lapack-0.5.2: Numerical Linear Algebra using LAPACK
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




type FlexHermitian neg zero pos sh = FlexHermitianP Packed neg zero pos sh Source #

The definiteness tags mean:

  • neg == False: There is no x with x^T * A * x < 0.
  • zero == False: There is no x with x^T * A * x = 0.
  • pos == False: There is no x with x^T * A * x > 0.

If a tag is True then this imposes no further restriction on the matrix.

type Hermitian sh = HermitianP Packed sh Source #

type HermitianPosDef sh = HermitianPosDefP Packed sh Source #

type HermitianPosSemidef sh = HermitianPosSemidefP Packed sh Source #

data Transposition #



class (C neg, C pos) => Semidefinite neg pos Source #


Instances details
Semidefinite False True Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Array.Hermitian

Semidefinite True False Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Array.Hermitian

assureFullRank :: (Semidefinite neg pos, C zero) => AnyHermitianP pack neg zero pos bands sh a -> AnyHermitianP pack neg False pos bands sh a Source #

assureAnyRank :: (Semidefinite neg pos, C zero) => AnyHermitianP pack neg True pos bands sh a -> AnyHermitianP pack neg zero pos bands sh a Source #

relaxSemidefinite :: (C neg, C zero, C pos) => AnyHermitianP pack neg False pos bands sh a -> AnyHermitianP pack neg zero pos bands sh a Source #

relaxIndefinite :: (C neg, C zero, C pos) => AnyHermitianP pack neg zero pos bands sh a -> Quadratic pack HermitianUnknownDefiniteness bands bands sh a Source #

assurePositiveDefiniteness :: (C neg, C zero, C pos) => AnyHermitianP pack neg zero pos bands sh a -> Quadratic pack HermitianPositiveDefinite bands bands sh a Source #

relaxDefiniteness :: (C neg, C zero, C pos) => Quadratic pack HermitianPositiveDefinite bands bands sh a -> AnyHermitianP pack neg zero pos bands sh a Source #

pack :: (Packing pack, C neg, C zero, C pos, C sh, Floating a) => FlexHermitianP pack neg zero pos sh a -> FlexHermitian neg zero pos sh a Source #

size :: FlexHermitianP pack neg zero pos sh a -> sh Source #

fromList :: (C sh, Floating a) => Order -> sh -> [a] -> Hermitian sh a Source #

identity :: (C sh, Floating a) => Order -> sh -> HermitianPosDef sh a Source #

diagonal :: (C sh, Floating a) => Order -> Vector sh (RealOf a) -> Hermitian sh a Source #

takeDiagonal :: (C neg, C zero, C pos, C sh, Floating a) => FlexHermitian neg zero pos sh a -> Vector sh (RealOf a) Source #

forceOrder :: (Packing pack, C neg, C zero, C pos, C sh, Floating a) => Order -> FlexHermitianP pack neg zero pos sh a -> FlexHermitianP pack neg zero pos sh a Source #

stack :: (Packing pack, C sh0, Eq sh0, C sh1, Eq sh1, Floating a) => HermitianP pack sh0 a -> General sh0 sh1 a -> HermitianP pack sh1 a -> HermitianP pack (sh0 ::+ sh1) a Source #

toSquare (stack a b c)


toSquare a ||| b
adjoint b ||| toSquare c

It holds order (stack a b c) = order b. The function is most efficient when the order of all blocks match.

(*%%%#) :: (Packing pack, C sh0, Eq sh0, C sh1, Eq sh1, Floating a) => (HermitianP pack sh0 a, General sh0 sh1 a) -> HermitianP pack sh1 a -> HermitianP pack (sh0 ::+ sh1) a infixr 2 Source #

split :: (Packing pack, C neg, C zero, C pos, C sh0, C sh1, Floating a) => FlexHermitianP pack neg zero pos (sh0 ::+ sh1) a -> (FlexHermitianP pack neg zero pos sh0 a, General sh0 sh1 a, FlexHermitianP pack neg zero pos sh1 a) Source #

takeTopLeft :: (Packing pack, C neg, C zero, C pos, C sh0, C sh1, Floating a) => FlexHermitianP pack neg zero pos (sh0 ::+ sh1) a -> FlexHermitianP pack neg zero pos sh0 a Source #

Sub-matrices maintain definiteness of the original matrix. Consider x^* A x > 0. Then y^* (take A) y = x^* A x where some components of x are zero.

takeTopRight :: (Packing pack, C neg, C zero, C pos, C sh0, C sh1, Floating a) => FlexHermitianP pack neg zero pos (sh0 ::+ sh1) a -> General sh0 sh1 a Source #

takeBottomRight :: (Packing pack, C neg, C zero, C pos, C sh0, C sh1, Floating a) => FlexHermitianP pack neg zero pos (sh0 ::+ sh1) a -> FlexHermitianP pack neg zero pos sh1 a Source #

toSquare :: (Packing pack, C neg, C zero, C pos, C sh, Floating a) => FlexHermitianP pack neg zero pos sh a -> Square sh a Source #

fromSymmetric :: (Packing pack, C sh, Real a) => SymmetricP pack sh a -> HermitianP pack sh a Source #

negate :: (C neg, C zero, C pos, C sh, Floating a) => AnyHermitianP pack neg zero pos bands sh a -> AnyHermitianP pack pos zero neg bands sh a Source #

multiplyVector :: Packing pack => (C neg, C zero, C pos, C sh, Eq sh, Floating a) => Transposition -> FlexHermitianP pack neg zero pos sh a -> Vector sh a -> Vector sh a Source #

multiplyFull :: Packing pack => (C neg, C zero, C pos, Measure meas, C vert, C horiz, C height, Eq height, C width, Floating a) => Transposition -> FlexHermitianP pack neg zero pos height a -> Full meas vert horiz height width a -> Full meas vert horiz height width a Source #

square :: Packing pack => (C neg, C zero, C pos, C sh, Floating a) => FlexHermitianP pack neg zero pos sh a -> FlexHermitianP pack neg zero pos sh a Source #

outer :: (Packing pack, C sh, Floating a) => Order -> Vector sh a -> HermitianPosSemidefP pack sh a Source #

sumRank1 :: (Packing pack, C sh, Eq sh, Floating a) => Order -> sh -> [(RealOf a, Vector sh a)] -> HermitianPosSemidefP pack sh a Source #

sumRank1NonEmpty :: (Packing pack, C sh, Eq sh, Floating a) => Order -> T [] (RealOf a, Vector sh a) -> HermitianPosSemidefP pack sh a Source #

sumRank2 :: (Packing pack, C sh, Eq sh, Floating a) => Order -> sh -> [(a, (Vector sh a, Vector sh a))] -> HermitianP pack sh a Source #

sumRank2NonEmpty :: (Packing pack, C sh, Eq sh, Floating a) => Order -> T [] (a, (Vector sh a, Vector sh a)) -> HermitianP pack sh a Source #

gramian :: Packing pack => (C height, C width, Floating a) => General height width a -> HermitianPosSemidefP pack width a Source #

gramian A = A^H * A

gramianAdjoint :: Packing pack => (C height, C width, Floating a) => General height width a -> HermitianPosSemidefP pack height a Source #

gramianAdjoint A = A * A^H = gramian (A^H)

congruenceDiagonal :: Packing pack => (C height, Eq height, C width, Floating a) => Vector height (RealOf a) -> General height width a -> HermitianP pack width a Source #

congruenceDiagonal D A = A^H * D * A

congruenceDiagonalAdjoint :: Packing pack => (C height, C width, Eq width, Floating a) => General height width a -> Vector width (RealOf a) -> HermitianP pack height a Source #

congruenceDiagonalAdjoint A D = A * D * A^H

congruence :: Packing pack => (C neg, C pos, C height, Eq height, C width, Floating a) => FlexHermitianP pack neg True pos height a -> General height width a -> FlexHermitianP pack neg True pos width a Source #

congruence B A = A^H * B * A

congruenceAdjoint :: Packing pack => (C neg, C pos, C height, C width, Eq width, Floating a) => General height width a -> FlexHermitianP pack neg True pos width a -> FlexHermitianP pack neg True pos height a Source #

congruenceAdjoint B A = A * B * A^H

anticommutator :: Packing pack => (Measure meas, C vert, C horiz, C height, Eq height, C width, Eq width, Floating a) => Full meas vert horiz height width a -> Full meas vert horiz height width a -> HermitianP pack width a Source #

anticommutator A B = A^H * B + B^H * A

Not exactly a matrix anticommutator, thus I like to call it Hermitian anticommutator.

anticommutatorAdjoint :: Packing pack => (Measure meas, C vert, C horiz, C height, Eq height, C width, Eq width, Floating a) => Full meas vert horiz height width a -> Full meas vert horiz height width a -> HermitianP pack height a Source #

anticommutatorAdjoint A B = A * B^H + B * A^H = anticommutator (adjoint A) (adjoint B)

addAdjoint :: (Packing pack, C sh, Floating a) => Square sh a -> HermitianP pack sh a Source #

addAdjoint A = A^H + A

solve :: Packing pack => (C neg, C zero, C pos, Measure meas, C vert, C horiz, C sh, Eq sh, C nrhs, Floating a) => FlexHermitianP pack neg zero pos sh a -> Full meas vert horiz sh nrhs a -> Full meas vert horiz sh nrhs a Source #

inverse :: (Packing pack, C neg, C zero, C pos, C sh, Floating a) => FlexHermitianP pack neg zero pos sh a -> FlexHermitianP pack neg zero pos sh a Source #

determinant :: (Packing pack, C neg, C zero, C pos, C sh, Floating a) => FlexHermitianP pack neg zero pos sh a -> RealOf a Source #

eigenvalues :: (Packing pack, C neg, C zero, C pos, Permutable sh, Floating a) => FlexHermitianP pack neg zero pos sh a -> Vector sh (RealOf a) Source #

eigensystem :: (Packing pack, C neg, C zero, C pos, Permutable sh, Floating a) => FlexHermitianP pack neg zero pos sh a -> (Square sh a, Vector sh (RealOf a)) Source #

For symmetric eigenvalue problems, eigensystem and schur coincide.