lio- Labeled IO Information Flow Control Library

Safe HaskellTrustworthy




This module exposes useful concurrency abstrations for LIO. This module is, in part, analogous to Control.Concurrent. Specifically, LIO provides a means for spawning LIO computations in a new thread with forkLIO. LIO relies on the lightweight threads managed by Haskell's runtime system; we do not provide a way to fork OS-level threads.

In addition to this, LIO also provides lFork and lWait which allow forking of a computation that is restricted from reading data more sensitive than a given upper bound. This limit is different from clearance in that it allows the computation to spawn additional threads with an upper bound above said upper bound label, but below the clearance. The lFork function should be used whenever an LIO computation wishes to execute a sub-computation that may raise the current label (up to the supplied upper bound). To this end, the current label only needs to be raised when the computation is interested in reading the result of the sub-computation. The role of lWait is precisely this: raise the current label and return the result of such a sub-computation.



data LabeledResult l a Source

A LabeledResult encapsulates a future result from a computation running in a thread. It holds the ThreadId and an LMVar where the result is stored. The thread referenced in lresThreadIdTCB should fill in lresResultTCB (either with a value or exception), so waiting on the thread should ensure that a result is ready.

Forking new threads

lForkP :: PrivDesc l p => Priv p -> l -> LIO l a -> LIO l (LabeledResult l a)Source

Same as lFork, but the supplied set of priviliges are accounted for when performing label comparisons.



:: Label l 
=> l

Label of result

-> LIO l a

Computation to execute in separate thread

-> LIO l (LabeledResult l a)

Labeled result

Labeled fork. lFork allows one to invoke computations that would otherwise raise the current label, but without actually raising the label. The computation is executed in a separate thread and writes its result into a labeled result (whose label is supplied). To observe the result of the computation, or if the computation has terminated, one will have to call lWait and raise the current label. Of couse, this can be postponed until the result is needed.

lFork takes a label, which corresponds to the label of the result. It is required that this label be between the current label and clearance as enforced by a call to guardAlloc. Moreover, the supplied computation must not terminate with its label above the result label; doing so will result in an exception (whose label will reflect this observation) being thrown in the thread reading the result.

If an exception is thrown in the inner computation, the exception label will be raised to the join of the result label and original exception label.

Note that lFork immediately returns a LabeledResult, which is essentially a "future", or "promise". This prevents timing/termination attacks in which the duration of the forked computation affects the duration of the lFork.

To guarantee that the computation has completed, it is important that some thread actually touch the future, i.e., perform an lWait.

forkLIO :: LIO l () -> LIO l ()Source

Execute an LIO computation in a new lightweight thread.

Waiting on threads

lWaitP :: PrivDesc l p => Priv p -> LabeledResult l a -> LIO l aSource

Same as lWait, but uses priviliges in label checks and raises.

lWait :: Label l => LabeledResult l a -> LIO l aSource

Given a LabeledResult (a future), lWait returns the unwrapped result (blocks, if necessary). For lWait to succeed, the label of the result must be above the current label and below the current clearance. Moreover, before block-reading, lWait raises the current label to the join of the current label and label of result. An exception is thrown by the underlying guardWrite if this is not the case. Additionally, if the thread terminates with an exception (for example if it violates clearance), the exception is rethrown by lWait. Similarly, if the thread reads values above the result label, an exception is thrown in place of the result.

trylWaitP :: PrivDesc l p => Priv p -> LabeledResult l a -> LIO l (Maybe a)Source

Same as trylWait, but uses priviliges in label checks and raises.

trylWait :: Label l => LabeledResult l a -> LIO l (Maybe a)Source

Same as lWait, but does not block waiting for result.

timedlWaitP :: PrivDesc l p => Priv p -> LabeledResult l a -> Int -> LIO l aSource

A version of timedlWait that takes privileges. The privileges are used both to downgrade the result (if necessary), and to try catching any ResultExceedsLabel before the timeout period (if possible).

timedlWait :: Label l => LabeledResult l a -> Int -> LIO l aSource

Like lWait, with two differences. First, a timeout is specified and the thread is unconditionally killed after this timeout (if it has not yet returned a value). Second, if the thread's result exceeds its label timedWait and exceeds what the calling thread can observe, consumes the whole timeout and throws a ResultExceedsLabel exception you can catch (i.e., it never raises the label above the clearance).

Labeled MVars