jsaddle-dom- DOM library that uses jsaddle to support both GHCJS and GHC

Safe HaskellNone




slice :: (MonadDOM m, IsBlob self, ToJSString contentType) => self -> Int64 -> Int64 -> Maybe contentType -> m (Maybe Blob) Source #

slice_ :: (MonadDOM m, IsBlob self, ToJSString contentType) => self -> Int64 -> Int64 -> Maybe contentType -> m () Source #

sliceUnsafe :: (MonadDOM m, IsBlob self, ToJSString contentType, HasCallStack) => self -> Int64 -> Int64 -> Maybe contentType -> m Blob Source #

sliceUnchecked :: (MonadDOM m, IsBlob self, ToJSString contentType) => self -> Int64 -> Int64 -> Maybe contentType -> m Blob Source #

toBlob :: IsBlob o => o -> Blob Source #