{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables   #-}

Module      : Kubernetes.KubeConfig
Description : Data model for the kubeconfig.

This module contains the definition of the data model of the kubeconfig.

The official definition of the kubeconfig is defined in https://github.com/kubernetes/client-go/blob/master/tools/clientcmd/api/v1/types.go.

This is a mostly straightforward translation into Haskell, with 'FromJSON' and 'ToJSON' instances defined.
module Kubernetes.Client.KubeConfig where

import           Data.Aeson     (FromJSON (..), Options, ToJSON (..),
                                 Value (..), camelTo2, defaultOptions,
                                 fieldLabelModifier, genericParseJSON,
                                 genericToJSON, object, omitNothingFields,
                                 withObject, (.:), (.=))
import qualified Data.Map       as Map
import           Data.Proxy
import           Data.Semigroup ((<>))
import           Data.Text      (Text)
import qualified Data.Text      as T
import           Data.Typeable
import           GHC.Generics
import           GHC.TypeLits

camelToWithOverrides :: Char -> Map.Map String String -> Options
camelToWithOverrides c overrides = defaultOptions
    { fieldLabelModifier = modifier
    , omitNothingFields  = True
    where modifier s = Map.findWithDefault (camelTo2 c s) s overrides

-- |Represents a kubeconfig.
data Config = Config
  { kind           :: Maybe Text
  , apiVersion     :: Maybe Text
  , preferences    :: Maybe Preferences
  , clusters       :: [NamedEntity Cluster "cluster"]
  , authInfos      :: [NamedEntity AuthInfo "user"]
  , contexts       :: [NamedEntity Context "context"]
  , currentContext :: Text
  } deriving (Eq, Generic, Show)

configJSONOptions = camelToWithOverrides
    (Map.fromList [("apiVersion", "apiVersion"), ("authInfos", "users")])

instance ToJSON Config where
  toJSON = genericToJSON configJSONOptions

instance FromJSON Config where
  parseJSON = genericParseJSON configJSONOptions

newtype Preferences = Preferences
  { colors :: Maybe Bool
  } deriving (Eq, Generic, Show)

instance ToJSON Preferences where
  toJSON = genericToJSON $ camelToWithOverrides '-' Map.empty

instance FromJSON Preferences where
  parseJSON = genericParseJSON $ camelToWithOverrides '-' Map.empty

data Cluster = Cluster
  { server                   :: Text
  , insecureSkipTLSVerify    :: Maybe Bool
  , certificateAuthority     :: Maybe Text
  , certificateAuthorityData :: Maybe Text
  } deriving (Eq, Generic, Show, Typeable)

instance ToJSON Cluster where
  toJSON = genericToJSON $ camelToWithOverrides '-' Map.empty

instance FromJSON Cluster where
  parseJSON = genericParseJSON $ camelToWithOverrides '-' Map.empty

data NamedEntity a (typeKey :: Symbol) = NamedEntity
  { name   :: Text
  , entity :: a } deriving (Eq, Generic, Show)

instance (FromJSON a, Typeable a, KnownSymbol s) =>
         FromJSON (NamedEntity a s) where
  parseJSON = withObject ("Named" <> (show $ typeOf (undefined :: a))) $ \v ->
    NamedEntity <$> v .: "name" <*> v .: T.pack (symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy s))

instance (ToJSON a, KnownSymbol s) =>
         ToJSON (NamedEntity a s) where
  toJSON (NamedEntity {..}) = object
      ["name" .= toJSON name, T.pack (symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy s)) .= toJSON entity]

toMap :: [NamedEntity a s] -> Map.Map Text a
toMap = Map.fromList . fmap (\NamedEntity {..} -> (name, entity))

data AuthInfo = AuthInfo
  { clientCertificate     :: Maybe FilePath
  , clientCertificateData :: Maybe Text
  , clientKey             :: Maybe FilePath
  , clientKeyData         :: Maybe Text
  , token                 :: Maybe Text
  , tokenFile             :: Maybe FilePath
  , impersonate           :: Maybe Text
  , impersonateGroups     :: Maybe [Text]
  , impersonateUserExtra  :: Maybe (Map.Map Text [Text])
  , username              :: Maybe Text
  , password              :: Maybe Text
  , authProvider          :: Maybe AuthProviderConfig
  } deriving (Eq, Generic, Show, Typeable)

authInfoJSONOptions = camelToWithOverrides
    ( Map.fromList
        [ ("tokenFile"           , "tokenFile")
        , ("impersonate"         , "as")
        , ("impersonateGroups"   , "as-groups")
        , ("impersonateUserExtra", "as-user-extra")

instance ToJSON AuthInfo where
  toJSON = genericToJSON authInfoJSONOptions

instance FromJSON AuthInfo where
  parseJSON = genericParseJSON authInfoJSONOptions

data Context = Context
  { cluster   :: Text
  , authInfo  :: Text
  , namespace :: Maybe Text
  } deriving (Eq, Generic, Show, Typeable)

contextJSONOptions =
    camelToWithOverrides '-' (Map.fromList [("authInfo", "user")])

instance ToJSON Context where
  toJSON = genericToJSON contextJSONOptions

instance FromJSON Context where
  parseJSON = genericParseJSON contextJSONOptions

data AuthProviderConfig = AuthProviderConfig
  { name   :: Text
  , config :: Maybe (Map.Map Text Text)
  } deriving (Eq, Generic, Show)

instance ToJSON AuthProviderConfig where
  toJSON = genericToJSON $ camelToWithOverrides '-' Map.empty

instance FromJSON AuthProviderConfig where
  parseJSON = genericParseJSON $ camelToWithOverrides '-' Map.empty

-- |Returns the currently active context.
getContext :: Config -> Either String Context
getContext Config {..} =
    let maybeContext = Map.lookup currentContext (toMap contexts)
    in  case maybeContext of
            Just ctx -> Right ctx
            Nothing  -> Left ("No context named " <> T.unpack currentContext)

-- |Returns the currently active user.
getAuthInfo :: Config -> Either String (Text, AuthInfo)
getAuthInfo cfg@Config {..} = do
    Context {..} <- getContext cfg
    let maybeAuth = Map.lookup authInfo (toMap authInfos)
    case maybeAuth of
        Just auth -> Right (authInfo, auth)
        Nothing   -> Left ("No user named " <> T.unpack authInfo)

-- |Returns the currently active cluster.
getCluster :: Config -> Either String Cluster
getCluster cfg@Config {clusters=clusters} = do
    Context {cluster=clusterName} <- getContext cfg
    let maybeCluster = Map.lookup clusterName (toMap clusters)
    case maybeCluster of
        Just cluster -> Right cluster
        Nothing      -> Left ("No cluster named " <> T.unpack clusterName)