Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell98 |
This is the matrix module of Jalla.
- class (Field1 e, Indexable (mat e) IndexPair e) => GMatrix mat e where
- class (Storable e, BlasOps e, GMatrix mat e) => CMatrix mat e where
- type CMatrixVector mat e :: *
- type CMatrixVectorS mat e :: *
- matrixAlloc :: Shape -> IO (mat e)
- withCMatrix :: mat e -> (Ptr e -> IO a) -> IO a
- lda :: mat e -> Index
- order :: mat e -> Order
- matrixForeignPtr :: mat e -> ForeignPtr e
- shapeTrans :: Transpose -> Shape -> Shape
- class (Field1 e, BlasOps e, GMatrix mat e, CMatrix mat e) => MatrixMatrix mat e where
- class (CMatrix mat e, CVector vec e) => MatrixVector mat vec e where
- class (Storable e, CMatrix mat e) => MatrixScalar mat e where
- module Numeric.Jalla.Indexable
- data Matrix e
- data Order
- data Transpose
- data RefVector e
- data MMM s mat e a
- createMatrix :: (BlasOps e, CMatrix mat e) => Shape -> MMM s mat e a -> mat e
- modifyMatrix :: (BlasOps e, CMatrix mat e) => mat e -> Transpose -> MMM s mat e a -> mat e
- setDiag :: (BlasOps e, CMatrix mat e) => Index -> [e] -> MMM s mat e ()
- setRow :: (BlasOps e, CMatrix mat e) => Index -> [e] -> MMM s mat e ()
- setColumn :: (BlasOps e, CMatrix mat e) => Index -> [e] -> MMM s mat e ()
- setBlock :: (BlasOps e, CMatrix mat e) => IndexPair -> mat e -> MMM s mat e ()
- fillBlock :: (BlasOps e, CMatrix mat e) => IndexPair -> IndexPair -> e -> MMM s mat e ()
- scaleRow :: CMatrix mat e => e -> Index -> MMM s mat e ()
- scaleColumn :: CMatrix mat e => e -> Index -> MMM s mat e ()
- refRow :: CMatrix mat e => Index -> MMM s mat e (RefVector e)
- refColumn :: CMatrix mat e => Index -> MMM s mat e (RefVector e)
- matrixMap :: (Storable e1, Storable e2, CMatrix mat1 e1, CMatrix mat2 e2) => (e1 -> e2) -> mat1 e1 -> mat2 e2
- matrixBinMap :: (Storable e1, Storable e2, Storable e3, CMatrix mat1 e1, CMatrix mat2 e2, CMatrix mat3 e3) => (e1 -> e2 -> e3) -> mat1 e1 -> mat2 e2 -> mat3 e3
- matrixList :: GMatrix mat e => Order -> mat e -> [e]
- matrixLists :: GMatrix mat e => mat e -> [[e]]
- listMatrix :: (BlasOps e, CMatrix mat e) => Shape -> [e] -> mat e
- matrixAssocs :: (BlasOps e, CMatrix mat e) => Order -> mat e -> [(IndexPair, e)]
- gmatrixAssocs :: GMatrix mat e => mat e -> [(IndexPair, e)]
- row :: (CMatrix mat e, CVector vec e) => mat e -> Index -> vec e
- column :: (CMatrix mat e, CVector vec e) => mat e -> Index -> vec e
- rows :: (CMatrix mat e, CVector vec e) => mat e -> [vec e]
- columns :: (CMatrix mat e, CVector vec e) => mat e -> [vec e]
- module Numeric.Jalla.IMM
- prettyPrintMatrix :: GMatrix mat e => mat e -> [String]
- prettyPrintMatrixIO :: GMatrix mat e => mat e -> IO ()
- solveLinearSystem :: (BlasOps e, LapackeOps e se, CMatrix mat e) => mat e -> mat e -> mat e
- invert :: (BlasOps e, LapackeOps e se, CMatrix mat e) => mat e -> Maybe (mat e)
- pseudoInverse :: (BlasOps e, se ~ FieldScalar e, BlasOps se, Real se, LapackeOps e se, MatrixMatrix mat e, CMatrix mat e) => mat e -> mat e
- frobNorm :: (BlasOps e, CMatrix mat e) => mat e -> e
- idMatrix :: (BlasOps e, CMatrix mat e) => Index -> mat e
- matrixMultDiag :: BlasOps e => CMatrix mat e => (mat e, Transpose) -> [e] -> mat e
- svd :: (BlasOps e, se ~ FieldScalar e, BlasOps se, LapackeOps e se, CMatrix mat e) => mat e -> (SVDU, SVDVT) -> SVD mat e
- data SVD mat e = SVD {}
- data SVDOpt
- data SVDU = SVDU SVDOpt
- checkIndex :: Shape -> IndexPair -> Bool
- inMatrixRange :: (BlasOps e, GMatrix mat e) => mat e -> IndexPair -> Bool
- diagIndices :: Shape -> Index -> [IndexPair]
- matrixAlloc' :: BlasOps e => Shape -> IO (Matrix e)
- matrixElem :: (Num e, BlasOps e, CMatrix mat e) => mat e -> IndexPair -> IO e
- matrixMult :: (BlasOps e, CMatrix mat e) => e -> Transpose -> mat e -> Transpose -> mat e -> IO (mat e)
- unsafeMatrixSetElem :: (BlasOps e, CMatrix mat e) => mat e -> IndexPair -> e -> IO ()
- unsafeMatrixMult :: (BlasOps e, CMatrix mat e) => e -> Transpose -> mat e -> Transpose -> mat e -> e -> mat e -> IO ()
- unsafeMatrixFill :: (Num e, BlasOps e, CMatrix mat e) => mat e -> e -> IO ()
- unsafeMatrixCopy :: (BlasOps e, CMatrix mat e) => mat e -> Transpose -> mat e -> IO ()
- unsafeSolveLinearSystem :: (BlasOps e, LapackeOps e se, CMatrix mat e) => mat e -> mat e -> IO ()
- unsafeSVD :: (BlasOps e, LapackeOps e se, CVector vec se, CMatrix mat e) => mat e -> (SVDU, SVDVT) -> vec se -> mat e -> mat e -> IO Int
- unsafeMatrixMap :: (Storable e1, Storable e2, CMatrix mat1 e1, CMatrix mat2 e2) => (e1 -> e2) -> mat1 e1 -> mat2 e2 -> IO ()
- unsafeMatrixBinMap :: (Storable e1, Storable e2, Storable e3, CMatrix mat1 e1, CMatrix mat2 e2, CMatrix mat3 e3) => (e1 -> e2 -> e3) -> mat1 e1 -> mat2 e2 -> mat3 e3 -> IO ()
- withCMatrixRow :: Storable e => CMatrix mat e => mat e -> Index -> (RefVector e -> IO a) -> IO a
- withCMatrixColumn :: Storable e => CMatrix mat e => mat e -> Index -> (RefVector e -> IO a) -> IO a
- data CFloat :: *
- data CDouble :: *
- data Complex a :: * -> *
class (Field1 e, Indexable (mat e) IndexPair e) => GMatrix mat e where Source
Generic matrix interface.
Minimal complete definition
class (Storable e, BlasOps e, GMatrix mat e) => CMatrix mat e where Source
Interface for matrices with underlying contiguous C array storage. These matrices can be used with BLAS and LAPACK functions.
Associated Types
type CMatrixVector mat e :: * Source
This is an associated vector type that can be used with mat e.
type CMatrixVectorS mat e :: * Source
The same, but a vector type with a type that is the associated scalar of e.
matrixAlloc :: Shape -> IO (mat e) Source
withCMatrix :: mat e -> (Ptr e -> IO a) -> IO a Source
order :: mat e -> Order Source
matrixForeignPtr :: mat e -> ForeignPtr e Source
shapeTrans :: Transpose -> Shape -> Shape Source
Shape of a matrix with given transposedness and shape.
Matrix/Matrix Operations
class (Field1 e, BlasOps e, GMatrix mat e, CMatrix mat e) => MatrixMatrix mat e where Source
Minimal complete definition
(##) :: mat e -> mat e -> mat e infixl 7 Source
(##!) :: (mat e, Transpose) -> (mat e, Transpose) -> mat e infixl 7 Source
BlasOps e => MatrixMatrix Matrix e Source |
Matrix/Vector Operations
class (CMatrix mat e, CVector vec e) => MatrixVector mat vec e where Source
Matrix/Scalar Operations
class (Storable e, CMatrix mat e) => MatrixScalar mat e where Source
Matrix operations with a scalar. The nomenclature is to be read Matrix - Scalar - [operation name], where # stands for matrix, . stands for scalar.
Minimal complete definition
module Numeric.Jalla.Indexable
Data types
This is the instance of CMatrix
that Jalla provides.
If you don't have another CMatrix
instance, Matrix
is the one you will want to use.
(Num e, Field1 e, BlasOps e) => CMatrix Matrix e Source | |
BlasOps e => MatrixMatrix Matrix e Source | |
(Num e, Field1 e, BlasOps e) => GMatrix Matrix e Source | |
(BlasOps e, Eq e) => Eq (Matrix e) Source | |
(BlasOps e, Num e, Fractional e) => Floating (Matrix e) Source | An instance of |
(BlasOps e, Num e, Fractional e) => Fractional (Matrix e) Source | |
(BlasOps e, Num e) => Num (Matrix e) Source | Num instance for a Matrix.
The operations are all element-wise. There may be the occasional error
by wrongly assuming that (*) returns the matrix product, which it doesn't.
This instance is basically only provided to get the + and - operators.
Note that this will not work with |
(BlasOps e, Show e) => Show (Matrix e) Source | |
BlasOps e => Indexable (Matrix e) IndexPair e Source | |
type CMatrixVector Matrix e = Vector e Source | |
type CMatrixVectorS Matrix e = Vector (FieldScalar e) Source |
A construct to enable us to reference rows and columns in matrices, thereby
saving some cost on copying and memory allocation. The referenced matrix will not be
garbage collected (if I understand ForeignPtr
right) before one of the RefVector
referencing it.
BlasOps e => VectorScalar RefVector e Source | |
BlasOps e => VectorVector RefVector e Source | |
(BlasOps e, Storable e) => CVector RefVector e Source | |
(Field1 e, Storable e, BlasOps e) => GVector RefVector e Source | |
(Show e, Field1 e, Storable e, BlasOps e) => Show (RefVector e) Source | |
(BlasOps e, Storable e) => Indexable (RefVector e) Index e Source |
Construction, Conversion, Manipulation
Manipulation Monad and Functions
Matrix modification monad. This is used for creating and modifying matrices efficiently.
:: (BlasOps e, CMatrix mat e) | |
=> Shape | (Rows, Columns) |
-> MMM s mat e a | Modification action |
-> mat e | Return value: The newly created matrix. |
Create a new matrix of given size and run the given modification action on it; then return The new matrix.
modifyMatrix :: (BlasOps e, CMatrix mat e) => mat e -> Transpose -> MMM s mat e a -> mat e Source
Modify the given matrix using the given modification action; return the modified matrix.
:: (BlasOps e, CMatrix mat e) | |
=> Index | Number of the diagonal. 0 Means the main diagonal, negative values mean lower diagonals, positive values mean upper diagonals. |
-> [e] | The values of the diagonal. Only as many values as fit in the diagonal are used. |
-> MMM s mat e () | Returns the action that sets the diagonal. |
Sets the diagonal with given index to the given values. Operates on the matrix that is currently under modification.
:: (BlasOps e, CMatrix mat e) | |
=> Index | Number of the row to set |
-> [e] | List of elements to set |
-> MMM s mat e () |
Set a row in the current matrix to a list of elements.
:: (BlasOps e, CMatrix mat e) | |
=> Index | Number of the column to set |
-> [e] | List of elements to set |
-> MMM s mat e () |
Set a column in the current matrix to a list of elements.
:: (BlasOps e, CMatrix mat e) | |
=> IndexPair | Position in the current matrix where to put the block |
-> mat e | Matrix to put at the given position |
-> MMM s mat e () |
Set the block starting at a given index to the given CMatrix.
:: (BlasOps e, CMatrix mat e) | |
=> IndexPair | Start of the range. |
-> IndexPair | End of the range (inclusive). |
-> e | Element to fill the range with. |
-> MMM s mat e () |
Fill a range with a given element.
:: CMatrix mat e | |
=> e | Number to scale with. |
-> Index | Row index. If out of range, an exception is raised. |
-> MMM s mat e () |
Scales (multiplies) the given row of the matrix under construction by a scalar.
scaleColumn :: CMatrix mat e => e -> Index -> MMM s mat e () Source
Scales (multiplies) the given column of the matrix under construction by a scalar.
refRow :: CMatrix mat e => Index -> MMM s mat e (RefVector e) Source
Reference a row in the matrix under construction. See also row
refColumn :: CMatrix mat e => Index -> MMM s mat e (RefVector e) Source
Reference a column in the matrix under construction. See also column
Maps over CMatrix
:: (Storable e1, Storable e2, CMatrix mat1 e1, CMatrix mat2 e2) | |
=> (e1 -> e2) | Function f to map. |
-> mat1 e1 | Input matrix A. |
-> mat2 e2 | Return matrix B. B_ij = f A_ij. |
Map over a CMatrix. Applies the given function to each element in the matrix and returns the resulting matrix.
:: (Storable e1, Storable e2, Storable e3, CMatrix mat1 e1, CMatrix mat2 e2, CMatrix mat3 e3) | |
=> (e1 -> e2 -> e3) | Function f to map. |
-> mat1 e1 | First input matrix A. |
-> mat2 e2 | Second input matrix B. |
-> mat3 e3 | Return matrix C. C_ij = f A_ij B_ij. |
Map a binary function over two CMatrix
Conversions To And From Lists
matrixList :: GMatrix mat e => Order -> mat e -> [e] Source
Create a list of elements, in the given order, from the given matrix.
matrixLists :: GMatrix mat e => mat e -> [[e]] Source
Create a list of lists of elements from a matrix, representing the rows of the matrix.
:: (BlasOps e, CMatrix mat e) | |
=> Shape | Shape of the matrix |
-> [e] | List of elements, row-major order |
-> mat e | If the number of elements in the list matches the number needed for the given shape exactly, returns a Just Matrix; otherwise, returns Nothing. |
Create a matrix from a list of elements, stored in row-major.
matrixAssocs :: (BlasOps e, CMatrix mat e) => Order -> mat e -> [(IndexPair, e)] Source
Get association list of indices and elements for the given CMatrix.
gmatrixAssocs :: GMatrix mat e => mat e -> [(IndexPair, e)] Source
Get association list of indices and elements for the given GMatrix.
Copying Rows and Columns
row :: (CMatrix mat e, CVector vec e) => mat e -> Index -> vec e Source
Get a column or row from a matrix.
column :: (CMatrix mat e, CVector vec e) => mat e -> Index -> vec e Source
Get a column or row from a matrix.
rows :: (CMatrix mat e, CVector vec e) => mat e -> [vec e] Source
Get all rows or columns from a matrix.
columns :: (CMatrix mat e, CVector vec e) => mat e -> [vec e] Source
Get all rows or columns from a matrix.
Functions From IMM Can Be Used
module Numeric.Jalla.IMM
Printing Matrices
prettyPrintMatrix :: GMatrix mat e => mat e -> [String] Source
prettyPrintMatrixIO :: GMatrix mat e => mat e -> IO () Source
CMatrix Linear Algebra Functions
Solving Linear Systems
:: (BlasOps e, LapackeOps e se, CMatrix mat e) | |
=> mat e | The matrix A |
-> mat e | The matrix B, the right-hand sides. |
-> mat e | The solutions X, one in each column. |
Solves a system AX = B with LAPACKs xgesv procedure. Returns a matrix with the solutions in its columns.
invert :: (BlasOps e, LapackeOps e se, CMatrix mat e) => mat e -> Maybe (mat e) Source
Invert. Implemented with LAPACK's getrf and getri, that is probably more efficient than using solveLinearSystem.
pseudoInverse :: (BlasOps e, se ~ FieldScalar e, BlasOps se, Real se, LapackeOps e se, MatrixMatrix mat e, CMatrix mat e) => mat e -> mat e Source
Compute the pseudo-inverse with the help of a SVD.
Special Matrices And Operations
idMatrix :: (BlasOps e, CMatrix mat e) => Index -> mat e Source
Returns the square identity matrix with given row number.
:: BlasOps e | |
=> CMatrix mat e | |
=> (mat e, Transpose) | Matrix A and information on whether to use it transposed or not. |
-> [e] | Diagonals of a matrix S |
-> mat e | A * S or A^T * S. |
Multiply a matrix with a diagonal matrix, given only as a list of diagonal entries. This uses references instead of copied vectors, to work more memory efficient with large matrices.
:: (BlasOps e, se ~ FieldScalar e, BlasOps se, LapackeOps e se, CMatrix mat e) | |
=> mat e | The matrix A |
-> (SVDU, SVDVT) | Choice of extent to which to compute U and V^T. |
-> SVD mat e | Returns the SVD. |
Compute the singular value decomposition U * S * V^T = A of a matrix A. U and V are (m,m) and (n,n) unitary matrices, and S is a (m,n) matrix with nonzero elements only on the main diagonal. These are the singular values.
The extent to which U and V^T
are computed can be chosen by SVDU
return the full (m,m) or (n,n) matrices.
, only the first min(m,n) columns of U are computed.
, only the first min(m,n) rows of V^T are computed.
For SVDNone
, the respective matrix will not be returned.
Note that V^T is indeed returned in its transposed form.
Description of the result of a singular value decomposition with svd
SVD options for the output.
SVD option for the U output.
SVD option for the VT output.
Generating and Checking Indices
checkIndex :: Shape -> IndexPair -> Bool Source
:: Shape | The shape of the matrix (rows,columns) |
-> Index | The index of the diagonal -- 0: main diagonal; lower diagonals;0: upper diagonals |
-> [IndexPair] | Index list. Empty if there is no such diagonal. |
Generate indices of a diagonal in a matrix of given shape.
Low Level IO Matrix Functions
:: (BlasOps e, CMatrix mat e) | |
=> e | Factor alpha |
-> Transpose | Transposition of matrix A |
-> mat e | Matrix A |
-> Transpose | Transposition of Matrix B |
-> mat e | Matrix B |
-> IO (mat e) |
Matrix multiplication. Computes alpha * A(^T) * B(^T).
Unsafe manipulations.
:: (BlasOps e, CMatrix mat e) | |
=> mat e | Matrix to be modified. |
-> IndexPair | Index of the element to set |
-> e | Element to set |
-> IO () |
Sets an element in place, therefore this is unsafe. Range check is done, and an error is raised if the given index is out of bounds.
:: (BlasOps e, CMatrix mat e) | |
=> e | Factor alpha |
-> Transpose | Transposition of matrix A |
-> mat e | Matrix A |
-> Transpose | Transposition of Matrix B |
-> mat e | Matrix B |
-> e | Factor beta |
-> mat e | Matrix C -- This is changed in place and must be of the correct size! The size is not checked! |
-> IO () |
Unsafe matrix multiplication. The result is accumulated in the last matrix argument; this function is unsafe because the memory of the last argument is changed in place. This can be used for accumulating many operations in a monad, maybe? Computes C <- alpha * A(^T) * B(^T) + beta * C
Fill the matrix in place, therefore this is unsafe.
:: (BlasOps e, CMatrix mat e) | |
=> mat e | Source A to copy from. |
-> Transpose | If Trans, copies A^T to B, otherwise copies A. |
-> mat e | Destination B. Must have the right dimensions. |
-> IO () |
Copies a matrix into the storage of another matrix, in-place and therefore unsafe
Uses the BLAS copy routine from BlasOps. NOTE: This uses BLAS copy
, i.e. the LDA must be either m or n,
where (m,n) is the shape of the matrix.
unsafeSolveLinearSystem Source
:: (BlasOps e, LapackeOps e se, CMatrix mat e) | |
=> mat e | Matrix A |
-> mat e | Matrix B, holds the result after the method returned. |
-> IO () |
Solve a system AX = B with LAPACKs xgesv procedure. Replaces A with a LU decomposition and B with the solution.
:: (BlasOps e, LapackeOps e se, CVector vec se, CMatrix mat e) | |
=> mat e | The matrix to diagonalise. |
-> (SVDU, SVDVT) | Options for the SVD. |
-> vec se | The CVector for holding the singular values. |
-> mat e | U |
-> mat e | VT |
-> IO Int | The return value of gesvd. |
Uses the LAPACKE function gesvd internally to compute the singular value decomposition. The arguments are used as storage, so this is really unsafe. Only used internally.
unsafeMatrixMap :: (Storable e1, Storable e2, CMatrix mat1 e1, CMatrix mat2 e2) => (e1 -> e2) -> mat1 e1 -> mat2 e2 -> IO () Source
unsafeMatrixBinMap :: (Storable e1, Storable e2, Storable e3, CMatrix mat1 e1, CMatrix mat2 e2, CMatrix mat3 e3) => (e1 -> e2 -> e3) -> mat1 e1 -> mat2 e2 -> mat3 e3 -> IO () Source
withCMatrixRow :: Storable e => CMatrix mat e => mat e -> Index -> (RefVector e -> IO a) -> IO a Source
Run an IO action on a row of a matrix, without copying the vector.
withCMatrixColumn :: Storable e => CMatrix mat e => mat e -> Index -> (RefVector e -> IO a) -> IO a Source
Run an IO action on a column of a matrix, without copying the vector.
data CFloat :: *
Haskell type representing the C float
data CDouble :: *
Haskell type representing the C double
data Complex a :: * -> *
Complex numbers are an algebraic type.
For a complex number z
is a number with the magnitude of abs
but oriented in the positive real direction, whereas
has the phase of signum
, but unit magnitude.
Eq a => Eq (Complex a) | |
RealFloat a => Floating (Complex a) | |
RealFloat a => Fractional (Complex a) | |
Data a => Data (Complex a) | |
RealFloat a => Num (Complex a) | |
Read a => Read (Complex a) | |
Show a => Show (Complex a) | |
Storable a => Storable (Complex a) | |
Field1 (Complex CFloat) | |
Field1 (Complex CDouble) | |
BlasOps (Complex CFloat) | |
BlasOps (Complex CDouble) | |
(RealFloat a, CoArbitrary a) => CoArbitrary (Complex a) | |
(RealFloat a, Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (Complex a) | |
(Bounds a, RealFloat a) => Bounds (Complex a) | |
LapackeOps (Complex CFloat) CFloat | |
LapackeOps (Complex CDouble) CDouble | |
type FieldScalar (Complex CFloat) = CFloat | |
type FieldScalar (Complex CDouble) = CDouble |