: ReplyCode
$mERR_LINKSET :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_LINKSET                 = ReplyCode 469
pattern $bERR_LINKCHANNEL :: ReplyCode
$mERR_LINKCHANNEL :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_LINKCHANNEL             = ReplyCode 470
pattern $bERR_CHANNELISFULL :: ReplyCode
$mERR_CHANNELISFULL :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_CHANNELISFULL           = ReplyCode 471
pattern $bERR_UNKNOWNMODE :: ReplyCode
$mERR_UNKNOWNMODE :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_UNKNOWNMODE             = ReplyCode 472
pattern $bERR_INVITEONLYCHAN :: ReplyCode
$mERR_INVITEONLYCHAN :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_INVITEONLYCHAN          = ReplyCode 473
pattern $bERR_BANNEDFROMCHAN :: ReplyCode
$mERR_BANNEDFROMCHAN :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_BANNEDFROMCHAN          = ReplyCode 474
pattern $bERR_BADCHANNELKEY :: ReplyCode
$mERR_BADCHANNELKEY :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_BADCHANNELKEY           = ReplyCode 475
pattern $bERR_BADCHANMASK :: ReplyCode
$mERR_BADCHANMASK :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_BADCHANMASK             = ReplyCode 476
pattern $bERR_NEEDREGGEDNICK :: ReplyCode
$mERR_NEEDREGGEDNICK :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_NEEDREGGEDNICK          = ReplyCode 477
pattern $bERR_BANLISTFULL :: ReplyCode
$mERR_BANLISTFULL :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_BANLISTFULL             = ReplyCode 478
pattern $bERR_BADCHANNAME :: ReplyCode
$mERR_BADCHANNAME :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_BADCHANNAME             = ReplyCode 479
pattern $bERR_THROTTLE :: ReplyCode
$mERR_THROTTLE :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_THROTTLE                = ReplyCode 480
pattern $bERR_NOPRIVILEGES :: ReplyCode
$mERR_NOPRIVILEGES :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_NOPRIVILEGES            = ReplyCode 481
pattern $bERR_CHANOPRIVSNEEDED :: ReplyCode
$mERR_CHANOPRIVSNEEDED :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_CHANOPRIVSNEEDED        = ReplyCode 482
pattern $bERR_CANTKILLSERVER :: ReplyCode
$mERR_CANTKILLSERVER :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_CANTKILLSERVER          = ReplyCode 483
pattern $bERR_ISCHANSERVICE :: ReplyCode
$mERR_ISCHANSERVICE :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_ISCHANSERVICE           = ReplyCode 484
pattern $bERR_BANNEDNICK :: ReplyCode
$mERR_BANNEDNICK :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_BANNEDNICK              = ReplyCode 485
pattern $bERR_NONONREG :: ReplyCode
$mERR_NONONREG :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_NONONREG                = ReplyCode 486
pattern $bERR_TSLESSCHAN :: ReplyCode
$mERR_TSLESSCHAN :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_TSLESSCHAN              = ReplyCode 488
pattern $bERR_VOICENEEDED :: ReplyCode
$mERR_VOICENEEDED :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_VOICENEEDED             = ReplyCode 489
pattern $bERR_NOOPERHOST :: ReplyCode
$mERR_NOOPERHOST :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_NOOPERHOST              = ReplyCode 491
pattern $bERR_NOSERVICEHOST :: ReplyCode
$mERR_NOSERVICEHOST :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_NOSERVICEHOST           = ReplyCode 492
pattern $bERR_NOFEATURE :: ReplyCode
$mERR_NOFEATURE :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_NOFEATURE               = ReplyCode 493
pattern $bERR_OWNMODE :: ReplyCode
$mERR_OWNMODE :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_OWNMODE                 = ReplyCode 494
pattern $bERR_BADLOGTYPE :: ReplyCode
$mERR_BADLOGTYPE :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_BADLOGTYPE              = ReplyCode 495
pattern $bERR_BADLOGSYS :: ReplyCode
$mERR_BADLOGSYS :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_BADLOGSYS               = ReplyCode 496
pattern $bERR_BADLOGVALUE :: ReplyCode
$mERR_BADLOGVALUE :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_BADLOGVALUE             = ReplyCode 497
pattern $bERR_ISOPERLCHAN :: ReplyCode
$mERR_ISOPERLCHAN :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_ISOPERLCHAN             = ReplyCode 498
pattern $bERR_CHANOWNPRIVNEEDED :: ReplyCode
$mERR_CHANOWNPRIVNEEDED :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
pattern $bERR_UMODEUNKNOWNFLAG :: ReplyCode
$mERR_UMODEUNKNOWNFLAG :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_UMODEUNKNOWNFLAG        = ReplyCode 501
pattern $bERR_USERSDONTMATCH :: ReplyCode
$mERR_USERSDONTMATCH :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_USERSDONTMATCH          = ReplyCode 502
pattern $bERR_GHOSTEDCLIENT :: ReplyCode
$mERR_GHOSTEDCLIENT :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_GHOSTEDCLIENT           = ReplyCode 503
pattern $bERR_USERNOTONSERV :: ReplyCode
$mERR_USERNOTONSERV :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_USERNOTONSERV           = ReplyCode 504
pattern $bERR_SILELISTFULL :: ReplyCode
$mERR_SILELISTFULL :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_SILELISTFULL            = ReplyCode 511
pattern $bERR_TOOMANYWATCH :: ReplyCode
$mERR_TOOMANYWATCH :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_TOOMANYWATCH            = ReplyCode 512
pattern $bERR_WRONGPONG :: ReplyCode
$mERR_WRONGPONG :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_WRONGPONG               = ReplyCode 513
pattern $bERR_BADEXPIRE :: ReplyCode
$mERR_BADEXPIRE :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_BADEXPIRE               = ReplyCode 515
pattern $bERR_DONTCHEAT :: ReplyCode
$mERR_DONTCHEAT :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_DONTCHEAT               = ReplyCode 516
pattern $bERR_DISABLED :: ReplyCode
$mERR_DISABLED :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_DISABLED                = ReplyCode 517
pattern $bERR_NOINVITE :: ReplyCode
$mERR_NOINVITE :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_NOINVITE                = ReplyCode 518
pattern $bERR_LONGMASK :: ReplyCode
$mERR_LONGMASK :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_LONGMASK                = ReplyCode 518
pattern $bERR_ADMONLY :: ReplyCode
$mERR_ADMONLY :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_ADMONLY                 = ReplyCode 519
pattern $bERR_TOOMANYUSERS :: ReplyCode
$mERR_TOOMANYUSERS :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_TOOMANYUSERS            = ReplyCode 519
pattern $bERR_OPERONLY :: ReplyCode
$mERR_OPERONLY :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_OPERONLY                = ReplyCode 520
pattern $bERR_MASKTOOWIDE :: ReplyCode
$mERR_MASKTOOWIDE :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_MASKTOOWIDE             = ReplyCode 520
pattern $bERR_WHOTRUNC :: ReplyCode
$mERR_WHOTRUNC :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_WHOTRUNC                = ReplyCode 520
pattern $bERR_LISTSYNTAX :: ReplyCode
$mERR_LISTSYNTAX :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_LISTSYNTAX              = ReplyCode 521
pattern $bERR_WHOSYNTAX :: ReplyCode
$mERR_WHOSYNTAX :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_WHOSYNTAX               = ReplyCode 522
pattern $bERR_WHOLIMEXCEED :: ReplyCode
$mERR_WHOLIMEXCEED :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_WHOLIMEXCEED            = ReplyCode 523
pattern $bERR_HELPNOTFOUND :: ReplyCode
$mERR_HELPNOTFOUND :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_HELPNOTFOUND            = ReplyCode 524
pattern $bERR_REMOTEPFX :: ReplyCode
$mERR_REMOTEPFX :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_REMOTEPFX               = ReplyCode 525
pattern $bERR_PFXUNROUTABLE :: ReplyCode
$mERR_PFXUNROUTABLE :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_PFXUNROUTABLE           = ReplyCode 526
pattern $bERR_BADHOSTMASK :: ReplyCode
$mERR_BADHOSTMASK :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_BADHOSTMASK             = ReplyCode 550
pattern $bERR_HOSTUNAVAIL :: ReplyCode
$mERR_HOSTUNAVAIL :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_HOSTUNAVAIL             = ReplyCode 551
pattern $bERR_USINGSLINE :: ReplyCode
$mERR_USINGSLINE :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_USINGSLINE              = ReplyCode 552
pattern $bERR_STATSSLINE :: ReplyCode
$mERR_STATSSLINE :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_STATSSLINE              = ReplyCode 553
pattern $bRPL_LOGON :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_LOGON :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_LOGON                   = ReplyCode 600
pattern $bRPL_LOGOFF :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_LOGOFF :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_LOGOFF                  = ReplyCode 601
pattern $bRPL_WATCHOFF :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_WATCHOFF :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_WATCHOFF                = ReplyCode 602
pattern $bRPL_WATCHSTAT :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_WATCHSTAT :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_WATCHSTAT               = ReplyCode 603
pattern $bRPL_NOWON :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_NOWON :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_NOWON                   = ReplyCode 604
pattern $bRPL_NOWOFF :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_NOWOFF :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_NOWOFF                  = ReplyCode 605
pattern $bRPL_WATCHLIST :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_WATCHLIST :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_WATCHLIST               = ReplyCode 606
pattern $bRPL_ENDOFWATCHLIST :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_ENDOFWATCHLIST :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_ENDOFWATCHLIST          = ReplyCode 607
pattern $bRPL_WATCHCLEAR :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_WATCHCLEAR :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_WATCHCLEAR              = ReplyCode 608
pattern $bRPL_ISOPER :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_ISOPER :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_ISOPER                  = ReplyCode 610
pattern $bRPL_ISLOCOP :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_ISLOCOP :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_ISLOCOP                 = ReplyCode 611
pattern $bRPL_ISNOTOPER :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_ISNOTOPER :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_ISNOTOPER               = ReplyCode 612
pattern $bRPL_ENDOFISOPER :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_ENDOFISOPER :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_ENDOFISOPER             = ReplyCode 613
pattern $bRPL_DCCSTATUS :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_DCCSTATUS :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_DCCSTATUS               = ReplyCode 617
pattern $bRPL_DCCLIST :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_DCCLIST :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_DCCLIST                 = ReplyCode 618
pattern $bRPL_ENDOFDCCLIST :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_ENDOFDCCLIST :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_ENDOFDCCLIST            = ReplyCode 619
pattern $bRPL_WHOWASHOST :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_WHOWASHOST :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_WHOWASHOST              = ReplyCode 619
pattern $bRPL_DCCINFO :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_DCCINFO :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_DCCINFO                 = ReplyCode 620
pattern $bRPL_RULES :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_RULES :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_RULES                   = ReplyCode 621
pattern $bRPL_ENDOFO :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_ENDOFO :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_ENDOFO                  = ReplyCode 626
pattern $bRPL_SETTINGS :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_SETTINGS :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_SETTINGS                = ReplyCode 630
pattern $bRPL_ENDOFSETTINGS :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_ENDOFSETTINGS :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_ENDOFSETTINGS           = ReplyCode 631
pattern $bRPL_DUMPING :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_DUMPING :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_DUMPING                 = ReplyCode 640
pattern $bRPL_DUMPRPL :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_DUMPRPL :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_DUMPRPL                 = ReplyCode 641
pattern $bRPL_EODUMP :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_EODUMP :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_EODUMP                  = ReplyCode 642
pattern $bRPL_TRACEROUTE_HOP :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_TRACEROUTE_HOP :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_TRACEROUTE_HOP          = ReplyCode 660
pattern $bRPL_TRACEROUTE_START :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_TRACEROUTE_START :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_TRACEROUTE_START        = ReplyCode 661
pattern $bRPL_MODECHANGEWARN :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_MODECHANGEWARN :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_MODECHANGEWARN          = ReplyCode 662
pattern $bRPL_CHANREDIR :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_CHANREDIR :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_CHANREDIR               = ReplyCode 663
pattern $bRPL_SERVMODEIS :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_SERVMODEIS :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_SERVMODEIS              = ReplyCode 664
pattern $bRPL_OTHERUMODEIS :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_OTHERUMODEIS :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_OTHERUMODEIS            = ReplyCode 665
pattern $bRPL_ENDOF_GENERIC :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_ENDOF_GENERIC :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_ENDOF_GENERIC           = ReplyCode 666
pattern $bRPL_STARTTLS :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_STARTTLS :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_STARTTLS                = ReplyCode 670
pattern $bRPL_WHOISSECURE :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_WHOISSECURE :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_WHOISSECURE             = ReplyCode 671
pattern $bRPL_UNKNOWNMODES :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_UNKNOWNMODES :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_UNKNOWNMODES            = ReplyCode 672
pattern $bRPL_CANNOTSETMODES :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_CANNOTSETMODES :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_CANNOTSETMODES          = ReplyCode 673
pattern $bRPL_LUSERSTAFF :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_LUSERSTAFF :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_LUSERSTAFF              = ReplyCode 678
pattern $bRPL_TIMEONSERVERIS :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_TIMEONSERVERIS :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_TIMEONSERVERIS          = ReplyCode 679
pattern $bRPL_NETWORKS :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_NETWORKS :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_NETWORKS                = ReplyCode 682
pattern $bRPL_YOURLANGUAGEIS :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_YOURLANGUAGEIS :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_YOURLANGUAGEIS          = ReplyCode 687
pattern $bRPL_LANGUAGE :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_LANGUAGE :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_LANGUAGE                = ReplyCode 688
pattern $bRPL_WHOISSTAFF :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_WHOISSTAFF :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_WHOISSTAFF              = ReplyCode 689
pattern $bRPL_WHOISLANGUAGE :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_WHOISLANGUAGE :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_WHOISLANGUAGE           = ReplyCode 690
pattern $bERR_STARTTLS :: ReplyCode
$mERR_STARTTLS :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_STARTTLS                = ReplyCode 691
pattern $bRPL_MODLIST :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_MODLIST :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_MODLIST                 = ReplyCode 702
pattern $bRPL_ENDOFMODLIST :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_ENDOFMODLIST :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_ENDOFMODLIST            = ReplyCode 703
pattern $bRPL_HELPSTART :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_HELPSTART :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_HELPSTART               = ReplyCode 704
pattern $bRPL_HELPTXT :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_HELPTXT :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_HELPTXT                 = ReplyCode 705
pattern $bRPL_ENDOFHELP :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_ENDOFHELP :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_ENDOFHELP               = ReplyCode 706
pattern $bERR_TARGCHANGE :: ReplyCode
$mERR_TARGCHANGE :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_TARGCHANGE              = ReplyCode 707
pattern $bRPL_ETRACEFULL :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_ETRACEFULL :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_ETRACEFULL              = ReplyCode 708
pattern $bRPL_ETRACE :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_ETRACE :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_ETRACE                  = ReplyCode 709
pattern $bRPL_KNOCK :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_KNOCK :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_KNOCK                   = ReplyCode 710
pattern $bRPL_KNOCKDLVR :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_KNOCKDLVR :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_KNOCKDLVR               = ReplyCode 711
pattern $bERR_TOOMANYKNOCK :: ReplyCode
$mERR_TOOMANYKNOCK :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_TOOMANYKNOCK            = ReplyCode 712
pattern $bERR_CHANOPEN :: ReplyCode
$mERR_CHANOPEN :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_CHANOPEN                = ReplyCode 713
pattern $bERR_KNOCKONCHAN :: ReplyCode
$mERR_KNOCKONCHAN :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_KNOCKONCHAN             = ReplyCode 714
pattern $bERR_KNOCKDISABLED :: ReplyCode
$mERR_KNOCKDISABLED :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_KNOCKDISABLED           = ReplyCode 715
pattern $bRPL_TARGUMODEG :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_TARGUMODEG :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_TARGUMODEG              = ReplyCode 716
pattern $bRPL_TARGNOTIFY :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_TARGNOTIFY :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_TARGNOTIFY              = ReplyCode 717
pattern $bRPL_UMODEGMSG :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_UMODEGMSG :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_UMODEGMSG               = ReplyCode 718
pattern $bRPL_OMOTDSTART :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_OMOTDSTART :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_OMOTDSTART              = ReplyCode 720
pattern $bRPL_OMOTD :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_OMOTD :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_OMOTD                   = ReplyCode 721
pattern $bRPL_ENDOFOMOTD :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_ENDOFOMOTD :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_ENDOFOMOTD              = ReplyCode 722
pattern $bERR_NOPRIVS :: ReplyCode
$mERR_NOPRIVS :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_NOPRIVS                 = ReplyCode 723
pattern $bRPL_TESTMASK :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_TESTMASK :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_TESTMASK                = ReplyCode 724
pattern $bRPL_TESTLINE :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_TESTLINE :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_TESTLINE                = ReplyCode 725
pattern $bRPL_NOTESTLINE :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_NOTESTLINE :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_NOTESTLINE              = ReplyCode 726
pattern $bRPL_TESTMASKGECOS :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_TESTMASKGECOS :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_TESTMASKGECOS           = ReplyCode 727
pattern $bRPL_QUIETLIST :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_QUIETLIST :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_QUIETLIST               = ReplyCode 728
pattern $bRPL_ENDOFQUIETLIST :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_ENDOFQUIETLIST :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_ENDOFQUIETLIST          = ReplyCode 729
pattern $bRPL_MONONLINE :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_MONONLINE :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_MONONLINE               = ReplyCode 730
pattern $bRPL_MONOFFLINE :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_MONOFFLINE :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_MONOFFLINE              = ReplyCode 731
pattern $bRPL_MONLIST :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_MONLIST :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_MONLIST                 = ReplyCode 732
pattern $bRPL_ENDOFMONLIST :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_ENDOFMONLIST :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_ENDOFMONLIST            = ReplyCode 733
pattern $bERR_MONLISTFULL :: ReplyCode
$mERR_MONLISTFULL :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_MONLISTFULL             = ReplyCode 734
pattern $bRPL_RSACHALLENGE2 :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_RSACHALLENGE2 :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_RSACHALLENGE2           = ReplyCode 740
pattern $bRPL_ENDOFRSACHALLENGE2 :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_ENDOFRSACHALLENGE2 :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
pattern $bERR_MLOCKRESTRICTED :: ReplyCode
$mERR_MLOCKRESTRICTED :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_MLOCKRESTRICTED         = ReplyCode 742
pattern $bRPL_SCANMATCHED :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_SCANMATCHED :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_SCANMATCHED             = ReplyCode 750
pattern $bRPL_SCANUMODES :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_SCANUMODES :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_SCANUMODES              = ReplyCode 751
pattern $bRPL_XINFO :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_XINFO :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_XINFO                   = ReplyCode 771
pattern $bRPL_XINFOSTART :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_XINFOSTART :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_XINFOSTART              = ReplyCode 773
pattern $bRPL_XINFOEND :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_XINFOEND :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_XINFOEND                = ReplyCode 774
pattern $bRPL_LOGGEDIN :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_LOGGEDIN :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_LOGGEDIN                = ReplyCode 900
pattern $bRPL_LOGGEDOUT :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_LOGGEDOUT :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_LOGGEDOUT               = ReplyCode 901
pattern $bRPL_NICKLOCKED :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_NICKLOCKED :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_NICKLOCKED              = ReplyCode 902
pattern $bRPL_SASLSUCCESS :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_SASLSUCCESS :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_SASLSUCCESS             = ReplyCode 903
pattern $bERR_SASLFAIL :: ReplyCode
$mERR_SASLFAIL :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_SASLFAIL                = ReplyCode 904
pattern $bERR_SASLTOOLONG :: ReplyCode
$mERR_SASLTOOLONG :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_SASLTOOLONG             = ReplyCode 905
pattern $bERR_SASLABORTED :: ReplyCode
$mERR_SASLABORTED :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_SASLABORTED             = ReplyCode 906
pattern $bERR_SASLALREADY :: ReplyCode
$mERR_SASLALREADY :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_SASLALREADY             = ReplyCode 907
pattern $bRPL_SASLMECHS :: ReplyCode
$mRPL_SASLMECHS :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
RPL_SASLMECHS               = ReplyCode 908
pattern $bERR_CANNOTDOCOMMAND :: ReplyCode
$mERR_CANNOTDOCOMMAND :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_CANNOTDOCOMMAND         = ReplyCode 972
pattern $bERR_CANNOTCHANGEUMODE :: ReplyCode
$mERR_CANNOTCHANGEUMODE :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
$mERR_CANNOTCHANGECHANMODE :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
$mERR_CANNOTCHANGESERVERMODE :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
pattern $bERR_CANNOTSENDTONICK :: ReplyCode
$mERR_CANNOTSENDTONICK :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_CANNOTSENDTONICK        = ReplyCode 976
pattern $bERR_UNKNOWNSERVERMODE :: ReplyCode
$mERR_UNKNOWNSERVERMODE :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
pattern $bERR_SERVERMODELOCK :: ReplyCode
$mERR_SERVERMODELOCK :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_SERVERMODELOCK          = ReplyCode 979
pattern $bERR_BADCHARENCODING :: ReplyCode
$mERR_BADCHARENCODING :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_BADCHARENCODING         = ReplyCode 980
pattern $bERR_TOOMANYLANGUAGES :: ReplyCode
$mERR_TOOMANYLANGUAGES :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_TOOMANYLANGUAGES        = ReplyCode 981
pattern $bERR_NOLANGUAGE :: ReplyCode
$mERR_NOLANGUAGE :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_NOLANGUAGE              = ReplyCode 982
pattern $bERR_TEXTTOOSHORT :: ReplyCode
$mERR_TEXTTOOSHORT :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_TEXTTOOSHORT            = ReplyCode 983
pattern $bERR_NUMERIC_ERR :: ReplyCode
$mERR_NUMERIC_ERR :: forall r. ReplyCode -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
ERR_NUMERIC_ERR             = ReplyCode 999

-- | Information describing the category and human decipherable name of a
-- reply.
data ReplyCodeInfo = ReplyCodeInfo
  { ReplyCodeInfo -> ReplyType
replyCodeType :: !ReplyType -- ^ category
  , ReplyCodeInfo -> Text
replyCodeText :: !Text      -- ^ human-decipherable name
  deriving (ReplyCodeInfo -> ReplyCodeInfo -> Bool
(ReplyCodeInfo -> ReplyCodeInfo -> Bool)
-> (ReplyCodeInfo -> ReplyCodeInfo -> Bool) -> Eq ReplyCodeInfo
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
/= :: ReplyCodeInfo -> ReplyCodeInfo -> Bool
$c/= :: ReplyCodeInfo -> ReplyCodeInfo -> Bool
== :: ReplyCodeInfo -> ReplyCodeInfo -> Bool
$c== :: ReplyCodeInfo -> ReplyCodeInfo -> Bool
Eq, Eq ReplyCodeInfo
Eq ReplyCodeInfo
-> (ReplyCodeInfo -> ReplyCodeInfo -> Ordering)
-> (ReplyCodeInfo -> ReplyCodeInfo -> Bool)
-> (ReplyCodeInfo -> ReplyCodeInfo -> Bool)
-> (ReplyCodeInfo -> ReplyCodeInfo -> Bool)
-> (ReplyCodeInfo -> ReplyCodeInfo -> Bool)
-> (ReplyCodeInfo -> ReplyCodeInfo -> ReplyCodeInfo)
-> (ReplyCodeInfo -> ReplyCodeInfo -> ReplyCodeInfo)
-> Ord ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo -> ReplyCodeInfo -> Bool
ReplyCodeInfo -> ReplyCodeInfo -> Ordering
ReplyCodeInfo -> ReplyCodeInfo -> ReplyCodeInfo
forall a.
Eq a
-> (a -> a -> Ordering)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> Ord a
min :: ReplyCodeInfo -> ReplyCodeInfo -> ReplyCodeInfo
$cmin :: ReplyCodeInfo -> ReplyCodeInfo -> ReplyCodeInfo
max :: ReplyCodeInfo -> ReplyCodeInfo -> ReplyCodeInfo
$cmax :: ReplyCodeInfo -> ReplyCodeInfo -> ReplyCodeInfo
>= :: ReplyCodeInfo -> ReplyCodeInfo -> Bool
$c>= :: ReplyCodeInfo -> ReplyCodeInfo -> Bool
> :: ReplyCodeInfo -> ReplyCodeInfo -> Bool
$c> :: ReplyCodeInfo -> ReplyCodeInfo -> Bool
<= :: ReplyCodeInfo -> ReplyCodeInfo -> Bool
$c<= :: ReplyCodeInfo -> ReplyCodeInfo -> Bool
< :: ReplyCodeInfo -> ReplyCodeInfo -> Bool
$c< :: ReplyCodeInfo -> ReplyCodeInfo -> Bool
compare :: ReplyCodeInfo -> ReplyCodeInfo -> Ordering
$ccompare :: ReplyCodeInfo -> ReplyCodeInfo -> Ordering
$cp1Ord :: Eq ReplyCodeInfo
Ord, Int -> ReplyCodeInfo -> ShowS
[ReplyCodeInfo] -> ShowS
ReplyCodeInfo -> String
(Int -> ReplyCodeInfo -> ShowS)
-> (ReplyCodeInfo -> String)
-> ([ReplyCodeInfo] -> ShowS)
-> Show ReplyCodeInfo
forall a.
(Int -> a -> ShowS) -> (a -> String) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
showList :: [ReplyCodeInfo] -> ShowS
$cshowList :: [ReplyCodeInfo] -> ShowS
show :: ReplyCodeInfo -> String
$cshow :: ReplyCodeInfo -> String
showsPrec :: Int -> ReplyCodeInfo -> ShowS
$cshowsPrec :: Int -> ReplyCodeInfo -> ShowS
Show, ReadPrec [ReplyCodeInfo]
ReadPrec ReplyCodeInfo
Int -> ReadS ReplyCodeInfo
ReadS [ReplyCodeInfo]
(Int -> ReadS ReplyCodeInfo)
-> ReadS [ReplyCodeInfo]
-> ReadPrec ReplyCodeInfo
-> ReadPrec [ReplyCodeInfo]
-> Read ReplyCodeInfo
forall a.
(Int -> ReadS a)
-> ReadS [a] -> ReadPrec a -> ReadPrec [a] -> Read a
readListPrec :: ReadPrec [ReplyCodeInfo]
$creadListPrec :: ReadPrec [ReplyCodeInfo]
readPrec :: ReadPrec ReplyCodeInfo
$creadPrec :: ReadPrec ReplyCodeInfo
readList :: ReadS [ReplyCodeInfo]
$creadList :: ReadS [ReplyCodeInfo]
readsPrec :: Int -> ReadS ReplyCodeInfo
$creadsPrec :: Int -> ReadS ReplyCodeInfo

-- | Compute information for a reply code
replyCodeInfo :: ReplyCode -> ReplyCodeInfo
replyCodeInfo :: ReplyCode -> ReplyCodeInfo
replyCodeInfo (ReplyCode Word
w) =
  case Vector ReplyCodeInfo
replyCodeInfoTable Vector ReplyCodeInfo -> Int -> Maybe ReplyCodeInfo
forall a. Vector a -> Int -> Maybe a
Vector.!? Int
i of
    Maybe ReplyCodeInfo
Nothing -> Int -> ReplyCodeInfo
defaultReplyCodeInfo Int
    Just ReplyCodeInfo
info -> ReplyCodeInfo
    i :: Int
i = Word -> Int
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral Word

-- | Categorize a reply code using the unknown category and simply showing
-- the reply code's number as its name.
defaultReplyCodeInfo :: Int -> ReplyCodeInfo
defaultReplyCodeInfo :: Int -> ReplyCodeInfo
defaultReplyCodeInfo = ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
UnknownReply (Text -> ReplyCodeInfo) -> (Int -> Text) -> Int -> ReplyCodeInfo
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. String -> Text
Text.pack (String -> Text) -> (Int -> String) -> Int -> Text
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Int -> String
forall a. Show a => a -> String

-- | Information about reply codes as derived from ircd-seven.
replyCodeInfoTable :: Vector ReplyCodeInfo
replyCodeInfoTable :: Vector ReplyCodeInfo
  = (ReplyCodeInfo -> ReplyCodeInfo -> ReplyCodeInfo)
-> Vector ReplyCodeInfo
-> Vector (Int, ReplyCodeInfo)
-> Vector ReplyCodeInfo
forall a b.
(a -> b -> a) -> Vector a -> Vector (Int, b) -> Vector a
_def ReplyCodeInfo
new -> ReplyCodeInfo
      (Int -> (Int -> ReplyCodeInfo) -> Vector ReplyCodeInfo
forall a. Int -> (Int -> a) -> Vector a
Vector.generate Int
1000 Int -> ReplyCodeInfo
  (Vector (Int, ReplyCodeInfo) -> Vector ReplyCodeInfo)
-> Vector (Int, ReplyCodeInfo) -> Vector ReplyCodeInfo
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ((ReplyCode, ReplyCodeInfo) -> (Int, ReplyCodeInfo))
-> Vector (ReplyCode, ReplyCodeInfo) -> Vector (Int, ReplyCodeInfo)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap (\(ReplyCode Word
info) -> (Word -> Int
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral Word
code, ReplyCodeInfo
  (Vector (ReplyCode, ReplyCodeInfo) -> Vector (Int, ReplyCodeInfo))
-> Vector (ReplyCode, ReplyCodeInfo) -> Vector (Int, ReplyCodeInfo)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [(ReplyCode, ReplyCodeInfo)] -> Vector (ReplyCode, ReplyCodeInfo)
forall a. [a] -> Vector a
  [ (ReplyCode
RPL_WELCOME               , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ClientServerReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_YOURHOST              , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ClientServerReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_CREATED               , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ClientServerReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_MYINFO                , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ClientServerReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_ISUPPORT              , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ClientServerReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_SNOMASK               , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ClientServerReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_STATMEMTOT            , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ClientServerReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_REDIR                 , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ClientServerReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_YOURCOOKIE            , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ClientServerReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_MAP                   , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ClientServerReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_MAPEND                , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ClientServerReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_YOURID                , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ClientServerReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_SAVENICK              , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ClientServerReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_ATTEMPTINGJUNC        , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ClientServerReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_ATTEMPTINGREROUTE     , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ClientServerReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_REMOTESUPPORT         , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ClientServerReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_TRACELINK             , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_TRACECONNECTING       , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_TRACEHANDSHAKE        , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_TRACEUNKNOWN          , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_TRACEOPERATOR         , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_TRACEUSER             , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_TRACESERVER           , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_TRACESERVICE          , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_TRACENEWTYPE          , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_TRACECLASS            , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_TRACERECONNECT        , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_STATS                 , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_STATSLINKINFO         , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_STATSCOMMANDS         , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_STATSCLINE            , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_STATSNLINE            , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_STATSILINE            , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_STATSKLINE            , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_STATSQLINE            , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_STATSYLINE            , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_ENDOFSTATS            , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_STATSPLINE            , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_UMODEIS               , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_SQLINE_NICK           , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_STATSDLINE            , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_STATSCOUNT            , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_SERVICEINFO           , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_ENDOFSERVICES         , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_SERVICE               , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_SERVLIST              , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_SERVLISTEND           , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_STATSVERBOSE          , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_STATSIAUTH            , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_STATSLLINE            , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_STATSUPTIME           , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_STATSOLINE            , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_STATSHLINE            , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_STATSSLINE            , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_STATSPING             , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_STATSXLINE            , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_STATSULINE            , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_STATSDEBUG            , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_STATSCONN             , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_LUSERCLIENT           , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_LUSEROP               , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_LUSERUNKNOWN          , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_LUSERCHANNELS         , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_LUSERME               , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_ADMINME               , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_ADMINLOC1             , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_ADMINLOC2             , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_ADMINEMAIL            , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_TRACELOG              , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_ENDOFTRACE            , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_LOAD2HI               , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_LOCALUSERS            , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_GLOBALUSERS           , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_START_NETSTAT         , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_NETSTAT               , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_END_NETSTAT           , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_PRIVS                 , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_SILELIST              , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_ENDOFSILELIST         , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_NOTIFY                , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_ENDNOTIFY             , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_STATSDELTA            , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_WHOISCERTFP           , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_VCHANLIST             , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_VCHANHELP             , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_GLIST                 , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_ACCEPTLIST            , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_ENDOFACCEPT           , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_ENDOFJUPELIST         , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_FEATURE               , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_DATASTR               , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_END_CHANINFO          , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_NONE                  , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_AWAY                  , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_USERHOST              , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_ISON                  , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_TEXT                  , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_UNAWAY                , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_NOWAWAY               , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_WHOISREGNICK          , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_SUSERHOST             , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_NOTIFYACTION          , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_WHOISADMIN            , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_NICKTRACE             , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_WHOISSADMIN           , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_WHOISHELPER           , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_WHOISHELPOP           , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_WHOISUSER             , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_WHOISSERVER           , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_WHOISOPERATOR         , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_WHOWASUSER            , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_ENDOFWHO              , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_WHOISCHANOP           , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_WHOISIDLE             , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_ENDOFWHOIS            , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_WHOISCHANNELS         , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_WHOISSPECIAL          , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_LISTSTART             , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_LIST                  , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_LISTEND               , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_CHANNELMODEIS         , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_CHANNELMLOCKIS        , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_NOCHANPASS            , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_CHPASSUNKNOWN         , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_CHANNEL_URL           , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_CREATIONTIME          , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_WHOISACCOUNT          , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_NOTOPIC               , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_TOPIC                 , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_TOPICWHOTIME          , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_LISTUSAGE             , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_COMMANDSYNTAX         , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_LISTSYNTAX            , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_WHOISACTUALLY         , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_BADCHANPASS           , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_INVITING              , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_SUMMONING             , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_INVITED               , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_INVEXLIST             , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_ENDOFINVEXLIST        , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_EXCEPTLIST            , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_ENDOFEXCEPTLIST       , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_VERSION               , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_WHOREPLY              , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_NAMREPLY              , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_WHOSPCRPL             , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_NAMREPLY_             , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_WHOWASREAL            , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_KILLDONE              , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_CLOSING               , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_CLOSEEND              , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_LINKS                 , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_ENDOFLINKS            , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_ENDOFNAMES            , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_BANLIST               , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_ENDOFBANLIST          , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_ENDOFWHOWAS           , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_INFO                  , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_MOTD                  , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_INFOSTART             , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_ENDOFINFO             , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_MOTDSTART             , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_ENDOFMOTD             , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_WHOISHOST             , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_WHOISMODES            , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_YOUREOPER             , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_REHASHING             , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_YOURESERVICE          , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_MYPORTIS              , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_NOTOPERANYMORE        , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_RSACHALLENGE          , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_TIME                  , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_USERSSTART            , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_USERS                 , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_ENDOFUSERS            , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_NOUSERS               , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_HOSTHIDDEN            , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_UNKNOWNERROR          , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_NOSUCHNICK            , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_NOSUCHSERVER          , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL         , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_CANNOTSENDTOCHAN      , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_TOOMANYCHANNELS       , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_WASNOSUCHNICK         , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_TOOMANYTARGETS        , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_NOORIGIN              , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_INVALIDCAPCMD         , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_NORECIPIENT           , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_NOTEXTTOSEND          , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_NOTOPLEVEL            , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_WILDTOPLEVEL          , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_MSGNEEDREGGEDNICK     , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_TOOMANYMATCHES        , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_LENGTHTRUNCATED       , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_UNKNOWNCOMMAND        , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_NOMOTD                , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_NOADMININFO           , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_FILEERROR             , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_NOOPERMOTD            , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_TOOMANYAWAY           , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_EVENTNICKCHANGE       , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_NONICKNAMEGIVEN       , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_ERRONEUSNICKNAME      , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_NICKNAMEINUSE         , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_SERVICENAMEINUSE      , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_NORULES               , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_BANNICKCHANGE         , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_NICKCOLLISION         , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_UNAVAILRESOURCE       , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_NICKTOOFAST           , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_TARGETTOOFAST         , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_SERVICESDOWN          , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_USERNOTINCHANNEL      , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_NOTONCHANNEL          , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_USERONCHANNEL         , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_NOLOGIN               , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_SUMMONDISABLED        , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_USERSDISABLED         , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_NONICKCHANGE          , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_NOTIMPLEMENTED        , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_NOTREGISTERED         , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_IDCOLLISION           , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_NICKLOST              , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_HOSTILENAME           , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_ACCEPTFULL            , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_ACCEPTEXIST           , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_ACCEPTNOT             , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_NOHIDING              , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_NOTFORHALFOPS         , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS        , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_ALREADYREGISTERED     , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_NOPERMFORHOST         , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_PASSWDMISMATCH        , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_YOUREBANNEDCREEP      , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_YOUWILLBEBANNED       , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_KEYSET                , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_INVALIDUSERNAME       , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_ONLYSERVERSCANCHANGE  , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_LINKSET               , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_LINKCHANNEL           , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_CHANNELISFULL         , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_UNKNOWNMODE           , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_INVITEONLYCHAN        , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_BANNEDFROMCHAN        , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_BADCHANNELKEY         , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_BADCHANMASK           , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_NEEDREGGEDNICK        , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_BANLISTFULL           , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_BADCHANNAME           , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_THROTTLE              , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_NOPRIVILEGES          , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_CHANOPRIVSNEEDED      , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_CANTKILLSERVER        , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_ISCHANSERVICE         , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_BANNEDNICK            , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_NONONREG              , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_TSLESSCHAN            , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_VOICENEEDED           , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_NOOPERHOST            , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_NOSERVICEHOST         , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_NOFEATURE             , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_OWNMODE               , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_BADLOGTYPE            , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_BADLOGSYS             , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_BADLOGVALUE           , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_ISOPERLCHAN           , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_CHANOWNPRIVNEEDED     , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_UMODEUNKNOWNFLAG      , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_USERSDONTMATCH        , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_GHOSTEDCLIENT         , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_USERNOTONSERV         , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_SILELISTFULL          , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_TOOMANYWATCH          , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_WRONGPONG             , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_BADEXPIRE             , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_DONTCHEAT             , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_DISABLED              , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_NOINVITE              , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_LONGMASK              , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_ADMONLY               , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_TOOMANYUSERS          , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_OPERONLY              , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_MASKTOOWIDE           , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_WHOTRUNC              , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_LISTSYNTAX            , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_WHOSYNTAX             , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_WHOLIMEXCEED          , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_HELPNOTFOUND          , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_REMOTEPFX             , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_PFXUNROUTABLE         , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_BADHOSTMASK           , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_HOSTUNAVAIL           , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_USINGSLINE            , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_STATSSLINE            , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_LOGON                 , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_LOGOFF                , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_WATCHOFF              , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_WATCHSTAT             , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_NOWON                 , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_NOWOFF                , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_WATCHLIST             , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_ENDOFWATCHLIST        , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_WATCHCLEAR            , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_ISOPER                , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_ISLOCOP               , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_ISNOTOPER             , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_ENDOFISOPER           , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_DCCSTATUS             , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_DCCLIST               , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_ENDOFDCCLIST          , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_WHOWASHOST            , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_DCCINFO               , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_RULES                 , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_ENDOFO                , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_SETTINGS              , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_ENDOFSETTINGS         , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_DUMPING               , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_DUMPRPL               , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_EODUMP                , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_TRACEROUTE_HOP        , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_TRACEROUTE_START      , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_MODECHANGEWARN        , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_CHANREDIR             , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_SERVMODEIS            , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_OTHERUMODEIS          , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_ENDOF_GENERIC         , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_STARTTLS              , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_WHOISSECURE           , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_UNKNOWNMODES          , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_CANNOTSETMODES        , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_LUSERSTAFF            , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_TIMEONSERVERIS        , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_NETWORKS              , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_YOURLANGUAGEIS        , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_LANGUAGE              , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_WHOISSTAFF            , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_WHOISLANGUAGE         , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_STARTTLS              , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_MODLIST               , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_ENDOFMODLIST          , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_HELPSTART             , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_HELPTXT               , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_ENDOFHELP             , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_TARGCHANGE            , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_ETRACEFULL            , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_ETRACE                , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_KNOCK                 , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_KNOCKDLVR             , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_TOOMANYKNOCK          , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_CHANOPEN              , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_KNOCKONCHAN           , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_KNOCKDISABLED         , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_TARGUMODEG            , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_TARGNOTIFY            , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_UMODEGMSG             , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_OMOTDSTART            , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_OMOTD                 , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_ENDOFOMOTD            , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_NOPRIVS               , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_TESTMASK              , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_TESTLINE              , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_NOTESTLINE            , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_TESTMASKGECOS         , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_QUIETLIST             , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_ENDOFQUIETLIST        , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_MONONLINE             , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_MONOFFLINE            , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_MONLIST               , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_ENDOFMONLIST          , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_MONLISTFULL           , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_RSACHALLENGE2         , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_ENDOFRSACHALLENGE2    , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_MLOCKRESTRICTED       , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_SCANMATCHED           , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_SCANUMODES            , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_XINFO                 , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_XINFOSTART            , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_XINFOEND              , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_LOGGEDIN              , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_LOGGEDOUT             , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_NICKLOCKED            , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_SASLSUCCESS           , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_SASLFAIL              , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_SASLTOOLONG           , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_SASLABORTED           , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_SASLALREADY           , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
RPL_SASLMECHS             , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
CommandReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_CANNOTDOCOMMAND       , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_CANNOTCHANGEUMODE     , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_CANNOTCHANGECHANMODE  , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_CANNOTCHANGESERVERMODE, ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_CANNOTSENDTONICK      , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_UNKNOWNSERVERMODE     , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_SERVERMODELOCK        , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_BADCHARENCODING       , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_TOOMANYLANGUAGES      , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_NOLANGUAGE            , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_TEXTTOOSHORT          , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text
  , (ReplyCode
ERR_NUMERIC_ERR           , ReplyType -> Text -> ReplyCodeInfo
ReplyCodeInfo ReplyType
ErrorReply Text