-- Copyright (C) 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016  Fraser Tweedale
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
--      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-- limitations under the License.


JSON Web Signature (JWS) represents content secured with digital
signatures or Message Authentication Codes (MACs) using JavaScript
Object Notation (JSON) based data structures.  It is defined in
<https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7515 RFC 7515>.

doJwsSign :: 'JWK' -> L.ByteString -> IO (Either 'Error' ('GeneralJWS' 'JWSHeader'))
doJwsSign jwk payload = runExceptT $ do
  alg \<- 'bestJWSAlg' jwk
  'signJWS' payload [('newJWSHeader' ('Protected', alg), jwk)]

doJwsVerify :: 'JWK' -> 'GeneralJWS' 'JWSHeader' -> IO (Either 'Error' ())
doJwsVerify jwk jws = runExceptT $ 'verifyJWS'' jwk jws


{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MonoLocalBinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}

module Crypto.JOSE.JWS
  -- * Overview
  , GeneralJWS
  , FlattenedJWS
  , CompactJWS

  -- ** Defining additional header parameters
  -- $extending

  -- * JWS creation
  , newJWSHeader
  , makeJWSHeader
  , signJWS

  -- * JWS verification
  , verifyJWS
  , verifyJWS'
  , verifyJWSWithPayload

  -- ** JWS validation settings
  , defaultValidationSettings
  , ValidationSettings
  , ValidationPolicy(..)
  , HasValidationSettings(..)
  , HasAlgorithms(..)
  , HasValidationPolicy(..)

  -- * Signature data
  , signatures
  , Signature
  , header
  , signature

  -- * JWS headers
  , Alg(..)
  , HasJWSHeader(..)
  , JWSHeader

  , module Crypto.JOSE.Error
  , module Crypto.JOSE.Header
  , module Crypto.JOSE.JWK
  ) where

import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Data.Foldable (toList)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromMaybe)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import Data.Traversable (traverse)
import Data.Word (Word8)

import Control.Lens hiding ((.=))
import Control.Lens.Cons.Extras (recons)
import Control.Monad.Except (MonadError(throwError), unless)
import Data.Aeson
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T

import Crypto.JOSE.Compact
import Crypto.JOSE.Error
import Crypto.JOSE.JWA.JWS
import Crypto.JOSE.JWK
import Crypto.JOSE.JWK.Store
import Crypto.JOSE.Header
import qualified Crypto.JOSE.Types as Types
import qualified Crypto.JOSE.Types.Internal as Types

{- $extending

Several specifications extend JWS with additional header parameters.
The 'JWS' type is parameterised over the header type; this library
provides the 'JWSHeader' type which encompasses all the JWS header
parameters defined in RFC 7515.  To define an extended header type
declare the data type, and instances for 'HasJWSHeader' and
'HasParams'.  For example:

data ACMEHeader p = ACMEHeader
  { _acmeJwsHeader :: 'JWSHeader' p
  , _acmeNonce :: 'Types.Base64Octets'

acmeJwsHeader :: Lens' (ACMEHeader p) (JWSHeader p)
acmeJwsHeader f s\@(ACMEHeader { _acmeJwsHeader = a}) =
  fmap (\\a' -> s { _acmeJwsHeader = a'}) (f a)

acmeNonce :: Lens' (ACMEHeader p) Types.Base64Octets
acmeNonce f s\@(ACMEHeader { _acmeNonce = a}) =
  fmap (\\a' -> s { _acmeNonce = a'}) (f a)

instance HasJWSHeader ACMEHeader where
  jwsHeader = acmeJwsHeader

instance HasParams ACMEHeader where
  'parseParamsFor' proxy hp hu = ACMEHeader
    \<$> 'parseParamsFor' proxy hp hu
    \<*> 'headerRequiredProtected' "nonce" hp hu
  params h =
    (True, "nonce" .= view acmeNonce h)
    : 'params' (view acmeJwsHeader h)
  'extensions' = const ["nonce"]

See also:

- 'HasParams'
- 'headerRequired'
- 'headerRequiredProtected'
- 'headerOptional'
- 'headerOptionalProtected'


jwsCritInvalidNames :: [T.Text]
jwsCritInvalidNames = [
  , "jku"
  , "jwk"
  , "x5u"
  , "x5t"
  , "x5t#S256"
  , "x5c"
  , "kid"
  , "typ"
  , "cty"
  , "crit"

-- | JWS Header data type.
data JWSHeader p = JWSHeader
  { _jwsHeaderAlg :: HeaderParam p Alg
  , _jwsHeaderJku :: Maybe (HeaderParam p Types.URI)  -- ^ JWK Set URL
  , _jwsHeaderJwk :: Maybe (HeaderParam p JWK)
  , _jwsHeaderKid :: Maybe (HeaderParam p T.Text)  -- ^ interpretation unspecified
  , _jwsHeaderX5u :: Maybe (HeaderParam p Types.URI)
  , _jwsHeaderX5c :: Maybe (HeaderParam p (NonEmpty Types.SignedCertificate))
  , _jwsHeaderX5t :: Maybe (HeaderParam p Types.Base64SHA1)
  , _jwsHeaderX5tS256 :: Maybe (HeaderParam p Types.Base64SHA256)
  , _jwsHeaderTyp :: Maybe (HeaderParam p T.Text)  -- ^ Content Type (of object)
  , _jwsHeaderCty :: Maybe (HeaderParam p T.Text)  -- ^ Content Type (of payload)
  , _jwsHeaderCrit :: Maybe (NonEmpty T.Text)
  deriving (Eq, Show)

class HasJWSHeader a where
  jwsHeader :: Lens' (a p) (JWSHeader p)

instance HasJWSHeader JWSHeader where
  jwsHeader = id

instance HasJWSHeader a => HasAlg a where
  alg = jwsHeader . \f h@(JWSHeader { _jwsHeaderAlg = a }) ->
    fmap (\a' -> h { _jwsHeaderAlg = a' }) (f a)
instance HasJWSHeader a => HasJku a where
  jku = jwsHeader . \f h@(JWSHeader { _jwsHeaderJku = a }) ->
    fmap (\a' -> h { _jwsHeaderJku = a' }) (f a)
instance HasJWSHeader a => HasJwk a where
  jwk = jwsHeader . \f h@(JWSHeader { _jwsHeaderJwk = a }) ->
    fmap (\a' -> h { _jwsHeaderJwk = a' }) (f a)
instance HasJWSHeader a => HasKid a where
  kid = jwsHeader . \f h@(JWSHeader { _jwsHeaderKid = a }) ->
    fmap (\a' -> h { _jwsHeaderKid = a' }) (f a)
instance HasJWSHeader a => HasX5u a where
  x5u = jwsHeader . \f h@(JWSHeader { _jwsHeaderX5u = a }) ->
    fmap (\a' -> h { _jwsHeaderX5u = a' }) (f a)
instance HasJWSHeader a => HasX5c a where
  x5c = jwsHeader . \f h@(JWSHeader { _jwsHeaderX5c = a }) ->
    fmap (\a' -> h { _jwsHeaderX5c = a' }) (f a)
instance HasJWSHeader a => HasX5t a where
  x5t = jwsHeader . \f h@(JWSHeader { _jwsHeaderX5t = a }) ->
    fmap (\a' -> h { _jwsHeaderX5t = a' }) (f a)
instance HasJWSHeader a => HasX5tS256 a where
  x5tS256 = jwsHeader . \f h@(JWSHeader { _jwsHeaderX5tS256 = a }) ->
    fmap (\a' -> h { _jwsHeaderX5tS256 = a' }) (f a)
instance HasJWSHeader a => HasTyp a where
  typ = jwsHeader . \f h@(JWSHeader { _jwsHeaderTyp = a }) ->
    fmap (\a' -> h { _jwsHeaderTyp = a' }) (f a)
instance HasJWSHeader a => HasCty a where
  cty = jwsHeader . \f h@(JWSHeader { _jwsHeaderCty = a }) ->
    fmap (\a' -> h { _jwsHeaderCty = a' }) (f a)
instance HasJWSHeader a => HasCrit a where
  crit = jwsHeader . \f h@(JWSHeader { _jwsHeaderCrit = a }) ->
    fmap (\a' -> h { _jwsHeaderCrit = a' }) (f a)

-- | Construct a minimal header with the given algorithm and
-- protection indicator for the /alg/ header.
newJWSHeader :: (p, Alg) -> (JWSHeader p)
newJWSHeader a = JWSHeader (uncurry HeaderParam a) z z z z z z z z z z
  where z = Nothing

-- | Make a JWS header for the given signing key.
-- Uses 'bestJWSAlg' to choose the algorithm.
-- If set, the JWK's @"kid"@, @"x5u"@, @"x5c"@, @"x5t"@ and
-- @"x5t#S256"@ parameters are copied to the JWS header (as
-- protected parameters).
-- May return 'KeySizeTooSmall' or 'KeyMismatch'.
  :: forall e m p. (MonadError e m, AsError e, ProtectionIndicator p)
  => JWK
  -> m (JWSHeader p)
makeJWSHeader k = do
    p = getProtected
    f :: ASetter s t a (Maybe (HeaderParam p a1))
      -> Getting (Maybe a1) JWK (Maybe a1)
      -> s -> t
    f lh lk = set lh (HeaderParam p <$> view lk k)
  algo <- bestJWSAlg k
  pure $ newJWSHeader (p, algo)
    & f kid (jwkKid . to (fmap (view recons)))
    & f x5u jwkX5u
    & f x5c jwkX5c
    & f x5t jwkX5t
    & f x5tS256 jwkX5tS256

-- | Signature object containing header, and signature bytes.
-- If it was decoded from a serialised JWS, it "remembers" how the
-- protected header was encoded; the remembered value is used when
-- computing the signing input and when serialising the object.
-- The remembered value is not used in equality checks, i.e. two
-- decoded signatures with differently serialised by otherwise equal
-- protected headers, and equal signature bytes, are equal.
data Signature p a = Signature
  (Maybe T.Text)      -- Encoded protected header, if available
  (a p)               -- Header
  Types.Base64Octets  -- Signature
  deriving (Show)

-- | Getter for header of a signature
header :: Getter (Signature p a) (a p)
header = to (\(Signature _ h _) -> h)

-- | Getter for signature bytes
signature :: (Cons s s Word8 Word8, AsEmpty s) => Getter (Signature p a) s
signature = to (\(Signature _ _ (Types.Base64Octets s)) -> s) . recons

instance (Eq (a p)) => Eq (Signature p a) where
  Signature _ h s == Signature _ h' s' = h == h' && s == s'

instance (HasParams a, ProtectionIndicator p) => FromJSON (Signature p a) where
  parseJSON = withObject "signature" (\o -> Signature
    <$> (Just <$> (o .: "protected" <|> pure ""))  -- raw protected header
    <*> do
      hpB64 <- o .:? "protected"
      hp <- maybe
        (pure Nothing)
        (withText "base64url-encoded header params"
          (Types.parseB64Url (maybe
            (fail "protected header contains invalid JSON")
            pure . decode . view recons)))
      hu <- o .:? "header"
      parseParams hp hu
    <*> o .: "signature"

instance (HasParams a, ProtectionIndicator p) => ToJSON (Signature p a) where
  toJSON (Signature _ h sig) =
      pro = case protectedParamsEncoded h of
        "" -> id
        bs -> ("protected" .= String (T.decodeUtf8 (view recons bs)) :)
      unp = case unprotectedParams h of
        Nothing -> id
        Just o -> ("header" .= o :)
      object $ (pro . unp) [("signature" .= sig)]

instance HasParams JWSHeader where
  parseParamsFor proxy hp hu = JWSHeader
    <$> headerRequired "alg" hp hu
    <*> headerOptional "jku" hp hu
    <*> headerOptional "jwk" hp hu
    <*> headerOptional "kid" hp hu
    <*> headerOptional "x5u" hp hu
    <*> ((fmap . fmap . fmap . fmap)
          (\(Types.Base64X509 cert) -> cert) (headerOptional "x5c" hp hu))
    <*> headerOptional "x5t" hp hu
    <*> headerOptional "x5t#S256" hp hu
    <*> headerOptional "typ" hp hu
    <*> headerOptional "cty" hp hu
    <*> (headerOptionalProtected "crit" hp hu
      >>= parseCrit jwsCritInvalidNames (extensions proxy)
        (fromMaybe mempty hp <> fromMaybe mempty hu))
  params h =
      [ Just (view (alg . isProtected) h, "alg" .= (view (alg . param) h))
      , fmap (\p -> (view isProtected p, "jku" .= view param p)) (view jku h)
      , fmap (\p -> (view isProtected p, "jwk" .= view param p)) (view jwk h)
      , fmap (\p -> (view isProtected p, "kid" .= view param p)) (view kid h)
      , fmap (\p -> (view isProtected p, "x5u" .= view param p)) (view x5u h)
      , fmap (\p -> (view isProtected p, "x5c" .= fmap Types.Base64X509 (view param p))) (view x5c h)
      , fmap (\p -> (view isProtected p, "x5t" .= view param p)) (view x5t h)
      , fmap (\p -> (view isProtected p, "x5t#S256" .= view param p)) (view x5tS256 h)
      , fmap (\p -> (view isProtected p, "typ" .= view param p)) (view typ h)
      , fmap (\p -> (view isProtected p, "cty" .= view param p)) (view cty h)
      , fmap (\p -> (True, "crit" .= p)) (view crit h)

-- | JSON Web Signature data type.  The payload can only be
-- accessed by verifying the JWS.
-- Parameterised by the signature container type, the header
-- 'ProtectionIndicator' type, and the header record type.
-- Use 'encode' and 'decode' to convert a JWS to or from JSON.
-- When encoding a @'JWS' []@ with exactly one signature, the
-- /flattened JWS JSON serialisation/ syntax is used, otherwise
-- the /general JWS JSON serialisation/ is used.
-- When decoding a @'JWS' []@ either serialisation is accepted.
-- @'JWS' 'Identity'@ uses the flattened JSON serialisation
-- or the /JWS compact serialisation/ (see 'decodeCompact' and
-- 'encodeCompact').
-- Use 'signJWS' to create a signed/MACed JWS.
-- Use 'verifyJWS' to verify a JWS and extract the payload.
data JWS t p a = JWS Types.Base64Octets (t (Signature p a))

-- | A JWS that allows multiple signatures, and cannot use
-- the /compact serialisation/.  Headers may be 'Protected'
-- or 'Unprotected'.
type GeneralJWS = JWS [] Protection

-- | A JWS with one signature, which uses the
-- /flattened serialisation/.  Headers may be 'Protected'
-- or 'Unprotected'.
type FlattenedJWS = JWS Identity Protection

-- | A JWS with one signature which only allows protected
-- parameters.  Can use the /flattened serialisation/ or
-- the /compact serialisation/.
type CompactJWS = JWS Identity ()

instance (Eq (t (Signature p a))) => Eq (JWS t p a) where
  JWS p sigs == JWS p' sigs' = p == p' && sigs == sigs'

instance (Show (t (Signature p a))) => Show (JWS t p a) where
  show (JWS p sigs) = "JWS " <> show p <> " " <> show sigs

signatures :: Foldable t => Fold (JWS t p a) (Signature p a)
signatures = folding (\(JWS _ sigs) -> sigs)

instance (HasParams a, ProtectionIndicator p) => FromJSON (JWS [] p a) where
  parseJSON v =
    withObject "JWS JSON serialization" (\o -> JWS
      <$> o .: "payload"
      <*> o .: "signatures") v
    <|> fmap (\(JWS p (Identity s)) -> JWS p [s]) (parseJSON v)

instance (HasParams a, ProtectionIndicator p) => FromJSON (JWS Identity p a) where
  parseJSON =
    withObject "Flattened JWS JSON serialization" $ \o ->
      if M.member "signatures" o
      then fail "\"signatures\" member MUST NOT be present"
      else (\p s -> JWS p (pure s)) <$> o .: "payload" <*> parseJSON (Object o)

instance (HasParams a, ProtectionIndicator p) => ToJSON (JWS [] p a) where
  toJSON (JWS p [s]) = object $ "payload" .= p : Types.objectPairs (toJSON s)
  toJSON (JWS p ss) = object ["payload" .= p, "signatures" .= ss]

instance (HasParams a, ProtectionIndicator p) => ToJSON (JWS Identity p a) where
  toJSON (JWS p (Identity s)) = object $ "payload" .= p : Types.objectPairs (toJSON s)

  :: (HasParams a, ProtectionIndicator p)
  => Either T.Text (a p)
  -> B.ByteString
  -> B.ByteString
signingInput h p = B.intercalate "."
  [ either T.encodeUtf8 (view recons . protectedParamsEncoded) h
  , review Types.base64url p

-- Convert JWS to compact serialization.
-- The operation is defined only when there is exactly one
-- signature and returns Nothing otherwise
instance HasParams a => ToCompact (JWS Identity () a) where
  toCompact (JWS (Types.Base64Octets p) (Identity (Signature raw h (Types.Base64Octets sig)))) =
    [ view recons $ signingInput (maybe (Right h) Left raw) p
    , review Types.base64url sig

instance HasParams a => FromCompact (JWS Identity () a) where
  fromCompact xs = case xs of
    [h, p, s] -> do
      (h', p', s') <- (,,) <$> t 0 h <*> t 1 p <*> t 2 s
      let o = object [ ("payload", p'), ("protected", h'), ("signature", s') ]
      case fromJSON o of
        Error e -> throwError (review _JSONDecodeError e)
        Success a -> pure a
    xs' -> throwError $
            review (_CompactDecodeError . _CompactInvalidNumberOfParts)
            (InvalidNumberOfParts 3 (fromIntegral (length xs')))
      textErr n e = review (_CompactDecodeError . _CompactInvalidText)
        (CompactTextError n e)
      t n = either (throwError . textErr n) (pure . String)
        . T.decodeUtf8' . view recons

-- | Create a signed or MACed JWS with the given payload by
-- traversing a collection of @(header, key)@ pairs.
  :: ( Cons s s Word8 Word8
     , HasJWSHeader a, HasParams a, MonadRandom m, AsError e, MonadError e m
     , Traversable t
     , ProtectionIndicator p
  => s          -- ^ Payload
  -> t ((a p), JWK) -- ^ Traversable of header, key pairs
  -> m (JWS t p a)
signJWS s =
  let s' = view recons s
  in fmap (JWS (Types.Base64Octets s')) . traverse (uncurry (mkSignature s'))

  :: ( HasJWSHeader a, HasParams a, MonadRandom m, AsError e, MonadError e m
     , ProtectionIndicator p
  => B.ByteString -> a p -> JWK -> m (Signature p a)
mkSignature p h k =
  Signature Nothing h . Types.Base64Octets
  <$> sign (view (alg . param) h) (k ^. jwkMaterial) (signingInput (Right h) p)

-- | Validation policy.
data ValidationPolicy
  = AnyValidated
  -- ^ One successfully validated signature is sufficient
  | AllValidated
  -- ^ All signatures in all configured algorithms must be validated.
  -- No signatures in configured algorithms is also an error.
  deriving (Eq)

-- | Validation settings:
-- * The set of acceptable signature algorithms
-- * The validation policy
data ValidationSettings = ValidationSettings
  (S.Set Alg)

class HasValidationSettings a where
  validationSettings :: Lens' a ValidationSettings

  validationSettingsAlgorithms :: Lens' a (S.Set Alg)
  validationSettingsAlgorithms = validationSettings . go where
    go f (ValidationSettings algs pol) =
      (\algs' -> ValidationSettings algs' pol) <$> f algs

  validationSettingsValidationPolicy :: Lens' a ValidationPolicy
  validationSettingsValidationPolicy = validationSettings . go where
    go f (ValidationSettings algs pol) =
      (\pol' -> ValidationSettings algs pol') <$> f pol

instance HasValidationSettings ValidationSettings where
  validationSettings = id

class HasAlgorithms s where
  algorithms :: Lens' s (S.Set Alg)
class HasValidationPolicy s where
  validationPolicy :: Lens' s ValidationPolicy

instance HasValidationSettings a => HasAlgorithms a where
  algorithms = validationSettingsAlgorithms
instance HasValidationSettings a => HasValidationPolicy a where
  validationPolicy = validationSettingsValidationPolicy

-- | The default validation settings.
-- - All algorithms except "none" are acceptable.
-- - All signatures must be valid (and there must be at least one signature.)
defaultValidationSettings :: ValidationSettings
defaultValidationSettings = ValidationSettings
  ( S.fromList
    [ HS256, HS384, HS512
    , RS256, RS384, RS512
    , ES256, ES384, ES512
    , PS256, PS384, PS512
    , EdDSA
    ] )

-- | Verify a JWS with the default validation settings.
-- See also 'defaultValidationSettings'.
  ::  ( AsError e, MonadError e m , HasJWSHeader h, HasParams h
      , VerificationKeyStore m (h p) s k
      , Cons s s Word8 Word8, AsEmpty s
      , Foldable t
      , ProtectionIndicator p
  => k      -- ^ key or key store
  -> JWS t p h  -- ^ JWS
  -> m s
verifyJWS' = verifyJWS defaultValidationSettings

-- | Verify a JWS.
-- Signatures made with an unsupported algorithms are ignored.
-- If the validation policy is 'AnyValidated', a single successfully
-- validated signature is sufficient.  If the validation policy is
-- 'AllValidated' then all remaining signatures (there must be at least one)
-- must be valid.
-- Returns the payload if successfully verified.
  ::  ( HasAlgorithms a, HasValidationPolicy a, AsError e, MonadError e m
      , HasJWSHeader h, HasParams h
      , VerificationKeyStore m (h p) s k
      , Cons s s Word8 Word8, AsEmpty s
      , Foldable t
      , ProtectionIndicator p
  => a        -- ^ validation settings
  -> k        -- ^ key or key store
  -> JWS t p h  -- ^ JWS
  -> m s
verifyJWS = verifyJWSWithPayload pure

  ::  ( HasAlgorithms a, HasValidationPolicy a, AsError e, MonadError e m
      , HasJWSHeader h, HasParams h
      , VerificationKeyStore m (h p) payload k
      , Cons s s Word8 Word8, AsEmpty s
      , Foldable t
      , ProtectionIndicator p
  => (s -> m payload)  -- ^ payload decoder
  -> a                 -- ^ validation settings
  -> k                 -- ^ key or key store
  -> JWS t p h         -- ^ JWS
  -> m payload
verifyJWSWithPayload dec conf k (JWS p@(Types.Base64Octets p') sigs) =
    algs :: S.Set Alg
    algs = conf ^. algorithms
    policy :: ValidationPolicy
    policy = conf ^. validationPolicy
    shouldValidateSig = (`elem` algs) . view (header . alg . param)

    applyPolicy AnyValidated xs =
      unless (or xs) (throwError (review _JWSNoValidSignatures ()))
    applyPolicy AllValidated [] =
      throwError (review _JWSNoSignatures ())
    applyPolicy AllValidated xs =
      unless (and xs) (throwError (review _JWSInvalidSignature ()))

    validate payload sig = do
      keys <- getVerificationKeys (view header sig) payload k
      if null keys
        then throwError (review _NoUsableKeys ())
        else pure $ any ((== Right True) . verifySig p sig) keys
  in do
    payload <- (dec . view recons) p'
    results <- traverse (validate payload) $ filter shouldValidateSig $ toList sigs
    payload <$ applyPolicy policy results

  :: (HasJWSHeader a, HasParams a, ProtectionIndicator p)
  => Types.Base64Octets
  -> Signature p a
  -> JWK
  -> Either Error Bool
verifySig (Types.Base64Octets m) (Signature raw h (Types.Base64Octets s)) k =
  verify (view (alg . param) h) (view jwkMaterial k) tbs s
  tbs = signingInput (maybe (Right h) Left raw) m