lio-fs- Labeled File System interface for LIO

Safe HaskellTrustworthy




This module provides a very simple API for interacting with a labeled filesystem. Each file and directory hsa an associated label that is used to track and control the information flowing to/from the file/directory. The API exposed by this module is analogous to a subset of the System.IO API. We currently do not allow operations on file handles. Rather, files must be read read and written to in whole (as strict ByteStrings).

The actual storage of labeled files is handled by the LIO.FS.TCB module. The filesystem is implemented as a file store in which labels are associated with files and directories using, extended attributes.

IMPORTANT: To use the labeled filesystem you must use evalLIOWithRoot (or other initializers from LIO.FS.TCB), otherwise any actions built using the combinators of this module will crash.

An example use case shown below:

 import LIO.FS.Simple.DCLabel

 main = evalDCWithRoot "/tmp/lioFS" $ do
   createDirectoryP p lsecrets "secrets"
   writeFileP p ("secrets" </> "alice" ) "I like Bob!"
     where p = ...
           lsecrets = ....

The file store for the labeled filesystem (see LIO.FS.TCB) will be created in /tmp/lioFS, but this is transparent and the user can think of the filesystem as having root /. Note that for this to work the filesystem must be mounted with the user_xattr option. For example, on GNU/Linux, you can remount your drive:

mount -o remount -o user_xattr devicename

In the current version of the filesystem, there is no notion of changeable current working directory in the LIO Monad, nor symbolic links.


Filesystem support for LIO

evalLIOWithRoot Source


:: Label l 
=> FilePath

Filesystem root

-> Maybe l

Label of root

-> LIO l a

LIO action

-> LIOState l

Initial state

-> IO a 

Same as evalLIO, but takes two additional parameters corresponding to the path of the labeled filesystem store and the label of the root. If the labeled filesystem store does not exist, it is created at the specified path with the root having the supplied label. If the filesystem does exist, the supplied label is ignored. However, if the root label is not provided and the filesystem has not been initialized, a FSRootNeedLabel exception will be thrown.

tryLIOWithRoot Source


:: Label l 
=> FilePath

Filesystem root

-> Maybe l

Label of root

-> LIO l a

LIO action

-> LIOState l

Initial state

-> IO (Either SomeException a, LIOState l) 

Same as evalLIOWithRoot, but using tryLIO to exectute the LIO action and thus catch all exceptions.

File operations

readFile :: MonadLIO l m => FilePath -> m ByteString Source

Reads a file and returns the contents of the file as a strict ByteString. The current label is raised to reflect all the traversed directories. If the file exists it is further raised to the label of the file to reflect the read.

readFileP Source


:: (MonadLIO l m, PrivDesc l p) 
=> Priv p


-> FilePath

File to open

-> m ByteString 

Same as readFile but uses privilege in opening the file.

writeFile :: MonadLIO l m => Maybe l -> FilePath -> ByteString -> m () Source

Given an optional label, file path and string, write the string to the file at specified path. The optional label (which must be bounded by the current label and clearance, as enforced by guardAlloc) is used to set the label on the file, if the file does not already exist; otherwise the label must flow to the label of the file. (Supplying a Nothing is the same as Just supplying the current label.) This function ensures that current label is raised to reflect all the traversed directories. Note that if the file does not already exist, it is further required that the current computation be able to write to the containing directory, as imposed by guardWrite.

writeFileP :: (PrivDesc l p, MonadLIO l m) => Priv p -> Maybe l -> FilePath -> ByteString -> m () Source

Same as writeFile but uses privilege when writing to the file.

appendFile :: MonadLIO l m => FilePath -> ByteString -> m () Source

Given a file path and string, append the string to the file at specified path. This function ensures that current label is raised to reflect all the traversed directories. Moreover, it requires that the file this is appending to exists and its label is bounded by the current label and clearance (as enforced by guardAlloc).

appendFileP :: (PrivDesc l p, MonadLIO l m) => Priv p -> FilePath -> ByteString -> m () Source

Same as appendFile but uses privilege when writing to the file.

removeFile :: MonadLIO l m => FilePath -> m () Source

Remove the file at the specified path. The current computation must be able to both write to the file and containing directory. Moreover, the current label is raised to reflect the traversal of directories up to the file.

removeFileP :: (MonadLIO l m, PrivDesc l p) => Priv p -> FilePath -> m () Source

Same as removeFile, but uses privileges to carry out the actions.

labelOfFile :: MonadLIO l m => FilePath -> m l Source

Get the label of a file/director at the supplied file path. The current label is raised to reflect all the traversed directories.

labelOfFileP Source


:: (MonadLIO l m, PrivDesc l p) 
=> Priv p


-> FilePath

File to get the label of

-> m l 

Same as labelOfFile but uses privilege in traversing directories.

Directory operations

getDirectoryContents :: MonadLIO l m => FilePath -> m [FilePath] Source

Get the contents of a directory. The current label is raised to the join of the current label and that of all the directories traversed to the leaf directory. Note that, unlike the standard Haskell getDirectoryContents, we first normalise the path by collapsing all the ..'s. The function uses unlabelFilePath when raising the current label and thus may throw an exception if the clearance is too low. Note: The current LIO filesystem does not support links.

getDirectoryContentsP Source


:: (MonadLIO l m, PrivDesc l p) 
=> Priv p


-> FilePath


-> m [FilePath] 

Same as getDirectoryContents, but uses privileges when raising the current label.

createDirectory :: MonadLIO l m => l -> FilePath -> m () Source

Create a directory at the supplied path with the given label. The given label must be bounded by the the current label and clearance, as checked by guardAlloc. The current label (after traversing the filesystem to the directory path) must flow to the supplied label, which must, in turn, flow to the current label as required by guardWrite.

createDirectoryP Source


:: (MonadLIO l m, PrivDesc l p) 
=> Priv p


-> l

Label of new directory

-> FilePath

Path of directory

-> m () 

Same as createDirectory, but uses privileges when raising the current label and checking IFC restrictions.

removeDirectory :: MonadLIO l m => FilePath -> m () Source

Same as removeFile, but removes a directory.

removeDirectoryP :: (MonadLIO l m, PrivDesc l p) => Priv p -> FilePath -> m () Source

Same as removeDirectory, but uses privileges to carry out the actions.

Filesystem errors

data FSError Source

Filesystem errors



Root structure is corrupt.


Root is invalid (must be absolute).


Root already exists.


Root does not exists.


Cannot create root, missing label.


FSobjectcannot be created without a label.

FSLabelCorrupt FilePath

Object label is corrupt.


Supplied file name is illegal.