{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
module Numeric.LAPACK.Orthogonal.Plain where

import qualified Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Divide as Divide
import qualified Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Multiply as Multiply
import qualified Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Type as Matrix
import qualified Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Array.Private as ArrMatrix
import qualified Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Banded.Basic as Banded
import qualified Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Basic as Basic
import qualified Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Private as MatrixPriv
import qualified Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Layout as LayoutPub
import qualified Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Layout.Private as Layout
import qualified Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Extent.Strict as ExtentStrict
import qualified Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Extent.Private as ExtentPriv
import qualified Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Extent as Extent
import qualified Numeric.LAPACK.Split as Split
import Numeric.LAPACK.Output ((/+/))
import Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Plain.Format (formatArray)
import Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Type (Matrix, FormatMatrix(formatMatrix))
import Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Triangular.Basic (Upper)
import Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Layout.Private
         (Order(RowMajor, ColumnMajor), sideSwapFromOrder)
import Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Extent.Private (Extent)
import Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Modifier
         (Transposition(NonTransposed, Transposed),
          Conjugation(NonConjugated, Conjugated))
import Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Private (Full)
import Numeric.LAPACK.Scalar (RealOf, zero, isZero, absolute, conjugate)
import Numeric.LAPACK.Shape.Private (Unchecked(Unchecked), deconsUnchecked)
import Numeric.LAPACK.Private
         (fill, copySubMatrix, copyBlock, conjugateToTemp, caseRealComplexFunc,
          withAutoWorkspaceInfo, errorCodeMsg)

import qualified Numeric.LAPACK.FFI.Generic as LapackGen
import qualified Numeric.Netlib.Utility as Call
import qualified Numeric.Netlib.Class as Class

import qualified Data.Array.Comfort.Storable.Unchecked.Monadic as ArrayIO
import qualified Data.Array.Comfort.Storable.Unchecked as Array
import qualified Data.Array.Comfort.Shape as Shape
import Data.Array.Comfort.Storable.Unchecked (Array(Array))

import Foreign.Marshal.Array (advancePtr)
import Foreign.ForeignPtr (ForeignPtr, withForeignPtr)
import Foreign.Storable (Storable)

import Control.Monad.Trans.Cont (ContT(ContT), evalContT)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Applicative (liftA2)

import qualified Data.List as List
import Data.Monoid ((<>))

data Hh

data instance Matrix Hh xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a where
   Householder ::
      Banded.RectangularDiagonal meas vert horiz height width a ->
      SplitArray meas vert horiz height width a ->
      HouseholderFlex lower upper meas vert horiz height width a

deriving instance
   (Extent.Measure meas, Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz,
    Shape.C height, Shape.C width, Storable a,
    Show height, Show width, Show a) =>
   Show (Matrix Hh xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a)

type SplitArray meas vert horiz height width a =
         Split.Split Layout.Reflector meas vert horiz height width a

split_ ::
   Matrix Hh xl xu lower upper meas vert horiz height width a ->
   SplitArray meas vert horiz height width a
split_ (Householder _tau split) = split

type HouseholderFlex = Matrix Hh () ()
type Householder = HouseholderFlex Layout.Filled Layout.Filled
type General height width =
         Householder Extent.Size Extent.Big Extent.Big height width
type Tall height width =
         Householder Extent.Size Extent.Big Extent.Small height width
type Wide height width =
         Householder Extent.Size Extent.Small Extent.Big height width
type LiberalSquare height width = SquareMeas Extent.Size height width
type Square sh = SquareMeas Extent.Shape sh sh
type SquareMeas meas height width =
         Householder meas Extent.Small Extent.Small height width

mapExtent ::
   (Extent.Measure measA, Extent.C vertA, Extent.C horizA) =>
   (Extent.Measure measB, Extent.C vertB, Extent.C horizB) =>
   ExtentPriv.Map measA vertA horizA measB vertB horizB height width ->
   HouseholderFlex lower upper measA vertA horizA height width a ->
   HouseholderFlex lower upper measB vertB horizB height width a
mapExtent f (Householder tau split) =
   Householder (Banded.mapExtent f tau) $ Split.mapExtent f split

mapHeight ::
   (Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz) =>
   (heightA -> heightB) ->
   HouseholderFlex lower upper Extent.Size vert horiz heightA width a ->
   HouseholderFlex lower upper Extent.Size vert horiz heightB width a
mapHeight f (Householder tau split) =
   Householder (Banded.mapHeight f tau) (Split.mapHeight f split)

mapWidth ::
   (Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz) =>
   (widthA -> widthB) ->
   HouseholderFlex lower upper Extent.Size vert horiz height widthA a ->
   HouseholderFlex lower upper Extent.Size vert horiz height widthB a
mapWidth f (Householder tau split) =
   Householder (Banded.mapWidth f tau) (Split.mapWidth f split)

uncheck ::
   (Extent.Measure meas, Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz) =>
   HouseholderFlex lower upper meas vert horiz height width a ->
   HouseholderFlex lower upper meas vert horiz
                                    (Unchecked height) (Unchecked width) a
uncheck (Householder tau split) =
      (Banded.mapExtentSizes (ExtentPriv.mapWrap Unchecked Unchecked) tau)
      (Split.uncheck split)

caseTallWide ::
   (Extent.Measure meas, Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz,
    Shape.C height, Shape.C width) =>
   Householder meas vert horiz height width a ->
   Either (Tall height width a) (Wide height width a)
caseTallWide (Householder tau (Array shape a)) =
   let consHouse taub b newShape =
               (\bandShape ->
                  bandShape{Layout.bandedExtent = Layout.splitExtent newShape})
               taub) $
         Array newShape b
   in either (Left . consHouse tau a) (Right . consHouse tau a) $
      Layout.caseTallWideSplit shape

instance FormatMatrix Hh where
   formatMatrix fmt (Householder tau m) =
      formatArray fmt (Array.mapShape (Shape.ZeroBased . Shape.size) tau)
      formatArray fmt m

fromMatrix ::
   (Extent.Measure meas, Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz,
    Shape.C height, Shape.C width, Class.Floating a) =>
   Full meas vert horiz height width a ->
   Householder meas vert horiz height width a
fromMatrix (Array shape@(Layout.Full order extent) a) =
   uncurry Householder $
      (snd $ Layout.rectangularDiagonal extent) $ \_ tauPtr ->
      (Layout.Split Layout.Reflector order extent) $ \qrPtr ->

   evalContT $ do
      let (m,n) = Layout.dimensions shape
      mPtr <- Call.cint m
      nPtr <- Call.cint n
      aPtr <- ContT $ withForeignPtr a
      ldaPtr <- Call.leadingDim m
      liftIO $ do
         copyBlock (m*n) aPtr qrPtr
         case order of
            RowMajor ->
               withAutoWorkspaceInfo errorCodeMsg "gelqf" $
                  LapackGen.gelqf mPtr nPtr qrPtr ldaPtr tauPtr
            ColumnMajor ->
               withAutoWorkspaceInfo errorCodeMsg "geqrf" $
                  LapackGen.geqrf mPtr nPtr qrPtr ldaPtr tauPtr

determinantR ::
   (Extent.Measure meas, Extent.C vert,
    Shape.C height, Shape.C width, Class.Floating a) =>
   Householder meas vert Extent.Small height width a -> a
determinantR = Split.determinantR . split_

For complex numbers LAPACK uses not exactly reflections,
i.e. the determinants of the primitive transformations are not necessarily -1.

It holds: det(I-tau*v*v^H) = 1-tau*v^H*v
   because of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sylvester's_determinant_theorem
   simple proof from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matrix_determinant_lemma
   I  0 . I+u*vt u .  I  0  =  I+u*vt     u      .  I  0 = I u
   vt 1     0    1   -vt 1     vt+vt*u*vt vt*u+1   -vt 1   0 vt*u+1

We already know:
   v^H*v is real and greater or equal to 1, because v[i] = 1,
   and determinant has absolute value 1.

Let k = v^H*v.
For which real k lies 1-tau*k on the unit circle?

   (1-taur*k)^2 + (taui*k)^2 = 1
   1-2*taur*k+(taur^2+taui^2)*k^2 = 1
   (taur^2 + taui^2)*k^2 - 2*taur*k = 0   (k/=0)
   (taur^2 + taui^2)*k - 2*taur = 0
   k = 2*taur / (taur^2 + taui^2)

      = (taur^2 + taui^2 - tau*2*taur) / (taur^2 + taui^2)
      = (taur^2 + taui^2 - 2*(taur+i*taui)*taur) / (taur^2 + taui^2)
      = (-taur^2 + taui^2 - 2*(i*taui)*taur) / (taur^2 + taui^2)
      = -(taur + i*taui)^2 / (taur^2 + taui^2)
determinant ::
   (Shape.C sh, Class.Floating a) =>
   HouseholderFlex lower upper Extent.Shape Extent.Small Extent.Small sh sh a ->
determinant (Householder tau split) =
   List.foldl' (*) (Split.determinantR split) $
   (case Layout.splitOrder $ Array.shape split of
      RowMajor -> map conjugate
      ColumnMajor -> id) $
   map (negate.(^(2::Int)).signum) $
   filter (not . isZero) $ Array.toList tau

determinantAbsolute ::
   (Extent.Measure meas, Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz,
    Shape.C height, Shape.C width,
    Class.Floating a) =>
   Householder meas vert horiz height width a -> RealOf a
determinantAbsolute =
   absolute . either determinantR (const zero) . caseTallWide

leastSquares ::
   (Extent.Measure meas, Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz,
    Shape.C height, Eq height, Shape.C width, Shape.C nrhs,
    Class.Floating a) =>
   HouseholderFlex lower upper meas horiz Extent.Small height width a ->
   Full meas vert horiz height nrhs a ->
   Full meas vert horiz width nrhs a
leastSquares qr =
   case Matrix.extent qr of
      ExtentPriv.Square _ -> leastSquaresAux qr
      ExtentPriv.Separate _ _ ->
         Basic.mapHeight deconsUnchecked .
         leastSquaresAux (mapWidth Unchecked qr)

leastSquaresAux ::
   (Extent.Measure meas, Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz,
    Shape.C height, Eq height, Shape.C width, Eq width, Shape.C nrhs,
    Class.Floating a) =>
   HouseholderFlex lower upper meas horiz Extent.Small height width a ->
   Full meas vert horiz height nrhs a ->
   Full meas vert horiz width nrhs a
leastSquaresAux qr =
   tallSolveR NonTransposed NonConjugated qr . tallMultiplyQAdjoint qr

minimumNorm ::
   (Extent.Measure meas, Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz,
    Shape.C height, Eq height, Shape.C width, Shape.C nrhs,
    Class.Floating a) =>
   HouseholderFlex lower upper meas vert Extent.Small width height a ->
   Full meas vert horiz height nrhs a ->
   Full meas vert horiz width nrhs a
minimumNorm qr =
   case Matrix.extent qr of
      ExtentPriv.Square _ -> minimumNormAux qr
      ExtentPriv.Separate _ _ ->
         Basic.mapHeight deconsUnchecked .
         minimumNormAux (mapHeight Unchecked qr)

minimumNormAux ::
   (Extent.Measure meas, Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz,
    Shape.C height, Eq height, Shape.C width, Eq width, Shape.C nrhs,
    Class.Floating a) =>
   HouseholderFlex lower upper meas vert Extent.Small width height a ->
   Full meas vert horiz height nrhs a ->
   Full meas vert horiz width nrhs a
minimumNormAux qr = tallMultiplyQ qr . tallSolveR Transposed Conjugated qr

takeRows ::
   (Extent.Measure meas, Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz,
    Eq fuse, Shape.C fuse, Shape.C height, Shape.C width, Class.Floating a) =>
   Extent meas Extent.Small horiz height fuse ->
   Full meas vert horiz fuse width a ->
   Full meas vert horiz height width a
takeRows extentA (Array (Layout.Full order extentB) b) =
   case Extent.fuse (ExtentPriv.weakenWide extentA) extentB of
      Nothing -> error "Householder.takeRows: heights mismatch"
      Just extentC ->
            (Extent.height extentB) 0 b (Layout.Full order extentC)

addRows ::
   (Extent.Measure meas, Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz,
    Eq fuse, Shape.C fuse, Shape.C height, Shape.C width, Class.Floating a) =>
   Extent meas vert Extent.Small height fuse ->
   Full meas vert horiz fuse width a ->
   Full meas vert horiz height width a
addRows extentA (Array shapeB@(Layout.Full order extentB) b) =
   case Extent.fuse (ExtentPriv.weakenTall extentA) extentB of
      Nothing -> error "Householder.addRows: heights mismatch"
      Just extentC ->
         Array.unsafeCreateWithSize (Layout.Full order extentC) $
            \cSize cPtr ->
         withForeignPtr b $ \bPtr ->
         case order of
            RowMajor -> do
               let bSize = Shape.size shapeB
               copyBlock bSize bPtr cPtr
               fill zero (cSize - bSize) (advancePtr cPtr bSize)
            ColumnMajor -> do
               let n  = Shape.size $ Extent.width  extentB
                   mb = Shape.size $ Extent.height extentB
                   mc = Shape.size $ Extent.height extentC
               copySubMatrix mb n mb bPtr mc cPtr
               evalContT $ do
                  uploPtr <- Call.char 'A'
                  mPtr <- Call.cint (mc-mb)
                  nPtr <- Call.cint n
                  ldcPtr <- Call.leadingDim mc
                  zPtr <- Call.number zero
                  liftIO $
                     LapackGen.laset uploPtr mPtr nPtr zPtr zPtr
                        (advancePtr cPtr mb) ldcPtr

extractQ ::
   (Extent.Measure meas, Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz,
    Shape.C height, Shape.C width, Class.Floating a) =>
   Householder meas vert horiz height width a -> MatrixPriv.Square height a
   (Householder tau (Array (Layout.Split _ order extent) qr)) =
      extractQAux tau (Extent.width extent) order
         (Extent.square $ Extent.height extent) qr

tallExtractQ ::
   (Extent.Measure meas, Extent.C vert,
    Shape.C height, Shape.C width, Class.Floating a) =>
   Householder meas vert Extent.Small height width a ->
   Full meas vert Extent.Small height width a
   (Householder tau (Array (Layout.Split _ order extent) qr)) =
      extractQAux tau (Extent.width extent) order extent qr

extractQAux ::
   (Extent.Measure meas, Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz,
    Extent.Measure measA, Extent.C vertA, Extent.C horizA,
    Shape.C height, Shape.C width, Shape.C widthQR,
    Class.Floating a) =>
   Banded.RectangularDiagonal measA vertA horizA height widthQR a ->
   widthQR ->
   Order -> Extent meas vert horiz height width -> ForeignPtr a ->
   Full meas vert horiz height width a
extractQAux (Array widthTau tau) widthQR order extent qr =
   Array.unsafeCreate (Layout.Full order extent) $ \qPtr -> do

   let (height,width) = Extent.dimensions extent
   let m = Shape.size height
   let n = Shape.size width
   let k = Shape.size widthTau
   evalContT $ do
      mPtr <- Call.cint m
      nPtr <- Call.cint n
      kPtr <- Call.cint k
      qrPtr <- ContT $ withForeignPtr qr
      tauPtr <- ContT $ withForeignPtr tau
      case order of
         RowMajor -> do
            ldaPtr <- Call.leadingDim n
            liftIO $ do
               copySubMatrix k m (Shape.size widthQR) qrPtr n qPtr
               withAutoWorkspaceInfo errorCodeMsg "unglq" $
                  LapackGen.unglq nPtr mPtr kPtr qPtr ldaPtr tauPtr
         ColumnMajor -> do
            ldaPtr <- Call.leadingDim m
            liftIO $ do
               copyBlock (m*k) qrPtr qPtr
               withAutoWorkspaceInfo errorCodeMsg "ungqr" $
                  LapackGen.ungqr mPtr nPtr kPtr qPtr ldaPtr tauPtr

tallMultiplyQ ::
   (Extent.Measure meas, Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz,
    Shape.C height, Eq height, Shape.C width, Shape.C fuse, Eq fuse,
    Class.Floating a) =>
   HouseholderFlex lower upper meas vert Extent.Small height fuse a ->
   Full meas vert horiz fuse width a ->
   Full meas vert horiz height width a
tallMultiplyQ qr =
   multiplyQ NonTransposed NonConjugated qr . addRows (Matrix.extent qr)

tallMultiplyQAdjoint ::
   (Extent.Measure meas, Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz,
    Shape.C height, Shape.C width, Shape.C fuse, Eq fuse, Class.Floating a) =>
   HouseholderFlex lower upper meas horiz Extent.Small fuse height a ->
   Full meas vert horiz fuse width a ->
   Full meas vert horiz height width a
tallMultiplyQAdjoint qr =
   takeRows (Extent.transpose $ Matrix.extent qr) .
   multiplyQ Transposed Conjugated qr

multiplyQ ::
   (Extent.Measure measA, Extent.C vertA, Extent.C horizA, Shape.C widthA,
    Extent.Measure measB, Extent.C vertB, Extent.C horizB, Shape.C widthB,
    Shape.C height, Eq height, Class.Floating a) =>
   Transposition -> Conjugation ->
   HouseholderFlex lower upper measA vertA horizA height widthA a ->
   Full measB vertB horizB height widthB a ->
   Full measB vertB horizB height widthB a
multiplyQ transposed conjugated
      (Array widthTau tau)
      (Array shapeA@(Layout.Split _ orderA extentA) qr))
   (Array shapeB@(Layout.Full orderB extentB) b) =

   Array.unsafeCreateWithSize shapeB $ \cSize cPtr -> do

   let (heightA,widthA) = Extent.dimensions extentA
   let (height,width) = Extent.dimensions extentB
   Call.assert "Householder.multiplyQ: height shapes mismatch"
      (heightA == height)

   let (side,(m,n)) =
         sideSwapFromOrder orderB (Shape.size height, Shape.size width)

   evalContT $ do
      sidePtr <- Call.char side
      mPtr <- Call.cint m
      nPtr <- Call.cint n
      let k = Shape.size widthTau
      kPtr <- Call.cint k
      transPtr <-
         Call.char $ adjointFromTranspose qr $
         transposed <> if orderA==orderB then NonTransposed else Transposed
      (qrPtr,tauPtr) <-
         if (orderA==orderB)
            (transposed==NonTransposed && conjugated==NonConjugated
             transposed==Transposed && conjugated==Conjugated)
               liftA2 (,)
                  (ContT $ withForeignPtr qr)
                  (ContT $ withForeignPtr tau)
               liftA2 (,)
                  (conjugateToTemp (Shape.size shapeA) qr)
                  (conjugateToTemp k tau)
      bPtr <- ContT $ withForeignPtr b
      ldcPtr <- Call.leadingDim m
      liftIO $ copyBlock cSize bPtr cPtr
      case orderA of
         ColumnMajor -> do
            ldaPtr <- Call.leadingDim $ Shape.size heightA
            liftIO $ withAutoWorkspaceInfo errorCodeMsg "unmqr" $
               LapackGen.unmqr sidePtr transPtr
                  mPtr nPtr kPtr qrPtr ldaPtr tauPtr cPtr ldcPtr
         RowMajor -> do
            ldaPtr <- Call.leadingDim $ Shape.size widthA
            -- work-around for https://github.com/Reference-LAPACK/lapack/issues/260
            liftIO $ when (k>0) $
               withAutoWorkspaceInfo errorCodeMsg "unmlq" $
               LapackGen.unmlq sidePtr transPtr
                  mPtr nPtr kPtr qrPtr ldaPtr tauPtr cPtr ldcPtr

adjointFromTranspose :: (Class.Floating a) => f a -> Transposition -> Char
adjointFromTranspose qr Transposed = invChar qr
adjointFromTranspose _ NonTransposed = 'N'

invChar :: (Class.Floating a) => f a -> Char
invChar f = caseRealComplexFunc f 'T' 'C'

extractR ::
   (Extent.Measure meas, Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz,
    Shape.C height, Shape.C width, Class.Floating a) =>
   HouseholderFlex lower upper meas vert horiz height width a ->
   Full meas vert horiz height width a
extractR = Split.extractTriangle (Right Layout.Triangle) . split_

tallExtractR ::
   (Extent.Measure meas, Extent.C vert,
    Shape.C height, Shape.C width, Class.Floating a) =>
   Householder meas vert Extent.Small height width a -> Upper width a
tallExtractR = Split.tallExtractR . split_

tallMultiplyR ::
   (Extent.Measure measA, Extent.C vertA,
    Extent.Measure meas, Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz,
    Shape.C height, Eq height,
    Shape.C heightA, Shape.C widthB, Class.Floating a) =>
   Transposition ->
   HouseholderFlex lower upper measA vertA Extent.Small heightA height a ->
   Full meas vert horiz height widthB a ->
   Full meas vert horiz height widthB a
tallMultiplyR transposed = Split.tallMultiplyR transposed . split_

tallSolveR ::
   (Extent.Measure measA, Extent.C vertA,
    Extent.Measure meas, Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz,
    Shape.C height, Shape.C width, Eq width, Shape.C nrhs, Class.Floating a) =>
   Transposition -> Conjugation ->
   HouseholderFlex lower upper measA vertA Extent.Small height width a ->
   Full meas vert horiz width nrhs a -> Full meas vert horiz width nrhs a
tallSolveR transposed conjugated =
   Split.tallSolveR transposed conjugated . split_

instance Matrix.Box Hh where
   extent = Layout.splitExtent . Array.shape . split_

instance Matrix.ToQuadratic Hh where
   heightToQuadratic (Householder tau split) =
         (Array.mapShape (layoutTauSquare . Layout.bandedHeight) tau)
         (Split.heightToQuadratic split)
   widthToQuadratic (Householder tau split) =
         (Array.mapShape (layoutTauSquare . Layout.bandedWidth) tau)
         (Split.widthToQuadratic split)

layoutTauSquare :: sh -> Layout.Diagonal sh
layoutTauSquare = LayoutPub.diagonal Layout.ColumnMajor

instance (xl ~ (), xu ~ ()) => Matrix.MapExtent Hh xl xu lower upper where
   mapExtent = mapExtent . ExtentStrict.apply

instance (xl ~ (), xu ~ ()) => Multiply.MultiplyVector Hh xl xu where
   matrixVector qr x =
      Array.mapShape deconsUnchecked $
      Basic.unliftColumn Layout.ColumnMajor
         (multiplyQ NonTransposed NonConjugated $ uncheck qr) $
      Array.mapShape Unchecked $
      Basic.multiplyVector (extractR qr) x
   vectorMatrix x qr =
      Basic.multiplyVector (Basic.transpose $ extractR qr) $
      Basic.unliftColumn Layout.ColumnMajor
         (multiplyQ Transposed NonConjugated qr) x

instance (xl ~ (), xu ~ ()) => Multiply.MultiplySquare Hh xl xu where
   squareFull qr =
      ArrMatrix.lift1 $
         multiplyQ NonTransposed NonConjugated qr .
         tallMultiplyR NonTransposed qr

   fullSquare = flip $ \qr ->
      ArrMatrix.lift1 $
         Basic.transpose .
         tallMultiplyR Transposed qr .
         multiplyQ Transposed NonConjugated qr .

instance (xl ~ (), xu ~ ()) => Divide.Determinant Hh xl xu where
   determinant = determinant

instance (xl ~ (), xu ~ ()) => Divide.Solve Hh xl xu where
   solveRight = ArrMatrix.lift1 . leastSquares . mapExtent ExtentPriv.fromSquare
   solveLeft =
      flip $ \a -> ArrMatrix.lift1 $
         Basic.adjoint .
         minimumNorm (mapExtent ExtentPriv.fromSquare a) .