This module provides the main high-level interface to the library
functionality. It does this through a monadic interface, mainly due to the
fact that several of the components require the use of the IO monad. It is
highly recommended that users of this library use a monad and then implement
the CSPMMonad
class on their own custom monad. An example of this is shown
by the basic implementation of the CSPM
The main library datatype is exported by CSPM.DataStructures.Syntax
, which
provides an AST representation of machine CSP. Most of the pieces of syntax,
like expressions (Exp
), are parametrised by the type of the variables that
it contains. For more information see the comment at the top of the above
The library exports several APIs which, in likely order of usage, are:
- Parses strings or files and produces an AST, parametrised
, which are simply pieces of text. Renamer
- Renames the AST and produces an equivalent AST, but
parametrised by
, which uniquely identify the binding instance of each variable (see documentation ofName
). Type Checker
- Type checks an AST, in the process annotating it with types.
- Desugars an AST, remove syntactic sugar and prepares it for evaluation. The AST produced by this phase should not be pretty printed as it parenthesis have been removed, potentially making it not equivalent.
- Evaluates an AST, returning a
. Note that the evaluator is lazy, meaning that the resulting Value will be generated as it is consumed, making it suitable for streaming to subsequent compilation phases.
For example, suppose we wish to evaluate the expression test(1,2,3)
the context of the file test.csp
we could use the following segment of
main :: IO () main = do session <- newCSPMSession (value, resultingSession) <- unCSPM session $ do -- Parse the file, returning something of type PModule. parsedFile <- parseFile "test.csp" -- Rename the file, returning something of type TCModule. renamedFile <- renameFile parsedFile -- Typecheck the file, annotating it with types. typeCheckedFile <- typeCheckFile renamedFile -- Desugar the file, returning the version ready for evaluation. desugaredFile <- desugarFile typeCheckedFile -- Bind the file, making all functions and patterns available. bindFile desugaredFile -- The file is now ready for use, so now we build the expression -- to be evaluated. parsedExpression <- parseExpression "test(1,2,3)" renamedExpression <- renameExpression parsedExpression typeCheckedExpression <- typeCheckExpression renamedExpression desugaredExpression <- desugarExpression typeCheckedExpression -- Evaluate the expression in the current context. value <- evaluateExpression desugaredExpression return value putStrLn (show (prettyPrint value)) return ()
This would pretty print the value of the expression to stdout.
- data CSPMSession
- newCSPMSession :: MonadIO m => m CSPMSession
- class MonadIO m => CSPMMonad m where
- getSession :: m CSPMSession
- setSession :: CSPMSession -> m ()
- handleWarnings :: [ErrorMessage] -> m ()
- withSession :: CSPMMonad m => (CSPMSession -> m a) -> m a
- type CSPM = StateT CSPMSession IO
- unCSPM :: CSPMSession -> CSPM a -> IO (a, CSPMSession)
- module CSPM.DataStructures.Names
- module CSPM.DataStructures.Syntax
- module CSPM.DataStructures.Types
- module CSPM.Evaluator.Values
- parseStringAsFile :: CSPMMonad m => String -> m [PModule]
- parseFile :: CSPMMonad m => FilePath -> m [PModule]
- parseInteractiveStmt :: CSPMMonad m => String -> m PInteractiveStmt
- parseExpression :: CSPMMonad m => String -> m PExp
- renameFile :: CSPMMonad m => [PModule] -> m [TCModule]
- renameInteractiveStmt :: CSPMMonad m => PInteractiveStmt -> m TCInteractiveStmt
- renameExpression :: CSPMMonad m => PExp -> m TCExp
- typeCheckFile :: CSPMMonad m => [TCModule] -> m [TCModule]
- typeCheckInteractiveStmt :: CSPMMonad m => TCInteractiveStmt -> m TCInteractiveStmt
- typeCheckExpression :: CSPMMonad m => TCExp -> m TCExp
- ensureExpressionIsOfType :: CSPMMonad m => Type -> TCExp -> m TCExp
- dependenciesOfExp :: CSPMMonad m => TCExp -> m [Name]
- typeOfExpression :: CSPMMonad m => TCExp -> m Type
- desugarFile :: CSPMMonad m => [TCModule] -> m [TCModule]
- desugarInteractiveStmt :: CSPMMonad m => TCInteractiveStmt -> m TCInteractiveStmt
- desugarExpression :: CSPMMonad m => TCExp -> m TCExp
- bindFile :: CSPMMonad m => [TCModule] -> m ()
- bindDeclaration :: CSPMMonad m => TCDecl -> m ()
- getBoundNames :: CSPMMonad m => m [Name]
- evaluateExpression :: CSPMMonad m => TCExp -> m Value
- runParserInCurrentState :: CSPMMonad m => FilePath -> ParseMonad a -> m a
- runRenamerInCurrentState :: CSPMMonad m => RenamerMonad a -> m a
- runTypeCheckerInCurrentState :: CSPMMonad m => TypeCheckMonad a -> m (a, [ErrorMessage])
- runEvaluatorInCurrentState :: CSPMMonad m => EvaluationMonad a -> m a
- reportWarnings :: CSPMMonad m => m (a, [ErrorMessage]) -> m a
- getLibCSPMVersion :: Version
CSPM Monad
data CSPMSession Source
A CSPMSession
represents the internal states of all the various
newCSPMSession :: MonadIO m => m CSPMSessionSource
Create a new CSPMSession
class MonadIO m => CSPMMonad m whereSource
The CSPMMonad is the main monad in which all functions must be called.
Whilst there is a build in representation (see CSPM
) it is recommended
that you define an instance of CSPMMonad
over whatever monad you use.
getSession :: m CSPMSessionSource
Get the current session.
setSession :: CSPMSession -> m ()Source
Update the current session.
handleWarnings :: [ErrorMessage] -> m ()Source
This is called whenever warnings are emitted.
withSession :: CSPMMonad m => (CSPMSession -> m a) -> m aSource
Executes an operation giving it access to the current CSPMSession
A basic implementation of the monad
type CSPM = StateT CSPMSession IOSource
unCSPM :: CSPMSession -> CSPM a -> IO (a, CSPMSession)Source
Runs a CSPM
function, returning the result and the resulting session.
Common Data Types
Defines the names that are used by machine CSP.
module CSPM.DataStructures.Names
Defines the abstract syntax for machine CSP.
module CSPM.DataStructures.Syntax
Defines the types used by the typechecker.
module CSPM.DataStructures.Types
Defines the values produced by the evaluator.
module CSPM.Evaluator.Values
Parser API
parseStringAsFile :: CSPMMonad m => String -> m [PModule]Source
Parses a string, treating it as though it were a file. Throws a
on any parse error.
parseFile :: CSPMMonad m => FilePath -> m [PModule]Source
Parse a file fp
. Throws a SourceError
on any parse error.
parseInteractiveStmt :: CSPMMonad m => String -> m PInteractiveStmtSource
Parses a PInteractiveStmt
. Throws a SourceError
on any parse error.
parseExpression :: CSPMMonad m => String -> m PExpSource
Parses an Exp
. Throws a SourceError
on any parse error.
Renamer API
renameFile :: CSPMMonad m => [PModule] -> m [TCModule]Source
Renames a file.
renameInteractiveStmt :: CSPMMonad m => PInteractiveStmt -> m TCInteractiveStmtSource
Rename ian interactive statement.
renameExpression :: CSPMMonad m => PExp -> m TCExpSource
Renames an expression.
Type Checker API
typeCheckFile :: CSPMMonad m => [TCModule] -> m [TCModule]Source
Type checks a file, also desugaring and annotating it. Throws a
if an error is encountered and will call handleWarnings
any warnings. This also performs desugaraing.
typeCheckInteractiveStmt :: CSPMMonad m => TCInteractiveStmt -> m TCInteractiveStmtSource
Type checks a PInteractiveStmt
typeCheckExpression :: CSPMMonad m => TCExp -> m TCExpSource
Type checkes a PExp
, returning the desugared and annotated version.
dependenciesOfExp :: CSPMMonad m => TCExp -> m [Name]Source
Returns the Name
s that the given type checked expression depends on.
typeOfExpression :: CSPMMonad m => TCExp -> m TypeSource
Gets the type of the expression in the current context.
Desugarer API
desugarFile :: CSPMMonad m => [TCModule] -> m [TCModule]Source
Desugar a file, preparing it for evaulation.
desugarInteractiveStmt :: CSPMMonad m => TCInteractiveStmt -> m TCInteractiveStmtSource
Desugars an interactive statement.
desugarExpression :: CSPMMonad m => TCExp -> m TCExpSource
Desugars an expression.
Evaluator API
bindFile :: CSPMMonad m => [TCModule] -> m ()Source
Binds all the declarations that are in a particular file. Requires the file to be desugared.
bindDeclaration :: CSPMMonad m => TCDecl -> m ()Source
Takes a declaration and adds it to the current environment. Requires the declaration to be desugared.
getBoundNames :: CSPMMonad m => m [Name]Source
Get a list of currently bound names in the environment.
evaluateExpression :: CSPMMonad m => TCExp -> m ValueSource
Evaluates the expression in the current context. Requires the expression to be desugared.
Low-Level API
Whilst this module provides many of the commonly used functionality within the CSPM monad, sometimes there are additional functions exported by other modules that are of use. The following functions allow the renamer, typechecker and evaluator to be run in the current state. They also save the resulting state in the current session.
runParserInCurrentState :: CSPMMonad m => FilePath -> ParseMonad a -> m aSource
Runs the parser.
runRenamerInCurrentState :: CSPMMonad m => RenamerMonad a -> m aSource
Runs renamer in the current state.
runTypeCheckerInCurrentState :: CSPMMonad m => TypeCheckMonad a -> m (a, [ErrorMessage])Source
Runs the typechecker in the current state, saving the resulting state and returning any warnings encountered.
runEvaluatorInCurrentState :: CSPMMonad m => EvaluationMonad a -> m aSource
Runs the evaluator in the current state, saving the resulting state.
reportWarnings :: CSPMMonad m => m (a, [ErrorMessage]) -> m aSource
Given a program that can return warnings, runs the program and raises
any warnings found using handleWarnings
Misc functions
getLibCSPMVersion :: VersionSource
Return the version of libcspm that is being used.