liquidhaskell- Liquid Types for Haskell

Safe HaskellNone




Command Line Config Options --------------------------------------------


Configuration Options

data Config Source




files :: [FilePath]

source files to check

idirs :: [FilePath]

path to directory for including specs

newcheck :: Bool

new liquid-fixpoint sort check

diffcheck :: Bool

check subset of binders modified (+ dependencies) since last check

linear :: Bool

uninterpreted integer multiplication and division

higherorder :: Bool

allow higher order binders into the logic

fullcheck :: Bool

check all binders (overrides diffcheck)

saveQuery :: Bool

save fixpoint query

binders :: [String]

set of binders to check

noCheckUnknown :: Bool

whether to complain about specifications for unexported and unused values

notermination :: Bool

disable termination check

autoproofs :: Bool

automatically construct proofs from axioms

nowarnings :: Bool

disable warnings output (only show errors)

trustinternals :: Bool

type all internal variables with true

nocaseexpand :: Bool

disable case expand

strata :: Bool

enable strata analysis

notruetypes :: Bool

disable truing top level types

totality :: Bool

check totality in definitions

noPrune :: Bool

disable prunning unsorted Refinements

cores :: Maybe Int

number of cores used to solve constraints

minPartSize :: Int

Minimum size of a partition

maxPartSize :: Int

Maximum size of a partition. Overrides minPartSize

maxParams :: Int

the maximum number of parameters to accept when mining qualifiers

smtsolver :: Maybe SMTSolver

name of smtsolver to use [default: try z3, cvc4, mathsat in order]

shortNames :: Bool

drop module qualifers from pretty-printed names.

shortErrors :: Bool

don't show subtyping errors and contexts.

cabalDir :: Bool

find and use .cabal file to include paths to sources for imported modules

ghcOptions :: [String]

command-line options to pass to GHC

cFiles :: [String]

.c files to compile and link against (for GHC)

eliminate :: Bool
port :: Int

port at which lhi should listen

exactDC :: Bool

Automatically generate singleton types for data constructors

scrapeImports :: Bool

scrape qualifiers from imported specifications

scrapeUsedImports :: Bool

scrape qualifiers from used, imported specifications

elimStats :: Bool

print eliminate stats

hasOpt :: HasConfig t => t -> (Config -> Bool) -> Bool Source