isobmff- A parser and generator for the ISO-14496-12/14 base media file format

Safe HaskellNone





type ModPow2 value power = FromBits (TakeLastN power (ToBits value ModPow2Bits)) Source #

Efficient Mod operation for power of 2 values. Note that x must be representable by ModPow2Bits bits.

type TakeLastN n xs = TakeLastNImplRev n xs '[] Source #

type family TakeLastNImplRev (n :: Nat) (xs :: [t]) (acc :: [t]) :: [t] where ... Source #


TakeLastNImplRev n '[] acc = TakeLastNImplTakeNRev n acc '[] 
TakeLastNImplRev n (x ': xs) acc = TakeLastNImplRev n xs (x ': acc) 

type family TakeLastNImplTakeNRev (n :: Nat) (rs :: [t]) (acc :: [t]) :: [t] where ... Source #


TakeLastNImplTakeNRev n '[] acc = acc 
TakeLastNImplTakeNRev 0 rs acc = acc 
TakeLastNImplTakeNRev n (r ': rs) acc = TakeLastNImplTakeNRev (n - 1) rs (r ': acc) 

type ModPow2Bits = 32 Source #

Maximum number of bits an argument x of ModPow2 may occupy.

Bit manipulation

type family TestHighBit (x :: Nat) (n :: Nat) :: Bool where ... Source #


TestHighBit x n = (2 ^ n) <=? x 

type ToBits x n = ToBits_ x n False Source #

type family ToBits_ (x :: Nat) (n :: Nat) (started :: Bool) :: [Bool] where ... Source #


ToBits_ x 0 started = '[] 
ToBits_ x n started = ToBitsInner (TestHighBit x (n - 1)) x (n - 1) started 

type family ToBitsInner (highBitSet :: Bool) (x :: Nat) (n :: Nat) (started :: Bool) :: [Bool] where ... Source #


ToBitsInner True x n started = True ': ToBits_ (x - (2 ^ n)) n True 
ToBitsInner False x n False = ToBits_ x n False 
ToBitsInner False x n True = False ': ToBits_ x n True 

type FromBits bits = FromBits_ bits 0 Source #

type family FromBits_ (bits :: [Bool]) (acc :: Nat) :: Nat where ... Source #


FromBits_ '[] acc = acc 
FromBits_ (False ': rest) acc = FromBits_ rest (acc + acc) 
FromBits_ (True ': rest) acc = FromBits_ rest ((1 + acc) + acc) 

type family ShiftBitsR (bits :: [Bool]) (n :: Nat) :: [Bool] where ... Source #


ShiftBitsR bits 0 = bits 
ShiftBitsR '[] n = '[] 
ShiftBitsR '[e] 1 = '[] 
ShiftBitsR (e ': rest) 1 = e ': ShiftBitsR rest 1 
ShiftBitsR (e ': rest) n = ShiftBitsR (ShiftBitsR (e ': rest) 1) (n - 1) 

type family GetMostSignificantBitIndex (highestBit :: Nat) (n :: Nat) :: Nat where ... Source #


GetMostSignificantBitIndex 0 n = 1 
GetMostSignificantBitIndex highestBit n = If ((2 ^ (highestBit + 1)) <=? n) (TypeError (((Text "number to big: " :<>: ShowType n) :<>: Text " >= ") :<>: ShowType (2 ^ (highestBit + 1)))) (If ((2 ^ highestBit) <=? n) highestBit (GetMostSignificantBitIndex (highestBit - 1) n)) 

type family ShiftR (xMaxBits :: Nat) (x :: Nat) (bits :: Nat) :: Nat where ... Source #

Shift a type level natural to the right. This useful for division by powers of two.


ShiftR xMaxBits x n = FromBits (ShiftBitsR (ToBits x (1 + GetMostSignificantBitIndex xMaxBits x)) n)