ivory-bitdata- Ivory bit-data support.

Safe HaskellNone





bitdata :: QuasiQuoterSource

Quasiquoter for defining Ivory bit value and bit data types.

Only the declaration and expression forms are implemented.

bit types

data Bits n Source

A wrapper for an Ivory type that can hold an n bit unsigned integer.


IvoryRep (BitRep n) => IvoryEq (Bits n) 
IvoryRep (BitRep n) => IvoryType (Bits n) 
IvoryRep (BitRep n) => IvoryVar (Bits n) 
IvoryRep (BitRep n) => IvoryExpr (Bits n) 
(SingI Nat n, IvoryRep (BitRep n)) => BitData (Bits n)

Identity instance of BitData for the base Bits n type.

type Bit = Bits 1Source

Bit is a type alias for Bits 1.

data BitArray n a Source

An array of n bit data elements of type a.


type family BitRep n :: *Source

Type function: BitRep (n :: Nat) returns an Ivory type given a bit size as a type-level natural. Instances of this type family for bits [1..64] are generated using Template Haskell.

repToBits :: forall n. (SingI n, IvoryRep (BitRep n)) => BitRep n -> Bits nSource

Convert an Ivory value to a bit value. If the input value contains out of range bits, they will be ignored.

bitsToRep :: Bits n -> BitRep nSource

Convert a bit value to an Ivory value.

zeroBits :: IvoryRep (BitRep n) => Bits nSource

Return a bit value of all zeros of the given size.

bitLength :: forall a n. SingI n => BitArray n a -> IntSource

Return the number of elements in a BitArray.

bitIx :: forall a n. (BitData a, SingI n, SingI (BitSize a), SingI (ArraySize n a)) => Int -> BitDataField (BitArray n a) aSource

Return a BitDataField that accesses the nth element of a BitArray. This can be composed with other field accessors using .

bit data

class (SingI (BitSize (BitType a)), IvoryRep (BitDataRep a), BitType a ~ Bits (BitSize (BitType a))) => BitData a whereSource

Class of bit data types defined by the bitdata quasiquoter.


toBits :: a -> BitType aSource

Convert a bit data type to its raw bit value. This is always well defined and should be exported.

fromBits :: BitType a -> aSource

Convert a raw bit value to a bit data type. All values may not be well defined with respect to the original set of bit data constructors. For now, we allow these junk values to be created, but that may change in the future (perhaps by implementing a checked, Ivory run-time conversion).


(SingI Nat n, IvoryRep (BitRep n)) => BitData (Bits n)

Identity instance of BitData for the base Bits n type.

(SingI Nat n, SingI Nat (ArraySize n a), BitData a, IvoryRep (BitRep (ArraySize n a))) => BitData (BitArray n a) 

data BitDataField a b Source

Description of a bit field defined by the bitdata quasiquoter. Each field defined in the record syntax will generate a top-level definition of BitDataField.

This constructor must remain unexported so that only fields checked by the quasiquoter are created.


type BitDataRep a = BitRep (BitSize (BitType a))Source

The Ivory type that stores the actual value for a bit data type.

This is a shorthand to simplify the constraints on functions that take arguments of the BitData class.

bit data conversions

toRep :: BitData a => a -> BitDataRep aSource

Convert a bit data value to its Ivory representation.

fromRep :: BitData a => BitDataRep a -> aSource

Convert a raw Ivory type to a bit data type. If the input value is too large, the out of range upper bits will be masked off.

bit data field operations

setBitDataBit :: BitData a => BitDataField a Bit -> a -> aSource

Set a single-bit field in a bit data value.

clearBitDataBit :: BitData a => BitDataField a Bit -> a -> aSource

Clear a single-bit field in a bit data value.

getBitDataField :: (BitData a, BitData b, BitCast (BitDataRep a) (BitDataRep b)) => BitDataField a b -> a -> bSource

Extract a field from a bit data definition. Returns the value as the type defined on the right hand side of the field definition in the bitdata quasiquoter.

setBitDataField :: (BitData a, BitData b, SafeCast (BitDataRep b) (BitDataRep a)) => BitDataField a b -> a -> b -> aSource

Set a field from a bit data definition.

bit data operators

(#!) :: forall a n. (BitData a, SingI n, SingI (BitSize a), SingI (ArraySize n a), BitCast (BitRep (ArraySize n a)) (BitDataRep a), IvoryRep (BitRep (ArraySize n a))) => BitArray n a -> Int -> aSource

Return the nth element of a BitArray.

(#.) :: (BitData a, BitData b, BitCast (BitDataRep a) (BitDataRep b)) => a -> BitDataField a b -> bSource

Infix operator to read a bit data field. (like Data.Lens.^.)

(#>) :: BitDataField a b -> BitDataField b c -> BitDataField a cSource

Bit data field composition. (like Control.Category.>>>)

bit actions

data BitDataM d a Source

An action that modifies a bit data value of type d and returns a a in the Ivory s r monad. Values of this type are passed as the body argument to withBits etc.


runBits :: BitData d => BitDataRep d -> BitDataM d a -> (a, BitDataRep d)Source

Execute a bitdata action given an initial value, returning the new bitdata value and the result of the action.

withBits :: BitData d => BitDataRep d -> BitDataM d () -> BitDataRep dSource

Execute a bitdata action given an initial value, returning the new bitdata value.

withBitsRef :: BitData d => Ref s1 (Stored (BitDataRep d)) -> BitDataM d a -> Ivory eff aSource

Execute a bit data action given a reference to a value, writing the resulting value back to the reference upon completion and returning the result of the action.

clear :: BitData d => BitDataM d ()Source

Clear the value of the current bit data value.

setBit :: BitData d => BitDataField d Bit -> BitDataM d ()Source

Set a single bit field in the current bit data value.

clearBit :: BitData d => BitDataField d Bit -> BitDataM d ()Source

Clear a single bit.

setField :: (BitData d, BitData b, SafeCast (BitDataRep b) (BitDataRep d)) => BitDataField d b -> b -> BitDataM d ()Source

Set a field to a value.

bitToBool :: Bit -> IBoolSource

Convert a single bit bitdata to an Ivory boolean.

boolToBit :: IBool -> BitSource

Convert an Ivory boolean to a single bit.