language-oberon- Parser, pretty-printer, and more for the Oberon programming language
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Oberon grammar adapted from

Extracted from the book Programmieren in Oberon - Das neue Pascal by N. Wirth and M. Reiser and translated by J. Templ.

The grammars in this module attempt to follow the language grammars from the reports, while generating a semantically meaningful abstract syntax tree; the latter is defined in Language.Oberon.AST. As the grammars are ambiguous, it is necessary to resolve the ambiguities after parsing all Oberon modules in use. Language.Oberon.Resolver provides this functionality. Only after the ambiguity resolution can the abstract syntax tree be pretty-printed using the instances from Language.Oberon.Pretty. Alternatively, since the parsing preserves the original parsed lexemes including comments in the AST, you can use Language.Oberon.Reserializer to reproduce the original source code from the AST.



data OberonGrammar l f p Source #

All the productions of the Oberon grammar





Instances details
Applicative (OberonGrammar l f :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Oberon.Grammar


pure :: (forall (a :: k). f0 a) -> OberonGrammar l f f0 #

Apply (OberonGrammar l f :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Oberon.Grammar


(<*>) :: forall (p :: k -> Type) (q :: k -> Type). OberonGrammar l f (p ~> q) -> OberonGrammar l f p -> OberonGrammar l f q #

liftA2 :: (forall (a :: k). p a -> q a -> r a) -> OberonGrammar l f p -> OberonGrammar l f q -> OberonGrammar l f r #

liftA3 :: (forall (a :: k). p a -> q a -> r a -> s a) -> OberonGrammar l f p -> OberonGrammar l f q -> OberonGrammar l f r -> OberonGrammar l f s #

Distributive (OberonGrammar l f :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Oberon.Grammar


collect :: forall p a (q :: k1 -> Type). Functor p => (a -> OberonGrammar l f q) -> p a -> OberonGrammar l f (Compose p q) #

distribute :: forall p (q :: k1 -> Type). Functor p => p (OberonGrammar l f q) -> OberonGrammar l f (Compose p q) #

cotraverse :: Functor m => (forall (a :: k1). m (p a) -> q a) -> m (OberonGrammar l f p) -> OberonGrammar l f q #

DistributiveTraversable (OberonGrammar l f :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Oberon.Grammar


collectTraversable :: forall f1 a (f2 :: k -> Type). Traversable f1 => (a -> OberonGrammar l f f2) -> f1 a -> OberonGrammar l f (Compose f1 f2) #

distributeTraversable :: forall f1 (f2 :: k -> Type). Traversable f1 => f1 (OberonGrammar l f f2) -> OberonGrammar l f (Compose f1 f2) #

cotraverseTraversable :: Traversable f1 => (forall (x :: k). f1 (f2 x) -> f0 x) -> f1 (OberonGrammar l f f2) -> OberonGrammar l f f0 #

Foldable (OberonGrammar l f :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Oberon.Grammar


foldMap :: Monoid m => (forall (a :: k). p a -> m) -> OberonGrammar l f p -> m #

Functor (OberonGrammar l f :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Oberon.Grammar


(<$>) :: (forall (a :: k). p a -> q a) -> OberonGrammar l f p -> OberonGrammar l f q #

Logistic (OberonGrammar l f :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Oberon.Grammar


deliver :: forall p (q :: k1 -> Type). Contravariant p => p (OberonGrammar l f q -> OberonGrammar l f q) -> OberonGrammar l f (Compose p (q ~> q)) #

Traversable (OberonGrammar l f :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Oberon.Grammar


traverse :: Applicative m => (forall (a :: k). p a -> m (q a)) -> OberonGrammar l f p -> m (OberonGrammar l f q) #

sequence :: forall m (p :: k -> Type). Applicative m => OberonGrammar l f (Compose m p) -> m (OberonGrammar l f p) #

LexicalParsing (Parser (OberonGrammar l f) Text) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Oberon.Grammar

TokenParsing (Parser (OberonGrammar l f) Text) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Oberon.Grammar

type NodeWrap = Compose ((,) (Down Int, Down Int)) (Compose Ambiguous ((,) ParsedLexemes)) Source #

Every node in the parsed AST will be wrapped in this data type.

newtype ParsedLexemes Source #


Trailing [Lexeme] 


Instances details
Data ParsedLexemes Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Oberon.Grammar


gfoldl :: (forall d b. Data d => c (d -> b) -> d -> c b) -> (forall g. g -> c g) -> ParsedLexemes -> c ParsedLexemes #

gunfold :: (forall b r. Data b => c (b -> r) -> c r) -> (forall r. r -> c r) -> Constr -> c ParsedLexemes #

toConstr :: ParsedLexemes -> Constr #

dataTypeOf :: ParsedLexemes -> DataType #

dataCast1 :: Typeable t => (forall d. Data d => c (t d)) -> Maybe (c ParsedLexemes) #

dataCast2 :: Typeable t => (forall d e. (Data d, Data e) => c (t d e)) -> Maybe (c ParsedLexemes) #

gmapT :: (forall b. Data b => b -> b) -> ParsedLexemes -> ParsedLexemes #

gmapQl :: (r -> r' -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> ParsedLexemes -> r #

gmapQr :: forall r r'. (r' -> r -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> ParsedLexemes -> r #

gmapQ :: (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> ParsedLexemes -> [u] #

gmapQi :: Int -> (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> ParsedLexemes -> u #

gmapM :: Monad m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> ParsedLexemes -> m ParsedLexemes #

gmapMp :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> ParsedLexemes -> m ParsedLexemes #

gmapMo :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> ParsedLexemes -> m ParsedLexemes #

Monoid ParsedLexemes Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Oberon.Grammar

Semigroup ParsedLexemes Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Oberon.Grammar

Show ParsedLexemes Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Oberon.Grammar

Eq ParsedLexemes Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Oberon.Grammar

(Ord (QualIdent l), v ~ Value l l Placed Placed) => SynthesizedField "designatorValue" (Maybe (Placed v)) (Auto ConstantFold) (Designator l l) Sem Placed Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Oberon.ConstantFolder


synthesizedField :: forall (sem :: Type -> Type). sem ~ Semantics (Auto ConstantFold) => Proxy "designatorValue" -> Auto ConstantFold -> Placed (Designator l l Sem Sem) -> Atts (Inherited (Auto ConstantFold)) (Designator l l sem sem) -> Designator l l sem (Synthesized (Auto ConstantFold)) -> Maybe (Placed v) #

(Nameable l, k ~ QualIdent l, v ~ Value l l Placed Placed, Ord k, Atts (Synthesized (Auto ConstantFold)) (Declaration l l Sem Sem) ~ SynCFMod' l (Declaration l l)) => SynthesizedField "moduleEnv" (Map k (Maybe v)) (Auto ConstantFold) (Block l l) Sem Placed Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Oberon.ConstantFolder


synthesizedField :: forall (sem :: Type -> Type). sem ~ Semantics (Auto ConstantFold) => Proxy "moduleEnv" -> Auto ConstantFold -> Placed (Block l l Sem Sem) -> Atts (Inherited (Auto ConstantFold)) (Block l l sem sem) -> Block l l sem (Synthesized (Auto ConstantFold)) -> Map k (Maybe v) #

(Nameable l, k ~ QualIdent l, v ~ Value l l Placed Placed, Ord k, Atts (Synthesized (Auto ConstantFold)) (ConstExpression l l Sem Sem) ~ SynCFExp l l) => SynthesizedField "moduleEnv" (Map k (Maybe v)) (Auto ConstantFold) (Declaration l l) Sem Placed Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Oberon.ConstantFolder


synthesizedField :: forall (sem :: Type -> Type). sem ~ Semantics (Auto ConstantFold) => Proxy "moduleEnv" -> Auto ConstantFold -> Placed (Declaration l l Sem Sem) -> Atts (Inherited (Auto ConstantFold)) (Declaration l l sem sem) -> Declaration l l sem (Synthesized (Auto ConstantFold)) -> Map k (Maybe v) #

Ord (QualIdent l) => Bequether (Auto ConstantFold) (Modules l) Sem Placed Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Oberon.ConstantFolder

Ord (QualIdent l) => Synthesizer (Auto ConstantFold) (Modules l) Sem Placed Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Oberon.ConstantFolder

(Nameable l, Ord (QualIdent l), Atts (Synthesized (Auto ConstantFold)) (Declaration l l Sem Sem) ~ SynCFMod' l (Declaration l l), Atts (Inherited (Auto ConstantFold)) (StatementSequence l l Sem Sem) ~ InhCF l, Atts (Inherited (Auto ConstantFold)) (Declaration l l Sem Sem) ~ InhCF l) => Bequether (Auto ConstantFold) (Block l l) Sem Placed Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Oberon.ConstantFolder


bequest :: forall (sem :: Type -> Type). sem ~ Semantics (Auto ConstantFold) => Auto ConstantFold -> Placed (Block l l Sem Sem) -> Atts (Inherited (Auto ConstantFold)) (Block l l sem sem) -> Block l l sem (Synthesized (Auto ConstantFold)) -> Block l l sem (Inherited (Auto ConstantFold)) #

(Oberon λ, Nameable l, Ord (QualIdent l), Value l ~ Value l, Pretty (Value l l Identity Identity), Atts (Synthesized (Auto ConstantFold)) (Expression l l Sem Sem) ~ SynCFExp l l, Atts (Synthesized (Auto ConstantFold)) (Element l l Sem Sem) ~ SynCF' (Element l l), Atts (Synthesized (Auto ConstantFold)) (Designator l l Sem Sem) ~ SynCFDesignator l) => Synthesizer (Auto ConstantFold) (Expression λ l) Sem Placed Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Oberon.ConstantFolder


synthesis :: forall (sem :: Type -> Type). sem ~ Semantics (Auto ConstantFold) => Auto ConstantFold -> Placed (Expression λ l Sem Sem) -> Atts (Inherited (Auto ConstantFold)) (Expression λ l sem sem) -> Expression λ l sem (Synthesized (Auto ConstantFold)) -> Atts (Synthesized (Auto ConstantFold)) (Expression λ l sem sem) #

(Oberon l, Nameable l, Ord (QualIdent l), Show (QualIdent l), Atts (Synthesized (Auto ConstantFold)) (Block l l Sem Sem) ~ SynCFMod' l (Block l l)) => Synthesizer (Auto ConstantFold) (Module l l) Sem Placed Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Oberon.ConstantFolder


synthesis :: forall (sem :: Type -> Type). sem ~ Semantics (Auto ConstantFold) => Auto ConstantFold -> Placed (Module l l Sem Sem) -> Atts (Inherited (Auto ConstantFold)) (Module l l sem sem) -> Module l l sem (Synthesized (Auto ConstantFold)) -> Atts (Synthesized (Auto ConstantFold)) (Module l l sem sem) #

data Lexeme Source #








Instances details
Data Lexeme Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Oberon.Grammar


gfoldl :: (forall d b. Data d => c (d -> b) -> d -> c b) -> (forall g. g -> c g) -> Lexeme -> c Lexeme #

gunfold :: (forall b r. Data b => c (b -> r) -> c r) -> (forall r. r -> c r) -> Constr -> c Lexeme #

toConstr :: Lexeme -> Constr #

dataTypeOf :: Lexeme -> DataType #

dataCast1 :: Typeable t => (forall d. Data d => c (t d)) -> Maybe (c Lexeme) #

dataCast2 :: Typeable t => (forall d e. (Data d, Data e) => c (t d e)) -> Maybe (c Lexeme) #

gmapT :: (forall b. Data b => b -> b) -> Lexeme -> Lexeme #

gmapQl :: (r -> r' -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> Lexeme -> r #

gmapQr :: forall r r'. (r' -> r -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> Lexeme -> r #

gmapQ :: (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> Lexeme -> [u] #

gmapQi :: Int -> (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> Lexeme -> u #

gmapM :: Monad m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Lexeme -> m Lexeme #

gmapMp :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Lexeme -> m Lexeme #

gmapMo :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Lexeme -> m Lexeme #

Show Lexeme Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Oberon.Grammar

Eq Lexeme Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Oberon.Grammar


(==) :: Lexeme -> Lexeme -> Bool #

(/=) :: Lexeme -> Lexeme -> Bool #

LexicalParsing (Parser (OberonGrammar l f) Text) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Oberon.Grammar

TokenParsing (Parser (OberonGrammar l f) Text) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Oberon.Grammar

data TokenType Source #




Instances details
Data TokenType Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Oberon.Grammar


gfoldl :: (forall d b. Data d => c (d -> b) -> d -> c b) -> (forall g. g -> c g) -> TokenType -> c TokenType #

gunfold :: (forall b r. Data b => c (b -> r) -> c r) -> (forall r. r -> c r) -> Constr -> c TokenType #

toConstr :: TokenType -> Constr #

dataTypeOf :: TokenType -> DataType #

dataCast1 :: Typeable t => (forall d. Data d => c (t d)) -> Maybe (c TokenType) #

dataCast2 :: Typeable t => (forall d e. (Data d, Data e) => c (t d e)) -> Maybe (c TokenType) #

gmapT :: (forall b. Data b => b -> b) -> TokenType -> TokenType #

gmapQl :: (r -> r' -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> TokenType -> r #

gmapQr :: forall r r'. (r' -> r -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> TokenType -> r #

gmapQ :: (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> TokenType -> [u] #

gmapQi :: Int -> (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> TokenType -> u #

gmapM :: Monad m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> TokenType -> m TokenType #

gmapMp :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> TokenType -> m TokenType #

gmapMo :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> TokenType -> m TokenType #

Show TokenType Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Oberon.Grammar

Eq TokenType Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Oberon.Grammar

oberonDefinitionGrammar :: Grammar (OberonGrammar Language NodeWrap) Parser Text Source #

Grammar of an Oberon definition module

oberon2DefinitionGrammar :: Grammar (OberonGrammar Language NodeWrap) Parser Text Source #

Grammar of an Oberon-2 definition module