Module      :  $Header$
Copyright   :  (c) 2016-19 Brian W Bush
License     :  MIT
Maintainer  :  Brian W Bush <code@functionally.io>
Stability   :  Production
Portability :  Linux

Produce events on a Kafka topic from a Leap Motion \<<https://www.leapmotion.com/product/desktop>\> controller.

{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}

module Network.UI.Kafka.Leap (
-- * Event handling
) where

import Control.Monad (void)
import Data.Aeson (eitherDecode)
import Network.UI.Kafka (Sensor, TopicConnection, producerLoop)
import Network.UI.Kafka.Types as K (Event(..), Finger(..), Hand(..))
import Network.WebSockets (receiveData)
import System.Hardware.Leap (ClientApp, setFocused, setGestures)
import System.Hardware.Leap.Event as L (Event(..))
import System.Hardware.Leap.Event.Hand as L (Hand(..), Side(..))
import System.Hardware.Leap.Event.Pointable as L (Finger(..), Pointable(..))

-- | WebSocket application for producing Leap Motion events.
leapApp :: TopicConnection -- ^ The Kafka topic name and connection information.
        -> Sensor          -- ^ The name of the sensor producing events.
        -> ClientApp ()    -- ^ The WebSocket client application.
leapApp topicConnection sensor connection =
    setFocused  True  connection
    setGestures False connection
    (_, loop) <-
      producerLoop topicConnection sensor
        $ do
            event <- eitherDecode <$> receiveData connection
            case event of
              Right e -> return $ interpret e
              Left  s -> return [EventError s]
    void loop

-- | Interpret a Leap Motion event as events for Kafka.
interpret :: L.Event Double -> [K.Event]
interpret Tracking{..} = concatMap interpretPointable pointables
interpret _            = [EventError "Unable to process event."]

-- | Interpret a Leap Motion pointing event as events for Kafka.
interpretPointable :: Pointable Double -> [K.Event]
interpretPointable Finger{..} =
      hand            = case side hand of
                          L.LeftHand     -> K.LeftHand
                          L.RightHand    -> K.RightHand
    , finger          = case finger of
                          L.Thumb        -> K.Thumb
                          L.IndexFinger  -> K.IndexFinger
                          L.MiddleFinger -> K.MiddleFinger
                          L.RingFinger   -> K.RingFinger
                          L.Pinky        -> K.Pinky
    , pointerPosition = stabilizedTipPosition
interpretPointable Tool{..}   =
      pointerPosition = stabilizedTipPosition
interpretPointable _          = []