{- |

This module contains the @@run@@ function that can be used to launch the website.
It also contains the router and the background runner running the tasks.


{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, DeriveAnyClass, TemplateHaskell #-}

module Web.JobsUi.Run (run) where

import Web.JobsUi.Actions
import Web.JobsUi.Internal.Types

import Data.Time
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Foldable
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Web.Spock
import Web.Spock.Config
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp (Port)
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Control.Exception
import Control.Concurrent
import Network.HTTP.Types.Status
import Data.FileEmbed

import System.IO.Unsafe
import Control.DeepSeq

-- | This function launches the website.
--   It get's a Map of named job types which are used
--   to define different kinds of jobs a user can select to run.
  :: Port
  -> [JobType] -- ^ The jiType should be unique
  -> IO ()
run port jobtypeList = do
    jobtypes = M.fromList $
      map (\job@JobType{..} -> (jiType getJobInfo, job)) jobtypeList
    defaultJobs = noJobs
  initial <- ServerState
    <$> newTVarIO defaultJobs
    <*> newTVarIO (length defaultJobs + 1)
  spockCfg <- defaultSpockCfg () PCNoDatabase initial
  _ <- forkIO $ runner initial
  runSpock port (spock spockCfg{spc_errorHandler=myError} $ app jobtypes)

-- Router --

-- | We use file-embed to embed the css and other static files into the executable,
--   so we can easily ship an executable only.
myStaticDir :: M.Map T.Text BS.ByteString
myStaticDir = M.mapKeys T.pack $ M.fromList $ $(embedDir "static")

-- | Defines the app an routing. Is called from @@run@@.
app :: M.Map T.Text JobType -> SpockM () () ServerState ()
app jobtypes = do
  get root $

  get ("job" <//> var) $ \i ->
    showJob $ JobId i

  -- will either move a waiting job to the done list or
  -- throw an exeception to the executing thread if the job is currently running,
  -- to be taken care in the @@runner@@ when cancelled.
  -- Has no effect on done jobs.
  get ("job" <//> var <//> "cancel") $ \(JobId -> i) -> do
    jobsvar <- myjobsVar <$> getState
    toCancel <- liftIO $ atomically $ do
      jobs@Jobs{..} <- readTVar jobsvar
      if fmap jobId running == Just i
        then do
          pure $ jobThread =<< running
        else do
          case find ((==) i . jobId) $ toList waiting of
            Nothing ->
              pure Nothing
            Just job -> do
              writeTVar jobsvar $ jobs
                { waiting = flip Seq.deleteAt waiting
                  (fromJust $ Seq.findIndexL ((==) i . jobId) waiting)
                , done = job : done
              pure Nothing
    liftIO $ maybe (pure ()) (flip throwTo Job_Cancelled) toCancel
    redirect "/"

  getpost ("job" <//> "create") $ do
     jobsMenu (M.keysSet jobtypes)

  getpost ("job" <//> "create" <//> var) $ \jobtype ->
    case M.lookup jobtype jobtypes of
      Nothing -> do
        setStatus status404
        myError $ Status 404 "No such job type available."
      Just JobType{ .. } ->
        createJob getJobInfo

  -- lookup static things in our embeded @@myStaticDir@@
  get wildcard $ \route -> do
    case M.lookup route myStaticDir of
      Just fileContent ->
        bytes fileContent
      Nothing -> do
        setStatus status404
        myError $ Status 404 "could not find route to url"

-- | May be thrown from  @@app@@ to forked @@runner@@ thread executing a job
data MyException
  = Job_Cancelled
  deriving (Show, Exception)

-- | Handles running tasks. The only function that moves tasks to running status and from it
runner :: ServerState -> IO ()
runner ServerState{myjobsVar} = forever $ do
  -- move a running job to the done list (if there is one)
  endTime <- getZonedTime
  endedJob <- atomically $ do
    jobs <- readTVar myjobsVar
    writeTVar myjobsVar $
      case running jobs of
        Nothing -> jobs
        Just job ->
            { running = Nothing
            , done = job{jobTimeEnded = Just endTime}
              : done jobs
    pure $ running jobs

  -- notify result
  forM_ endedJob $ \Job{..} ->
    case jobFinished of
      Nothing -> pure ()
      Just result -> void $ forkIO $
        jiNotify jobInfo jobPayload result

  -- move a waiting job to the running job
  Job{..} <- atomically $ do
    jobs <- readTVar myjobsVar
    case Seq.viewr $ waiting jobs of
      Seq.EmptyR ->
      rest Seq.:> job -> do
        startTime <- pure $! unsafePerformIO getZonedTime
        writeTVar myjobsVar $ jobs
          { waiting = rest
          , running = Just $ job { jobTimeStarted = Just startTime }
        pure job
  -- execute the new running job
  mvar <- newEmptyMVar
  tid <- forkOS $ do
      ( flip finally (putMVar mvar ()) $ do
        result <- jiExec jobInfo jobPayload
        -- success
        deepseq result $ atomically $ modifyTVar myjobsVar $ \jobs ->
            { running = fmap
              ( \job -> job
                { jobFinished = Just $ Success result
                , jobThread = Nothing
              (running jobs)
      -- failure cleanup
      ( \e -> do
        atomically $ modifyTVar myjobsVar $ \jobs ->
            { running = fmap
              (\job -> job
                { jobFinished = Just (Error $ T.pack $ displayException (e :: SomeException))
                , jobThread = Nothing
              (running jobs)
  -- we may use the job thread to cancel a job
  atomically $ modifyTVar myjobsVar $ \jobs ->
      { running = fmap
        (\job -> job
          { jobThread = Just tid
        (running jobs)
  takeMVar mvar

  putStrLn $ "Done: #" <> show (getJobId jobId)