{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies          #-}

-- | This module supports pure logging.
module System.Wlog.PureLogging
       -- * Pure logging manipulation
         PureLogger (..)
       , LogEvent   (..)
       , dispatchEvents
       , logEvents
       , runPureLog
       , launchPureLog

       , NamedPureLogger (..)
       , runNamedPureLog
       , launchNamedPureLog
       , launchNamedPureLogWith
       , usingNamedPureLogger
       , logPureAction
       ) where

import Universum

import Control.Monad.Morph (MFunctor (..))
import Control.Monad.State.Strict (modify')
import Control.Monad.Trans (MonadTrans (lift))

import System.Wlog.CanLog (CanLog (..), WithLogger)
import System.Wlog.HasLoggerName (HasLoggerName (..))
import System.Wlog.LoggerName (LoggerName (..))
import System.Wlog.LoggerNameBox (LoggerNameBox (..), usingLoggerName)
import System.Wlog.Severity (Severity (..))

import qualified Data.DList as DL (DList, snoc)

-- | Holds all required information for 'dispatchLoggerName' function.
data LogEvent = LogEvent
    { leLoggerName :: !LoggerName
    , leSeverity   :: !Severity
    , leMessage    :: !Text
    } deriving (Show)

-- | Pure implementation of 'CanLog' type class. Instead of writing log messages
-- into console it appends log messages into 'StateT' log. It uses 'DList' for
-- better performance, because messages can be added only at the end of log.
-- But it uses 'unsafePerformIO' so use with caution within IO.
-- TODO: Should we use some @Data.Tree@-like structure to observe message only
-- by chosen logger names?
newtype PureLogger m a = PureLogger
    { runPureLogger :: StateT (DL.DList LogEvent) m a
    } deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadTrans, MonadState (DL.DList LogEvent),
                MonadThrow, HasLoggerName)

instance Monad m => CanLog (PureLogger m) where
    dispatchMessage leLoggerName leSeverity leMessage = modify' (flip DL.snoc LogEvent{..})

instance MFunctor PureLogger where
    hoist f = PureLogger . hoist f . runPureLogger

-- | Return log of pure logging action as list of 'LogEvent'.
runPureLog :: Functor m => PureLogger m a -> m (a, [LogEvent])
runPureLog = fmap (second toList) . flip runStateT mempty . runPureLogger

-- | Logs all 'LogEvent'`s from given list. This function supposed to
-- be used after 'runPureLog'.
dispatchEvents :: CanLog m => [LogEvent] -> m ()
dispatchEvents = mapM_ dispatchLogEvent
    dispatchLogEvent (LogEvent name sev t) = dispatchMessage name sev t

-- | Logs all 'LogEvent'`s from given list. Just like
-- 'dispatchEvents' but uses proper logger Name.
logEvents :: WithLogger m => [LogEvent] -> m ()
logEvents events = do
    logName <- askLoggerName
    mapM_ (dispatchLogEvent logName) events
    dispatchLogEvent logName (LogEvent _ sev t) = dispatchMessage logName sev t

-- | Performs actual logging once given action completes.
    :: (CanLog n, Monad m)
    => (forall f. Functor f => m (f a) -> n (f b))
    -> PureLogger m a
    -> n b
launchPureLog hoist' action = do
    (logs, res) <- hoist' $ swap <$> runPureLog action
    res <$ dispatchEvents logs

newtype NamedPureLogger m a = NamedPureLogger
    { runNamedPureLogger :: PureLogger (LoggerNameBox m) a
    } deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadState (DL.DList LogEvent),
                MonadThrow, HasLoggerName)

instance MonadTrans NamedPureLogger where
    lift = NamedPureLogger . lift . lift

instance Monad m => CanLog (NamedPureLogger m) where
    dispatchMessage name sev msg =
        NamedPureLogger $ dispatchMessage name sev msg

instance MFunctor NamedPureLogger where
    hoist f = NamedPureLogger . hoist (hoist f) . runNamedPureLogger

-- | Return log of pure logging action as list of 'LogEvent',
-- using logger name provided by context.
    :: (Monad m, HasLoggerName m)
    => NamedPureLogger m a -> m (a, [LogEvent])
runNamedPureLog (NamedPureLogger action) =
    askLoggerName >>= (`usingLoggerName` runPureLog action)

{- | Similar to 'launchPureLog', but provides logger name from current context.

Running the 'NamedPureLogger' gives us the pair  of target and the list of 'LogEvent's,
wrapped in 'Monad' from where using the fact that @(,)@ is 'Functor' logging can be triggered.

==== __Example__

  newtype PureSmth a = ...
      deriving (MonadSmth, ...)

  instance MonadSmth m => MonadSmt (NamedLoggerName m)

  evalPureSmth :: PureSmth a -> a

  makeField    :: MonadSmth m => Data -> m Field

  run :: (MonadIO m, WithLogger m) => m ()
  run = do
      data  <- getData
      -- field :: Field
      field <- launchNamedPureLog (pure . evalPureSmth) (makeField data)
      --       ^ logging happens here

    :: (WithLogger n, Monad m)
    => (forall f. Functor f => m (f a) -> n (f b))
    -> NamedPureLogger m a
    -> n b
launchNamedPureLog hoist' namedPureLogger = do
    name <- askLoggerName
    (logs, res) <- hoist' $ swap <$> usingNamedPureLogger name namedPureLogger
    res <$ dispatchEvents logs

{- | Similar to 'launchNamedPureLog', but calls 'pure' on passed function result.

==== __Example__

The example from 'launchNamedPureLog' with usage of this function will look like:

  newtype PureSmth a = ...
      deriving (MonadSmth, ...)

  instance MonadSmth m => MonadSmt (NamedLoggerName m)

  evalPureSmth :: PureSmth a -> a

  makeField    :: MonadSmth m => Data -> m Field

  run :: (MonadIO m, WithLogger m) => m ()
  run = do
      data  <- getData
      -- field :: Field
      field <- launchNamedPureLogWith evalPureSmth $ makeField data
      --       ^ logging happens here

    :: (WithLogger n, Monad m)
    => (forall f. Functor f => m (f a) -> f b)
    -> NamedPureLogger m a
    -> n b
launchNamedPureLogWith hoist' = launchNamedPureLog (pure . hoist')

-- | Similar to 'runNamedPureLog', but using provided logger name.
usingNamedPureLogger :: Functor m
                     => LoggerName
                     -> NamedPureLogger m a
                     -> m (a, [LogEvent])
usingNamedPureLogger name (NamedPureLogger action) =
    usingLoggerName name $ runPureLog action

-- | Perform pure-logging computation, log its events
-- and return the result of the computation
logPureAction :: WithLogger m => NamedPureLogger m a -> m a
logPureAction namedPureLogger = do
    loggerName  <- askLoggerName
    (a, events) <- usingNamedPureLogger loggerName namedPureLogger
    a <$ dispatchEvents events