module Language.C99.Simple.Translate where

import Prelude hiding (LT, GT)

import GHC.Exts             (fromList)
import Control.Monad.State  (State, execState, get, put)

import           Language.C99.Simple.AST
import qualified Language.C99.AST         as C

import Language.C99.Util
import Language.C99.Simple.Util

translate = transtransunit

transtransunit :: TransUnit -> C.TransUnit
transtransunit (TransUnit declns fundefs) = fromList (declns' ++ fundefs') where
  declns'  = map (C.ExtDecln . transdecln) declns
  fundefs' = map (C.ExtFun   . transfundef) fundefs

transfundef :: FunDef -> C.FunDef
transfundef (FunDef ty name params decln ss) =
  C.FunDef dspecs declr Nothing body where
    dspecs   = getdeclnspecs Nothing ty
    body     = compound decln ss
    declr    = execState (getdeclr ty) fundeclr
    fundeclr = C.Declr Nothing (fundirectdeclr name params)

transdecln :: Decln -> C.Decln
transdecln decln = case decln of
  FunDecln storespec ty name params -> C.Decln dspecs dlist where
    dspecs     = getdeclnspecs storespec ty
    dlist      = Just $ C.InitDeclrBase $ C.InitDeclr declr
    declr      = execState (getdeclr ty) fundeclr
    fundeclr   = C.Declr Nothing (fundirectdeclr name params)

  VarDecln storespec ty name init -> C.Decln dspecs dlist where
    dspecs = getdeclnspecs storespec ty
    dlist  = Just $ case init of
      Nothing  -> C.InitDeclrBase $ C.InitDeclr      declr
      Just val -> C.InitDeclrBase $ C.InitDeclrInitr declr (transinit val)
    declr  = execState (getdeclr ty) (identdeclr name)

  TypeDecln ty -> C.Decln dspecs Nothing where
    dspecs = getdeclnspecs Nothing ty

transparamdecln :: Param -> C.ParamDecln
transparamdecln (Param ty name) = C.ParamDecln dspecs declr where
  dspecs = getdeclnspecs Nothing ty
  declr  = execState (getdeclr ty) (identdeclr name)

transparam :: Param -> C.Decln
transparam (Param ty name) = C.Decln dspecs dlist where
  dspecs = getdeclnspecs Nothing ty
  dlist  = Just $ C.InitDeclrBase $ C.InitDeclr declr
  declr  = execState (getdeclr ty) (identdeclr name)

getdeclr :: Type -> State C.Declr ()
getdeclr ty = case ty of
  Type      ty'     -> do
    getdeclr ty'
    declr <- get
    put $ C.Declr Nothing (C.DirectDeclrDeclr declr)

  TypeSpec  ty' -> return ()

  Ptr       ty' -> do
    let (quals, ty'') = gettypequals ty'
    declr <- get
    put $ insertptr (C.PtrBase quals) declr
    getdeclr ty''

  Array ty' len -> do
    let lenexpr = (wrap.transexpr) <$> len
    C.Declr ptr declr <- get
    let ddeclr = case ptr of
          Nothing -> declr
          Just _  -> C.DirectDeclrDeclr $ C.Declr ptr declr
    put $ C.Declr Nothing (C.DirectDeclrArray1 ddeclr Nothing lenexpr)
    getdeclr ty'

  Const    ty' -> getdeclr ty'
  Restrict ty' -> getdeclr ty'
  Volatile ty' -> getdeclr ty'

getdeclnspecs :: Maybe StorageSpec -> Type -> C.DeclnSpecs
getdeclnspecs storespec ty = dspecs where
  dspecs = case storespec of
    Nothing   -> tyspec
    Just spec -> C.DeclnSpecsStorage (transstorespec spec) (Just tyspec)

  tyspec = case ty of
    Type     ty'   -> rec ty'
    TypeSpec ty'   -> foldtypespecs $ spec2spec ty'
    Ptr      ty'   -> rec (snd $ gettypequals ty')
    Array    ty' _ -> rec ty'
    Const    ty'   -> C.DeclnSpecsQual C.QConst    (Just $ rec ty')
    Restrict ty'   -> C.DeclnSpecsQual C.QRestrict (Just $ rec ty')
    Volatile ty'   -> C.DeclnSpecsQual C.QVolatile (Just $ rec ty')

  rec = getdeclnspecs Nothing

transstorespec :: StorageSpec -> C.StorageClassSpec
transstorespec spec = case spec of
  Typedef  -> C.STypedef
  Extern   -> C.SExtern
  Static   -> C.SStatic
  Auto     -> C.SAuto
  Register -> C.SRegister

spec2spec :: TypeSpec -> [C.TypeSpec]
spec2spec ts = case ts of
  Void                -> [C.TVoid]
  Char                -> [C.TChar]
  Signed_Char         -> [C.TSigned, C.TChar]
  Unsigned_Char       -> [C.TUnsigned, C.TChar]

  Short               -> [C.TShort]
  Signed_Short        -> [C.TSigned, C.TShort]
  Short_Int           -> [C.TShort, C.TInt]
  Signed_Short_Int    -> [C.TSigned, C.TShort, C.TInt]

  Unsigned_Short      -> [C.TUnsigned, C.TShort]
  Unsigned_Short_Int  -> [C.TUnsigned, C.TShort, C.TInt]

  Int                 -> [C.TInt]
  Signed              -> [C.TSigned]
  Signed_Int          -> [C.TSigned, C.TInt]

  Unsigned            -> [C.TUnsigned]
  Unsigned_Int        -> [C.TUnsigned, C.TInt]

  Long                -> [C.TLong]
  Signed_Long         -> [C.TSigned, C.TLong]
  Long_Int            -> [C.TLong, C.TInt]
  Signed_Long_Int     -> [C.TSigned, C.TLong, C.TInt]

  Unsigned_Long       -> [C.TUnsigned, C.TLong]
  Unsgined_Long_Int   -> [C.TUnsigned, C.TLong, C.TInt]

  Long_Long           -> [C.TLong, C.TLong]
  Signed_Long_Long    -> [C.TSigned, C.TLong, C.TLong]
  Long_Long_Int       -> [C.TLong, C.TLong, C.TInt]
  Signed_Long_Long_Int-> [C.TSigned, C.TLong, C.TLong, C.TInt]

  Unsigned_Long_Long      -> [C.TUnsigned, C.TLong, C.TLong]
  Unsigned_Long_Long_Int  -> [C.TUnsigned, C.TLong, C.TLong, C.TInt]

  Float               -> [C.TFloat]
  Double              -> [C.TDouble]
  Long_Double         -> [C.TLong, C.TDouble]
  Bool                -> [C.TBool]
  Float_Complex       -> [C.TComplex, C.TFloat]
  Double_Complex      -> [C.TComplex, C.TDouble]
  Long_Double_Complex -> [C.TLong, C.TDouble, C.TComplex]
  TypedefName name -> [C.TTypedef $ C.TypedefName $ ident name]
  Struct      name -> [C.TStructOrUnion $ C.StructOrUnionForwDecln C.Struct (ident name)]
  StructDecln name declns -> [C.TStructOrUnion $ C.StructOrUnionDecln C.Struct (ident <$> name) declns'] where
    declns' = fromList $ map transfielddecln declns

transfielddecln :: FieldDecln -> C.StructDecln
transfielddecln (FieldDecln ty name) = C.StructDecln quals declrlist where
  declrlist = C.StructDeclrBase $ C.StructDeclr declr
  declr = execState (getdeclr ty) (identdeclr name)
  quals = getspecquals ty

getspecquals :: Type -> C.SpecQualList
getspecquals ty = case ty of
  Type     ty'     -> getspecquals ty'
  TypeSpec ts      -> foldtypequals $ spec2spec ts
  Ptr      ty'     -> getspecquals ty'
  Array    ty' len -> getspecquals ty'
  Const    ty'     -> C.SpecQualQual C.QConst    (Just $ getspecquals ty')
  Restrict ty'     -> C.SpecQualQual C.QRestrict (Just $ getspecquals ty')
  Volatile ty'     -> C.SpecQualQual C.QVolatile (Just $ getspecquals ty')

transexpr :: Expr -> C.Expr
transexpr e = case e of
  Ident     i         -> wrap $ C.PrimIdent $ ident i
  LitBool   b         -> wrap $ litbool   b
  LitInt    i         -> wrap $ litint    i
  LitFloat  f         -> wrap $ litfloat  f
  LitDouble d         -> wrap $ litdouble d
  LitString s         -> wrap $ litstring s
  Index     arr idx   -> wrap $ indexexpr arr idx
  Funcall   fun args  -> wrap $ funcall   fun args
  Dot       e   field -> wrap $ dotexpr   e field
  Arrow     e   field -> wrap $ arrowexpr e field
  InitVal   ty  init  -> wrap $ initexpr  ty init
  UnaryOp   op e      -> wrap $ unaryop op e
  Cast      ty e      -> wrap $ castexpr ty e
  BinaryOp  op e1 e2  -> binaryop op e1 e2
  AssignOp  op e1 e2  -> wrap $ assignop op e1 e2
  Cond      c e1 e2   -> wrap $ condexpr c e1 e2

unaryop :: UnaryOp -> Expr -> C.UnaryExpr
unaryop op e = case op of
    Inc     -> C.UnaryInc          (wrap e')
    Dec     -> C.UnaryDec          (wrap e')
    Ref     -> C.UnaryOp C.UORef   (wrap e')
    DeRef   -> C.UnaryOp C.UODeref (wrap e')
    Plus    -> C.UnaryOp C.UOPlus  (wrap e')
    Min     -> C.UnaryOp C.UOMin   (wrap e')
    BoolNot -> C.UnaryOp C.UOBNot  (wrap e')
    Not     -> C.UnaryOp C.UONot   (wrap e')
    e' = transexpr e

binaryop :: BinaryOp -> Expr -> Expr -> C.Expr
binaryop op e1 e2 = case op of
    Mult   -> wrap $ C.MultMult   (wrap e1') (wrap e2')
    Div    -> wrap $ C.MultDiv    (wrap e1') (wrap e2')
    Mod    -> wrap $ C.MultMod    (wrap e1') (wrap e2')
    Add    -> wrap $ C.AddPlus    (wrap e1') (wrap e2')
    Sub    -> wrap $ C.AddMin     (wrap e1') (wrap e2')
    ShiftL -> wrap $ C.ShiftLeft  (wrap e1') (wrap e2')
    ShiftR -> wrap $ C.ShiftRight (wrap e1') (wrap e2')
    LT     -> wrap $ C.RelLT      (wrap e1') (wrap e2')
    GT     -> wrap $ C.RelGT      (wrap e1') (wrap e2')
    LE     -> wrap $ C.RelLE      (wrap e1') (wrap e2')
    GE     -> wrap $ C.RelGE      (wrap e1') (wrap e2')
    Eq     -> wrap $ C.EqEq       (wrap e1') (wrap e2')
    NEq    -> wrap $ C.EqNEq      (wrap e1') (wrap e2')
    And    -> wrap $ C.And        (wrap e1') (wrap e2')
    XOr    -> wrap $ C.XOr        (wrap e1') (wrap e2')
    Or     -> wrap $ C.Or         (wrap e1') (wrap e2')
    LAnd   -> wrap $ C.LAnd       (wrap e1') (wrap e2')
    LOr    -> wrap $ C.LOr        (wrap e1') (wrap e2')
    e1' = transexpr e1
    e2' = transexpr e2

assignop :: AssignOp -> Expr -> Expr -> C.AssignExpr
assignop op e1 e2 = C.Assign e1' op' e2' where
  e1' = wrap $ transexpr e1
  e2' = wrap $ transexpr e2
  op' = case op of
    Assign       -> C.AEq
    AssignMult   -> C.ATimes
    AssignDiv    -> C.ADiv
    AssignMod    -> C.AMod
    AssignAdd    -> C.AAdd
    AssignSub    -> C.ASub
    AssignShiftL -> C.AShiftL
    AssignShiftR -> C.AShiftR
    AssignAnd    -> C.AAnd
    AssignXOr    -> C.AXOr
    AssignOr     -> C.AOr

transinit :: Init -> C.Init
transinit (InitExpr e)   = C.InitExpr (wrap $ transexpr e)
transinit (InitArray es) = C.InitArray (fromList $ map transinit es)

initexpr ty init = C.PostfixInits ty' init' where
  ty'   = transtypename ty
  init' = fromList $ map transinit init

indexexpr arr idx = C.PostfixIndex arr' idx' where
  arr' = wrap $ transexpr arr
  idx' = wrap $ transexpr idx

dotexpr e field = C.PostfixDot e' field' where
  e'     = wrap $ transexpr e
  field' = ident field

arrowexpr e field = C.PostfixArrow e' field' where
  e'     = wrap $ transexpr e
  field' = ident field

castexpr ty e = C.Cast ty' e' where
  ty' = transtypename ty
  e'  = wrap $ transexpr e

funcall fun args = C.PostfixFunction fun' args' where
  fun'  = wrap $ transexpr fun
  args' = case argses of
    [] -> Nothing
    _  -> Just $ fromList argses

  argses :: [C.AssignExpr]
  argses = map wrap exprs

  exprs :: [C.Expr]
  exprs = map transexpr args

condexpr c e1 e2 = C.Cond c' e1' e2' where
  c'  = wrap $ transexpr c
  e1' = wrap $ transexpr e1
  e2' = wrap $ transexpr e2

transtypename :: TypeName -> C.TypeName
transtypename (TypeName ty) = C.TypeName specquals adeclr where
  specquals = getspecquals ty
  adeclr    = execState (getabstractdeclr ty) Nothing

getabstractdeclr :: Type -> State (Maybe C.AbstractDeclr) ()
getabstractdeclr ty = case ty of
  Type ty' -> do
    getabstractdeclr ty'
    adeclr <- get
    case adeclr of
      Nothing      -> return ()
      Just adeclr' -> put $ Just $ C.AbstractDeclrDirect Nothing dadeclr where
        dadeclr = C.DirectAbstractDeclr adeclr'

  TypeSpec ts -> return ()

  Ptr ty' -> do
    let (quals, ty'') = gettypequals ty'
        ptr           = C.PtrBase quals
    adeclr <- get
    case adeclr of
      Nothing      -> put $ Just $ C.AbstractDeclr ptr
      Just adeclr' -> put $ Just $ C.AbstractDeclrDirect (Just ptr) dadeclr where
        dadeclr = C.DirectAbstractDeclr adeclr'
    getabstractdeclr ty''

  Array ty' len -> do
    let lenexpr       = (wrap.transexpr) <$> len
        emptyarrdeclr = C.DirectAbstractDeclrArray1 Nothing Nothing lenexpr
    adeclr <- get
    let declr = case adeclr of
          Nothing -> C.AbstractDeclrDirect Nothing emptyarrdeclr
          Just adeclr -> case adeclr of
            C.AbstractDeclrDirect mptr adeclr' -> C.AbstractDeclrDirect mptr arrdeclr where
              arrdeclr = C.DirectAbstractDeclrArray1 (Just adeclr') Nothing lenexpr
            C.AbstractDeclr ptr -> C.AbstractDeclrDirect (Just ptr) emptyarrdeclr
    put $ Just declr
    getabstractdeclr ty'

  Const    ty' -> getabstractdeclr ty'
  Restrict ty' -> getabstractdeclr ty'
  Volatile ty' -> getabstractdeclr ty'

transstmt :: Stmt -> C.Stmt
transstmt stmt = case stmt of
  Expr    e                  -> exprstmt e
  If      cond ss            -> ifstmt cond ss
  IfElse  cond ssthen sselse -> ifelsestmt cond ssthen sselse
  Switch  cond cases         -> switchstmt cond cases
  While   cond ss            -> whilestmt cond ss
  For     start end step ss  -> forstmt (Just start) (Just end) (Just step) ss
  ForInf                 ss  -> forstmt Nothing      Nothing    Nothing     ss
  Continue                   -> C.StmtJump $ C.JumpContinue
  Break                      -> C.StmtJump $ C.JumpBreak
  Label   name   s           -> labelstmt name s
  Return  e                  -> returnstmt e

exprstmt :: Expr -> C.Stmt
exprstmt e = C.StmtExpr   $ C.ExprStmt (Just $ wrap $ transexpr e)

ifstmt :: Expr -> [Stmt] -> C.Stmt
ifstmt cond ss = C.StmtSelect $ C.SelectIf cond' body where
  cond' = wrap $ transexpr cond
  body  = compoundstmt [] ss

ifelsestmt :: Expr -> [Stmt] -> [Stmt] -> C.Stmt
ifelsestmt cond ssthen sselse =
  C.StmtSelect $ C.SelectIfElse cond' ssthen' sselse' where
    cond'  = wrap $ transexpr cond
    ssthen' = compoundstmt [] ssthen
    sselse' = compoundstmt [] sselse

switchstmt :: Expr -> [Case] -> C.Stmt
switchstmt cond cs = C.StmtSelect $ C.SelectSwitch cond' cs' where
  cond' = wrap $ transexpr cond
  cs'   = casestmt cs

whilestmt :: Expr -> [Stmt] -> C.Stmt
whilestmt cond ss = C.StmtIter $ C.IterWhile cond' ss' where
  cond' = wrap $ transexpr cond
  ss'   = compoundstmt [] ss

forstmt :: Maybe Expr -> Maybe Expr -> Maybe Expr -> [Stmt] -> C.Stmt
forstmt start end step ss =
  C.StmtIter $ C.IterForUpdate start' end' step' ss' where
    start' = (wrap.transexpr) <$> start
    end'   = (wrap.transexpr) <$> end
    step'  = (wrap.transexpr) <$> step
    ss'    = compoundstmt [] ss

labelstmt :: String -> Stmt -> C.Stmt
labelstmt name s = C.StmtLabeled $ C.LabeledIdent (ident name) (transstmt s)

returnstmt :: Maybe Expr -> C.Stmt
returnstmt e = C.StmtJump $ C.JumpReturn ((wrap.transexpr) <$> e)

casestmt :: [Case] -> C.Stmt
casestmt cs =
  C.StmtCompound $ C.Compound (Just $ fromList $ map casestmt' cs) where
    casestmt' cs = C.BlockItemStmt $ C.StmtLabeled $ case cs of
      Case  e s -> C.LabeledCase (C.Const $ wrap $ transexpr e) (transstmt s)
      Default s -> C.LabeledDefault (transstmt s)

compound :: [Decln] -> [Stmt] -> C.CompoundStmt
compound ds ss = C.Compound (Just $ fromList items) where
  items = ds' ++ ss'
  ss' = map (C.BlockItemStmt . transstmt) ss
  ds' = map (C.BlockItemDecln . transdecln) ds

compoundstmt :: [Decln] -> [Stmt] -> C.Stmt
compoundstmt ds ss = C.StmtCompound $ compound ds ss

fundirectdeclr :: Ident -> [Param] -> C.DirectDeclr
fundirectdeclr name params = C.DirectDeclrFun1 namedeclr params' where
  namedeclr = C.DirectDeclrIdent $ ident name
  params'   = C.ParamTypeList $ voidparamlist $ map transparamdecln params