Module      : Lua.Ersatz.Functions
Copyright   : © 2007–2012 Gracjan Polak;
              © 2012–2016 Ömer Sinan Ağacan;
              © 2017-2021 Albert Krewinkel
License     : MIT
Maintainer  : Albert Krewinkel <tarleb+hslua@zeitkraut.de>
Stability   : beta
Portability : ForeignFunctionInterface, CPP

Ersatz functions for Lua API items which may, directly or indirectly,
throw a Lua error.
module Lua.Ersatz.Functions
  ( hslua_compare
    -- * Get functions (Lua -> stack)
  , hslua_gettable
  , hslua_getglobal
    -- * Set functions (stack -> Lua)
  , hslua_settable
  , hslua_setglobal
    -- * Misc
  , hslua_error
  , hslua_next
  , hslua_concat

import Foreign.C
import Lua.Types as Lua
import Foreign.Ptr

#define SAFTY unsafe
#define SAFTY safe

-- | Compares two Lua values. Returns @1@ if the value at index @index1@
-- satisfies op when compared with the value at index @index2@,
-- following the semantics of the corresponding Lua operator (that is,
-- it may call metamethods). Otherwise returns @0@. Also returns @0@ if
-- any of the indices is not valid.
-- The value of op must be one of the following constants:
--  - 'Lua.Constants.LUA_OPEQ': compares for equality (==)
--  - 'Lua.Constants.LUA_OPLT': compares for less than (<)
--  - 'Lua.Constants.LUA_OPLE': compares for less or equal (<=)
-- This function wraps @lua_compare@ and takes an additional parameter
-- @status@; if it is not @NULL@, then the return value is set to the
-- status after calling @lua_compare@.
foreign import capi safe "hslua.h hslua_compare"
  hslua_compare :: Lua.State
                -> StackIndex     -- ^ index 1
                -> StackIndex     -- ^ index 2
                -> OPCode         -- ^ operator
                -> Ptr StatusCode -- ^ status
                -> IO LuaBool

-- Get functions (Lua -> stack)

-- | Behaves like @'Lua.Functions.lua_gettable'@, but prevents
-- unrecoverable program crashes by calling that function through
-- @'Lua.lua_pcall'@. Takes an additional status code pointer
-- that is set to the status returned by @lua_pcall@.
foreign import ccall safe "hslua.h hslua_gettable"
  hslua_gettable :: Lua.State -> StackIndex -> Ptr StatusCode -> IO TypeCode

-- | Behaves like @'Lua.Functions.lua_getglobal'@, but prevents
-- unrecoverable program crashes by calling that function through
-- @'Lua.lua_pcall'@. Takes an additional status code pointer
-- that is set to the status returned by @lua_pcall@.
foreign import ccall safe "hslua.h hslua_getglobal"
  hslua_getglobal :: Lua.State
                  -> CString
                  -> CSize
                  -> Ptr StatusCode
                  -> IO TypeCode

-- Set functions (stack -> Lua)

-- | Behaves like @'Lua.Functions.lua_settable'@, but prevents
-- unrecoverable program crashes by calling that function through
-- @'Lua.lua_pcall'@. Takes an additional status code pointer
-- that is set to the status returned by @lua_pcall@.
foreign import ccall safe "hslua.h hslua_settable"
  hslua_settable :: Lua.State -> StackIndex -> Ptr StatusCode -> IO ()

-- | Behaves like @'Lua.Functions.lua_setglobal'@, but prevents
-- unrecoverable program crashes by calling that function through
-- @'Lua.lua_pcall'@. Takes an additional status code pointer
-- that is set to the status returned by @lua_pcall@.
foreign import ccall safe "hslua.h hslua_setglobal"
  hslua_setglobal :: Lua.State -> CString -> CSize -> Ptr StatusCode -> IO ()

-- Miscellaneous functions

-- | Replacement for
-- <https://lua.org/manual/5.3/manual.html#lua_error lua_error>; it uses
-- the HsLua error signaling convention instead of raw Lua errors.
foreign import ccall SAFTY "hslua.h hslua_error"
  hslua_error :: Lua.State -> IO NumResults

-- | Wrapper around
-- <https://lua.org/manual/5.3/manual.html#lua_next lua_next> which
-- catches any Lua errors.
foreign import ccall safe "hslua.h hslua_next"
  hslua_next :: Lua.State -> StackIndex -> Ptr StatusCode -> IO LuaBool

-- | Wrapper around
-- <https://lua.org/manual/5.3/manual.html#lua_concat lua_concat>
-- which catches any Lua errors.
foreign import ccall safe "hslua.h hslua_concat"
  hslua_concat :: Lua.State -> NumArgs -> Ptr StatusCode -> IO ()