
Safe HaskellNone




newtype Dist a Source #

Type synonym for column vector matrices. This represents a probability distribution.


D (Matrix Prob () a) 

type Prob = Double Source #

Type synonym for probability value

type Countable a = KnownNat (Count a) Source #

Constraint type synonyms to keep the type signatures less convoluted

type Liftable a b = (Bounded a, Bounded b, Enum a, Enum b, Eq b, Num Prob, Ord Prob) Source #

fmapD :: (Liftable a b, CountableDimensionsN a b, FromListsN b a) => (a -> b) -> Dist a -> Dist b Source #

Functor instance

unitD :: Dist () Source #

Applicative/Monoidal instance unit function

multD :: (CountableDimensionsN a b, CountableN (a, b), FromListsN (a, b) a, FromListsN (a, b) b, TrivialP a b) => Dist a -> Dist b -> Dist (a, b) Source #

Applicative/Monoidal instance mult function

selectD :: (TrivialE a b, FromListsN b b, CountableN b) => Dist (Either a b) -> Matrix Prob a b -> Dist b Source #

Selective instance function

returnD :: forall a. (Enum a, FromListsN () a, Countable a) => a -> Dist a Source #

Monad instance return function

bindD :: Dist a -> Matrix Prob a b -> Dist b Source #

Monad instance '(>>=)' function

(??) :: (Enum a, Countable a, FromListsN () a) => (a -> Bool) -> Dist a -> Prob Source #

Extract probabilities given an Event.

choose :: FromListsN () a => Prob -> Dist a Source #

Constructs a Bernoulli distribution

shape :: FromListsN () a => (Prob -> Prob) -> [a] -> Dist a Source #

Creates a distribution given a shape function

linear :: FromListsN () a => [a] -> Dist a Source #

Constructs a Linear distribution

uniform :: FromListsN () a => [a] -> Dist a Source #

Constructs an Uniform distribution

negExp :: FromListsN () a => [a] -> Dist a Source #

Constructs an Negative Exponential distribution

normal :: FromListsN () a => [a] -> Dist a Source #

Constructs an Normal distribution

toValues :: forall a. (Enum a, Countable a, FromListsN () a) => Dist a -> [(a, Prob)] Source #

Transforms a Dist into a list of pairs.

prettyDist :: forall a. (Show a, Enum a, Countable a, FromListsN () a) => Dist a -> String Source #

Pretty a distribution

prettyPrintDist :: forall a. (Show a, Enum a, Countable a, FromListsN () a) => Dist a -> IO () Source #

Pretty Print a distribution