{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
module Puppet.Parser.Internal

import           XPrelude.Extra                   hiding (many, option, some, try)

import           Control.Monad.Combinators.Expr
import qualified Data.Char                        as Char
import qualified Data.List                        as List
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty               as NE
import qualified Data.Maybe.Strict                as S
import qualified Data.Scientific                  as Scientific
import qualified Data.Text                        as Text
import qualified Data.Vector                      as V
import           Text.Megaparsec
import           Text.Megaparsec.Char
import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Char.Lexer       as Lexer
import qualified Text.Regex.PCRE.ByteString.Utils as Regex

import           Puppet.Language
import           Puppet.Parser.Types

-- | Space consumer
sc :: Parser ()
sc = Lexer.space space1 (Lexer.skipLineComment "#") (Lexer.skipBlockComment "/*" "*/")

-- | Lexeme consumes spaces after the input parser
lexeme :: Parser a -> Parser a
lexeme = Lexer.lexeme sc

-- | Consumes a text then consumes spaces
symbol :: Text -> Parser ()
symbol = void . Lexer.symbol sc

-- | Consumes a character then consumes spaces
symbolic :: Char -> Parser ()
symbolic = lexeme . void . single

braces :: Parser a -> Parser a
braces = between (symbolic '{') (symbolic '}')

parens :: Parser a -> Parser a
parens = between (symbolic '(') (symbolic ')')

brackets :: Parser a -> Parser a
brackets = between (symbolic '[') (symbolic ']')

comma :: Parser ()
comma = symbolic ','

sepComma :: Parser a -> Parser [a]
sepComma p = p `sepEndBy` comma

sepComma1 :: Parser a -> Parser [a]
sepComma1 p = p `sepEndBy1` comma

-- | Parses an 'Expression'.
expression :: Parser Expression
expression = do
  expr <- makeExprParser (lexeme terminal) expressionTable
  ms <- optional $ do
    symbolic '?'
    let case_expr = do
          c <-     SelectorDefault <$ symbol "default" -- default case
               <|> SelectorType <$> try datatype
               <|> fmap SelectorValue
                     (   UVariableReference <$> variableReference
                     <|> UBoolean <$> puppetBool
                     <|> UUndef <$ symbol "undef"
                     <|> literalValue
                     <|> UInterpolable <$> interpolableString
                     <|> URegexp <$> termRegexp
          symbol "=>"
          e <- expression
          pure (c :!: e)
    cases <- braces (sepComma1 case_expr)
    pure (ConditionalValue expr (V.fromList cases))
  case ms of
    Nothing -> pure expr
    Just cv -> pure cv

stringLiteral' :: Parser Text
stringLiteral' = between (char '\'') (symbolic '\'') interior
    interior = Text.pack . concat <$> many (some (noneOf ['\'', '\\']) <|> (char '\\' *> fmap escape anySingle))
    escape '\'' = "'"
    escape x    = ['\\',x]

identifier :: Parser (Tokens Text)
identifier = takeWhile1P Nothing isIdentifierChar

-- | Only Ascii, hyphens (-) are not allowed.
isIdentifierChar :: Char -> Bool
isIdentifierChar x = Char.isAsciiLower x || Char.isAsciiUpper x || Char.isDigit x || (x == '_')

-- | Like 'indentifier' but hyphens (-) are allowed.
bareword :: Parser Text
bareword = Text.cons <$> satisfy Char.isAsciiLower <*> takeWhileP Nothing isBarewordChar
    isBarewordChar :: Char -> Bool
    isBarewordChar x = isIdentifierChar x || (x == '-')

reserved :: Text -> Parser ()
reserved s =
  try $ do
    void (chunk s)
    notFollowedBy (satisfy isIdentifierChar)

qualif :: Parser Text -> Parser Text
qualif p = do
  header <- option "" (chunk "::")
  ( header <> ) . Text.intercalate "::" <$> p `sepBy1` chunk "::"

qualif1 :: Parser Text -> Parser Text
qualif1 p = do
  r <- qualif p
  unless ("::" `Text.isInfixOf` r) (fail "This parser is not qualified")
  pure r

-- | Consumes a var $foo and then spaces
variableReference :: Parser Text
variableReference = do
  v <- char '$' *> lexeme variableName
  when (Text.all Char.isDigit v) (fail "Can't assign fully numeric variables")
  pure v

variableName :: Parser Text
variableName = qualif identifier

-- yay with reserved words
typeName :: Parser Text
typeName = className

className :: Parser Text
className = lexeme $ qualif $ genericModuleName False

funcName :: Parser Text
funcName = lexeme $ qualif $ genericModuleName False

moduleName :: Parser Text
moduleName = lexeme $ genericModuleName False

parameterName :: Parser Text
parameterName = moduleName

resourceNameRef :: Parser Text
resourceNameRef = lexeme $ qualif (genericModuleName True)

genericModuleName :: Bool -> Parser Text
genericModuleName isReference = do
  let acceptable x = Char.isAsciiLower x || Char.isDigit x || (x == '_')
      firstletter = if isReference
                      then fmap Char.toLower (satisfy Char.isAsciiUpper)
                      else satisfy Char.isAsciiLower
  (Text.cons) <$> firstletter <*> takeWhileP Nothing acceptable

-- | Variable expression
varExpression :: Parser Expression
varExpression = Terminal . UVariableReference <$> variableReference

-- | String interpolation
interpolableString :: Parser (Vector Expression)
interpolableString = V.fromList <$> between (char '"') (symbolic '"')
 ( many (interpolableVariableReference <|> doubleQuotedStringContent <|> fmap (Terminal . UString . Text.singleton) (char '$')) )
    doubleQuotedStringContent = Terminal . UString . Text.pack . concat <$>
      some ((char '\\' *> fmap escaper anySingle) <|> some (noneOf [ '"', '\\', '$' ]))
    escaper :: Char -> String
    escaper 'n'  = "\n"
    escaper 't'  = "\t"
    escaper 'r'  = "\r"
    escaper '"'  = "\""
    escaper '\\' = "\\"
    escaper '$'  = "$"
    escaper x    = ['\\',x]
    -- this is specialized because we can't be "tokenized" here
    varname = Text.concat <$> some (chunk "::" <|> identifier)
    varexpr = Terminal . UVariableReference <$> varname
    indexchain =  makeExprParser varexpr [[Postfix indexLookupChain]] -- e.g: os['release']['major']
    interpolableVariableReference = do
      void (char '$')
      let fenced =    try (indexchain <* char '}')
                  <|> try (varexpr <* char '}')
                  <|> (expression <* char '}')
      (symbolic '{' *> fenced) <|> try varexpr <|> pure (Terminal (UString (Text.singleton '$')))

integerOrDouble :: Parser (Either Integer Double)
integerOrDouble = Left <$> hex <|> (either Right Left . Scientific.floatingOrInteger <$> Lexer.scientific)
    hex = chunk "0x" *> Lexer.hexadecimal

puppetArray :: Parser UnresolvedValue
puppetArray = fmap (UArray . V.fromList) (brackets (sepComma expression)) <?> "Array"

puppetHash :: Parser UnresolvedValue
puppetHash = fmap (UHash . V.fromList) (braces (sepComma hashPart)) <?> "Hash"
    hashPart = (:!:) <$> (expression <* symbol "=>") <*> expression

puppetBool :: Parser Bool
puppetBool =
      (reserved "true" >> pure True)
  <|> (reserved "false" >> pure False)
  <?> "Boolean"

resourceReferenceRaw :: Parser (Text, [Expression])
resourceReferenceRaw = do
  let restype_parser = qualif (genericModuleName True)
      resnames_parser = brackets (expression `sepBy1` comma)
  (,) <$> restype_parser <*> resnames_parser <?> "Resource reference"

resourceReference :: Parser UnresolvedValue
resourceReference = do
  (restype, resnames) <- resourceReferenceRaw
  pure $ UResourceReference restype $ case resnames of
           [x] -> x
           _   -> Terminal $ UArray (V.fromList resnames)

-- | Functions that have named that are not valid ...
specialFunctions :: Parser Text
specialFunctions =
      chunk "Integer"
  <|> chunk "Numeric"

-- The first argument defines if non-parenthesized arguments are acceptable
genFunctionCall :: Bool -> Parser (Text, Vector Expression)
genFunctionCall nonparens = do
  fname <- (specialFunctions <|> funcName) <?> "Function name"
      -- first check if the function arg is not a qualified name (ex.: include foo::bar)
      -- if it is not, then we expect an expression
      qualif_param = (Terminal . UString) <$> qualif1 moduleName <* notFollowedBy (single '(') -- <* lookAhead (anySingleBut '(')
      func_arg expr =  try qualif_param <|> expr <?> "Function argument"
      terminalF = terminalG FunctionWithoutParens
      expressionF = makeExprParser (lexeme terminalF) expressionTable <?> "Function expression"
      withparens = parens (func_arg expression `sepEndBy` comma)
      withoutparens = if nonparens
                      then func_arg expressionF `sepEndBy1` comma
                      else fail "Not an argument list allowed with function without parentheses"
  args  <- withparens <|> withoutparens
  pure (fname, V.fromList args)

literalValue :: Parser UnresolvedValue
literalValue = lexeme (fmap UString stringLiteral' <|> fmap UString bareword <|> fmap UNumber numericalvalue <?> "Literal Value")
    signed :: Num n => Parser (n -> n)
    signed = (negate <$ char '-') <|> pure (\x -> x)
    numericalvalue = ((,) <$> signed <*> integerOrDouble) >>= \case
      (s, Left x)  -> pure (s (fromIntegral x))
      (s, Right y) -> pure (s (Scientific.fromFloatDigits y))

data TerminalMode
  = FunctionWithoutParens
  | StandardMode

-- this is a hack for functions :(
terminalG :: TerminalMode -> Parser Expression
terminalG mode =
      parens expression
  <|> fmap (Terminal . UInterpolable) interpolableString
  <|> (Terminal UUndef <$ reserved "undef")
  <|> fmap (Terminal . URegexp) termRegexp
  <|> varExpression
  <|> fmap Terminal puppetArray
  <|> fmap Terminal puppetHash
  <|> fmap (Terminal . UBoolean) puppetBool
  <|> case mode of
        FunctionWithoutParens -> remaining
        StandardMode          -> lambda <|> remaining
   lambda = fmap Terminal (fmap UHOLambdaCall (try lambdaCall) <|> try funcCall)
   remaining = fmap (Terminal . UDataType) datatype
           <|> fmap Terminal resourceReference
           <|> fmap Terminal literalValue
   funcCall :: Parser UnresolvedValue
   funcCall = uncurry UFunctionCall <$> genFunctionCall False

regexp :: Parser Text
regexp = do
  void (single '/')
  Text.pack . concat <$> many ( do { void (char '\\') ; x <- anySingle; return ['\\', x] } <|> some (noneOf [ '/', '\\' ]) )
      <* symbolic '/'

compileRegexp :: Text -> Parser CompRegex
compileRegexp p = case Regex.compile' Regex.compBlank Regex.execBlank (encodeUtf8 p) of
  Right r -> pure $ CompRegex p r
  Left ms -> fail ("Can't parse regexp /" <> Text.unpack p <> "/ : " ++ show ms)

termRegexp :: Parser CompRegex
termRegexp = regexp >>= compileRegexp

terminal :: Parser Expression
terminal = terminalG StandardMode

expressionTable :: [[Operator Parser Expression]]
expressionTable = [ [ Postfix indexLookupChain ] -- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10475337/parsec-expr-repeated-prefix-postfix-operator-not-supported
                  , [ Prefix ( symbolic '-'   *> pure Negate           ) ]
                  , [ Prefix ( symbolic '!'   *> pure Not              ) ]
                  , [ InfixL ( symbolic '.'   *> pure FunctionApplication ) ]
                  , [ InfixL ( reserved "in"  *> pure Contains         ) ]
                  , [ InfixL ( symbolic '/'   *> pure Division         )
                    , InfixL ( symbolic '*'   *> pure Multiplication   )
                  , [ InfixL ( symbolic '+'   *> pure Addition     )
                    , InfixL ( symbolic '-'   *> pure Substraction )
                  , [ InfixL ( symbol "<<"    *> pure LeftShift  )
                    , InfixL ( symbol ">>"    *> pure RightShift )
                  , [ InfixL ( symbol "=="    *> pure Equal     )
                    , InfixL ( symbol "!="    *> pure Different )
                  , [ InfixL ( symbol "=~"    *> pure RegexMatch    )
                    , InfixL ( symbol "!~"    *> pure NotRegexMatch )
                  , [ InfixL ( symbol ">="    *> pure MoreEqualThan )
                    , InfixL ( symbol "<="    *> pure LessEqualThan )
                    , InfixL ( symbol ">"     *> pure MoreThan      )
                    , InfixL ( symbol "<"     *> pure LessThan      )
                  , [ InfixL ( reserved "and" *> pure And )
                    , InfixL ( reserved "or"  *> pure Or  )

-- | Postfix of a chain of lookup indexes such as "['release']['major']"
indexLookupChain :: Parser (Expression -> Expression)
indexLookupChain = List.foldr1 (flip (.)) <$> some checkLookup
    checkLookup = flip Lookup <$> brackets expression

stringExpression :: Parser Expression
stringExpression =
      (Terminal . UInterpolable) <$> interpolableString
  <|> (reserved "undef" $> Terminal UUndef)
  <|> (Terminal . UBoolean) <$> puppetBool
  <|> varExpression
  <|> Terminal <$> literalValue

-- | a = b = 0
chainedVariableReferences :: Parser [Text]
chainedVariableReferences = do
  h <- variableReference
  t <- many (try next)
  pure (h:t)
    next = symbolic '=' *> variableReference <* lookAhead (single '=' *> space1)

varAssign :: Parser VarAssignDecl
varAssign = do
  p <- getSourcePos
  mt <- optional datatype
  vs <- chainedVariableReferences
  void $ symbolic '='
  expr <- expression
  pe <- getSourcePos
  pure (VarAssignDecl mt vs expr (p :!: pe))

nodeDecl :: Parser [NodeDecl]
nodeDecl = do
  p <- getSourcePos
  reserved "node"
  let toString (UString s) = s
      toString (UNumber n) = scientific2text n
      toString _           = panic "Can't happen at nodeDecl"
      nodename = (reserved "default" >> pure NodeDefault) <|> fmap (NodeName . toString) literalValue
  ns <- (fmap NodeMatch termRegexp <|> nodename) `sepBy1` comma
  inheritance <- option S.Nothing (fmap S.Just (reserved "inherits" *> nodename))
  st <- braces statementList
  pe <- getSourcePos
  pure [NodeDecl n st inheritance (p :!: pe) | n <- ns]

defineDecl :: Parser DefineDecl
defineDecl = do
  p <- getSourcePos
  reserved "define"
  name <- typeName
  -- TODO check native type
  params <- option V.empty puppetClassParameters
  st <- braces statementList
  pe <- getSourcePos
  pure (DefineDecl name params st (p :!: pe))

puppetClassParameters :: Parser Parameters
puppetClassParameters = V.fromList <$> parens (sepComma var)
    toStrictMaybe (Just x) = S.Just x
    toStrictMaybe Nothing  = S.Nothing
    var :: Parser (Pair (Pair Text (S.Maybe UDataType)) (S.Maybe Expression))
    var = do
      tp <- toStrictMaybe <$> optional datatype
      n  <- variableReference
      df <- toStrictMaybe <$> optional (symbolic '=' *> expression)
      pure (n :!: tp :!: df)

puppetIfStyleCondition :: Parser (Pair Expression (Vector Statement))
puppetIfStyleCondition = (:!:) <$> expression <*> braces statementList

unlessCondition :: Parser ConditionalDecl
unlessCondition = do
  p <- getSourcePos
  reserved "unless"
  (cond :!: stmts) <- puppetIfStyleCondition
  pe <- getSourcePos
  pure (ConditionalDecl (V.singleton (Not cond :!: stmts)) (p :!: pe))

ifCondition :: Parser ConditionalDecl
ifCondition = do
  p <- getSourcePos
  reserved "if"
  maincond <- puppetIfStyleCondition
  others   <- many (reserved "elsif" *> puppetIfStyleCondition)
  elsecond <- option V.empty (reserved "else" *> braces statementList)
  let ec = if V.null elsecond
               then []
               else [Terminal (UBoolean True) :!: elsecond]
  pe <- getSourcePos
  pure (ConditionalDecl (V.fromList (maincond : others ++ ec)) (p :!: pe))

caseCondition :: Parser ConditionalDecl
caseCondition = do
  let puppetRegexpCase = Terminal . URegexp <$> termRegexp
      defaultCase = Terminal (UBoolean True) <$ reserved "default"
      matchesToExpression e (x, stmts) = f x :!: stmts
        where f = case x of
                    (Terminal (UBoolean _)) -> identity
                    (Terminal (URegexp _))  -> RegexMatch e
                    _                       -> Equal e
      cases = do
        matches <- (puppetRegexpCase <|> defaultCase <|> expression) `sepBy1` comma
        void $ symbolic ':'
        stmts <- braces statementList
        pure $ map (,stmts) matches
  p <- getSourcePos
  reserved "case"
  expr1 <- expression
  condlist <- concat <$> braces (some cases)
  pe <- getSourcePos
  pure (ConditionalDecl (V.fromList (map (matchesToExpression expr1) condlist)) (p :!: pe) )

data OperatorChain a
  = OperatorChain a LinkType (OperatorChain a)
  | EndOfChain a

instance Foldable OperatorChain where
  foldMap f (EndOfChain x)         = f x
  foldMap f (OperatorChain a _ nx) = f a <> foldMap f nx

operatorChainStatement :: OperatorChain a -> a
operatorChainStatement (OperatorChain a _ _) = a
operatorChainStatement (EndOfChain x)        = x

zipChain :: OperatorChain a -> [ ( a, a, LinkType ) ]
zipChain (OperatorChain a d nx) = (a, operatorChainStatement nx, d) : zipChain nx
zipChain (EndOfChain _)         = []

depOperator :: Parser LinkType
depOperator =
      (RBefore <$ symbol "->")
  <|> (RNotify <$ symbol "~>")

assignment :: Parser AttributeDecl
assignment =
      (AttributeDecl <$> lexeme key <*> arrowOp  <*> expression)
  <|> (AttributeWildcard <$> (symbolic '*' *> symbol "=>" *> expression))
    key = bareword <?> "Assignment key"
    arrowOp =
          (AssignArrow <$ symbol "=>")
      <|> (AppendArrow <$ symbol "+>")

-- | Resource Collector
resCollDecl :: Position -> Text -> Parser ResCollDecl
resCollDecl p restype = do
  openchev <- some (char '<')
  when (length openchev > 2) (fail "Too many brackets")
  void $ symbolic '|'
  e <- option AlwaysTrue searchExpression
  void (char '|')
  void (count (length openchev) (char '>'))
  overrides <- option [] $ braces (sepComma assignment)
  let collectortype = if length openchev == 1
                          then Collector
                          else ExportedCollector
  pe <- getSourcePos
  pure (ResCollDecl collectortype restype e (V.fromList overrides) (p :!: pe) )
    searchExpression :: Parser SearchExpression
    searchExpression =
      let searchTable :: [[Operator Parser SearchExpression]]
          searchTable = [ [ InfixL ( reserved "and" *> pure AndSearch )
                          , InfixL ( reserved "or"  *> pure OrSearch  )
                          ] ]
          searchterm = parens searchExpression <|> check
          check = do
            attrib <- parameterName
            opr    <- (EqualitySearch <$ symbol "==")
                  <|> (NonEqualitySearch <$ symbol "!=")
            term   <- stringExpression
            pure (opr attrib term)
      in makeExprParser (lexeme searchterm) searchTable

classDecl :: Parser ClassDecl
classDecl = do
  p <- getSourcePos
  reserved "class"
  ClassDecl <$> className
            <*> option V.empty puppetClassParameters
            <*> option S.Nothing (fmap S.Just (reserved "inherits" *> className))
            <*> braces statementList
            <*> ( (p :!:) <$> getSourcePos )

mainFuncDecl :: Parser MainFuncDecl
mainFuncDecl = do
  p <- getSourcePos
  (fname, args) <- genFunctionCall True
  pe <- getSourcePos
  pure (MainFuncDecl fname args (p :!: pe))

hoLambdaDecl :: Parser HigherOrderLambdaDecl
hoLambdaDecl = do
  p <- getSourcePos
  fc <- lambdaCall
  pe <- getSourcePos
  pure (HigherOrderLambdaDecl fc (p :!: pe))

dotLambdaDecl :: Parser HigherOrderLambdaDecl
dotLambdaDecl = do
  p <- getSourcePos
  ex <- expression
  pe <- getSourcePos
  hf <- case ex of
    FunctionApplication e (Terminal (UHOLambdaCall hf)) -> do
      unless (null (hf ^. hoLambdaExpr)) (fail "Can't call a function with . and ()")
      pure (hf & hoLambdaExpr .~ V.singleton e)
    Terminal (UHOLambdaCall hf) -> do
      when (null (hf ^. hoLambdaExpr)) (fail "This function needs data to operate on")
      pure hf
    _ -> fail "A method chained by dots."
  pure (HigherOrderLambdaDecl hf (p :!: pe))

resDefaultDecl :: Parser ResDefaultDecl
resDefaultDecl = do
  p <- getSourcePos
  rnd  <- resourceNameRef
  let assignmentList = V.fromList <$> sepComma1 assignment
  asl <- braces assignmentList
  pe <- getSourcePos
  pure (ResDefaultDecl rnd asl (p :!: pe))

resOverrideDecl :: Parser [ResOverrideDecl]
resOverrideDecl = do
  p <- getSourcePos
  restype  <- resourceNameRef
  names <- brackets (expression `sepBy1` comma) <?> "Resource reference values"
  assignments <- V.fromList <$> braces (sepComma assignment)
  pe <- getSourcePos
  pure [ ResOverrideDecl restype n assignments (p :!: pe) | n <- names ]

arrayof :: Parser p -> Parser [p]
arrayof p = symbolic '[' *> sepBy p comma <* symbolic ']'

-- | Heterogeneous chain (interleaving resource declarations with
-- resource references) needs to be supported:
--    class { 'docker::service': } ->
--    Class['docker']
chainableResources :: Parser [Statement]
chainableResources = do
  let withresname = do
        p <- getSourcePos
        restype  <- resourceNameRef
        lookAhead anySingle >>= \case
          '[' -> do
              resnames <- brackets (expression `sepBy1` comma)
              pe <- getSourcePos
              pure (ChainResRefr restype resnames (p :!: pe))
          _ -> ChainResColl <$> resCollDecl p restype
  let oneresource = pure <$> try withresname <|> map ChainResDecl <$> resDeclGroup
  chain <- parseRelationships (oneresource <|> concat <$> arrayof oneresource)
  let relations = do
        (g1, g2, lt) <- zipChain chain
        (rt1, rn1, _   :!: pe1) <- concatMap extractResRef g1
        (rt2, rn2, ps2 :!: _  ) <- concatMap extractResRef g2
        pure (DepDecl (rt1 :!: rn1) (rt2 :!: rn2) lt (pe1 :!: ps2))
  pure $ map DependencyDeclaration relations <> (chain ^.. folded . folded . to extractChainStatement . folded)
    extractResRef :: ChainableRes -> [(Text, Expression, PPosition)]
    extractResRef (ChainResColl _)                      = []
    extractResRef (ChainResDecl (ResDecl rt rn _ _ pp)) = [(rt,rn,pp)]
    extractResRef (ChainResRefr rt rns pp)              = [(rt,rn,pp) | rn <- rns]

    extractChainStatement :: ChainableRes -> [Statement]
    extractChainStatement (ChainResColl r) = [ResourceCollectionDeclaration r]
    extractChainStatement (ChainResDecl d) = [ResourceDeclaration d]
    extractChainStatement ChainResRefr{}   = []

    parseRelationships :: Parser a -> Parser (OperatorChain a)
    parseRelationships p = do
      g <- p
      o <- optional depOperator
      case o of
        Just o' -> OperatorChain g o' <$> parseRelationships p
        Nothing -> pure (EndOfChain g)

    resDeclGroup :: Parser [ResDecl]
    resDeclGroup = do
      let resourceName = expression
          resourceDeclaration = do
            p <- getSourcePos
            names <- brackets (sepComma1 resourceName) <|> fmap pure resourceName
            void $ symbolic ':'
            vals  <- fmap V.fromList (sepComma assignment)
            pe <- getSourcePos
            pure [(n, vals, p :!: pe) | n <- names ]
          groupDeclaration = (,) <$> many (char '@') <*> typeName <* symbolic '{'
      (virts, rtype) <- try groupDeclaration -- for matching reasons, this gets a try until the opening brace
      let sep = symbolic ';' <|> comma
      x <- resourceDeclaration `sepEndBy1` sep
      void $ symbolic '}'
      virtuality <- case virts of
        ""   -> pure Normal
        "@"  -> pure Virtual
        "@@" -> pure Exported
        _    -> fail "Invalid virtuality"
      return [ ResDecl rtype rname conts virtuality pos | (rname, conts, pos) <- concat x ]

statement :: Parser [Statement]
statement =
      (pure . HigherOrderLambdaDeclaration <$> try dotLambdaDecl)
  <|> (pure . VarAssignmentDeclaration <$> varAssign)
  <|> (map NodeDeclaration <$> nodeDecl)
  <|> (pure . DefineDeclaration <$> defineDecl)
  <|> (pure . ConditionalDeclaration <$> unlessCondition)
  <|> (pure . ConditionalDeclaration <$> ifCondition)
  <|> (pure . ConditionalDeclaration <$> caseCondition)
  <|> (pure . ResourceDefaultDeclaration <$> try resDefaultDecl)
  <|> (map ResourceOverrideDeclaration <$> try resOverrideDecl)
  <|> chainableResources
  <|> (pure . ClassDeclaration <$> classDecl)
  <|> (pure . HigherOrderLambdaDeclaration <$> try hoLambdaDecl)
  <|> (pure . MainFunctionDeclaration <$> mainFuncDecl)
  <?> "Statement"

datatype :: Parser UDataType
datatype =
  <|> dtInteger
  <|> dtFloat
  <|> dtNumeric
  <|> (UDTBoolean <$ reserved "Boolean")
  <|> (UDTScalar <$ reserved "Scalar")
  <|> (UDTData <$ reserved "Data")
  <|> (UDTAny <$ reserved "Any")
  <|> (UDTCollection <$ reserved "Collection")
  <|> dtArray
  <|> dtHash
  <|> (UDTUndef <$ reserved "Undef")
  <|> (reserved "Optional" *> (UDTOptional <$> brackets datatype))
  <|> (UNotUndef <$ reserved "NotUndef")
  <|> (reserved "Variant" *> (UDTVariant . NE.fromList <$> brackets (datatype `sepBy1` symbolic ',')))
  <|> (reserved "Regexp" *> (UDTRegexp <$> optional (brackets termRegexp)))
  -- while all the other cases are straightforward, it seems that the
  -- following syntax is a valid regexp for puppet:
  --   '^dqsqsdqs$'
  -- instead of:
  --   /^dqsqsdqs$/
  -- That is the reason there is a "quotedRegexp" case
  <|> (reserved "Pattern" *> (UDTPattern . NE.fromList <$> brackets ( (termRegexp <|> quotedRegexp) `sepBy1` symbolic ',')))
  <|> (reserved "Enum" *> (UDTEnum . NE.fromList <$> brackets (expression `sepBy1` symbolic ',')))
  <|> dtExternal
  <?> "UDataType"
    quotedRegexp = stringLiteral' >>= compileRegexp
    integer = integerOrDouble >>= either (return . fromIntegral) (\d -> fail ("Integer value expected, instead of " ++ show d))
    float = either fromIntegral identity <$> integerOrDouble
    dtArgs str def parseArgs = do
      void $ reserved str
      fromMaybe def <$> optional (brackets parseArgs)
    dtbounded s constructor parser = dtArgs s (constructor Nothing Nothing) $ do
      lst <- parser `sepBy1` symbolic ','
      case lst of
        [minlen]        -> return $ constructor (Just minlen) Nothing
        [minlen,maxlen] -> return $ constructor (Just minlen) (Just maxlen)
        _               -> fail ("Too many arguments to datatype " ++ Text.unpack s)
    dtString = dtbounded "String" UDTString integer
    dtInteger = dtbounded "Integer" UDTInteger integer
    dtFloat = dtbounded "Float" UDTFloat float
    dtNumeric = dtbounded "Numeric" (\ma mb -> UDTVariant (UDTFloat ma mb :| [UDTInteger (truncate <$> ma) (truncate <$> mb)])) float
    dtArray = do
      reserved "Array"
      ml <- optional $ brackets $ do
        tp <- datatype
        rst <- optional (symbolic ',' *> integer `sepBy1` symbolic ',')
        return (tp, rst)
      case ml of
        Nothing                 -> return (UDTArray UDTData 0 Nothing)
        Just (t, Nothing)       -> return (UDTArray t 0 Nothing)
        Just (t, Just [mi])     -> return (UDTArray t mi Nothing)
        Just (t, Just [mi, mx]) -> return (UDTArray t mi (Just mx))
        Just (_, Just _)        -> fail "Too many arguments to datatype Array"
    dtHash = do
      reserved "Hash"
      ml <- optional $ brackets $ do
        tk <- datatype
        symbolic ','
        tv <- datatype
        rst <- optional (symbolic ',' *> integer `sepBy1` symbolic ',')
        return (tk, tv, rst)
      case ml of
        Nothing                      -> return (UDTHash UDTScalar UDTData 0 Nothing)
        Just (tk, tv, Nothing)       -> return (UDTHash tk tv 0 Nothing)
        Just (tk, tv, Just [mi])     -> return (UDTHash tk tv mi Nothing)
        Just (tk, tv, Just [mi, mx]) -> return (UDTHash tk tv mi (Just mx))
        Just (_, _, Just _)          -> fail "Too many arguments to datatype Hash"
    dtExternal =
      choice [ reserved "Stdlib::Absolutepath" $> UDTData
             , reserved "Stdlib::Base32" $> UDTData
             , reserved "Stdlib::Base64" $> UDTData
             , reserved "Stdlib::Compat::Absolute_path" $> UDTData
             , reserved "Stdlib::Compat::Array" $> UDTData
             , reserved "Stdlib::Compat::Bool" $> UDTData
             , reserved "Stdlib::Compat::Float" $> UDTData
             , reserved "Stdlib::Compat::Hash" $> UDTData
             , reserved "Stdlib::Compat::Integer" $> UDTData
             , reserved "Stdlib::Compat::Ip_address" $> UDTData
             , reserved "Stdlib::Compat::Ipv4" $> UDTData
             , reserved "Stdlib::Compat::Ipv6" $> UDTData
             , reserved "Stdlib::Compat::Numeric" $> UDTData
             , reserved "Stdlib::Compat::String" $> UDTData
             , reserved "Stdlib::Ensure::Service" $> UDTData
             , reserved "Stdlib::Filemode" $> UDTData
             , reserved "Stdlib::Filesource" $> UDTData
             , reserved "Stdlib::Fqdn" $> UDTData
             , reserved "Stdlib::Host" $> UDTData
             , reserved "Stdlib::HTTPSUrl" $> UDTData
             , reserved "Stdlib::HTTPUrl" $> UDTData
             , reserved "Stdlib::IP::Address::Nosubnet" $> UDTData
             , reserved "Stdlib::Ip_address" $> UDTData
             , reserved "Stdlib::IP::Address" $> UDTData
             , reserved "Stdlib::IP::Address::V4::CIDR" $> UDTData
             , reserved "Stdlib::IP::Address::V4::Nosubnet" $> UDTData
             , reserved "Stdlib::IP::Address::V4" $> UDTData
             , reserved "Stdlib::IP::Address::V6::Alternative" $> UDTData
             , reserved "Stdlib::IP::Address::V6::Compressed" $> UDTData
             , reserved "Stdlib::IP::Address::V6::Full" $> UDTData
             , reserved "Stdlib::IP::Address::V6::Nosubnet::Alternative" $> UDTData
             , reserved "Stdlib::IP::Address::V6::Nosubnet::Compressed" $> UDTData
             , reserved "Stdlib::IP::Address::V6::Nosubnet::Full" $> UDTData
             , reserved "Stdlib::IP::Address::V6::Nosubnet" $> UDTData
             , reserved "Stdlib::IP::Address::V6" $> UDTData
             , reserved "Stdlib::Ipv4" $> UDTData
             , reserved "Stdlib::Ipv6" $> UDTData
             , reserved "Stdlib::MAC" $> UDTData
             , reserved "Stdlib::Port::Privileged" $> UDTData
             , reserved "Stdlib::Port" $> UDTData
             , reserved "Stdlib::Port::Unprivileged" $> UDTData
             , reserved "Stdlib::Unixpath" $> UDTData
             , reserved "Stdlib::Windowspath" $> UDTData
             , reserved "Nginx::ErrorLogSeverity" $> UDTData
             , reserved "Jenkins::Tunnel" $> UDTData
             , reserved "Systemd::Unit" $> UDTData
             , reserved "Systemd::ServiceLimits" $> UDTData
             , reserved "Systemd::Dropin" $> UDTData
             , reserved "Systemd::JournaldSettings" $> UDTData

statementList :: Parser (Vector Statement)
statementList = V.fromList . concat <$> many statement

lambdaCall :: Parser HOLambdaCall
lambdaCall = do
  let tostrict (Just x) = S.Just x
      tostrict Nothing  = S.Nothing
  HOLambdaCall <$> lambFunc
               <*> parameters
               <*> lambParams
               <*> (symbolic '{' *> fmap (V.fromList . concat) (many (try statement)))
               <*> fmap tostrict (optional expression) <* symbolic '}'
    parameters :: Parser (V.Vector Expression)
    parameters = maybe V.empty V.fromList <$> optional (parens (expression `sepBy` comma))
    lambFunc :: Parser LambdaFunc
    lambFunc = LambdaFunc <$> moduleName
    lambParams :: Parser LambdaParameters
    lambParams = between (symbolic '|') (symbolic '|') hp
        lambdaParameter :: Parser LambdaParameter
        lambdaParameter = LambdaParam <$> optional datatype <*> lexeme (char '$' *> identifier)
        hp = V.fromList <$> lambdaParameter `sepBy1` comma