lens-3.0.1: Lenses, Folds and Traversals

MaintainerEdward Kmett <ekmett@gmail.com>
Safe HaskellNone




Traversals for manipulating parts of a list.



_head :: Simple Lens [a] aSource

A lens reading and writing to the head of a non-empty list.

Attempting to read or write to the head of an empty list will result in an error.

>>> [1,2,3]^._head

_tail :: Simple Lens [a] [a]Source

A lens reading and writing to the tail of a non-empty list

Attempting to read or write to the tail of an empty list will result in an error.

>>> _tail .~ [3,4,5] $ [1,2]

_last :: Simple Lens [a] aSource

A lens reading and writing to the last element of a non-empty list

Attempting to read or write to the last element of an empty list will result in an error.

>>> [1,2]^._last

_init :: Simple Lens [a] [a]Source

A lens reading and replacing all but the a last element of a non-empty list

Attempting to read or write to all but the last element of an empty list will result in an error.

>>> [1,2,3,4]^._init

interspersed :: a -> Getter [a] [a]Source

Obtain a version of the list with the supplied value interspersed.

>>> "abcde"^.interspersed ','
 xs^.interspersed a = intersperse a xs

intercalated :: [a] -> Getter [[a]] [a]Source

Obtain a version of the list with the supplied value intercalated.


traverseList :: IndexedTraversal Int [a] [b] a bSource

Indexed traversal of a list. The position in the list is available as the index.

traverseHead :: SimpleIndexedTraversal Int [a] aSource

A traversal for reading and writing to the head of a list

The position of the head in the original list (0) is available as the index.

>>> traverseHead +~ 1 $ [1,2,3]
traverseHead :: Applicative f => (a -> f a) -> [a] -> f [a]

traverseTail :: SimpleIndexedTraversal Int [a] aSource

A traversal for editing the tail of a list

The position of each element in the original list is available as the index.

>>> traverseTail +~ 1 $ [1,2,3]
traverseTail :: Applicative f => (a -> f a) -> [a] -> f [a]

traverseInit :: SimpleIndexedTraversal Int [a] aSource

A traversal of all but the last element of a list

The position of each element is available as the index.

>>> traverseInit +~ 1 $ [1,2,3]
traverseInit :: Applicative f => (a -> f a) -> [a] -> f [a]

traverseLast :: SimpleIndexedTraversal Int [a] aSource

A traversal the last element in a list

The position of the last element in the original list is available as the index.

>>> traverseLast +~ 1 $ [1,2,3]
traverseLast :: Applicative f => (a -> f a) -> [a] -> f [a]

(~:) :: c -> Setting a b [c] [c] -> a -> bSource

Cons onto the list(s) referenced by a Setter.

>>> 'h' ~: _1 $ ("ello","world")
 (~:) :: b -> Simple Setter a [b]    -> a -> a
 (~:) :: b -> Simple Traversal a [b] -> a -> a
 (~:) :: b -> Simple Lens a [b]      -> a -> a
 (~:) :: b -> Simple Iso a [b]       -> a -> a

(=:) :: MonadState a m => c -> SimpleSetting a [c] -> m ()Source

Cons onto the list(s) referenced by a Setter in your monad state

 (=:) :: MonadState a m => c -> Simple Setter a [c]    -> m ()
 (=:) :: MonadState a m => c -> Simple Traversal a [c] -> m ()
 (=:) :: MonadState a m => c -> Simple Lens a [c]      -> m ()
 (=:) :: MonadState a m => c -> Simple Iso a [c]       -> m ()

(<~:) :: c -> LensLike ((,) [c]) a b [c] [c] -> a -> ([c], b)Source

Cons onto the list(s) referenced by a Lens (or Traversal), returning the result.

If you use this with a Traversal you will receive back the concatenation of all of the resulting lists instead of an individual result.

>>> 'h' <~: _1 $ ("ello","world")
 (<~:) :: b -> Simple Lens a [b]       -> a -> ([b], a)
 (<~:) :: b -> Simple Iso a [b]        -> a -> ([b], a)
 (<~:) :: b -> Simple Traversal a [b]  -> a -> ([b], a)

(<=:) :: MonadState a m => c -> SimpleLensLike ((,) [c]) a [c] -> m [c]Source

Cons onto the list(s) referenced by a Lens (or Traversal) into your monad state, returning the result.

If you use this with a Traversal, you will receive back the concatenation of all of the resulting lists instead of an individual result.

 (<=:) :: MonadState a m => Simple Lens a [c]      -> c -> m [c]
 (<=:) :: MonadState a m => Simple Iso a [c]       -> c -> m [c]
 (<=:) :: MonadState a m => Simple Traversal a [c] -> c -> m [c]

(++~) :: Setting a b [c] [c] -> [c] -> a -> bSource

Append to the target of a list-valued setter by appending to it with (++).

(<>~) generalizes this operation to an arbitrary Monoid.

>>> :m + Control.Lens
>>> both ++~ "!!!" $ ("hello","world")
 (++~) :: Simple Setter a [b] -> [b] -> a -> a
 (++~) :: Simple Iso a [b] -> [b] -> a -> a
 (++~) :: Simple Lens a [b] -> [b] -> a -> a
 (++~) :: Simple Traversal a [b] -> [b] -> a -> a

(<++~) :: LensLike ((,) [c]) a b [c] [c] -> [c] -> a -> ([c], b)Source

Append onto the end of the list targeted by a Lens and return the result.

(<<>~) generalizes this operation to an arbitrary Monoid.

When using a Traversal, the result returned is actually the concatenation of all of the results.

When you do not need the result of the operation, (++~) is more flexible.

(++=) :: MonadState a m => SimpleSetting a [b] -> [b] -> m ()Source

Append to the target(s) of a Simple Lens, Iso, Setter or Traversal with (++) in the current state.

(<>=) generalizes this operation to an arbitrary Monoid.

 (++=) :: MonadState a m => Simple Setter a [b] -> [b] -> m ()
 (++=) :: MonadState a m => Simple Iso a [b] -> [b] -> m ()
 (++=) :: MonadState a m => Simple Lens a [b] -> [b] -> m ()
 (++=) :: MonadState a m => Simple Traversal a [b] -> [b] -> m ()

(<++=) :: MonadState a m => SimpleLensLike ((,) [b]) a [b] -> [b] -> m [b]Source

Append onto the end of the list targeted by a Lens into the current monadic state, and return the result.

(<<>=) generalizes this operation to an arbitrary Monoid.

When using a Traversal, the result returned is actually the concatenation of all of the results.

When you do not need the result of the operation, (++=) is more flexible.