-- | Extraction and unification of AutoType's @Type@ from Aeson @Value@.
module Data.Aeson.AutoType.Extract(valueSize, valueTypeSize,
                                   valueDepth, Dict(..),
                                   Type(..), emptyType,
                                   extractType, unifyTypes,
                                   typeCheck) where

import           Control.Arrow ((&&&))
import           Control.Exception               (assert)
import           Data.Aeson.AutoType.Type
import qualified Data.Graph          as Graph
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict      as Map
import           Data.HashMap.Strict             (HashMap)
import qualified Data.Set                 as Set
import qualified Data.Vector              as V
import           Data.Aeson
import           Data.Text                       (Text)
import           Data.Set                        (Set )
import           Data.List                       (foldl1')

--import           Debug.Trace

-- | Compute total number of nodes (and leaves) within the value tree.
-- Each simple JavaScript type (including String) is counted as of size 1,
-- whereas both Array or object types are counted as 1+sum of the sizes
-- of their member values.
valueSize :: Value -> Int
valueSize  Null      = 1
valueSize (Bool   _) = 1
valueSize (Number _) = 1
valueSize (String _) = 1
valueSize (Array  a) = V.foldl' (+) 1 $ V.map valueSize a
valueSize (Object o) = (1+) . sum . map valueSize . Map.elems $ o

-- | Compute total size of the type of the @Value@.
-- For:
-- * simple types it is always 1,
-- * for arrays it is just 1+_maximum_ size of the (single) element type,
-- * for objects it is _sum_ of the sizes of fields (since each field type
--   is assumed to be different.)
valueTypeSize :: Value -> Int
valueTypeSize  Null      = 1
valueTypeSize (Bool   _) = 1
valueTypeSize (Number _) = 1
valueTypeSize (String _) = 1
valueTypeSize (Array  a) = (1+) . V.foldl' max 0 $ V.map valueTypeSize a
valueTypeSize (Object o) = (1+) . sum . map valueTypeSize . Map.elems $ o

-- | Compute total depth of the value.
-- For:
-- * simple types it is 1
-- * for either Array or Object, it is 1 + maximum of depths of their members
valueDepth :: Value -> Int
valueDepth  Null      = 1
valueDepth (Bool   _) = 1
valueDepth (Number _) = 1
valueDepth (String _) = 1
valueDepth (Array  a) = (1+) . V.foldl' max 0 $ V.map valueDepth a
valueDepth (Object o) = (1+) . maximum . (0:) . map valueDepth . Map.elems $ o

-- | Extract @Type@ from the JSON @Value@.
-- Unifying types of array elements, if necessary.
extractType                             :: Value -> Type
extractType (Object o)                   = TObj $ Dict $ Map.map extractType o
extractType  Null                        = TNull
extractType (Bool   _)                   = TBool
extractType (Number _)                   = TNum
extractType (String _)                   = TString
extractType (Array  a) | V.null a        = TArray   emptyType
extractType (Array  a)                   = TArray $ V.foldl1' unifyTypes $ traceShow $ V.map extractType a
    --traceShow a = trace (show a) a
    traceShow = id

-- | Type check the value with the derived type.
typeCheck :: Value -> Type -> Bool
typeCheck  Null          TNull            = True
typeCheck  v            (TUnion  u)       = typeCheck v `any` Set.toList u
typeCheck (Bool   _)     TBool            = True
typeCheck (Number _)     TNum             = True
typeCheck (String _)     TString          = True
typeCheck (Array  elts) (TArray  eltType) = (`typeCheck` eltType) `all` V.toList elts
typeCheck (Object d)    (TObj    e      ) = typeCheckKey `all` keysOfBoth
    typeCheckKey k = getValue k d `typeCheck` get k e
    getValue   :: Text -> HashMap Text Value -> Value
    getValue    = Map.lookupDefault Null
    keysOfBoth :: [Text]
    keysOfBoth  =  Set.toList $ Set.fromList (Map.keys d) `Set.union` keys e
typeCheck         _     (TLabel  _      ) = error "Cannot typecheck labels without environment!"
typeCheck   {-a-} _      _ {-b-}          = {-trace msg $-} False
    -- msg = "Mismatch: " ++ show a ++ " :: " ++ show b

allKeys :: Dict -> Dict -> [Text]
d `allKeys` e = Set.toList (keys d `Set.union` keys e)

-- | Standard unification procedure on @Type@s,
-- with inclusion of @Type@ unions.
unifyTypes :: Type -> Type -> Type
unifyTypes  TBool      TBool     = TBool
unifyTypes  TNum       TNum      = TNum
unifyTypes  TString    TString   = TString
unifyTypes  TNull      TNull     = TNull
unifyTypes (TObj   d) (TObj   e) = TObj newDict
    newDict :: Dict
    newDict = Dict $ Map.fromList [(k, get k d `unifyTypes`
                                        get k e) | k <- allKeys d e ]
unifyTypes (TArray u) (TArray v) = TArray $ u `unifyTypes` v
unifyTypes t           s         = typeAsSet t `unifyUnion` typeAsSet s

-- | Unify sets of types (sets are union types of alternatives).
unifyUnion :: Set Type -> Set Type -> Type
unifyUnion u v = assertions $
                   union $ uSimple        `Set.union`
                           vSimple        `Set.union`
                           unifiedObjects `Set.union`
                           Set.singleton unifiedArray
    -- We partition our types for easier unification into simple and compound
    (uSimple, uCompound) = Set.partition isSimple u
    (vSimple, vCompound) = Set.partition isSimple v
    assertions = assert (Set.null $ Set.filter (not . isArray) uArr) .
                 assert (Set.null $ Set.filter (not . isArray) vArr)
    -- then we partition compound typs into objects and arrays.
    -- Note that there should be no TUnion here, since we are inside a TUnion already.
    -- (That is reduced by @union@ smart costructor as superfluous.)
    (uObj, uArr)   = Set.partition isObject uCompound
    (vObj, vArr)   = Set.partition isObject vCompound
    unifiedObjects = Set.fromList $ if null objects
                                       then []
                                       else [foldl1' unifyTypes objects]
    objects = Set.toList $ uObj `Set.union` vObj
    arrayElts :: [Type]
    arrayElts  = map (\(TArray ty) -> ty) $
                   Set.toList $
                     uArr `Set.union` vArr
    unifiedArray = TArray $ if null arrayElts
                               then emptyType
                               else foldl1' unifyTypes arrayElts

-- | Smart constructor for union types.
union ::  Set Type -> Type
union = simplifyUnion . TUnion

-- | Simplify TUnion's so there is no TUnion directly inside TUnion.
-- If there is only one element of the set, then return this single
-- element as a type.
simplifyUnion :: Type -> Type
simplifyUnion (TUnion s) | Set.size s == 1 = head $ Set.toList s
simplifyUnion (TUnion s)                   = TUnion $ Set.unions $ map elements $ Set.toList s
    elements (TUnion elems) = elems
    elements sing           = Set.singleton sing
simplifyUnion unexpected                   = error ("simplifyUnion: unexpected argument " ++ show unexpected)