llvm-extra- Utility functions for the llvm interface




class (Phi llvmValue, Undefined llvmValue, IsType llvmStruct) => C llvmValue llvmStruct | llvmValue -> llvmStruct whereSource

An implementation of both MakeValueTuple and Memory.C must ensure that haskellValue is compatible with llvmStruct. That is, writing and reading llvmStruct by LLVM must be the same as accessing haskellValue by Storable methods. ToDo: In future we may also require Storable constraint for llvmStruct.

We use a functional dependency in order to let type inference work nicely.


load :: Value (Ptr llvmStruct) -> CodeGenFunction r llvmValueSource

store :: llvmValue -> Value (Ptr llvmStruct) -> CodeGenFunction r ()Source

decompose :: Value llvmStruct -> CodeGenFunction r llvmValueSource

compose :: llvmValue -> CodeGenFunction r (Value llvmStruct)Source


C () (Struct ()) 
IsFirstClass a => C (Value a) a

ToDo: This is dangerous because LLVM uses one bit for Bool representation, and I think one byte in memory, whereas Storable uses 4 byte and 4 byte alignment. We should define a sub-class of IsFirstClass for all compatible types, and make this a super-class of this instance.

(C al as, C bl bs, IsSized as sas, IsSized bs sbs) => C (al, bl) (Struct (as, (bs, ()))) 
(C al as, C bl bs, C cl cs, IsSized as sas, IsSized bs sbs, IsSized cs scs) => C (al, bl, cl) (Struct (as, (bs, (cs, ())))) 

modify :: C llvmValue llvmStruct => (llvmValue -> CodeGenFunction r llvmValue) -> Value (Ptr llvmStruct) -> CodeGenFunction r ()Source

castStorablePtr :: (MakeValueTuple haskellValue llvmValue, C llvmValue llvmStruct) => Ptr haskellValue -> Ptr llvmStructSource

type Record r o v = Element r o v vSource

data Element r o v x Source


Functor (Element r o v) 
Applicative (Element r o v) 

element :: (C x llvmStruct, GetValue o n llvmStruct, GetElementPtr o (n, ()) llvmStruct) => (v -> x) -> n -> Element r o v xSource

loadRecord :: Record r o llvmValue -> Value (Ptr o) -> CodeGenFunction r llvmValueSource

storeRecord :: Record r o llvmValue -> llvmValue -> Value (Ptr o) -> CodeGenFunction r ()Source

decomposeRecord :: Record r o llvmValue -> Value o -> CodeGenFunction r llvmValueSource

composeRecord :: IsType o => Record r o llvmValue -> llvmValue -> CodeGenFunction r (Value o)Source

loadNewtype :: C a o => (a -> llvmValue) -> Value (Ptr o) -> CodeGenFunction r llvmValueSource

storeNewtype :: C a o => (llvmValue -> a) -> llvmValue -> Value (Ptr o) -> CodeGenFunction r ()Source

decomposeNewtype :: C a o => (a -> llvmValue) -> Value o -> CodeGenFunction r llvmValueSource

composeNewtype :: C a o => (llvmValue -> a) -> llvmValue -> CodeGenFunction r (Value o)Source