lens-0.7: Lenses and Lens Families

MaintainerEdward Kmett <ekmett@gmail.com>
Safe HaskellSafe




This package provides lens families, setters, getters, traversals and folds that can all be composed automatically with each other (and other lenses from other van Laarhoven lens libraries) using (.) from Prelude, while reducing the complexity of the API.



type Lens a b c d = forall f. Functor f => (c -> f d) -> a -> f bSource

A Lens is actually a lens family as described in http://comonad.com/reader/2012/mirrored-lenses/.

With great power comes great responsibility and a Lens is subject to the lens laws:

 view l (set l b a)  = b
 set l (view l a) a  = a
 set l c (set l b a) = set l c a

These laws are strong enough that the 4 type parameters of a Lens cannot vary fully independently. For more on how they interact, read the Why is it a Lens Family? section of http://comonad.com/reader/2012/mirrored-lenses/.

Every Lens can be used directly as a Getter, Setter, Fold or Traversal.

 identity :: Lens (Identity a) (Identity b) a b
 identity f (Identity a) = Identity <$> f a

Simple Lenses

type Simple f a b = f a a b bSource

A Simple Lens, Simple Setter, or Simple Traversal can be used instead of a Lens Setter or Traversal whenever the type variables don't change upon setting a value.

 imaginary :: Simple Lens (Complex a) a
 imaginary f (e :+ i) = (e :+) <$> f i
 traverseHead :: Simple Traversal [a] a

Constructing Lenses

lens :: (a -> c) -> (d -> a -> b) -> Lens a b c dSource

Build a Lens from a getter and a setter.

 lens :: Functor f => (a -> c) -> (d -> a -> b) -> (c -> f d) -> a -> f b

iso :: (a -> c) -> (d -> b) -> Lens a b c dSource

Built a Lens from an isomorphism family

 iso :: Functor f => (a -> c) -> (d -> b) -> (c -> f d) -> a -> f b

clone :: Functor f => ((c -> IndexedStore c d d) -> a -> IndexedStore c d b) -> (c -> f d) -> a -> f bSource

Cloning a Lens is one way to make sure you arent given something weaker, such as a Traversal and can be used as a way to pass around lenses that have to be monomorphic in f.


type Getter a b c d = forall z. (c -> Const z d) -> a -> Const z bSource

A Getter describes how to retrieve a single value in a way that can be composed with other lens-like constructions.

Unlike a Lens a Getter is read-only. Since a Getter cannot be used to write back there are no lens laws that can be applied to it.

Moreover, a Getter can be used directly as a Fold, since it just ignores the Monoid.

In practice the b and d are left dangling and unused, and as such is no real point in using a Simple Getter.

to :: (a -> c) -> Getter a b c dSource

Build a Getter

Getting Values

view :: ((c -> Const c d) -> a -> Const c b) -> a -> cSource

View the value pointed to by a Getter or Lens or the result of folding over all the results of a Fold or Traversal that points at a monoidal values.

It may be useful to think of view as having these more restrictive signatures:

 view :: Lens a b c d -> a -> c
 view :: Getter a b c d -> a -> c
 view :: Monoid m => Fold a b m d -> a -> m
 view :: Monoid m => Traversal a b m d -> a -> m

views :: ((c -> Const m d) -> a -> Const m b) -> (c -> m) -> a -> mSource

View the value of a Getter, Lens or the result of folding over the result of mapping the targets of a Fold or Traversal.

It may be useful to think of views as having these more restrictive signatures:

 views :: Getter a b c d -> (c -> d) -> a -> d
 views :: Lens a b c d -> (c -> d) -> a -> d
 views :: Monoid m => Fold a b c d -> (c -> m) -> a -> m
 views :: Monoid m => Traversal a b c d -> (c -> m) -> a -> m

(^.) :: a -> ((c -> Const c d) -> a -> Const c b) -> cSource

View the value pointed to by a Getter or Lens or the result of folding over all the results of a Fold or Traversal that points at a monoidal values.

This is the same operation as view with the arguments flipped.

The fixity and semantics are such that subsequent field accesses can be performed with (Prelude..)

 ghci> ((0, 1 :+ 2), 3)^._1._2.to magnitude

(^$) :: ((c -> Const c d) -> a -> Const c b) -> a -> cSource

View the value pointed to by a Getter or Lens or the result of folding over all the results of a Fold or Traversal that points at a monoidal values.

This is the same operation as view, only infix.


type Setter a b c d = (c -> Identity d) -> a -> Identity bSource

The only Lens-like law that applies to a Setter l is that

 set l c (set l b a) = set l c a

You can't view a Setter in general, so the other two laws do not apply.

You can compose a Setter with a Lens or a Traversal using (.) from the Prelude but the result is always only a Setter.

sets :: ((c -> d) -> a -> b) -> Setter a b c dSource

Build a Setter

 sets . adjust = id
 adjust . sets = id

mapped :: Functor f => Setter (f a) (f b) a bSource

This setter can be used to map over all of the values in a container.

Setting Values

adjust :: Setter a b c d -> (c -> d) -> a -> bSource

Modify the target of a Lens or all the targets of a Setter or Traversal with a function.

 fmap = adjust traverse

Two useful free theorems hold for this type:

 sets . adjust = id
 adjust . sets = id
 adjust :: ((c -> Identity d) -> a -> Identity b) -> (c -> d) -> a -> b

set :: Setter a b c d -> d -> a -> bSource

Replace the target of a Lens or all of the targets of a Setter or Traversal with a constant value.

 (<$) = set traverse
 set :: ((c -> Identity d) -> a -> Identity b) -> d -> a -> b

(^%=) :: Setter a b c d -> (c -> d) -> a -> bSource

Modifies the target of a Lens or all of the targets of a Setter or Traversal with a user supplied function.

This is an infix version of adjust

 fmap f = traverse ^%= f
 (^%=) :: ((c -> Identity d) -> a -> Identity b) -> (c -> d) -> a -> b

(^=) :: Setter a b c d -> d -> a -> bSource

Replace the target of a Lens or all of the targets of a Setter or Traversal with a constant value.

This is an infix version of set

 f <$ a = traverse ^= f $ a
 (^=) :: ((c -> Identity d) -> a -> Identity b) -> d -> a -> b

(^+=) :: Num c => Setter a b c c -> c -> a -> bSource

Increment the target(s) of a numerically valued Lens, Setter' or Traversal

 ghci> _1 ^+= 1 $ (1,2)
 (^+=) :: Num c => ((c -> Identity c) -> a -> Identity b) -> c -> a -> b

(^-=) :: Num c => Setter a b c c -> c -> a -> bSource

Decrement the target(s) of a numerically valued Lens, Setter or Traversal

 ghci> _1 ^-= 2 $ (1,2)
 (^-=) :: ((c -> Identity c) -> a -> Identity b) -> c -> a -> b

(^*=) :: Num c => Setter a b c c -> c -> a -> bSource

Multiply the target(s) of a numerically valued Lens, Setter or Traversal

 ghci> _2 ^*= 4 $ (1,2)
 (^*=) :: Num c => ((c -> Identity c) -> a -> Identity b) -> c -> a -> b

(^/=) :: Fractional c => Setter a b c c -> c -> a -> bSource

Divide the target(s) of a numerically valued Lens, Setter or Traversal

 (^/=) :: Fractional c => ((c -> Identity c) -> a -> Identity b) -> c -> a -> b

(^||=) :: Setter a b Bool Bool -> Bool -> a -> bSource

Logically || the target(s) of a Bool-valued Lens or Setter

 (^||=):: ((Bool -> Identity Bool) -> a -> Identity b) -> Bool -> a -> b

(^&&=) :: Setter a b Bool Bool -> Bool -> a -> bSource

Logically && the target(s) of a Bool-valued Lens or Setter

(^&&=) :: ((Bool -> Identity Bool) -> a -> Identity b) -> Bool -> a -> b

(^|=) :: Bits c => Setter a b c c -> c -> a -> bSource

Bitwise .|. the target(s) of a Bool-valued Lens or Setter

 (^|=):: Bits c => ((c -> Identity c) -> a -> Identity b) -> Bool -> a -> b

(^&=) :: Bits c => Setter a b c c -> c -> a -> bSource

Bitwise .&. the target(s) of a Bool-valued Lens or Setter

 (^&=) :: Bits c => ((b -> Identity b) -> a -> Identity a) -> c -> a -> b

Manipulating State

access :: MonadState a m => ((c -> Const c d) -> a -> Const c b) -> m cSource

Access the target of a Lens or Getter in the current state, or access a summary of a Fold or Traversal that points to a monoidal value.

(%=) :: MonadState a m => Setter a a c d -> (c -> d) -> m ()Source

Map over the target of a Lens or all of the targets of a Setter or 'Traversal in our monadic state.

(~=) :: MonadState a m => Setter a a c d -> d -> m ()Source

Replace the target of a Lens or all of the targets of a Setter or Traversal in our monadic state with a new value, irrespective of the old.

(+=) :: (MonadState a m, Num b) => Simple Setter a b -> b -> m ()Source

Modify the target(s) of a Simple Lens, Setter or Traversal by adding a value

(-=) :: (MonadState a m, Num b) => Simple Setter a b -> b -> m ()Source

Modify the target(s) of a Simple Lens, Setter or Traversal by subtracting a value

(*=) :: (MonadState a m, Num b) => Simple Setter a b -> b -> m ()Source

Modify the target(s) of a Simple Lens, Setter or Traversal by multiplying by value

(//=) :: (MonadState a m, Fractional b) => Simple Setter a b -> b -> m ()Source

Modify the target(s) of a Simple Lens, Setter or Traversal by dividing by a value

(||=) :: MonadState a m => Simple Setter a Bool -> Bool -> m ()Source

Modify the target(s) of a Simple Lens, Setter or Traversal by taking their logical || with a value

(&&=) :: MonadState a m => Simple Setter a Bool -> Bool -> m ()Source

Modify the target(s) of a Simple Lens, Setter or Traversal by taking their logical && with a value

(|=) :: (MonadState a m, Bits b) => Simple Setter a b -> b -> m ()Source

Modify the target(s) of a Simple Lens, Setter or Traversal by computing its bitwise .|. with another value.

(&=) :: (MonadState a m, Bits b) => Simple Setter a b -> b -> m ()Source

Modify the target(s) of a Simple Lens, Setter or Traversal by computing its bitwise .&. with another value.

(%%=) :: MonadState a m => ((b -> (c, b)) -> a -> (c, a)) -> (b -> (c, b)) -> m cSource

Modify the target of a Lens in the current state returning some extra information of c or modify all targets of a Traversal in the current state, extracting extra information of type c and return a monoidal summary of the changes.

It may be useful to think of '(%%=)', instead, as having either of the following more restricted type signatures:

 (%%=) :: MonadState a m => Simple Lens a b -> (b -> (c, b) -> m c
 (%%=) :: (MonadState a m, Monoid c) => Simple Traversal a b -> (b -> (c, b) -> m c

class Focus st whereSource

This class allows us to use focus on a number of different monad transformers.


focus :: Monad m => ((b -> Focusing m c b) -> a -> Focusing m c a) -> st b m c -> st a m cSource

Use a lens to lift an operation with simpler context into a larger context

This is commonly used to lift actions in a simpler state monad into a state monad with a larger state type.


Focus ReaderT

We can focus Reader environments, too!

Focus StateT 
Focus StateT 

Common Lenses

_1 :: Lens (a, c) (b, c) a bSource

This is a lens that can change the value (and type) of the first field of a pair.

 ghci> (1,2)^._1
 ghci> _1 ^= "hello" $ (1,2)
 _1 :: Functor f => (a -> f b) -> (a,c) -> f (a,c)

_2 :: Lens (c, a) (c, b) a bSource

As _1, but for the second field of a pair.

 anyOf _2 :: (c -> Bool) -> (a, c) -> Bool
 traverse._2 :: (Applicative f, Traversable t) => (a -> f b) -> t (c, a) -> f (t (c, b))
 foldMapOf (traverse._2) :: (Traversable t, Monoid m) => (c -> m) -> t (b, c) -> m
 _2 :: Functor f => (a -> f b) -> (c,a) -> f (c,b)

valueAt :: Ord k => k -> Simple Lens (Map k v) (Maybe v)Source

This Lens can be used to read, write or delete the value associated with a key in a Map.

 ghci> Map.fromList [("hello",12)] ^. valueAt "hello"
 Just 12
 valueAt :: Ord k => k -> (Maybe v -> f (Maybe v)) -> Map k v -> f (Map k v)

valueAtInt :: Int -> Simple Lens (IntMap v) (Maybe v)Source

This Lens can be used to read, write or delete a member of an IntMap.

 ghci> IntMap.fromList [(1,"hello")]  ^. valueAtInt 1
 Just "hello"
 ghci> valueAtInt 2 ^= "goodbye" $ IntMap.fromList [(1,"hello")]
 fromList [(1,"hello"),(2,"goodbye")]
 valueAtInt :: Int -> (Maybe v -> f (Maybe v)) -> IntMap v -> f (IntMap v)

bitAt :: Bits b => Int -> Simple Lens b BoolSource

This lens can be used to access the value of the nth bit in a number.

bitsAt n is only a legal Lens into b if 0 <= n < bitSize (undefined :: b)

contains :: Ord k => k -> Simple Lens (Set k) BoolSource

This Lens can be used to read, write or delete a member of a Set

 ghci> contains 3 ^= False $ Set.fromList [1,2,3,4]
 fromList [1,2,4]
 contains :: Ord k => k -> (Bool -> f Bool) -> Set k -> f (Set k)

containsInt :: Int -> Simple Lens IntSet BoolSource

This Lens can be used to read, write or delete a member of an IntSet

 ghci> containsInt 3 ^= False $ IntSet.fromList [1,2,3,4]
 fromList [1,2,4]
 containsInt :: Int -> (Bool -> f Bool) -> IntSet -> f IntSet

identity :: Lens (Identity a) (Identity b) a bSource

This lens can be used to access the contents of the Identity monad

resultAt :: Eq e => e -> Simple Lens (e -> a) aSource

This lens can be used to change the result of a function but only where the arguments match the key given.


type Fold a b c d = forall m. Monoid m => (c -> Const m d) -> a -> Const m bSource

A Fold describes how to retrieve multiple values in a way that can be composed with other lens-like constructions.

A Fold a b c d provides a structure with operations very similar to those of the Foldable typeclass, see foldMapOf and the other Fold combinators.

By convention, if there exists a foo method that expects a Foldable (f c), then there should be a fooOf method that takes a Fold a b c d and a value of type a.

A Getter is a legal Fold that just ignores the supplied Monoid

Unlike a Traversal a Fold is read-only. Since a Fold cannot be used to write back there are no lens laws that can be applied to it.

In practice the b and d are left dangling and unused, and as such is no real point in a Simple Fold.

Common Folds

folded :: Foldable f => Fold (f c) b c dSource

Obtain a Fold from any Foldable

folding :: Foldable f => (a -> f c) -> Fold a b c dSource

Building a Fold

Fold Combinators

foldMapOf :: ((c -> Const m d) -> a -> Const m b) -> (c -> m) -> a -> mSource

 foldMap = foldMapOf folded
 foldMapOf = views
 foldMapOf ::             Getter a b c d    -> (c -> m) -> a -> m
 foldMapOf ::             Lens a b c d      -> (c -> m) -> a -> m
 foldMapOf :: Monoid m => Fold a b c d      -> (c -> m) -> a -> m
 foldMapOf :: Monoid m => Traversal a b c d -> (c -> m) -> a -> m

foldrOf :: ((c -> Const (Endo e) d) -> a -> Const (Endo e) b) -> (c -> e -> e) -> e -> a -> eSource

 foldr = foldrOf folded
 foldrOf :: Getter a b c d    -> (c -> e -> e) -> e -> a -> e
 foldrOf :: Lens a b c d      -> (c -> e -> e) -> e -> a -> e
 foldrOf :: Fold a b c d      -> (c -> e -> e) -> e -> a -> e
 foldrOf :: Traversal a b c d -> (c -> e -> e) -> e -> a -> e

foldOf :: ((m -> Const m d) -> a -> Const m b) -> a -> mSource

 fold = foldOf folded
 foldOf = view
 foldOf ::             Getter a b m d    -> a -> m
 foldOf ::             Lens a b m d      -> a -> m
 foldOf :: Monoid m => Fold a b m d      -> a -> m
 foldOf :: Monoid m => Traversal a b m d -> a -> m

toListOf :: ((c -> Const [c] d) -> a -> Const [c] b) -> a -> [c]Source

 toList = toListOf folded
 toListOf :: Getter a b c d    -> a -> [c]
 toListOf :: Lens a b c d      -> a -> [c]
 toListOf :: Fold a b c d      -> a -> [c]
 toListOf :: Traversal a b c d -> a -> [c]

anyOf :: ((c -> Const Any d) -> a -> Const Any b) -> (c -> Bool) -> a -> BoolSource

 any = anyOf folded
 anyOf :: Getter a b c d    -> (c -> Bool) -> a -> Bool
 anyOf :: Lens a b c d      -> (c -> Bool) -> a -> Bool
 anyOf :: Fold a b c d      -> (c -> Bool) -> a -> Bool
 anyOf :: Traversal a b c d -> (c -> Bool) -> a -> Bool

allOf :: ((c -> Const All d) -> a -> Const All b) -> (c -> Bool) -> a -> BoolSource

 all = allOf folded
 allOf :: Getter a b c d    -> (c -> Bool) -> a -> Bool
 allOf :: Lens a b c d      -> (c -> Bool) -> a -> Bool
 allOf :: Fold a b c d      -> (c -> Bool) -> a -> Bool
 allOf :: Traversal a b c d -> (c -> Bool) -> a -> Bool

andOf :: ((Bool -> Const All d) -> a -> Const All b) -> a -> BoolSource

 and = andOf folded
 andOf :: Getter a b Bool d   -> a -> Bool
 andOf :: Lens a b Bool d     -> a -> Bool
 andOf :: Fold a b Bool d     -> a -> Bool
 andOf :: Traversl a b Bool d -> a -> Bool

orOf :: ((Bool -> Const Any d) -> a -> Const Any b) -> a -> BoolSource

 or = orOf folded
 orOf :: Getter a b Bool d    -> a -> Bool
 orOf :: Lens a b Bool d      -> a -> Bool
 orOf :: Fold a b Bool d      -> a -> Bool
 orOf :: Traversal a b Bool d -> a -> Bool

productOf :: ((c -> Const (Product c) d) -> a -> Const (Product c) b) -> a -> cSource

 product = productOf folded
 productOf ::          Getter a b c d    -> a -> c
 productOf ::          Lens a b c d      -> a -> c
 productOf :: Num c => Fold a b c d      -> a -> c
 productOf :: Num c => Traversal a b c d -> a -> c

sumOf :: ((c -> Const (Sum c) d) -> a -> Const (Sum c) b) -> a -> cSource

 sum = sumOf folded
 sumOf _1 :: (a, b) -> a
 sumOf (folded._1) :: (Foldable f, Num a) => f (a, b) -> a
 sumOf ::          Getter a b c d    -> a -> c
 sumOf ::          Lens a b c d      -> a -> c
 sumOf :: Num c => Fold a b c d      -> a -> c
 sumOf :: Num c => Traversal a b c d -> a -> c

traverseOf_ :: Functor f => ((c -> Const (Traversed f) d) -> a -> Const (Traversed f) b) -> (c -> f e) -> a -> f ()Source

When passed a Getter, traverseOf_ can work over a Functor.

When passed a Fold, traverseOf_ requires an Applicative.

 traverse_ = traverseOf_ folded
 traverseOf_ _2 :: Functor f => (c -> f e) -> (c1, c) -> f ()
 traverseOf_ traverseLeft :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> Either a c -> f ()

The rather specific signature of traverseOf_ allows it to be used as if the signature was either:

 traverseOf_ :: Functor f     => Getter a b c d    -> (c -> f e) -> a -> f ()
 traverseOf_ :: Functor f     => Lens a b c d      -> (c -> f e) -> a -> f ()
 traverseOf_ :: Applicative f => Fold a b c d      -> (c -> f e) -> a -> f ()
 traverseOf_ :: Applicative f => Traversal a b c d -> (c -> f e) -> a -> f ()

forOf_ :: Functor f => ((c -> Const (Traversed f) d) -> a -> Const (Traversed f) b) -> a -> (c -> f e) -> f ()Source

 for_ = forOf_ folded
 forOf_ :: Functor f     => Getter a b c d    -> a -> (c -> f e) -> f ()
 forOf_ :: Functor f     => Lens a b c d      -> a -> (c -> f e) -> f ()
 forOf_ :: Applicative f => Fold a b c d      -> a -> (c -> f e) -> f ()
 forOf_ :: Applicative f => Traversal a b c d -> a -> (c -> f e) -> f ()

sequenceAOf_ :: Functor f => ((f () -> Const (Traversed f) d) -> a -> Const (Traversed f) b) -> a -> f ()Source

 sequenceA_ = sequenceAOf_ folded
 sequenceAOf_ :: Functor f     => Getter a b (f ()) d    -> a -> f ()
 sequenceAOf_ :: Functor f     => Lens a b (f ()) d      -> a -> f ()
 sequenceAOf_ :: Applicative f => Fold a b (f ()) d      -> a -> f ()
 sequenceAOf_ :: Applicative f => Traversal a b (f ()) d -> a -> f ()

mapMOf_ :: Monad m => ((c -> Const (Traversed (WrappedMonad m)) d) -> a -> Const (Traversed (WrappedMonad m)) b) -> (c -> m e) -> a -> m ()Source

 mapM_ = mapMOf_ folded
 mapMOf_ :: Monad m => Getter a b c d    -> (c -> m e) -> a -> m ()
 mapMOf_ :: Monad m => Lens a b c d      -> (c -> m e) -> a -> m ()
 mapMOf_ :: Monad m => Fold a b c d      -> (c -> m e) -> a -> m ()
 mapMOf_ :: Monad m => Traversal a b c d -> (c -> m e) -> a -> m ()

forMOf_ :: Monad m => ((c -> Const (Traversed (WrappedMonad m)) d) -> a -> Const (Traversed (WrappedMonad m)) b) -> a -> (c -> m e) -> m ()Source

 forM_ = forMOf_ folded
 forMOf_ :: Monad m => Getter a b c d    -> a -> (c -> m e) -> m ()
 forMOf_ :: Monad m => Lens a b c d      -> a -> (c -> m e) -> m ()
 forMOf_ :: Monad m => Fold a b c d      -> a -> (c -> m e) -> m ()
 forMOf_ :: Monad m => Traversal a b c d -> a -> (c -> m e) -> m ()

sequenceOf_ :: Monad m => ((m c -> Const (Traversed (WrappedMonad m)) d) -> a -> Const (Traversed (WrappedMonad m)) b) -> a -> m ()Source

 sequence_ = sequenceOf_ folded
 sequenceOf_ :: Monad m => Getter a b (m b) d    -> a -> m ()
 sequenceOf_ :: Monad m => Lens a b (m b) d      -> a -> m ()
 sequenceOf_ :: Monad m => Fold a b (m b) d      -> a -> m ()
 sequenceOf_ :: Monad m => Traversal a b (m b) d -> a -> m ()

asumOf :: Alternative f => ((f c -> Const (Endo (f c)) d) -> a -> Const (Endo (f c)) b) -> a -> f cSource

The sum of a collection of actions, generalizing concatOf.

 asum = asumOf folded
 asumOf :: Alternative f => Getter a b c d    -> a -> f c
 asumOf :: Alternative f => Lens a b c d      -> a -> f c
 asumOf :: Alternative f => Fold a b c d      -> a -> f c
 asumOf :: Alternative f => Traversal a b c d -> a -> f c

msumOf :: MonadPlus m => ((m c -> Const (Endo (m c)) d) -> a -> Const (Endo (m c)) b) -> a -> m cSource

The sum of a collection of actions, generalizing concatOf.

 msum = msumOf folded
 msumOf :: MonadPlus m => Getter a b c d    -> a -> m c
 msumOf :: MonadPlus m => Lens a b c d      -> a -> m c
 msumOf :: MonadPlus m => Fold a b c d      -> a -> m c
 msumOf :: MonadPlus m => Traversal a b c d -> a -> m c

concatMapOf :: ((c -> Const [e] d) -> a -> Const [e] b) -> (c -> [e]) -> a -> [e]Source

 concatMap = concatMapOf folded
 concatMapOf :: Getter a b c d     -> (c -> [e]) -> a -> [e]
 concatMapOf :: Lens a b c d      -> (c -> [e]) -> a -> [e]
 concatMapOf :: Fold a b c d      -> (c -> [e]) -> a -> [e]
 concatMapOf :: Traversal a b c d -> (c -> [e]) -> a -> [e]

concatOf :: (([e] -> Const [e] d) -> a -> Const [e] b) -> a -> [e]Source

 concat = concatOf folded
 concatOf :: Getter a b [e] d -> a -> [e]
 concatOf :: Lens a b [e] d -> a -> [e]
 concatOf :: Fold a b [e] d -> a -> [e]
 concatOf :: a b [e] d -> a -> [e]

elemOf :: Eq c => ((c -> Const Any d) -> a -> Const Any b) -> c -> a -> BoolSource

 elem = elemOf folded
 elemOf :: Eq c => Getter a b c d    -> c -> a -> Bool
 elemOf :: Eq c => Lens a b c d      -> c -> a -> Bool
 elemOf :: Eq c => Fold a b c d      -> c -> a -> Bool
 elemOf :: Eq c => Traversal a b c d -> c -> a -> Bool

notElemOf :: Eq c => ((c -> Const Any d) -> a -> Const Any b) -> c -> a -> BoolSource

 notElem = notElemOf folded
 notElemOf :: Eq c => Getter a b c d    -> c -> a -> Bool
 notElemOf :: Eq c => Fold a b c d      -> c -> a -> Bool
 notElemOf :: Eq c => Lens a b c d      -> c -> a -> Bool
 notElemOf :: Eq c => Traversal a b c d -> c -> a -> Bool


type Traversal a b c d = forall f. Applicative f => (c -> f d) -> a -> f bSource

A Traversal can be used directly as a Setter or a Fold (but not as a Lens) and provides the ability to both read and update multiple fields, subject to some relatively weak Traversal laws.

These are also known as MultiLens families, but they have the signature and spirit of

 traverse :: Traversable f => Traversal (f a) (f b) a b

and the more evocative name suggests their application.

Common Traversals

traverseNothing :: Traversal a a c dSource

This is the traversal that never succeeds at returning any values

 traverseNothing :: Applicative f => (c -> f d) -> a -> f a

traverseValueAt :: Ord k => k -> Simple Traversal (Map k v) vSource

Traverse the value at a given key in a Map

 traverseValueAt :: (Applicative f, Ord k) => k -> (v -> f v) -> Map k v -> f (Map k v)
 traverseValueAt k = valueAt k . traverse

traverseValueAtInt :: Int -> Simple Traversal (IntMap v) vSource

Traverse the value at a given key in an IntMap

 traverseValueAtInt :: Applicative f => Int -> (v -> f v) -> IntMap v -> f (IntMap v)
 traverseValueAtInt k = valueAtInt k . traverse

traverseHead :: Simple Traversal [a] aSource

 traverseHead :: Applicative f => (a -> f a) -> [a] -> f [a]

traverseTail :: Simple Traversal [a] [a]Source

 traverseTail :: Applicative f => ([a] -> f [a]) -> [a] -> f [a]

traverseLast :: Simple Traversal [a] aSource

Traverse the last element in a list.

 traverseLast = traverseValueAtMax
 traverseLast :: Applicative f => (a -> f a) -> [a] -> f [a]

traverseInit :: Simple Traversal [a] [a]Source

Traverse all but the last element of a list

 traverseInit :: Applicative f => ([a] -> f [a]) -> [a] -> f [a]

traverseLeft :: Traversal (Either a c) (Either b c) a bSource

A traversal for tweaking the left-hand value in an Either:

 traverseLeft :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> Either a c -> f (Either b c)

traverseRight :: Traversal (Either c a) (Either c b) a bSource

traverse the right-hand value in an Either:

 traverseRight :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> Either c a -> f (Either c a)
 traverseRight = traverse

Unfortunately the instance for 'Traversable (Either c)' is still missing from base, so this can't just be traverse

traverseElement :: Traversable t => Int -> Simple Traversal (t a) aSource

Traverse a single element in a traversable container.

 traverseElement :: (Applicative f, Traversable t) => Int -> (a -> f a) -> t a -> f (t a)

traverseElements :: Traversable t => (Int -> Bool) -> Simple Traversal (t a) aSource

Traverse elements where a predicate holds on their position in a traversable container

 traverseElements :: Applicative f, Traversable t) => (Int -> Bool) -> (a -> f a) -> t a -> f (t a)

class TraverseByteString t whereSource

Provides ad hoc overloading for traverseByteString


traverseByteString :: Simple Traversal t Word8Source

Traverse the individual bytes in a ByteString

 anyOf traverseByteString (==0x80) :: TraverseByteString b => b -> Bool

class TraverseValueAtMin t whereSource

Types that support traversal of the value of the minimal key

This is separate from TraverseValueAtMax because a min-heap or max-heap may be able to support one, but not the other.


traverseValueAtMin :: Simple Traversal (t v) vSource

Traverse the value for the minimal key

class TraverseValueAtMax t whereSource

Types that support traversal of the value of the maximal key

This is separate from TraverseValueAtMin because a min-heap or max-heap may be able to support one, but not the other.


traverseValueAtMax :: Simple Traversal (t v) vSource

Traverse the value for the maximal key

traverseBits :: Bits b => Simple Traversal b BoolSource

Traverse over all bits in a numeric type.

 ghci> toListOf traverseBits (5 :: Word8)

If you supply this an Integer, it won't crash, but the result will be an infinite traversal that can be productively consumed.

 ghci> toListOf traverseBits 5

Traversal Combinators

mapMOf :: ((c -> WrappedMonad m d) -> a -> WrappedMonad m b) -> (c -> m d) -> a -> m bSource

 mapM = mapMOf traverse
 mapMOf :: Monad m => Lens a b c d      -> (c -> m d) -> a -> m b
 mapMOf :: Monad m => Traversal a b c d -> (c -> m d) -> a -> m b

sequenceAOf :: Applicative f => ((f c -> f (f c)) -> a -> f b) -> a -> f bSource

 sequenceA = sequenceAOf traverse
 sequenceAOf :: Applicative f => Lens a b (f c) (f c)      -> a -> f b
 sequenceAOf :: Applicative f => Traversal a b (f c) (f c) -> a -> f b

sequenceOf :: Monad m => ((m c -> WrappedMonad m (m c)) -> a -> WrappedMonad m b) -> a -> m bSource

 sequence = sequenceOf traverse
 sequenceOf :: Monad m => Lens a b (m c) (m c)      -> a -> m b
 sequenceOf :: Monad m => Traversal a b (m c) (m c) -> a -> m b

elementOf :: Applicative f => ((c -> AppliedState f c) -> a -> AppliedState f b) -> Int -> (c -> f c) -> a -> f bSource

A Traversal of the nth element of another Traversal

 traverseHead = elementOf traverse 0

elementsOf :: Applicative f => ((c -> AppliedState f c) -> a -> AppliedState f b) -> (Int -> Bool) -> (c -> f c) -> a -> f bSource

A Traversal of the elements in another Traversal where their positions in that Traversal satisfy a predicate

 traverseTail = elementsOf traverse (>0)

transposeOf :: (([c] -> ZipList c) -> a -> ZipList b) -> a -> [b]Source

 transpose = transposeOf traverse -- modulo the ragged arrays support
 transposeOf _2 :: (b, [a]) -> [(b, a)]