{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase          #-}
Module      : Language.JVM.Attribute.StackMapTable
Copyright   : (c) Christian Gram Kalhauge, 2018
License     : MIT
Maintainer  : kalhuage@cs.ucla.edu

Based on the StackMapTable Attribute,
as documented [here](http://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jvms/se8/html/jvms-4.html#jvms-4.7.4).


module Language.JVM.Attribute.StackMapTable
  ( StackMapTable (..)
  , DeltaOffset
  , StackMapFrame (..)
  , StackMapFrameType (..)
  , emptyStackMapTable

  , VerificationTypeInfo (..)

  -- * Helper functions
  , offsetDelta
  , offsetDeltaInv
  ) where

import           Control.Monad               (replicateM)
import           Data.Binary
import           Data.Binary.Get             hiding (label)
import           Data.Binary.Put
import           Data.Foldable
import           Numeric
import           Unsafe.Coerce

import           Language.JVM.Attribute.Base
import           Language.JVM.ByteCode
import           Language.JVM.Constant
import           Language.JVM.Staged
import           Language.JVM.Type
import           Language.JVM.Utils

-- | 'StackMapTable' is an Attribute.
instance IsAttribute (StackMapTable Low) where
  attrName = Const "StackMapTable"

-- | An Exceptions attribute is a list of references into the
-- constant pool.
newtype StackMapTable r = StackMapTable
  { stackMapTable :: Choice (SizedList16 (StackMapFrame Low)) [StackMapFrame High] r

emptyStackMapTable :: StackMapTable High
emptyStackMapTable = StackMapTable []

-- | A delta offset
type DeltaOffset i = Choice Word16 Int i

-- | An stack map frame
data StackMapFrame r = StackMapFrame
  { deltaOffset :: DeltaOffset r
  , frameType   :: StackMapFrameType r

-- | An stack map frame type
data StackMapFrameType r
  = SameFrame
  | SameLocals1StackItemFrame (VerificationTypeInfo r)
  | ChopFrame Word8
  | AppendFrame [VerificationTypeInfo r]
  | FullFrame
      (SizedList16 (VerificationTypeInfo r))
      (SizedList16 (VerificationTypeInfo r))

instance Binary (StackMapFrame Low) where
  get = do
    ft <- getWord8
        | 0 <= ft && ft <= 63
        = return $ StackMapFrame (fromIntegral ft) SameFrame

        | 64 <= ft && ft <= 127
        = StackMapFrame (fromIntegral $ ft - 64) . SameLocals1StackItemFrame <$> get

        | 128 <= ft && ft <= 246
        = fail $ "Reserved for further use: '0x" ++ showHex ft "'"

        | ft == 247
        = StackMapFrame <$> getWord16be <*> (SameLocals1StackItemFrame <$> get)

        | 248 <= ft && ft <= 250
        = StackMapFrame <$> getWord16be <*> pure (ChopFrame (251 - ft))

        | ft == 251
        = StackMapFrame <$> getWord16be <*> pure SameFrame

        | 252 <= ft && ft <= 254
        = do
            offset' <- getWord16be
            locals <- replicateM (fromIntegral $ ft - 251) get
            return $ StackMapFrame offset' (AppendFrame locals)

        | ft == 255
        = StackMapFrame <$> getWord16be <*> (FullFrame <$> get <*> get)

        | otherwise
        = fail $ "Unknown frame type '0x" ++ showHex ft "'"

  put (StackMapFrame off frame) =
    case frame of
        | off <= 63 ->
            putWord8 (fromIntegral off)
        | otherwise -> do
            putWord8 251
            putWord16be off

      SameLocals1StackItemFrame vt
        | off <= 63 -> do
            putWord8 $ fromIntegral (64 + off)
            put vt
        | otherwise -> do
            putWord8 247
            putWord16be off
            put vt

      ChopFrame w
        | 0 < w && w <= 3 -> do
          putWord8 (251 - w)
          putWord16be off
        | otherwise ->
          fail $ "Can't write a cutoff value outside ]0,3], but was: " ++ show w

      AppendFrame vs
        | length vs <= 3 && 0 < length vs -> do
          putWord8 (fromIntegral $ 251 + length vs)
          putWord16be off
          mapM_ put vs
        | otherwise ->
          fail $ "The AppendFrame has to contain at least 1 and at most 3 elements: " ++ show vs

      FullFrame ls1 ls2 -> do
        putWord8 255
        putWord16be off
        put ls1
        put ls2

-- | The types info of the stack map frame.
data VerificationTypeInfo r
  = VTTop
  | VTInteger
  | VTFloat
  | VTLong
  | VTDouble
  | VTNull
  | VTUninitializedThis
  | VTObject !(Ref JRefType r)
  | VTUninitialized !(ByteCodeRef r)
    -- ^ This 'ByteCodeRef' refers to the "new" bytcode instruction
    -- which created the object.

instance Binary (VerificationTypeInfo Low) where
  get = getWord8 >>= \case
    0 -> pure VTTop
    1 -> pure VTInteger
    2 -> pure VTFloat
    3 -> pure VTLong
    4 -> pure VTDouble
    5 -> pure VTNull
    6 -> pure VTUninitializedThis
    7 -> VTObject <$> get
    8 -> VTUninitialized <$> get
    tag -> fail $ "Unexpected tag : '0x" ++ showHex tag "'"

  put = \case
    VTTop               -> putWord8 0
    VTInteger           -> putWord8 1
    VTFloat             -> putWord8 2
    VTLong              -> putWord8 3
    VTDouble            -> putWord8 4
    VTNull              -> putWord8 5
    VTUninitializedThis -> putWord8 6
    VTObject s          -> do putWord8 7; put s
    VTUninitialized s   -> do putWord8 8; put s

instance ByteCodeStaged StackMapTable where
  evolveBC f (StackMapTable ls) =
    label "StackMapTable" $
    StackMapTable . reverse . snd <$> foldl' acc (return (0, [])) ls
      acc a (StackMapFrame delta frm) = do
        (lidx, lst) <- a
        frm' <- evolveBC f frm
        let bco = if lst /= [] then offsetDelta lidx delta else delta
        x <- f bco
        return (bco, StackMapFrame x frm' : lst)

  devolveBC f (StackMapTable ls) =
    label "StackMapTable" $
    StackMapTable . SizedList . reverse . snd <$> foldl' acc (return (0 :: Word16, [])) ls
      acc a (StackMapFrame x frm) = do
        (lidx, lst) <- a
        frm' <- devolveBC f frm
        tidx <- f x
        let delta = if lst /= [] then offsetDeltaInv lidx tidx else tidx
        return (tidx, StackMapFrame delta frm' : lst)

offsetDelta ::
  -- ^ Last Index
  -> Word16
  -- ^ Delta
  -> Word16
  -- ^ This Index
offsetDelta lidx delta
  = lidx + delta + 1

offsetDeltaInv ::
  -- ^ Last Index
  -> Word16
  -- ^ Current Index
  -> Word16
  -- ^ Delta
offsetDeltaInv lidx tidx
  = tidx - lidx - 1

instance ByteCodeStaged StackMapFrameType where
  evolveBC f x =
    case x of
      SameLocals1StackItemFrame a ->
        SameLocals1StackItemFrame <$> evolveBC f a
      AppendFrame ls ->
        AppendFrame <$> mapM (evolveBC f) ls
      FullFrame bs as ->
        FullFrame <$> mapM (evolveBC f) bs <*> mapM (evolveBC f) as
      a ->
        return $ unsafeCoerce a

  devolveBC f x =
    case x of
      SameLocals1StackItemFrame a ->
        SameLocals1StackItemFrame <$> devolveBC f a
      AppendFrame ls ->
        AppendFrame <$> mapM (devolveBC f) ls
      FullFrame bs as ->
        FullFrame <$> mapM (devolveBC f) bs <*> mapM (devolveBC f) as
      a ->
        return $ unsafeCoerce a

instance ByteCodeStaged VerificationTypeInfo where
  devolveBC f x =
    case x of
      VTObject a -> VTObject <$> unlink a
      VTUninitialized r -> VTUninitialized <$> f r
      a         -> return $ unsafeCoerce a

  evolveBC f x =
    case x of
      VTObject a -> VTObject <$> link a
      VTUninitialized r -> VTUninitialized <$> f r
      a         -> return $ unsafeCoerce a

$(deriveBaseWithBinary ''StackMapTable)
$(deriveBase ''StackMapFrame)
$(deriveBase ''StackMapFrameType)
$(deriveBase ''VerificationTypeInfo)