{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

module Linnet.Endpoints.Params
  ( param
  , paramMaybe
  , params
  , paramsNel
  ) where

import           Control.Monad.Catch     (MonadThrow, throwM)
import qualified Data.ByteString         as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8   as C8
import           Data.Either             (partitionEithers)
import           Data.List.NonEmpty      (NonEmpty (..), nonEmpty)
import           Linnet.Decode
import           Linnet.Endpoint
import           Linnet.Endpoints.Entity
import           Linnet.Errors
import           Linnet.Input
import           Linnet.Output           (ok)
import           Network.Wai             (queryString)

-- | Endpoint that tries to decode parameter @name@ from the request query string.
-- Always matches, but may throw an exception in case:
-- * Parameter is not presented in request query
-- * There was a parameter decoding error
param ::
     forall a m. (DecodeEntity a, MonadThrow m)
  => B.ByteString
  -> Endpoint m a
param name =
    { runEndpoint =
        \input ->
          let maybeParam = (lookup name . queryString . request) input
              output =
                case maybeParam of
                  Just (Just val) ->
                    case decodeEntity entity val of
                      Left err -> throwM err
                      Right v  -> return $ ok v
                  _ -> throwM $ MissingEntity entity
           in Matched {matchedReminder = input, matchedOutput = output}
    , toString = "param " ++ C8.unpack name
    entity = Param name

-- | Endpoint that tries to decode parameter @name@ from the request query string.
-- Always matches, but may throw an exception in case:
-- * There was a parameter decoding error
paramMaybe ::
     forall a m. (DecodeEntity a, MonadThrow m)
  => B.ByteString
  -> Endpoint m (Maybe a)
paramMaybe name =
    { runEndpoint =
        \input ->
          let maybeParam = (lookup name . queryString . request) input
              output =
                case maybeParam of
                  Just (Just val) ->
                    case decodeEntity entity val of
                      Left err -> throwM err
                      Right v  -> return $ ok (Just v)
                  _ -> return $ ok Nothing
           in Matched {matchedReminder = input, matchedOutput = output}
    , toString = "paramMaybe " ++ C8.unpack name
    entity = Param name

-- | Endpoint that tries to decode all parameters @name@ from the request query string.
-- Always matches, but may throw an exception in case:
-- * There was a parameter decoding error of at least one parameter value
params ::
     forall a m. (DecodeEntity a, MonadThrow m)
  => B.ByteString
  -> Endpoint m [a]
params name =
    { runEndpoint =
        \input ->
          let filterParam = filter (\(paramName, _) -> paramName == name)
              ps =
                (filterParam . queryString . request) input >>=
                   (k, Just v) -> [(k, v)]
                   _ -> [])
              (errors, values) = partitionEithers . map (decodeEntity entity . snd) $ ps
              output =
                case nonEmpty errors of
                  Just es -> throwM $ LinnetErrors es
                  Nothing -> return $ ok values
           in Matched {matchedReminder = input, matchedOutput = output}
    , toString = "params " ++ C8.unpack name
    entity = Param name

-- | Endpoint that tries to decode all parameters @name@ from the request query string.
-- Always matches, but may throw an exception in case:
-- * There was a parameter decoding error of at least one parameter value
-- * All parameters are empty or missing in request query
paramsNel ::
     forall a m. (DecodeEntity a, MonadThrow m)
  => B.ByteString
  -> Endpoint m (NonEmpty a)
paramsNel name = mapOutputM toNel $ params name
    toNel []    = throwM $ MissingEntity (Param name)
    toNel (h:t) = return $ ok (h :| t)