ivory- Safe embedded C programming.

Safe HaskellNone




type ModulePath = String Source

An external module that defines an imported resource. A header file in C is an example of this.

data Visible a Source




public :: [a]
private :: [a]


Eq a => Eq (Visible a) Source 
Ord a => Ord (Visible a) Source 
Show a => Show (Visible a) Source 
Monoid (Visible a) Source 
Lift a0 => Lift (Visible a) Source 

type ModuleName = String Source

The name of a module defined in Ivory.

data Import Source

Functions that are defined in a c header.

data Proc Source

Functions defined in the language.



type Block = [Stmt] Source

data Stmt Source


IfTE Expr Block Block

If-then-else statement. The Expr argument will be typed as an IBool.

Assert Expr

Boolean-valued assertions. The Expr argument will be typed as an IBool.

CompilerAssert Expr

Compiler-inserted assertion (as opposed to user-level assertions). These are expected to be correct (e.g., no overflow, etc). Not exported.

Assume Expr

Boolean-valued assumptions. The Expr argument will be typed as an IBool.

Return (Typed Expr)

Returning a value.


Returning void.

Deref Type Var Expr

Reference dereferencing. The type parameter refers to the type of the referenced value, not the reference itself; the expression to be dereferenced is assumed to always be a reference.

Store Type Expr Expr

Storing to a reference. The type parameter refers to the type of the referenced value, not the reference itself; the expression to be dereferenced is assumed to always be a reference.

Assign Type Var Expr

Simple assignment.

Call Type (Maybe Var) Name [Typed Expr]

Function call. The optional variable is where to store the result. It is expected that the Expr passed for the function symbol will have the same type as the combination of the types for the arguments, and the return type.

Local Type Var Init

Stack allocation. The type parameter is not a reference at this point; references are allocated separately to the stack-allocated data.

RefCopy Type Expr Expr

Ref copy. Copy the second variable reference to the first (like memcopy). The type is the dereferenced value of the variables.

AllocRef Type Var Name

Reference allocation. The type parameter is not a reference, but the referenced type.

Loop Integer Var Expr LoopIncr Block

Looping: arguments are the maximum number of iterations of the loop, loop variable, start value, break condition (for increment or decrement), and block.

Forever Block

Nonterminting loop


Break out of a loop

Comment Comment

User comment, can be used to output a comment in the backend.

data Cond Source


CondBool Expr

Boolean Expressions

CondDeref Type Expr Var Cond

Dereference introduction. The type is the type of the dereferenced thing, not the reference itself.

newtype Ensure Source

Ensure statements describe properties of the return value for the function they annotate. The return value is referenced through the special internal variable, "retval".




getEnsure :: Cond

data Extern Source

External Symbols.



data Expr Source


ExpSym Sym


ExpExtern Extern

Imported symbols

ExpVar Var


ExpLit Literal


ExpLabel Type Expr String

Struct label indexing.

ExpIndex Type Expr Type Expr

Array indexing. The type is the type of the array being indexed, it's implied that the expression with the array in it is a reference.

ExpToIx Expr Integer

Cast from an expression to an index (Ix) used in loops and array indexing. The Integer is the maximum bound.

ExpSafeCast Type Expr

Type-safe casting. The type is the type casted from.

ExpOp ExpOp [Expr]

Primitive expression operators

ExpAddrOfGlobal Sym

Take the address of a global memory area, introduced through a MemArea *only*.

ExpMaxMin Bool

True is max value, False is min value for the type.

ExpSizeOf Type

Return the allocation size of the given type.

zeroInit :: Init Source

An initializer with no InitExpr fields corresponds to {0}.

data Init Source


InitExpr Type Expr
InitStruct [(String, Init)]
 { .f1 = i1, ..., .fn = in }
InitArray [Init]
 { i1, ..., in }