jupyter-0.9.0: A library for creating and using Jupyter kernels.

Copyright(c) Andrew Gibiansky, 2016
Safe HaskellNone




Jupyter kernels and clients communicate along a typed messaging protocol called the Jupyter messaging protocol. The protocol defines several ZeroMQ sockets that are used for communication between the clients and the kernels, as well as the format of the data that is sent on each of those sockets.

To summarize briefly, the messaging protocol defines four types of communication:

  1. Client to kernel requests (ClientRequest) and replies (KernelReply)
  2. Kernel output publication to all clients (KernelOutput)
  3. Kernel to client requests (KernelRequest) and replies (ClientReply)
  4. Free-form "comm" messages between kernels and clients (Comm)

Client to kernel requests and replies are sent on two sockets called the shell and control sockets, but when using the jupyter package these two sockets can be treated as a single communication channel, with the caveat that two messages may be sent at once (and thus the handlers must be thread-safe). Clients will send a ClientRequest which the kernel must respond to with a KernelReply.

During the response, kernels may want to publish results, intermediate data, or errors to the front-end(s). This is done on the iopub socket, with every published value represented via a KernelOutput. Kernel outputs are the primary mechanism for transmitting results of code evaluation to the front-ends.

In addition to publishing outputs, kernels may request input from the clients during code evaluation using KernelRequest messages, to which the clients reply with a ClientReply. At the moment, the only use for KernelRequests is to request standard input from the clients, so all such messages go on the stdin socket.

Finally, kernels and frontends can create custom communication protocols using the free-form and unstructured Comm messages. A comm in Jupyter parlance is a communication channel between a kernel and a client; either one may request to create or close a comm, and then send arbitrary JSON data along that comm. Kernels listen for Comm messages on the shell socket and can send their own Comm messages on the iopub socket. (Comm messages are not used frequently, but have been used to implement, e.g. the Jupyter widgets in ipywidgets; for most use cases, it is safe to ignore them and provide empty Comm message handlers.)

For more information, please read the full Jupyter messaging specification.


Client Requests (Shell channel)

data ClientRequest Source

Most communication from a client to a kernel is initiated by the client on the shell socket.

The shell socket accepts multiple incoming connections from different frontends (clients), and receives requests for code execution, object information, prompts, etc. from all the connected frontends. The communication on this socket is a sequence of request/reply actions from each frontend and the kernel.

The clients will send ClientRequest messages to the kernel, to which the kernel must reply with exactly one appropriate KernelReply and, optionally, publish as many KernelOutputs as the kernel wishes. Each ClientRequest constructor corresponds to exactly one KernelReply constructor which should be used in the reply.

For more information on each of these messages, view the appropriate section of the Jupyter messaging spec.


ExecuteRequest CodeBlock ExecuteOptions

Replied to with an ExecuteReply.

This message type is used by frontends to ask the kernel to execute code on behalf of the user, in a namespace reserved to the user’s variables (and thus separate from the kernel’s own internal code and variables).

InspectRequest CodeBlock CodeOffset DetailLevel

Replied to with an InspectReply.

Code can be inspected to show useful information to the user. It is up to the kernel to decide what information should be displayed, and its formatting.

The reply is a mime-bundle, like a DisplayDataOutput message, which should be a formatted representation of information about the context. In the notebook, this is used to show tooltips over function calls, etc.

HistoryRequest HistoryOptions

Replied to with a HistoryReply.

For clients to explicitly request history from a kernel. The kernel has all the actual execution history stored in a single location, so clients can request it from the kernel when needed.

CompleteRequest CodeBlock CodeOffset

Replied to with a CompleteReply.

A message type for the client to request autocompletions from the kernel.

The lexing is left to the kernel, and the only information provided is the cell contents and the current cursor location in the cell.

IsCompleteRequest CodeBlock

Replied to with a IsCompleteReply.

When the user enters a line in a console style interface, the console must decide whether to immediately execute the current code, or whether to show a continuation prompt for further input.

For instance, in Python a = 5 would be executed immediately, while for i in range(5): would expect further input.

There are four possible replies (see the CodeComplete data type):

  • complete: code is ready to be executed
  • incomplete: code should prompt for another line
  • invalid: code will typically be sent for execution, so that the user sees the error soonest.
  • unknown: if the kernel is not able to determine this.

The frontend should also handle the kernel not replying promptly. It may default to sending the code for execution, or it may implement simple fallback heuristics for whether to execute the code (e.g. execute after a blank line). Frontends may have ways to override this, forcing the code to be sent for execution or forcing a continuation prompt.


Replied to with a ConnectReply.

When a client connects to the request/reply socket of the kernel, it can issue a connect request to get basic information about the kernel, such as the ports the other ZeroMQ sockets are listening on. This allows clients to only have to know about a single port (the shell channel) to connect to a kernel.

Warning: Connect requests are deprecated in the Jupyter messaging spec.

CommInfoRequest (Maybe TargetName)

Replied to with a CommInfoReply.

When a client needs the currently open comms in the kernel, it can issue a CommInfoRequest for the currently open comms. When the optional TargetName is specified, the CommInfoReply should only contain the currently open comms for that target.


Replied to with a KernelInfoReply.

If a client needs to know information about the kernel, it can make a KernelInfoRequest. This message can be used to fetch core information of the kernel, including language (e.g., Python), language version number and IPython version number, and the IPython message spec version number.

ShutdownRequest Restart

Replied to with a ShutdownReply.

The clients can request the kernel to shut itself down; this is used in multiple cases:

  • when the user chooses to close the client application via a menu or window control.
  • when the user invokes a frontend-specific exit method (like the quit magic)
  • when the user chooses a GUI method (like the Ctrl-C shortcut in the IPythonQt client) to force a kernel restart to get a clean kernel without losing client-side state like history or inlined figures.

The client sends a shutdown request to the kernel, and once it receives the reply message (which is otherwise empty), it can assume that the kernel has completed shutdown safely. The request can be sent on either the control or shell sockets. Upon their own shutdown, client applications will typically execute a last minute sanity check and forcefully terminate any kernel that is still alive, to avoid leaving stray processes in the user’s machine.

Kernels that receive a shutdown request will automatically shut down after replying to it.

data ExecuteOptions Source

Options for executing code in the kernel.




executeSilent :: Bool

Whether this code should be forced to be as silent as possible.

Kernels should avoid broadcasting on the iopub channel (sending KernelOutput messages) and the ExecuteReply message will not be sent when executeSilent is True. In addition, kernels should act as if executeStoreHistory is set to True whenever executeSilent is True.

executeStoreHistory :: Bool

A boolean flag which, if True, signals the kernel to populate its history. If executeSilent is True, kernels should ignore the value of this flag and treat it as False.

executeAllowStdin :: Bool

Some frontends do not support stdin requests.

If such a frontend makes a request, it should set executeAllowStdin to False, and any code that reads from stdin should crash (or, if the kernel so desires, get an empty string).

executeStopOnError :: Bool

A boolean flag, which, if True, does not abort the execution queue, if an exception or error is encountered. This allows the queued execution of multiple execute_requests, even if they generate exceptions.

defaultExecuteOptions :: ExecuteOptions Source

Default set of options for an ExecuteRequest.

By default, executeStopOnError and executeStoreHistory are True, while executeSilent and executeAllowStdin are False.

data DetailLevel Source

How much detail to show for an InspectRequest.



Include a low level of detail. In IPython, DetailLow is equivalent to typing x? at the prompt.


Include a high level of detail. In IPython, DetailHigh is equivalent to typing x?? at the prompt, and tries to include the source code.

data HistoryOptions Source

What to search for in the kernel history.




historyShowOutput :: Bool

If True, include text output in the resulting HistoryItems.

historyRaw :: Bool

If True, return the raw input history, else the transformed input.

historyAccessType :: HistoryAccessType

Type of search to perform.

newtype TargetName Source

The target name (target_name) for a Comm.

The target name is, roughly, the type of the comm to open. It tells the kernel or the frontend (whichever receives the CommOpen message) what sort of comm to open and how that comm should behave. (The TargetModule can also be optionally used in combination with a TargetName for this purpose; see CommOpen for more info.)


TargetName Text 

data Restart Source

Whether the kernel should restart after shutting down, or remain stopped.



Restart after shutting down.


Remain stopped after shutting down.

data HistoryAccessType Source

What items should be accessed in this HistoryRequest.


HistoryRange HistoryRangeOptions

Get a range of history items.

HistoryTail Int

Get the last n cells in the history.

HistorySearch HistorySearchOptions

Search for something in the history.

data HistoryRangeOptions Source

Options for retrieving a range of history cells.




historyRangeSession :: Int

Which cell to retrieve history for. If this is negative, then it counts backwards from the current session.

historyRangeStart :: Int

Which item to start with in the selected session.

historyRangeStop :: Int

Which item to end with in the selected session.

data HistorySearchOptions Source

Options for retrieving history cells that match a pattern.




historySearchCells :: Int

Get the last n cells that match the provided pattern.

historySearchPattern :: Text

Pattern to search for (treated literally but with * and ? as wildcards).

historySearchUnique :: Bool

If True, do not include duplicated history items.

Kernel Replies (Shell channel)

data KernelReply Source

Clients send requests (ClientRequest) to the kernel via the shell socket, and kernels generate one KernelReply as a response to every ClientRequest. Each type of ClientRequest corresponds to precisely one response type (for example, HistoryRequest must be responded to with a HistoryReply).


KernelInfoReply KernelInfo

Reply for a KernelInfoRequest.

If a client needs to know information about the kernel, it can make a request of the kernel’s information, which must be responded to with a KernelInfoReply. This message can be used to fetch core information of the kernel, including language (e.g., Python), language version number and IPython version number, and the IPython message spec version number.

ExecuteReply ExecutionCount ExecuteResult

Reply to an ExecuteRequest message.

The kernel should have a single, monotonically increasing counter of all execution requests that are made with when executeStoreHistory is True. This counter is used to populate the In[n] and Out[n] prompts in the frontend. The value of this counter will be returned as the ExecutionCount field of all ExecuteReply and ExecuteInput messages.

ExecuteReply does not include any output data, only a status, as the output data is sent via DisplayDataOutput messages on the iopub channel (in KernelOutput messages).

InspectReply InspectResult

Reply to an InspectRequest.

Code can be inspected to show useful information to the user. It is up to the kernel to decide what information should be displayed, and its formatting.

The reply is a mime-bundle, like a DisplayDataOutput message, which should be a formatted representation of information about the context. In the notebook, this is used to show tooltips over function calls, etc.

HistoryReply [HistoryItem]

Reply to a HistoryRequest.

Clients can explicitly request history from a kernel. The kernel has all the actual execution history stored in a single location, so clients can request it from the kernel when needed.

The HistoryItems should include non-Nothing historyItemOutput values when historyShowOutput in the HistoryRequest is True.

CompleteReply CompleteResult

Reply to a CompleteRequest.

Clients can request autocompletion results from the kernel, and the kernel responds with a list of matches and the selection to autocomplete.

IsCompleteReply CodeComplete

Reply to a IsCompleteRequest.

Clients can request the code completeness status with a IsCompleteRequest.

For example, when the user enters a line in a console style interface, the console must decide whether to immediately execute the current code, or whether to show a continuation prompt for further input.

For instance, in Python a = 5 would be executed immediately, while for i in range(5): would expect further input.

ConnectReply ConnectInfo

Reply to a ConnectReply.

When a client connects to the request/reply socket of the kernel, it can issue a ConnectRequest to get basic information about the kernel, such as the ports the other ZeroMQ sockets are listening on. This allows clients to only have to know about a single port (the shell channel) to connect to a kernel.

The ConnectReply contains a ConnectInfo with information about the ZeroMQ sockets' ports used by the kernel.

CommInfoReply (Map UUID TargetName)

Reply to a CommInfoRequest.

When a client needs the currently open comms in the kernel, it can issue a CommInfoRequest for the currently open comms.

The CommInfoReply provides a list of currently open comms with their respective target names to the frontend.

ShutdownReply Restart

Reply to a ShutdownRequest.

The client sends a shutdown request to the kernel, and once it receives the reply message (which is otherwise empty), it can assume that the kernel has completed shutdown safely.

The ShutdownReply allows for a safe shutdown, but, if no ShutdownReply is received (for example, if the kernel is deadlocked) client applications will typically execute a last minute sanity check and forcefully terminate any kernel that is still alive, to avoid leaving stray processes in the user’s machine.

data KernelInfo Source

Reply content for a KernelInfoReply, containing core information about the kernel and the kernel implementation. Pieces of this information are used throughout the frontend for display purposes.

Refer to the lists of available Pygments lexers and Codemirror modes for those fields.




kernelProtocolVersion :: Text

Version of messaging protocol, usually two or three integers in the format X.Y or X.Y.Z. The first integer indicates major version. It is incremented when there is any backward incompatible change. The second integer indicates minor version. It is incremented when there is any backward compatible change.

kernelBanner :: Text

A banner of information about the kernel, which may be desplayed in console environments.

kernelImplementation :: Text

The kernel implementation name (e.g. ipython for the IPython kernel)

kernelImplementationVersion :: Text

Implementation version number. The version number of the kernel's implementation (e.g. IPython.version for the IPython kernel)

kernelLanguageInfo :: LanguageInfo

Information about the language of code for the kernel

kernelHelpLinks :: [HelpLink]

A list of help links. These will be displayed in the help menu in the notebook UI.

data CodeMirrorMode Source

Value set in a language info object for the CodeMirror mode.


NamedMode Text

Mode described just by its name

OptionsMode Text [(Text, Value)]

Mode with a name and a list of extra params. These parameters are interpreted by the CodeMirror library.

For example, the CodeMirrorMode that corresponds to the JSON value {"name": "mode", "key": "value"} would be OptionsMode "mode" [("mode", String "value")].

data LanguageInfo Source

Information about the language of code for a kernel.




languageName :: Text

Name of the programming language that the kernel implements. Kernel included in IPython returns python.

languageVersion :: Text

Language version number. It is Python version number (e.g., 2.7.3) for the kernel included in IPython.

languageMimetype :: Text

mimetype for script files in this language.

languageFileExtension :: Text

Extension for script files including the dot, e.g. .py

languagePygmentsLexer :: Maybe Text

Pygments lexer, for highlighting (Only needed if it differs from the languageName field.)

languageCodeMirrorMode :: Maybe CodeMirrorMode

Codemirror mode, for for highlighting in the notebook. (Only needed if it differs from the languageName field.)

languageNbconvertExporter :: Maybe Text

Nbconvert exporter, if notebooks written with this kernel should be exported with something other than the general script exporter.

data HelpLink Source

A link to some help text to include in the frontend's help menu.




helpLinkText :: Text

Text to show for the link.

helpLinkURL :: Text

URL the link points to. This URL is not validated, and is used directly as the link destination.

newtype ExecuteResult Source

Result from an ExecuteRequest.

No data is included with the result, because all execution results are published via KernelOutputs instead.


ExecuteResult (OperationResult ()) 

pattern ExecuteOk :: ExecuteResult Source

Shorthand pattern for a successful ExecuteResult.

pattern ExecuteError :: ErrorInfo -> ExecuteResult Source

Shorthand pattern for an errored ExecuteResult.

pattern ExecuteAbort :: ExecuteResult Source

Shorthand pattern for an aborted ExecuteResult.

newtype InspectResult Source

Result from an InspectRequest.

Result includes inspection results to show to the user (in rich DisplayData format), or Nothing if no object was found.

pattern InspectOk :: Maybe DisplayData -> InspectResult Source

Shorthand pattern for a successful ExecuteResult.

pattern InspectError :: ErrorInfo -> InspectResult Source

Shorthand pattern for an errored InspectResult.

pattern InspectAbort :: InspectResult Source

Shorthand pattern for an aborted InspectResult.

newtype CompleteResult Source

Result from a CompleteRequest.

Result includes a (possibly empty) list of matches, the range of characters to replace with the matches, and any associated metadata for the completions.

pattern CompleteOk :: [CompletionMatch] -> CursorRange -> Map Text Text -> CompleteResult Source

Shorthand pattern for a successful ExecuteResult.

pattern CompleteError :: ErrorInfo -> CompleteResult Source

Shorthand pattern for an errored CompleteResult.

pattern CompleteAbort :: CompleteResult Source

Shorthand pattern for an aborted CompleteResult.

newtype CompletionMatch Source

A completion match, including all the text (not just the text after the cursor).


CompletionMatch Text 

data CursorRange Source

Range (of an input cell) to replace with a completion match.




cursorStart :: Int

Beginning of the range (in characters).

cursorEnd :: Int

End of the range (in characters).

data OperationResult f Source

Many operations share a similar result structure. They can:

This data type captures this pattern, and is used in a variety of replies, such as ExecuteResult and InspectResult.


OperationOk f

The operation completed successfully, returning some value f.

OperationError ErrorInfo

The operation failed, returning error information about the failure.


The operation was aborted by the user.

data HistoryItem Source

One item from the kernel history, representing one single input to the kernel. An input corresponds to a cell in a notebook, not a single line in a cell.




historyItemSession :: Int

The session of this input.

historyItemLine :: Int

The line number in the session.

historyItemInput :: Text

The input on this line.

historyItemOutput :: Maybe Text

Optionally, the output when this was run.

newtype ExecutionCount Source

The execution count, represented as an integer (number of cells evaluated up to this point).


ExecutionCount Int 

data CodeComplete Source

Whether a string of code is complete (no more code needs to be entered), incomplete, or unknown in status.

For example, when the user enters a line in a console style interface, the console must decide whether to immediately execute the current code, or whether to show a continuation prompt for further input.

For instance, in Python a = 5 would be executed immediately, while for i in range(5): would expect further input.



The provided code is complete. Complete code is ready to be executed.

CodeIncomplete Text

The provided code is incomplete, and the next line should be "indented" with the provided text. Incomplete code should prompt for another line.


The provided code is invalid. Invalid code will typically be sent for execution, so that the user sees the error soonest.


Whether provided code is complete or not could not be determined. If the code completeness is unknown, or the kernel does not reply in time, the frontend may default to sending the code for execution, or use a simple heuristic (execute after a blank line) .

data ConnectInfo Source

Connection information about the ZeroMQ sockets the kernel communicates on.




connectShellPort :: Int

The port the shell ROUTER socket is listening on.

connectIopubPort :: Int

The port the PUB socket is listening on.

connectStdinPort :: Int

The port the stdin ROUTER socket is listening on.

connectHeartbeatPort :: Int

The port the heartbeat REP socket is listening on.

connectControlPort :: Int

The port the control ROUTER socket is listening on.

Kernel Outputs (IOPub channel)

data KernelOutput Source

During processing and code execution, the kernel publishes side effects through messages sent on its iopub socket. Side effects include kernel outputs and notifications, such as writing to standard output or standard error, displaying rich outputs via DisplayDataOutput messages, updating the frontend with kernel status, etc.

Multiple frontends may be subscribed to a single kernel, and KernelOutput messages are published to all frontends simultaneously.


StreamOutput Stream Text

Write text to stdout (StreamStdout) or stderr (StreamStderr).

DisplayDataOutput DisplayData

Send data that should be displayed (text, html, svg, etc.) to all frontends. Each message can have multiple representations of the data; it is up to the frontend to decide which to use and how. A single message should contain all possible representations of the same information; these representations are encapsulated in the DisplayData type.

For transmitting non-textual displays, such as images, data should be base64 encoded and represented as text.

ExecuteInputOutput ExecutionCount CodeBlock

Inform all frontends of the currently executing code. To let all frontends know what code is being executed at any given time, these messages contain a re-broadcast of the code portion of an ExecuteRequest, along with the ExecutionCount.

ExecuteResultOutput ExecutionCount DisplayData

Results of an execution are published as an ExecuteResult. These are identical to DisplayDataOutput messages, with the addition of an ExecutionCount key.

Results can have multiple simultaneous formats depending on its configuration. A plain text representation should always be provided in the text/plain mime-type (MimePlainText). Frontends are free to display any or all of the provided representations according to their capabilities, and should ignore mime-types they do not understand.

ExecuteErrorOutput ErrorInfo

When an error occurs during code execution, a ExecuteErrorOutput should be published to inform all frontends of the error.

KernelStatusOutput KernelStatus

Inform the frontends of the current kernel status. This lets frontends display usage stats and loading indicators to the user.

This message type is used by frontends to monitor the status of the kernel.

Note: KernelBusy and KernelIdle messages should be sent before and after handling every message (not just code execution!).

ClearOutput WaitBeforeClear

This message type is used to clear the output that is visible on the frontend.

The WaitBeforeClear parameter changes when the output will be cleared (immediately or delayed until next output).

ShutdownNotificationOutput Restart

Inform the frontends that the kernel is shutting down.

This message should be broadcast whenever a ShutdownRequest is received, so that all frontends, not just the one that requested the shutdown, know the kernel is shutting down. The Restart field should match what was requested in the ShutdownRequest.

data Stream Source

Output stream to write messages to.



Standard output


Standard error

newtype DisplayData Source

A display data mimebundle, used to publish rich data to Jupyter frontends.

A mimebundle contains all possible representations of an object available to the kernel in a map from MimeType keys to encoded data values. By sending all representations to the Jupyter frontends, kernels allow the frontends to select the most appropriate representation; for instance, the console frontend may prefer to use a text representation, while the notebook will prefer to use an HTML or PNG representation.

All data must be encoded into Text values; for items such as images, the data must be base64-encoded prior to transmission.

In order to create the DisplayData values, use the provided displayPlain, displayHtml, displayJavascript, etc, utilities; the Monoid instance can be used to combine DisplayData values to create values with multiple possible representations.


DisplayData (Map MimeType Text) 

displayPlain :: Text -> DisplayData Source

Create a text/plain DisplayData bundle out of a bit of Text.

displayLatex :: Text -> DisplayData Source

Create a text/latex DisplayData bundle out of a bit of Text.

displayHtml :: Text -> DisplayData Source

Create a text/html DisplayData bundle out of a bit of Text.

displayJavascript :: Text -> DisplayData Source

Create a application/javascript DisplayData bundle out of a bit of Text.

displaySvg :: Text -> DisplayData Source

Create a image/svg+xml DisplayData bundle out of a bit of Text.

displayPng :: ImageDimensions -> Text -> DisplayData Source

Create a image/png DisplayData bundle out of a bit of Text.

The text should be base-64 encoded data.

displayJpg :: ImageDimensions -> Text -> DisplayData Source

Create a image/jpg DisplayData bundle out of a bit of Text.

The text should be base-64 encoded data.

data ImageDimensions Source

Dimensions of an image, to be included with the DisplayData bundle in the MimeType.




imageWidth :: Int

Image width, in pixels.

imageHeight :: Int

Image height, in pixels.

data MimeType Source

Mime types for the display data, with any associated metadata that the mime types may require.



A text/plain mimetype for text


A text/html mimetype for HTML

MimePng ImageDimensions

A image/png mimetype for PNG images, with associated image width and height

MimeJpg ImageDimensions

A image/jpg mimetype for JPG images, with associated image width and height


A image/svg+xml mimetype for SVG images


A text/latex mimetype for LaTeX


A application/javascript mimetype for Javascript

data ErrorInfo Source

Error information, to be displayed to the user.




errorName :: Text

Name of the error or exception.

errorValue :: Text

Any values associated with the error or exception.

errorTraceback :: [Text]

If possible, a traceback for the error or exception.

data WaitBeforeClear Source

Whether a ClearOutput should clear the display immediately, or clear the display right before the next display arrives.

If ClearImmediately is used, then the frontend may "blink", as there may be a moment after the display is cleared but before a new display available, whereas ClearBeforeNextOutput is meant to alleviate the blinking effect.

Used with the ClearOutput kernel output message.



Clear the display area immediately.


Clear the display area right before the next display arrives.

data KernelStatus Source

Status of the kernel.

Used with KernelStatusOutput messages to let the frontend know what the kernel is doing.



idle: The kernel is available for more processing tasks.


busy: The kernel is currently processing and busy.


starting: The kernel is loading and is not yet available for processing.

Kernel Requests (Stdin channel)

data KernelRequest Source

Although usually kernels respond to clients' requests, the request/reply can also go in the opposite direction: from the kernel to a single frontend. The purpose of these messages (sent on the stdin socket) is to allow code to request input from the user (in particular reading from standard input) and to have those requests fulfilled by the client. The request should be made to the frontend that made the execution request that prompted the need for user input.


InputRequest InputOptions

Request text input from standard input.

data InputOptions Source

Metadata for requesting input from the user.




inputPrompt :: Text

Prompt for the user.

inputPassword :: Bool

Is this prompt entering a password? On some frontends this will cause

Client Replies (Stdin channel)

data ClientReply Source

Replies from the client to the kernel, as a result of the kernel sending a KernelRequest to the client.


InputReply Text

Returns the text input by the user to the frontend.

Comm Messages (Shell or IOPub channel)

data Comm Source

Comm messages provide developers with an unstructured communication channel between the kernel and the frontend which exists on both sides and can communicate in any direction.

These messages are fully symmetrical - both the kernel and the frontend can send each message, and no messages expect a reply.

Every comm has an ID and a target name. The code handling the message on the receiving side (which may be the client or the kernel) is responsible for creating a comm given the target name of the comm being created.

Once a comm is open with a CommOpen message, the comm should exist immediately on both sides, until the comm is closed with a CommClose message.

For more information on comm messages, read the section in the Jupyter messaging spec.


CommOpen UUID Value TargetName (Maybe TargetModule)

A CommOpen message used to request that the receiving end create a comm with the provided UUID and target name.

The TargetName lets the receiving end what sort of comm to create; this can also be refined with an optional TargetModule, which can select the module responsible for creating this comm (for languages or environments in which the idea of a module is meaningful). Although such a distinction is not always meaningful, the TargetModule is often used to select a module (such as a Python module) and the TargetName is often used to select the constructor or function in that module that then creates the comm.

The auxiliary JSON data value can contain any information the client or kernel wishes to include for this comm message.

CommClose UUID Value

A CommClose message destroys a comm, selecting it by its UUID.

The auxiliary JSON data value can contain any information the client or kernel wishes to include for this comm message.

CommMessage UUID Value

A CommMessage message sends some JSON data to a comm, selecting it by its UUID.

newtype TargetModule Source

Target module for a CommOpen message, optionally used in combination with a TargetName to let the receiving side of the CommOpen message know how to create the comm.


TargetModule Text