-- | Provide help for plugins
module Lambdabot.Plugin.Core.Help (helpPlugin) where

import Lambdabot.Command
import Lambdabot.Message (Message)
import Lambdabot.Module
import Lambdabot.Monad
import Lambdabot.Plugin
import Lambdabot.Util

import Control.Monad.Reader

helpPlugin :: Module ()
helpPlugin = newModule
    { moduleCmds = return
        [ (command "help")
            { help = say "help <command>. Ask for help for <command>. Try 'list' for all commands"
            , process = \args -> withMsg $ \msg -> do
                tgt <- getTarget
                lb (doHelp msg tgt args) >>= mapM_ say

moduleHelp :: (Monad m, Message a) =>
              Command m -> a -> Nick -> String -> m [String]
moduleHelp theCmd msg tgt cmd =
    execCmd (help theCmd) msg tgt cmd

-- If a target is a command, find the associated help, otherwise if it's
-- a module, return a list of commands that module implements.
doHelp :: Message t => t -> Nick -> [Char] -> LB [[Char]]
doHelp msg tgt [] = doHelp msg tgt "help"
doHelp msg tgt rest =
    withCommand arg                  -- see if it is a command
        (inModuleNamed arg           -- else maybe it's a module name
            (doHelp msg tgt "help")             -- else give up
            (do -- its a module
                cmds <- moduleCmds =<< asks theModule
                let ss = cmds >>= cmdNames
                let s | null ss   = arg ++ " is a module."
                      | otherwise = arg ++ " provides: " ++ showClean ss
                return [s]))

        -- so it's a valid command, try to find its help
        (\theCmd -> moduleHelp theCmd msg tgt arg)

    where (arg:_) = words rest